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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member

Japan enters the chat!!!

Any ideas on this development?

This has been a long running territorial dispute between Japan and Russia. Not sure why Japan, at this very moment, is bringing it up other than the fact they probably could do something here without Russia being able to do much since Russia's Pacific Navy is in shambles. There was also the concern of eastern re-enforcement but to support the Ukrainian invasion they've pulled resources from the west. Anyway, nothing new here - and not going to result in anything other than remind the world/Russia Japan is rising back into a political and military power in the Pacific (this is more of a quad/China Pacific backdrop story than a Russian one.. but here we are).

Meanwhile in Norway, we continue to trade with Russia. Why? Too much money to be earned for both Norway and Russia. Where? In the ocean outside Northern Norway. For how much? Values in the couple of billions in NOK, divide by nine to find USD, so several hundred million dollars worth of fish being caught by the Russian fishing fleet and sold to Norway.
Norway need the trade to keep people in jobs up north, so there you go. Sorry, Ukraine.

Of course, we support Ukraine so we take in some Ukranian women and kids and send their sons and husbands helmets and other trinkets.

So this economic isolation of Russia leaks like a sieve.

It's not a lot, and Russia isn't going to maintain its military on trade with Norway alone. There are other more annoying skirting of the sanctions with India - and that can probably keep things from really slipping out of control in Russia. That said, I don't think it'll be enough soon enough before Russia's economy truly craters (and there's more for it to fall). Norway just needs to join NATO/EU though and be done with the tip toe dancing.

Sunday came and went... but then again, they have slowed their progress intentionally and had a "ceasefire". Logistics need to catch up. And no, you can't feed or supply a modern military through invasion. Food, somewhat, but diesel, water, blood, bullets, bombs... all that needs to come from the supply lines and Ukraine has been blowing the shit out of those. Not to mention those lines have also gotten stuck in literal mud.

Hari Seldon

I was thinking about the Sanctions. Short term they are going to hurt, but as long as China and India are not sanctioning that is like over half of the earth's population. Combine that with Europe still buying gas then I dunno how bad Russia will be hurting really. I have no idea though, I'd be interested in reading a deep dive about this.


Authorized Fister
As stated earlier: this dude is probably from the Azov battalion/regiment/whatever they're called now.
They ARE extremely right wing, i'd say even neo-nazi in their worldview, badges and their hero's.
Good for them helping the civilians, but fuck them for their beliefs, and double so for their UPA love.

Just that they are dicks, but on the better side of this war.

The light ceremony is eerie.


Gold Member
US/Ruble exchange crushed again. From Bloomberg.

It started at 75:1, then exploded to 117, rebounded to 100-110. Now last few business days the Ruble has weakened to 138:1. One more bad day, and it'll be -50% vs the US dollar.

Russian Ruble SPOT (TOM)​



Gold Member
I was thinking about the Sanctions. Short term they are going to hurt, but as long as China and India are not sanctioning that is like over half of the earth's population. Combine that with Europe still buying gas then I dunno how bad Russia will be hurting really. I have no idea though, I'd be interested in reading a deep dive about this.
Unchartered territory. We know from history that sanctions and blockades can have meaningful impact, but aren't a silver bullet - and if a country can find a way to be self sufficient can be demonstrably harmful to dislodging leaders (the people unify against the embargo, see Iran and Cuba). But it does other things, like limits their ability to get new equipment and build an effective military - which these sanctions certainly will do to Russia. It also is going right after the Oligarchs which has it's own special brand of bite.

But oil is traded in dollars - and Russia is further isolated from currency clearing houses and their own rubble isn't worth much. So they can still profit off the oil markets, but it's not as much of a boon as it once was.
I was thinking about the Sanctions. Short term they are going to hurt, but as long as China and India are not sanctioning that is like over half of the earth's population. Combine that with Europe still buying gas then I dunno how bad Russia will be hurting really. I have no idea though, I'd be interested in reading a deep dive about this.
My prediction is that the West currently lacks journalist of the quality that would be able to pull of a deep dive investigation like this. They're too busy writing clickbait shitposts for their online presences.


Gold Member
I wonder if Putin has managed to do something that no one else has managed. To make people go, oh they’re Nazis. Oh no. Anyway…

I mean, they’re Ukranians fighting the Russian invasion oh yeah they’re Nazi, whatever…
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I was thinking about the Sanctions. Short term they are going to hurt, but as long as China and India are not sanctioning that is like over half of the earth's population. Combine that with Europe still buying gas then I dunno how bad Russia will be hurting really. I have no idea though, I'd be interested in reading a deep dive about this.

EU is currently planning not the renew gas contracts with Russia. One contract ends this year. They are also planning to heavily invest in renewable energy and speeding up the permission processes of wind and solar power projects.


Authorized Fister
I wonder if Putin has managed to do something that no one else has managed. To make people go, oh they’re Nazis. Oh no. Anyway…

I mean, they’re Ukranians fighting the Russian invasion oh yeah they’re Nazi, whatever…
I was actually surprised to see many media saying exactly that, yeah they're Nazis, but they are on the right side of history.


From what I can tell, China is already going through a rough spot themselves economically. Standing in solidarity with the economy of Russia while its sovereign debt becomes worthless and its currency tanks is like a nasty cough that they could easily catch. Access to potentially large amounts of gas from a Russia with a devalued currency and austerity when they are switching away from coal is like birthday+christmass for them, but if their own economy goes downhill then it would take the glow off it.



Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF

Edit: should have put a /s at the end cause yeah I know why... :)

Nothing extraordinary for Russian authorities. If you study history of the past century you will find countless examples of Russia behaving like that. Their history is mostly just mass murdering people covered with neverending stream of lies. Unfortunately they never change.


Junior Member
Nothing extraordinary for Russian authorities. If you study history of the past century you will find countless examples of Russia behaving like that. Their history is mostly just mass murdering people covered with neverending stream of lies. Unfortunately they never change.
Yeah but what happened in the shadows in the past is now happening for the world to see.. Its how blatantly out in the open it all is that is astonishing.


Yeah but what happened in the shadows in the past is now happening for the world to see.. Its how blatantly out in the open it all is that is astonishing.

Yup, it's ridiculous they're still trying the same tricks, completely stuck in the past.


I just cant grasp how a Russian or even Ukrainian could become Nazi. Hitler hated Slavs, and fully intended to kill or enslave most of them them if Germany was victorious.


I just cant grasp how a Russian or even Ukrainian could become Nazi. Hitler hated Slavs, and fully intended to kill or enslave most of them them if Germany was victorious.

Maybe something along the lines of:

"Everyone else who has tried [communism/capitalism/fascism/national socialism/anarchism/AGILE project management] and had it fail spectacularly just didn't do it right! We will do it properly this time!" 🧠


Maybe something along the lines of:

"Everyone else who has tried [communism/capitalism/fascism/national socialism/anarchism/AGILE project management] and had it fail spectacularly just didn't do it right! We will do it properly this time!" 🧠
Even in cases where Communism was set up semi properly human nature ruins any good that came of a communist endeavor when leadership changes. One could argue (wholesale murder of the Tzar’s family aside) Leninist Russia was the closest to actual Marxism but as soon as Lenin died Stalin (the one guy Lenin is on record saying he he didn’t want him to get the job) came in and turned Bolshevik Russia into a militarized nightmare authoritarian state.

China up until Xi’s election was on a good track to free market liberalization if not democracy from Deng Xiaopeng to Hu Jin Tao then Winnie the Pooh came to power, wiped out other top contenders for his job and later declared himself dictator for life.

The problem with communism is the executive has all the power and the parliament / politburo / duma is just a rubber stamp formality.

Mother Teresa could be at the top job but as soon as she dies it’s a dice roll to see what the next dear leader’s leadership style will be just like any monarchy.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I just cant grasp how a Russian or even Ukrainian could become Nazi. Hitler hated Slavs, and fully intended to kill or enslave most of them them if Germany was victorious.
"Nazi" is really over used term, Slavs are definitely capable of doing thins similar as in Kosovo (you know Serbs) and generally behavior which is on display from Putin is really far-right shit. But Nazi is very specific branch of fascism, which is used by dumb brains as in "x people bad". But lets be real, Slavs can do fucked up shit too.

And yes you are right we were also untermench during WW2 and as a person from country next to Germany.... yeah


Gold Member
Not to nag you guys or anything, but with Evilore's donation link, all I'm going to say is if you a few bucks to spare donate something. I am no way Mr. Charity, but through my work I donated a bit. I'm not even Ukrainian but thought it was even worth changing my avatar for the time being.

If you've never donated to any cause before and want as little hassles back, try to donate with as little info you can, while still getting a tax receipt. I say that because the last thing you want is your phone number passed around on mailing lists and suddenly you got a ton of people calling you telemarketing or sending you donation letters in your mailbox. I've been getting hospital lottery phone calls for over 10 years since I first did them and no matter if you block their number they just use a different number. They probably got 100s of numbers.
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Authorized Fister
Maybe something along the lines of:

"Everyone else who has tried [communism/capitalism/fascism/national socialism/anarchism/AGILE project management] and had it fail spectacularly just didn't do it right! We will do it properly this time!" 🧠
I threw up my drink laughing at this. AGILE is basically propaganda at this stage, nobody knows what it is except a mindset.


Gold Member
Maybe something along the lines of:

"Everyone else who has tried [communism/capitalism/fascism/national socialism/anarchism/AGILE project management] and had it fail spectacularly just didn't do it right! We will do it properly this time!" 🧠
This got a big laugh from all of my IT co-workers.


Authorized Fister
I just cant grasp how a Russian or even Ukrainian could become Nazi. Hitler hated Slavs, and fully intended to kill or enslave most of them them if Germany was victorious.
Neo-Nazi-ish-ism is basically race pride at this stage. Hence why the flag is shown at many redneck events. It's I'm proud of my race and everyone else's race is inferior. Can be applied to any race. Japan had the same mindset during WWII.


Neo-Nazi-ish-ism is basically race pride at this stage. Hence why the flag is shown at many redneck events. It's I'm proud of my race and everyone else's race is inferior. Can be applied to any race. Japan had the same mindset during WWII.
I like to look at it as the evolving migration of Man along the branches of the tree of life.
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Gold Member
Not to nag you guys or anything, but with Evilore's donation link, all I'm going to say is if you a few bucks to spare donate something. I am no way Mr. Charity, but through my work I donated a bit. I'm not even Ukrainian but thought it was even worth changing my avatar for the time being.

If you've never donated to any cause before and want as little hassles back, try to donate with as little info you can, while still getting a tax receipt. I say that because the last thing you want is your phone number passed around on mailing lists and suddenly you got a ton of people calling you telemarketing or sending you donation letters in your mailbox. I've been getting hospital lottery phone calls for over 10 years since I first did them and no matter if you block their number they just use a different number. They probably got 100s of numbers.

I was lucky enough to have a situation where my money was matched so put in a pretty penny to make sure it had maximal benefit. I'd encourage others to use the link shared by Evilore, or anything they feel comfortable with. Since we're in an interconnected world, know organizations like Red Cross draw from other shared resources so even "general" donations to these non-profits can help shore up costs elsewhere which may getting adjusted to meet the need. Every bit counts.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Good hunting, lads

Iron sights? Bros...

There are two essential pieces of gear for this field trip: class IV or V body armor, and a good set of rifle optics. An ACOG is an immediate game-changer on the battlefield compared to iron sights, and the typical Russian soldier is not given any optics due to cost. Bring an ACOG or a LPVO. Better yet, bring a set for your squad.


Never get your children involved in politics, regardless of what you feel is right or not. They are just pawns to your personal emotions and they suffer in the end.
But you should always educate your children on politics and history and from a young age. Half our problems would not occur if people didn't voluntarily leave their childrens morals and education be dictated by the media or government of the day.

Using them as human shields / protestors whilst incapable of giving consent / protecting themselves is despicable. Passing on "wounds" or hate is another problem.

Leaving it to the state risks them being swept up in hysteria or being brainwashed as we see in Z


*Refreshes biennially
Iron sights? Bros...

There are two essential pieces of gear for this field trip: class IV or V body armor (to stop 7.62x39), and a good set of rifle optics. An ACOG is an immediate game-changer on the battlefield compared to iron sights, and the typical Russian soldier is not given any optics due to cost. Bring an ACOG, or a LPVO if you can't afford it. Better yet, bring a set for your squad.

Belgian GAF, ask your government to send some optics for these 5000 FNC rifles that were delivered to Ukraine. EviLore has a point!
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