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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Jeez, people are really slow to realize things. This was clear since the very beginning when they established the main attack columns. Putin end goal here is to remove Ukrainian gov from Kiev and probably come up with two/three new puppet republics down there so it doesn’t matter if what is left from Ukraine joins EU, NATO, Green Peace, WTF, whatever.

If that were true, then we wouldn't be supporting Ukrainians with arms and instead asking every one of them to evacuate their country.

Regardless, we should be having ongoing diplomatic conversations with China.
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Yeah, and who exactly is Ukraine? I think you forget but countries aren't exactly an unity. Your 'proposal' is akin to telling them to wage civil war amongst themselves, which saw external interference anyway and could hardly be described as deciding for themselves in the end.
Ukraine is a fiction just Russia or the USA, but it is a fiction we are seeing being written right now, which makes it seem more real than either. It is the Russians who came in and said Ukraine must be this way because Ukrainians must be Russian and the Russianness of those people who identify as Russian must be amplified and protected. Those Russians somehow have a quality of purity and innocence which the rest of the population lacks. Really, I am not interested in this game much more than to point out that it is being played, and it is one of the most evil games out there when it comes to the lived history of too many in the world.


They are trying to drag the west into the war.
From the latest BBC article on it "The ministry urges the international community to help force Russian troops out of the area, to ensure its safety."
They've also been constantly calling for no fly zones for the same reason.
I understand why they want the west involved but it isn't going to happen.
I really hope it doesn't. I don't even agree with outside countries handing weapons to ukrania as this only drags and increases the death toll and scale of the conflict. We all know putin will not backup and will take Ukrania anyway. EU should only have a humanitary and negotiating role. But maybe it's just me that's scared...


Gold Member
Ukraine is a fiction just Russia or the USA, but it is a fiction we are seeing being written right now, which makes it seem more real than either. It is the Russians who came in and said Ukraine must be this way because Ukrainians must be Russian and the Russianness of those people who identify as Russian must be amplified and protected. Those Russians somehow have a quality of purity and innocence which the rest of the population lacks. Really, I am not interested in this game much more than to point out that it is being played, and it is one of the most evil games out there when it comes to the lived history of too many in the world.
I'm not sure where you're trying to get here, but have fun with your fictions. I'll get back at taking care of my life.


I'm not sure where you're trying to get here, but have fun with your fictions. I'll get back at taking care of my life.
Sure, you only deal in absolute concrete truth. Taking care of our lives and leaving the Ukrainians alone would be a good policy for all of us, which I could get behind.
Supposedly, a petition has been sent to the presidential administration signed by multiple Russian academics pleading to stop the war. These people are putting their lives on the line by doing this.

Multiptle independent Russian media stations/channels have shut down due the news censoring of words like "war" and "invasion".

The hazards are coming closer to us as we do nothing but punish people who can't do anything about this anyway.

These sanctions aren't doing anything productive.

I get it, the Rambo films were cool.

Other than that, refere to my previous post.
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I think that, from the precise attack at a nuclear power plant, we all got the message VERY clear that Putin is willing to go "all out nuclear" if need arises.

Now THAT'S a threat to NATO and the EU, should they interfere.

NATO and the EU won't get involved. Since that attack they know what Putin is risking and they're not willing to nuke their own continent. IF, for whatever reason, NATO gets involved, then it's been a pleasure knowing all of you, because that's full WW3.
Carrying so much water from the same well makes it go dry.


Putin end goal here is to remove Ukrainian gov from Kiev and probably come up with two/three new puppet republics down there so it doesn’t matter if what is left from Ukraine joins EU, NATO, Green Peace, WTF, whatever.

Same as what happened with Yugoslavia, used to be a massive European country. Population got baited into a civil war and now it is several tiny pieces who still hate/fear each other.
"geo" in geopolitics means geography. and it matters in issues of war and peace.

Can somebody explain to me the long-term strategic consequences mentioned in this tweet?

hard to predict now because the stakes keep going higher. there could be a Pearl Harbor moment that pulls NATO in directly.

It's easy to understand considering the equity of those numbers.
If you add China's Belt & Road network, the population number is over 4 billion and still increasing as more countries get integrated into it.


And then the cretinous Russian people voted him out in favour of Putin, because he wasn't enough of a strong man for them. I just feel sorry for the younger generation who never had the chance to reject the little shitheel.

Have to push back a bit here. Yeltsin was a drunk, and although he was generally friendly his inebriated 'crazy uncle boris' demeanor on the world stage was an embarrasment to many Russians, who were otherwise dirt poor and in some cases near starvation because the collapse of the soviet union caused a massive economic downturn.
If that were true, then we wouldn't be supporting Ukrainians with arms and instead asking every one of them to evacuate their country.

Regardless, we should be having ongoing diplomatic conversations with China.
EU/EUA goal in this war is to cripple Russia as much as they can using Ukraine for that purpose. If they cared for Ukraine they would have prevented this war from happening. In addition, Russia probably never ever has made so much money from Oil and Gas as they are doing now, despite all sancations (O&G was <<innocently>> left from the sanctions)
Also, Ukranian gov prohibited the male population from 18-60 of leaving the country (not sure if this is still in place).


Gold Member
Another attempt to assassinate Zelensky and they got smoked. I have a feeling someone from the Russia side is sending him information


I am completely on the side of Ukraine. Nothing justifies this war and the invasion of Russia. But all this shit around the fire and shelling at the nuclear power plant still raises questions.

By now it seems that Russian units fired large-caliber bullets from vehicles at an office building from which they were fired upon. This is also where the fire broke out. There were no missiles or tanks attacking reactors at any time (the flashes in the video are flares to lighten the darkness).

Despite all this, Selensky officially claims the following: "Russian tanks are shooting at the nuclear blocks. These are tanks equipped with thermal imagers, so they know what they are shooting at. [...] For the first time ever in our history, in the history of mankind, the terrorist country has reverted to nuclear terror."

I can partly understand Selensky, but his diplomatic skills or you may even call it propaganda are slowly endangering more and more people and I am not sure if this is the right way when Russia is already threatening several million lives.
This nuclear plant story has always seemed fishy to me. This is why I’m kinda checked out on this til we get concrete information. The willingness that everyone is gobbling up and sharing every bit of disinformation on this conflict so far concerns me. Ironically, it’s often the same people that condemned covid disinformation.

Theres a clear good guy and bad guy in this conflict, but we should all want to know the truth.


Gold Member
Depends. Soy on some parts is the most vital food. not hard to imagine a beef vs soy resource threats.
I meant more of a cheeky joke due to the sugar addiction, lol. But agreed. Soy and soy subsidiaries for BigAg, and majority is fed to the poor animals.
They have garbage army .. there is no hidden secret weapons .. just lots of junk that also can win you are war , sadly .
I pray Putin loses. At the same time I know in the case Ukraine wins, and they start "let's say push into Russia", Putin will indeed bomb everything, and that includes towns or whatever that may have been conquered by Ukraine in Russia, being honest. I believe he would decide to Nuke NATO too if anyone gets near him.

This whole war is a fucking disgrace for everyone involved. I hope a Russian office near Putin does the right thing. A new day "Fuck Putin"


°Temp. member

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Gold Member
Another attempt to assassinate Zelensky and they got smoked. I have a feeling someone from the Russia side is sending him information
Putin does not have as much support as he thinks it appears.
I pray Putin loses. At the same time I know in the case Ukraine wins, and they start "let's say push into Russia", Putin will indeed bomb everything, and that includes towns or whatever that may have been conquered by Ukraine in Russia, being honest. I believe he would decide to Nuke NATO too if anyone gets near him.

This whole war is a fucking disgrace for everyone involved. I hope a Russian office near Putin does the right thing. A new day "Fuck Putin"
Nukes won’t be dropped. Putin and his pals like life. without living in bunkers. These dudes have egos, and living underground isn’t good for that ego.

I’d bet the military would coup before they launched an offensive nuke on NATO.


I pray Putin loses. At the same time I know in the case Ukraine wins, and they start "let's say push into Russia", Putin will indeed bomb everything, and that includes towns or whatever that may have been conquered by Ukraine in Russia, being honest. I believe he would decide to Nuke NATO too if anyone gets near him.

This whole war is a fucking disgrace for everyone involved. I hope a Russian office near Putin does the right thing. A new day "Fuck Putin"
why would Ukraine push into Russia?


I can only imagine the pain in the ass to maintain that extremely long convoy. Seems like they are already stuck and fked with broken vehicles, lack of gas. Imagine sleeping in damn trucks in below 0 temperature. There's no way they can efficiently supply them.
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I don't know how Russia will recover economically from this. A huge chunk of their big companis are about to go belly up and the poor are gonna get a lot poorer.

Fare thee well

EU and US pushed to russia's boarders, overthrow the ukraine government and became a danger for russia's water ways. Russia doesn't want EU/US on there boarder. EU/US overplayed there cards which resulted in a invasion on crimea in 2014. EU/US and Ukraine started to push further again russia warned them 300 times they didn't like it. Nobody listens and they started to invade.

Ukraine is a boarder country its simple as that, putin has all the reasons to invade ukraine, his goal is the right side of ukraine that also supports him in some form, in order to get eu/us off his boarders.

Ukraine had never anything to say over its own country. This is why agreements are made to keep russia of them and the EU off them. EU overplayed there cards and this the result.

Now should putin invade ukraine and kill a whole bunch of people for the sake of it, no. But he wants to keep US/EU from its back. Putin wants to split the country most likely up, or put entire of ukraine under his control to create a buffer zone which ukraine always was.
I'm sorry but how is this equivalent exchange of consequence again? I see this argument all the time. If every time two or more countries make efforts to better defend themselves and the aggressor invades, aren't they just proven right? In my mind the person who invades a country is always acting less rational. It isn't really a very even-sided situation if one side is always looking for a reason to escelate to warfare. I don't see any evidence that NATO would invade Russia. Thats is apeshit levels of conspiracy and paranoia. The Russian government is just afraid its propoganda and tight grip on its people would be loosened.
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Here's something that could potentially change my opinion on military intervention but I'm still skeptical about outcome they are alleging.

NATO allies rejected Ukraine's demand for no-fly zones on Friday, saying they were increasing support but that stepping in directly would lead to a broader, even more brutal European war, which so far has been limited to Russia's assault on its neighbour.



China can't afford that this war to drag on. They already have a big problem on their hands with the rising prices of fossil fuels from last year when they started shuting down electricity in entire industrial cities, just to save money.

The rising prices on gas may be good news for Russia but very bad news for China. It will affect further directly most of the population from China who don't have nowhere nearly as high income of the european citizens. And then factories will have to either make cuts or sell more expensive. But more expensive can mean less demand for products. Not to mention consumers from Europe and North America will already buy less because of the rising prices on their end. China is big importer of many goods that will get more expensive on the international markets because of the war. This why they can't commit to support fully Russia in this war, they really need cheap fossil fuel for the type of economy they have.
The entire world needs to stop trying to analyze this situation through rose colored prisms / pseudo intellectual nonsense. China is fully supporting Russia by not standing with the rest of the world. China is not worried about their market right now any more than they believe in individual rights. China is, unquestionably, watching how the world reacts while considering if their Taiwan issue soon gets addresses on their terms or not.


I don't know how Russia will recover economically from this. A huge chunk of their big companis are about to go belly up and the poor are gonna get a lot poorer.
Pretty sure the economy was worse in the 90s, in 92 1 USD was 125 Rubles then 6 years later in 98, 1 USD was 6000 Rubles.
The economy can recover but it will take some time and a lot of skill. Not sure if Putin is capable of it though, who knows what he has planned.


Gold Member
Ruble got plastered another 10% today. Even lower than the 117 at the beginning of the war. It was actually stable at about 100-110 for a week until now. Was around 75:1 before it started.


Russian Ruble SPOT (TOM)​

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