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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

we need to even things out

At the start of the conflict last week, the US offered to evacuate Zelensky, 44, from Kyiv as the siege unfolded but he declined.

“The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride,” he said, according to the Associated Press.

Now that’s leadership.


This stupid fuck is a Senator.

This is exactly what I was warning about the other day here, too much of the West has switched the end-goal of our actions to be regime change in Russia. This is extremely dangerous and so damn escalatory. We need be realists and turn this war off as-soon-as-possible by giving Putin an option to save face, return to Minsk Protocol type outlines that includes the separatist states existing under a Russian sphere of influence and prevent the total capitulation, domination and assimilation of Ukraine wit large. Too many people are dying already and this prick is laying out a road to escalation and making the Russians state think they are under existential threat -- which happens to be a condition for nuclear weapons use under their doctrine.

He's not wrong, but this moron said the quiet part out loud by publicly calling for the assassination of Putin & just made things A LOT worse for us.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

At the start of the conflict last week, the US offered to evacuate Zelensky, 44, from Kyiv as the siege unfolded but he declined.

“The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride,” he said, according to the Associated Press.

Now that’s leadership.
Yeah I can't think of a single modern leader who would do this. We have had some throughout history who did it or would have given the choice, but nobody else right now that I can think of.

Zelensky is not perfect, but he is displaying what a true leader should do when his country is at risk. Lead by example.
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Gold Member
With regard to the reactors, can there be a meltdown if they are closed down until this conflict is resolved? The issue will be to hold that up against reduced power supply in the meantime.
Zelenskyy better live and come to the country I live in, cuz, holy shit, he can have and do whatever the fuck he wants with this body.


Saudi Arabia has a vested interest in this war ending quickly, as the majority of the wheat in Middle east comes from Russia and Ukraine. If this drags on into harvest season, we are going to see a destabilization in the middle east that makes the Arab spring(which was caused by a poor harvest causing an increase in wheat prices) look like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
We are more addicted to rice than wheat. Wheat is important in Egypt though and was a cause for their unrest. Role of eating habits in conflicts should be a studies major. sanctioning kimchi could seriously start a nuclear war in certain places. a whole revolution started because coffee and tea.
Zelenskyy better live and come to the country I live in, cuz, holy shit, he can have and do whatever the fuck he wants with this body.
Ukraine can't win the war. The resistance of the Ukrainian forces is resulting in more and more civilian casualties. But just waving the white flag and letting the Russians in without any fight is not an option for the Ukrainians.

The West has forgotten what patriotism, integrity and honour mean. Zelenskyj is leading by example, making a stand the world will not forget. You can't make this up, but there are fairly recent studies showing the incredibly low rates of individuals among European peoples who are willing to "fight for their country".

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Ukraine can't win the war. The resistance of the Ukrainian forces is resulting in more and more civilian casualties. But just waving the white flag and letting the Russians in without any fight is not an option for the Ukrainians.

The West has forgotten what patriotism, integrity and honour mean. Zelenskyj is leading by example, making a stand the world will not forget. You can't make this up, but there are fairly recent studies showing the incredibly low rates of individuals among European peoples who are willing to "fight for their country".

Sneaky Germans. Exactly what they want us to think.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
To the surprise of no one.

Calling for someone's head is fucking insane and stupid.

No matter the fucking context.
So you wouldn't have called for Stalin's head? Mao's? Goring? Osama? Keitel? It's easy to say stuff like that on the fly but in the real world "No matter the fucking context" is a stupid thing to say when context very much matters in situations like this and in some cases perfectly acceptable. Putin has upended the world's economy, destroyed his own along the way, and is actively committing war crimes on live TV. All in pursuit of some insane idea of the Russian empire that exists only in his fucked up mind. Also this psycho has at his disposal a sizable portion of the worlds nuclear arsenal while he is in this mentally deranged state.

No sane person on earth is gonna cry tears if he happens to trip on the stairs in the Kremlin or has a tragic but conveniently timed heart attack. Trying to clutch your pearls at the idea of someone saying what all of us are thinking right now doesn't mean squat.

EDIT: And yes I see the irony of me of all people saying that. It does not escape my notice.
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So you wouldn't have called for Stalin's head? Mao's? Goring? Osama? Keitel? It's easy to say stuff like that on the fly but in the real world "No matter the fucking context" is a stupid thing to say when context very much matters in situations like this and in some cases perfectly acceptable. Putin has upended the world's economy, destroyed his own along the way, and is actively committing war crimes on live TV. All in pursuit of some insane idea of the Russian empire that exists only in his fucked up mind. Also this psycho has at his disposal a sizable portion of the worlds nuclear arsenal while he is in this mentally deranged state.

No sane person on earth is gonna cry tears if he happens to trip on the stairs in the Kremlin or has a tragic but conveniently timed heart attack. Trying to clutch your pearls at the idea of someone saying what all of us are thinking right now doesn't mean squat.
The enemy cabal has literally told people they're going to burn civilization down. Theirs is already collapsing from their efforts.


So you wouldn't have called for Stalin's head? Mao's? Goring? Osama? Keitel? It's easy to say stuff like that on the fly but in the real world "No matter the fucking context" is a stupid thing to say when context very much matters in situations like this and in some cases perfectly acceptable. Putin has upended the world's economy, destroyed his own along the way, and is actively committing war crimes on live TV. All in pursuit of some insane idea of the Russian empire that exists only in his fucked up mind. Also this psycho has at his disposal a sizable portion of the worlds nuclear arsenal while he is in this mentally deranged state.

No sane person on earth is gonna cry tears if he happens to trip on the stairs in the Kremlin or has a tragic but conveniently timed heart attack. Trying to clutch your pearls at the idea of someone saying what all of us are thinking right now doesn't mean squat.

EDIT: And yes I see the irony of me of all people saying that. It does not escape my notice.
There’s a difference between nobodies like us saying it on a video game message board, and a United States senator saying it publicly on Twitter for all to see. Irresponsible and dangerous.

But I’m not surprised. Linsey is a blowhard and never met a war he didn’t love.
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Setting a nuclear powerplant on fire .. what a fucking Russian army … Putin clearly lost his mind and lost control over these morons in the field .
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There’s a difference between nobodies like us saying it on a video game message message, and a United States senator saying it publicly on Twitter for all to see. Irresponsible and dangerous.

But I’m not surprised. Lindsey is a blowhard and never met a war he didn’t love.
One aspect of political leadership is starting conversations that are on the public mind. That is one of G's strengths.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
There’s a difference between nobodies like us saying it on a video game message message, and a United States senator saying it publicly on Twitter for all to see. Irresponsible and dangerous.
There really isn't. Graham is not the first western politician to say this and he won't be the last.

Also where was your outrage and your pearl clutching when Putin said the Ukrainian military should overthrow Zelensky?

Were you in this thread decrying his actions when he said that?
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There really isn't. Graham is not the first western politician to say this and he won't be the last.

Also where was your outrage and your pearl clutching when Putin said the Ukrainian government should overthrow Zelensky?

Were you in this thread decrying his actions when he said that?
Oh stop it. Nobodies outraging or pearl clutching anything. I gave my opinion on one news story. I’m sorry if I don’t have a prepared response for everything. Stop looking for conflict where there is none.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Oh stop it. Nobodies outraging or pearl clutching anything. I gave my opinion on one news story. I’m sorry if I don’t have a prepared response for everything. Stop looking for conflict where there is none.
I'm not looking for anything. I'm talking about things as I see them. Graham is not alone in this sentiment and I expect more will say the same in coming days. To pretend that it is some kind of outrage that he would talk about a war criminal in such a way is ridiculous. Especially when Putin himself is literally doing the EXACT SAME THING with Zelensky while murdering the Ukrainian population.

Putin has to go. Everyone knows it. How he goes or when he goes is up for moral debate, but saying it has to happen at this point is just the reality that we have been faced with due to his insane and incompetent actions.
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Gold Member
I take massive issue with the 'strongman' label itself. Even our own Western media has never been shy about using those labels when it's literally just propaganda fuel for them.

I've seen the term 'Russian strongman Putin' far too often even on BBC and CNN. And the same goes for Lukashenko. They should be calling them 'diminutive' and 'impotent' because those are more accurate.

When you hear someone called a "strongman" it's more ironic than literal. It means exactly what you said. It's a bully "tough guy" position which means they are shit heads. Unfortunately, a bunch of bullshit artists copy them, politically, cause they, too, like big daddies.

Ukraine can't win the war. The resistance of the Ukrainian forces is resulting in more and more civilian casualties. But just waving the white flag and letting the Russians in without any fight is not an option for the Ukrainians.

The West has forgotten what patriotism, integrity and honour mean. Zelenskyj is leading by example, making a stand the world will not forget. You can't make this up, but there are fairly recent studies showing the incredibly low rates of individuals among European peoples who are willing to "fight for their country".


The West isn't weak. It's been unwilling, cause they learned lessons. This has been compounded by the fact it takes 1/10 the people and resources to annihilate their advisary. It's a bit ironic that over time war probably looks more like battle bots than not... And then, what's the fucking point? Don't need to be all going ho to realize that technology will either eradicate us as a species or make war moot. There will be a lot of steps forward/back as we obviously see, but ideal state isn't more people willing to die for their nation - it's a false dichotomy.


I don’t disagree. He definitely has to go. But preferably in a way that doesn’t involve western intervention, because that’s always worked out great for us, hasn’t it? And that is why I think that kind of statement coming from a Senator is irresponsible. Why poke a nuclear armed bear? We all know he has to go. For someone like him to say it publicly is meaningless and can only lead to further escelation of tensions. But I’ll leave my feelings about Linsey Graham there and not elaborate further, because I don’t want to get political.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I don’t disagree. He definitely has to go. But preferably in a way that doesn’t involve western intervention, because that’s always worked out great for us, hasn’t it? And that is why I think that kind of statement coming from a Senator is irresponsible. Why poke a nuclear armed bear? We all know he has to go. For someone like him to say it publicly is meaningless and can only lead to further escelation of tensions. But I’ll leave my feelings about Linsey Graham there and not elaborate further, because I don’t want to get political.
Some things shouldn't be said out loud by people in certain positions. That is just irresponsible and stupid and can be used to show those Russian believers how the west really has a secret agenda against them.

Putin didn't launch a nuke despite knowing that the whole ass of Europe is sending Anti-Vehicle Launchers, ammunition, and explosives that he knows is going to be used to kill his own soldiers. Putin is not going to get a sudden hard on at the nuclear level because a no name senator from a country that he already hates said someone should off him. That is just not how it works. That is needless worry. The FSS probably informs him of at least 30 death threats per week from his own country and nearby Europe because he is that hated. I would be shocked if anyone even bothers to tell him what Graham said. It probably doesn't even register on their end.

It would be like me Tweeting out that I think Pringles should cease to exist because the last 3 cans I bought were stale as fuck.

They don't care.
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I don’t disagree. He definitely has to go. But preferably in a way that doesn’t involve western intervention, because that’s always worked out great for us, hasn’t it? And that is why I think that kind of statement coming from a Senator is irresponsible. Why poke a nuclear armed bear? We all know he has to go. For someone like him to say it publicly is meaningless and can only lead to further escelation of tensions. But I’ll leave my feelings about Linsey Graham there and not elaborate further, because I don’t want to get political.
Sometimes you can’t look away anymore .. just saying . You could see the Western Intervention as the Police in for example your country (but bigger worldwide) sometimes the crimes are so big or disgusting or could escalate, that doing nothing is no option anymore


I mean.....he's not wrong. Putin has fucking lost it. He has destroyed his own country and is actively committing war crimes while the world watches in another country. I get the nuclear threat obviously, but at some point something has to give one way or another. I don't blame anyone for hoping that Putin trips and falls onto a bullet.

And I hate Lindsey Graham. But when you are right you are right. 🤷‍♂️

Some things shouldn't be said out loud by people in certain positions. That is just irresponsible and stupid and can be used to show those Russian believers how the west really has a secret agenda against them.


Gold Member
I don’t disagree. He definitely has to go. But preferably in a way that doesn’t involve western intervention, because that’s always worked out great for us, hasn’t it? And that is why I think that kind of statement coming from a Senator is irresponsible. Why poke a nuclear armed bear? We all know he has to go. For someone like him to say it publicly is meaningless and can only lead to further escelation of tensions. But I’ll leave my feelings about Linsey Graham there and not elaborate further, because I don’t want to get political.

What's the line? If he nukes Ukraine do folks watch and do nothing? If so, who needs to die for folks to care?

What about causing these reactors to blow? Basically a dirty bomb, or low grade nuke - probably worse - is that the threshold.

At some point, nukes will fly whether you want it or not - the hope he dies or his people prevent him first from doing that.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Some things shouldn't be said out loud by people in certain positions. That is just irresponsible and stupid and can be used to show those Russian believers how the west really has a secret agenda against them.
See above.
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Putin didn't launch a nuke despite knowing that the whole ass of Europe is sending Anti-Vehicle Launchers, ammunition, and explosives that he knows is going to be used to kill his own soldiers. Putin is not going to get a sudden hard on at the nuclear level because a no name senator from a country that he already hates said someone should off him. That is just not how it works. That is needless worry. The FSS probably informs him of at least 30 death threats per week from his own country and nearby Europe because he is that hated. I would be shocked if anyone even bothers to tell him what Graham said. It probably doesn't even register on their end.

It would be like me Tweeting out that I think Pringles should cease to exist because the last 3 cans I bought were stale as fuck.

They don't care.
I agree with all of that. It’s just where I personally stand on the matter. It was wrong when Graham said it, it was wrong when Putin said it. I think our leaders should represent the best of us and be diplomacy minded and professional, not making death wishes on Twitter. Surely there’s better things he could be doing with his time. It’s a sad state of affairs in my eyes.


They don't care.
Exactly. They could say they want to send flowers and rainbows. The voices in Plutin's head have conveyed their demands, that's what matters. What he's done warrants execution and he knows it. Everyone paying attention knows it. It's a matter of getting everyone else to realize it.
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Gold Member
What's the line? If he nukes Ukraine do folks watch and do nothing? If so, who needs to die for folks to care?
According to people who prefer to follow NATO direction, nobody would or should do anything except keep sending Ukraine rebels rifles and medic packs. So even a nuke drop confined within Kiev shouldnt technically be enough to change their stance.

Similar to if Russia tries taking over other non-NATO countries nearby down the road. Just sit back and do nothing but send supplies.

Not surprisingly, Putin has gone on the offensive even more last few days. At the beginning it was trying to take over using troops and tanks. Lately it's now missile attacks at residential areas and the nuclear plant.

The one thing he hasnt ordered yet is mass killings. It seems Russians soldiers have orders not to go ape shit and shoot or drive over any Ukrainian that stands in the streets. A group of Ukrainians making a human blockade shown in videos has been enough sometimes to slow down a convoy of Russians even though they could plow right through them if they wanted to. But you never know, it might get to that point.

As I said early in the war thread, countries should had done more to physically help Ukraine repel Russia whether they are NATO or not. Theyve done support drops and sanctions, but it's left to Ukrainians to arm up themselves and do the dirty work.
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See above.
As I said, those kinds of words can be shown to the Russian to show how Putin is actually right and the US even intends to assassinate him. In certain circles that just makes the war seem more justified and I don't think anyone wants that.

With a position comes the responsibility. Anyone can think whatever they want but for senator or whoever in a political position saying that is just plain wrong.


A group of Ukrainians making a human blockade shown in videos has been enough sometimes to slow down a convoy of Russians even though they could plow right through them if they wanted to.
Those might be units made up of the Russian school teachers who were conscripted to the front lines. Those decisions might not be condoned by their command.


A lot of Russians are fleeing the country to our borders. The train travelling between St. Petersburg and Helsinki is full of Russians (~700 per day) escaping the sanctions. They are saying only Russian credit/debit cards are working and prices have increased 30%.


A lot of Russians are fleeing the country to our borders. The train travelling between St. Petersburg and Helsinki is full of Russians (~700 per day) escaping the sanctions. They are saying only Russian credit/debit cards are working and prices have increased 30%.
Instead of fleeing , start demonstrations, and start making a difference .. because Russia will be stuck in the past if they don’t but that’s my opinion..

Nice experiment; to see if a country can be totally self providing ..

Cut off from the west for decades or even centuries..

A big time capsule .. we will have a look in 1000 years 🤣
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Gold Member
According to people who prefer to follow NATO direction, nobody would or should do anything except keep sending Ukraine rebels rifles and medic packs. So even a nuke drop confined within Kiev shouldnt technically be enough to change their stance.

Similar to if Russia tries taking over other non-NATO countries nearby down the road. Just sit back and do nothing but send supplies.

Not surprisingly, Putin has gone on the offensive even more last few days. At the beginning it was trying to take over using troops and tanks. Lately it's now missile attacks at residential areas and the nuclear plant.

The one thing he hasnt ordered yet is mass killings. It seems Russians soldiers have orders not to go ape shit and shoot or drive over any Ukrainian that stands in the streets. A group of Ukrainians making a human blockade shown in videos has been enough sometimes to slow down a convoy of Russians even though they could plow right through them if they wanted to. But you never know, it might get to that point.

As I said early in the war thread, countries should had done more to physically help Ukraine repel Russia whether they are NATO or not. Theyve done support drops and sanctions, but it's left to Ukrainians to arm up themselves and do the dirty work.

I don't know. I think human justice and genocide/war crimes transcend general alliances. As in, if that's the bar then Russia can/could/threaten/will nuke anyone they want to conquer who doesn't have nukes. That's unraveling world order in a way that's untenable. There has to be a moral obligation that supercedes just the NATO agreement, at least, we operate as though there is agreement that other activities could justify war/intervention beyond just nukes.

Not say proactive nukes, but at some point irradiating Ukraine won't be ok.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Seriously though could Russia deliberately or inadvertently set off a megaton blast at this plant or Chernobyl without actually dropping a nuke by shelling and or setting off a bomb and then blaming it on an errant ukranian missile or something?
Very unlikely (as in almost 0 chance.) Nuclear explosions are not easy to make happen.



Gold Member
Not say proactive nukes, but at some point irradiating Ukraine won't be ok.

But at this point the world hasn't. Russia going after nuclear power plants isnt even enough to make them take more action.

Unfortunately right now it's sanctions and supplies in hopes it's enough to make Putin stop due to eroding economy, or the stories you read are true Russian troops have bad food and ammo/gas supplies, so they quit on their own. While Ukrainians have enough supply drops to outlast them.
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Gold Member
We are more addicted to rice than wheat. Wheat is important in Egypt though and was a cause for their unrest. Role of eating habits in conflicts should be a studies major. sanctioning kimchi could seriously start a nuclear war in certain places. a whole revolution started because coffee and tea.
Sugars in the west will be the ultimate blood sacrifice.
And then the cretinous Russian people voted him out in favour of Putin, because he wasn't enough of a strong man for them. I just feel sorry for the younger generation who never had the chance to reject the little shitheel.

That's the thing. They didn't

Yeltsin pointed out Putin, then prime minster, as the new president after his resignation. Putin wasn't originally elected through a real presidential election. The first thing Putin did was enstate a decree that granted Yeltsin immunity from prosecution, btw.

Even his rise to initial presidency was really dubious. People barely even knew who we was at the time until a suspicious string of apartments bombings started happening around Russia which are strongly believed to be connected to the FSB, which he had very strong ties to. Then, he got his face plastered all over the Russian media making a heroic speech about how he'll do whatever it takes to find those who are responsible and punish them accordingly. Anyone who tried to investigate the apartments bombing case would either wind up dead or threatened to stop, btw.

He used this tragedy as a basis to wage war on Chechnya, claiming the bombings were an act by Chechnyan seperatists.
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Gold Member
We are more addicted to rice than wheat. Wheat is important in Egypt though and was a cause for their unrest. Role of eating habits in conflicts should be a studies major. sanctioning kimchi could seriously start a nuclear war in certain places. a whole revolution started because coffee and tea.
Funny you bring up food because the stuff you mentioned... wheat, rice, coffee tea. You can even add potatoes.

All cheap fillers, and the way most food is made from them isn't exactly healthy either. A lot of high calorie carbs or empty calorie drinks. However, the key benefit to this stuff is it all seems dirt cheap and made in gigantic quantities more than the world even needs. I just bought a 10lb bag of potatoes for $2.

The world could probably do with less of this stuff and be healthier.
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Very unlikely (as in almost 0 chance.) Nuclear explosions are not easy to make happen.

Yeah, this really annoys me with people opposed to nuclear power because OMG Chernobyl. It’s like Tenerife PanAm/KLM crash - a cascade of errors, when the tragedy would have been avoided if a single one did not occur.


Instead of fleeing , start demonstrations, and start making a difference .. because Russia will be stuck in the past if they don’t but that’s my opinion..

Nice experiment; to see if a country can be totally self providing ..

Cut off from the west for decades or even centuries..

A big time capsule .. we will have a look in 1000 years 🤣
Do you know what happens to protestors there?


Gold Member
A lot of Russians are fleeing the country to our borders. The train travelling between St. Petersburg and Helsinki is full of Russians (~700 per day) escaping the sanctions. They are saying only Russian credit/debit cards are working and prices have increased 30%.

are they allowed to stay there or they going to be pushed back to Russia?


Do you know what happens to protestors there?
Sure .. do you know what happens when Putin goes even further ? Like expanding his empire ?

But that’s not the point . You need to stand-up to bigger things sometimes. Russia can overthrow him if they do it collectively. There is no army in the world that can stop that, If they don’t, you choose as a country the be set back into the Middle Ages. The Ukrainians are standing up, aren’t they ?
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are they allowed to stay there or they going to be pushed back to Russia?
Some seem to have job visas so they can go to work. Other than that, all of them have to eventually return to Russia after 90 days. Unless they get a permit which is probably very difficult for them at moment.


All i asked is can someone explain putins side of things. nobody has answered. hes not doing this for a laugh. no clear explanation so far

EU and US pushed to russia's boarders, overthrow the ukraine government and became a danger for russia's water ways. Russia doesn't want EU/US on there boarder. EU/US overplayed there cards which resulted in a invasion on crimea in 2014. EU/US and Ukraine started to push further again russia warned them 300 times they didn't like it. Nobody listens and they started to invade.

Ukraine is a boarder country its simple as that, putin has all the reasons to invade ukraine, his goal is the right side of ukraine that also supports him in some form, in order to get eu/us off his boarders.

Ukraine had never anything to say over its own country. This is why agreements are made to keep russia of them and the EU off them. EU overplayed there cards and this the result.

Now should putin invade ukraine and kill a whole bunch of people for the sake of it, no. But he wants to keep US/EU from its back. Putin wants to split the country most likely up, or put entire of ukraine under his control to create a buffer zone which ukraine always was.
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