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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member
Iron sights? Bros...

There are two essential pieces of gear for this field trip: class IV or V body armor, and a good set of rifle optics. An ACOG is an immediate game-changer on the battlefield compared to iron sights, and the typical Russian soldier is not given any optics due to cost. Bring an ACOG, or a LPVO if you can't afford it. Better yet, bring a set for your squad.

From what I’ve been told, optics like that are subject to export restrictions under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). To take them with them they would need an export license, which basically makes it impossible to take with them short of illegally smuggling them through customs.
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Gold Member
Are they putting these internationals right at the frontlines? I’m curious how they’d make use of this help

They are in Kyiv. So pretty close, they definitely aren't back line volunteers. I know some S. Korean special ops on the way - definitely going to be doing some work to cull the herd. Just hope they got the gear to go with their guts.

The Russian police supposedly, were ordered to use brutality on protesters by Putin.

Going to remain skeptical on this one... Sure terrible shit is going on, but dunno if this is it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The Russian police supposedly, were ordered to use brutality on protesters by Putin.


Eastern European women are impressive. Hope she makes it out of that situation alive.
I just cant grasp how a Russian or even Ukrainian could become Nazi. Hitler hated Slavs, and fully intended to kill or enslave most of them them if Germany was victorious.
False. Slavs were considered Aryan just like Germanic, Celtic, Roman, Persian, Indic peoples etc. in NS racial ideology. Of course there were lots of xenophobic dipshits within the nazi party.


Can’t Git Gud
The Russian police supposedly, were ordered to use brutality on protesters by Putin.

if it's anything like poland, the strong police women are the most ruthless human beings ever created.
They have no mercy whatsoever... not sure if it's the feeling of needing to be tough or what but men officers are less scary lol


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
From what I’ve been told, optics like that are subject to export restrictions under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). To take them with them they would need an export license, which basically makes it impossible to take with them short of illegally smuggling them through customs.
Red dots are shit that you can fit in your pocket. You can put them on a keyring and customs isn't going to know the difference.


False. Slavs were considered Aryan just like Germanic, Celtic, Roman, Persian, Indic peoples etc. in NS racial ideology. Of course there were lots of xenophobic dipshits within the nazi party.
They called Slavs about 20% Aryan and 80% Subhuman. Compared to British and French who were 50% Aryan and 50% Subhuman. Basically, the percent Aryan you were depended on how brutally they felt they should suppress your population. They pretended to be scientific about it, like Russians pretend to care about the legality of what they are doing.

Fools idol

hypothetically speaking - where is the safest place on earth to ride out nuclear fallout?

Probably like the Maldives or something? your boy has the resources and honestly thinking about moving my family the fuck out there and bunkering up til this shit is over.


Gold Member
hypothetically speaking - where is the safest place on earth to ride out nuclear fallout?

Probably like the Maldives or something? your boy has the resources and honestly thinking about moving my family the fuck out there and bunkering up til this shit is over.


hypothetically speaking - where is the safest place on earth to ride out nuclear fallout?

Probably like the Maldives or something? your boy has the resources and honestly thinking about moving my family the fuck out there and bunkering up til this shit is over.

Feeling pretty safe in far north Queensland right now, to be honest.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
if it's anything like poland, the strong police women are the most ruthless human beings ever created.
They have no mercy whatsoever... not sure if it's the feeling of needing to be tough or what but men officers are less scary lol
Can confirm same here. If you are speeding and office is woman, you are fucked.



For Putin escalation is a narcotic. We shouldn't ever doubt that he will always make the first move to raise the stakes.
His faith in this "strategy" makes him believe he has impunity to do whatever he wants.
The political people around him are a very small group, but they will go all the way with him because they have no way out.
What he wants is a WW2 style "carve up" of Ukraine, negotiated with the US president. Not really any question that he would ever respect something negotiated with Ukraine themselves.


hypothetically speaking - where is the safest place on earth to ride out nuclear fallout?

Probably like the Maldives or something? your boy has the resources and honestly thinking about moving my family the fuck out there and bunkering up til this shit is over.

Tristan de Cunha. the world's most remote inhabited island.



Eastern European women are impressive. Hope she makes it out of that situation alive.
That is simply a minor taste of Europeans, Eastern ones are tougher but this shit ain't unique to only them.

Try the same shit with;


The list goes on and on, basically ANY Euro nation. That video is mild considering what happens. I got beaten up worse for saying "Nice mask" to a detective. Grabbed like Darth Vader and choked.

I had a bag of chips, my crime? saying "nice mask".

He asked what my problem was when pushed up against a wall and being choked. I said said I didn't have one, just had a bag of chips.

Women are tough as fuck in Europe. Put one in the ring against some mouthy dumbass, male or female and you better make sure your balls are insured. You get to walk away if you throw serious abuse? Then you better cross your heart and thank God. America has Karens, Europeans will give a bloody lip but mostly ONLY when seriously insulted or threatened.

Karens don't really exist as most people laugh and move on. The odd time though, you get the wrong person, well ... let's just say they are silenced either by the individual or anyone around telling them to STFU. Shit doesn't fly here.

I was in a major accident and my legs were fucked, was on a walker. In a daze I got a bus, had to use a walker as otherwise there was a chance I'd collapse. Busted legs, learning to walk again. Some stupid bitch came up to me screaming in my face as I sat on a designated disabled seat (middle of bus, no bells or whistles, just closer to the exit). Just screamed at me, I just looked at her confused. Told me I wasn't allowed sit there (I had a fucking walking frame with me). The bus stirred, my stop was a couple after, thank fuck for her.

I think she was mental though. I didn't say a word, one stop more though and I would have told her what a cunt she was. I found it annoying but seriously pity anyone who couldn't take it and felt humiliated because of some dumb bitch, (Again broken legs, walker right in front of me). A very rare situation, first one I'd ever witnessed and of course was me, was just unlucky. A few more stops the driver could have likely shut the bus off until she left or she'd have been mobbed.

The expression when I hit the stop button (it's lower on a disabled seat) and sauntered with the frame out was priceless. I can walk ok now, thank Christ.

EDIT: For anyone in an accident or confined to bed you get muscle atrophy. It's fucking horrible to have and getting back to normal is no small challenge. Pain with the constant threat of collapse even when you're building muscle again.
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Sega Orphan

For those wanting to know why Russia had an issue with Ukraine and NATO, this video from a non Russian source gives a good rundown on what there beef was about.

Sega Orphan

We've discussed it. Personally, don't give a shit. Russia has no moral position anymore.
No they lost that when they invaded, but prevention is better than the cure.
The best outcome would have been for Ukraine not to have been invaded. That should have been the aim all along.


Gold Member
No they lost that when they invaded, but prevention is better than the cure.
The best outcome would have been for Ukraine not to have been invaded. That should have been the aim all along.

It was. Are you implying Ukraine, NATO, or the West wanted this?


We've discussed it. Personally, don't give a shit. Russia has no moral position anymore.
It's not about morals (Russia lost it when they invaded), it's about the narrative that's says putin one morning wakes a do war with a neighbor county because because is a mad dictator.
It's a power game between nato (usa) and Russia.
And for me the big loosers will be Europe.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
The Russians don’t have a single bomb which can wipe out three states. They depend on launching multiple “smaller” warheads just like we do. They don’t have tsar bombas just hanging around to drop on us

From here: https://sgs.princeton.edu/the-lab/plan-a

Even if they have small bombs, in most simulations the USA loses tens of millions of people in the first hour.
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Wasting so many lives for nothing

It’s really kinda stunning how many high ranking officers the Russians have lost so early. Like…why are they even in the line of fire? To lose troop transport aircraft and so many high ranking officers is so mind boggling. It’s like some drunk tard is playing Age of Empires and doesn’t realize you can’t just select all troops and click the enemy base and wait for victory

From here: https://sgs.princeton.edu/the-lab/plan-a

Even if they have small bombs, in most simulations the USA loses tens of millions of people in the first hour.

I 100% understand this. But to paint some picture like their nuclear tech has advanced beyond ours where they can just wipe out entire states in one strike, or create massive radioactive tsunamis, is silly. MAD is MAD, no need to worry about some megaweapon they developed. 70s tech will do fine for eradicating us.
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Gold Member
It's not about morals (Russia lost it when they invaded), it's about the narrative that's says putin one morning wakes a do war with a neighbor county because because is a mad dictator.
It's a power game between nato (usa) and Russia.
And for me the big loosers will be Europe.
Europe will be the big losers here, not Russia? How did do you figure that out...


Gold Member
Not to nag you guys or anything, but with Evilore's donation link, all I'm going to say is if you a few bucks to spare donate something. I am no way Mr. Charity, but through my work I donated a bit. I'm not even Ukrainian but thought it was even worth changing my avatar for the time being.

If you've never donated to any cause before and want as little hassles back, try to donate with as little info you can, while still getting a tax receipt. I say that because the last thing you want is your phone number passed around on mailing lists and suddenly you got a ton of people calling you telemarketing or sending you donation letters in your mailbox. I've been getting hospital lottery phone calls for over 10 years since I first did them and no matter if you block their number they just use a different number. They probably got 100s of numbers.

Just a heads up for anyone from the UK thinking of donating.

Any donation to DEC is matched by the British Government. Also as a tax payer they can claim gift aid which meant my £100 donation becomes £112.50 then that's matched by the Government making it £225.

Even with donations there are ways to play the game to maximise the impact it has, for the UK this is it. I will point out this is not to aid "the war effort" but to aid the displaced refugees fleeing Ukraine of which there are over a million now, so if you don't feel like funding things to kill people this is your avenue.
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hypothetically speaking - where is the safest place on earth to ride out nuclear fallout?

Probably like the Maldives or something? your boy has the resources and honestly thinking about moving my family the fuck out there and bunkering up til this shit is over.
Probably Greenland. Got luck getting a pass, my boy.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Russian site, so beware:
Pirates are legalized in Russia – Kommersant Newspaper No 39 (7240) of 05.03.2022

Against the background of the growing sanctions, the Russian authorities are urgently preparing support measures, among which the abolition of criminal and administrative responsibility for the use of pirated software "from countries that supported the sanctions" is being discussed. Such a step could temporarily soften the withdrawal of Microsoft, IBM, Oracle and others from Russia, experts admit. But, they warn, most of the significant software of these companies is sold by subscription, which means that access to it in any case will be blocked.
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