That is simply a minor taste of Europeans, Eastern ones are tougher but this shit ain't unique to only them.
Try the same shit with;
The list goes on and on, basically ANY Euro nation. That video is mild considering what happens. I got beaten up worse for saying "Nice mask" to a detective. Grabbed like Darth Vader and choked.
I had a bag of chips, my crime? saying "nice mask".
He asked what my problem was when pushed up against a wall and being choked. I said said I didn't have one, just had a bag of chips.
Women are tough as fuck in Europe. Put one in the ring against some mouthy dumbass, male or female and you better make sure your balls are insured. You get to walk away if you throw serious abuse? Then you better cross your heart and thank God. America has Karens, Europeans will give a bloody lip but mostly ONLY when seriously insulted or threatened.
Karens don't really exist as most people laugh and move on. The odd time though, you get the wrong person, well ... let's just say they are silenced either by the individual or anyone around telling them to STFU. Shit doesn't fly here.
I was in a major accident and my legs were fucked, was on a walker. In a daze I got a bus, had to use a walker as otherwise there was a chance I'd collapse. Busted legs, learning to walk again. Some stupid bitch came up to me screaming in my face as I sat on a designated disabled seat (middle of bus, no bells or whistles, just closer to the exit). Just screamed at me, I just looked at her confused. Told me I wasn't allowed sit there (I had a fucking walking frame with me). The bus stirred, my stop was a couple after, thank fuck for her.
I think she was mental though. I didn't say a word, one stop more though and I would have told her what a cunt she was. I found it annoying but seriously pity anyone who couldn't take it and felt humiliated because of some dumb bitch, (Again broken legs, walker right in front of me). A very rare situation, first one I'd ever witnessed and of course was me, was just unlucky. A few more stops the driver could have likely shut the bus off until she left or she'd have been mobbed.
The expression when I hit the stop button (it's lower on a disabled seat) and sauntered with the frame out was priceless. I can walk ok now, thank Christ.
EDIT: For anyone in an accident or confined to bed you get muscle atrophy. It's fucking horrible to have and getting back to normal is no small challenge. Pain with the constant threat of collapse even when you're building muscle again.