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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Russian site, so beware:
Pirates are legalized in Russia – Kommersant Newspaper No 39 (7240) of 05.03.2022

Against the background of the growing sanctions, the Russian authorities are urgently preparing support measures, among which the abolition of criminal and administrative responsibility for the use of pirated software "from countries that supported the sanctions" is being discussed. Such a step could temporarily soften the withdrawal of Microsoft, IBM, Oracle and others from Russia, experts admit. But, they warn, most of the significant software of these companies is sold by subscription, which means that access to it in any case will be blocked.
Allow me to translate.

Me Mad.
You're not allowed to entertain yourself when I'm mad.

Brb going to throw a reporter off the roof.

-Vladdy the Daddy.


Gold Member
Because of China Russia will be poorer but alive.
USA, France, England will be fine but gemany and Italy it's going to be an economic disaster.

Wat? No really... please go on. If you're going to claim that somehow Russia isn't/won't be an economic disaster but somehow ITALY will be... I gotta know.


Gold Member



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Why is it in a fucking jar !!!

Jesus, saw another old lady with a litter of puppies stuffed into a backpack.
Yeah and she had to unzip the bag to show reporters. Like why the fuck is that bag not open. Living breathing animals require fresh oxygen FFS
It's a poor country, bro. They don't have our thousand dollar pet transport systems. They grabbed what they had on-hand as they were fleeing their homes. I'm sure the girl is taking care of her squirrel.
It's a poor country, bro. They don't have our thousand dollar pet transport systems. They grabbed what they had on-hand as they were fleeing their homes. I'm sure the girl is taking care of her squirrel.
No i get that. I mean I didnt expect specialized transport for pets or what have you.

My main issue is why is there a squirrel in a jar and it looks like that lid is closed as well. The same thing with the puppies. The bag was zipped closed. There were no visible holes for the puppies to get fresh air. May as well leave the puppies behind because they'll die of suffocation in that bag lol. Same with the squirrel. Does it look like that plastic lid has holes in it for that thing to breathe?
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I, for one, trust that Ukrainians understand mammals need oxygen.
Bro, If I could find that clip of that old lady carrying around a litter of puppies in a zipped up backpack, I'll be sure to post it here.
Not sure how long she's been travelling with them. Could have been a case of just grabbing anything and running. Sure as fuck hope she found an empty plastic drinks crate to put them in or anything other than a backpack.

I'm not saying those people are stupid or anything but c'mon if you see a live squirrel sat in a glass jar with a plastic lid on it, what would be the first thing that would go through your mind?

EDIT: Ok i'ma shut up now.
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This NATO is to blame angle is nonsense. A convenient excuse for Russia to attack any of its neighbours that haven’t installed a pro-Russian dictator to bleed their own populations for the Kremlin.

It's such transparent horseshit, isn't it? You can tell the Russian trolls when they start mentioning it.

God forbid Ukraine and other Eastern European countries should be allowed to determine where their own futures lay. The fact of the matter is Russia is a country run by an absolute cunt, and everyone close to them is quite sensible wanting to join a democratic coalition of countries opposed to that kind of oppressive regime.

Everyone who bleats on about Putin having a point when it comes to NATO is basically saying its not okay for countries to make their own choices about their security and future. Fuck off.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
hypothetically speaking - where is the safest place on earth to ride out nuclear fallout?

Probably like the Maldives or something? your boy has the resources and honestly thinking about moving my family the fuck out there and bunkering up til this shit is over.
South America and Africa seem unlikely to get tangled up in any of this. Little islands like Maldives are going to be vulnerable to tsunamis and radioactive currents and shit.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
My prediction is that the West currently lacks journalist of the quality that would be able to pull of a deep dive investigation like this. They're too busy writing clickbait shitposts for their online presences.
The issue is not really the quality of journalists but the willingness of outlets to pay them for their time. A big investigative deep dive isn't worth two months salary to these outlets when hasty copypasta clickbait gets more views.
Reports of a cease fire tomorrow.

I am gonna go ahead and continue to not believe anything like this will happen any time soon, but, I will legit be floored if this somehow happened, I really hope it does because this shit needs progression, but, seeing how things have gone so far....yeah.

Hari Seldon

If these numbers are close to being true this is insane. Those are WWII numbers. I think the US was at about ~3k casualties per week from 1942-1945 (average, obviously a lot more casualties at certain points and less at others)


Sega Orphan

This NATO is to blame angle is nonsense. A convenient excuse for Russia to attack any of its neighbours that haven’t installed a pro-Russian dictator to bleed their own populations for the Kremlin.
You have to understand the geopolitical desires of all sides. The West isn't some sweet, loving and caring union of countries. They do their own terrible stuff to engineer outcomes they want. I could list dozens of examples in history that you would shock you. Russia and NATO are all doing what they can to isolate the other. The West knew that there was a risk Russia would get into conflict with Ukraine over joining NATO. To be honest I think the West is happy with this outcome as it helps reduce Russia going forward. And don't fool yourself by thinking governments care about civilians dying, they don't.
I think Russia mis-stepped here. They over reached. But the victim is the Ukrainian people. Whatever could have been done to stop any war should have been done. It wasn't. Russia will pay the price, Ukrainians will pay the price, and the West will pay the price at the gas pump, higher inflation etc.
If you wouldn't go back in time and placate Russia to avoid this then that's you. I would.


Being Russia's doormat doesn't improve this scenario. Give them what they want? They want Ukraine.
I feel it’s much too late now for a negotiation to neutrality. Ukraine won’t abandon its plan to hopefully join NATO, and Russia says no.
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Scholar this or scholar that, it is all made up.
No, it really isn't. Indo-european languages correspond with haplogroups associated with proto-indoeuropean peoples (R1a, R1b). Their spread across the globe matches closely the prevalence of the languages spoken today. Heck, science even today still uses the term "Aryan", just not in the broad and imprecise meaning it was before (see here, here, here and here).

Can confirm same here. If you are speeding and office is woman, you are fucked.
You should see the German minister of defence:

We are so fucked.
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Russian site, so beware:
Pirates are legalized in Russia – Kommersant Newspaper No 39 (7240) of 05.03.2022

Against the background of the growing sanctions, the Russian authorities are urgently preparing support measures, among which the abolition of criminal and administrative responsibility for the use of pirated software "from countries that supported the sanctions" is being discussed. Such a step could temporarily soften the withdrawal of Microsoft, IBM, Oracle and others from Russia, experts admit. But, they warn, most of the significant software of these companies is sold by subscription, which means that access to it in any case will be blocked.
I can only hope denuvo gets fucked.

Fools idol

so uhhh... Russia is forcibly disconnecting itself from the entire western internet according to some sources.

Does that mean I will get to play DotA 2 without toxic team mates?

I joke of course, I love my Rusky friends in Doto and CSGO. I'm not quite sure what this means for them.


so uhhh... Russia is forcibly disconnecting itself from the entire western internet according to some sources.

Does that mean I will get to play DotA 2 without toxic team mates?

I joke of course, I love my Rusky friends in Doto and CSGO. I'm not quite sure what this means for them.
Don’t know the details but if it’s anything like China all they’ll need is a good VPN? Facebook and Instagram are banned in China but I had zero issues accessing on my iPhone last time I was there with a VPN app.


so uhhh... Russia is forcibly disconnecting itself from the entire western internet according to some sources.

Does that mean I will get to play DotA 2 without toxic team mates?

I joke of course, I love my Rusky friends in Doto and CSGO. I'm not quite sure what this means for them.
They will make interzwebz! Internet but better !


It's such transparent horseshit, isn't it? You can tell the Russian trolls when they start mentioning it.

God forbid Ukraine and other Eastern European countries should be allowed to determine where their own futures lay. The fact of the matter is Russia is a country run by an absolute cunt, and everyone close to them is quite sensible wanting to join a democratic coalition of countries opposed to that kind of oppressive regime.

Everyone who bleats on about Putin having a point when it comes to NATO is basically saying its not okay for countries to make their own choices about their security and future. Fuck off.
What free choice really they do have, they are between Scylla and Charybdis (usa and Russia).
Geopolitical they don't, how you think usa will respond if one day Mexico or Canada put Russian missiles in the borders.


Gold Member
Why is it in a fucking jar !!!

Jesus, saw another old lady with a litter of puppies stuffed into a backpack.
Yeah and she had to unzip the bag to show reporters. Like why the fuck is that bag not open. Living breathing animals require fresh oxygen FFS
How else do you expect them to pickle a squirrel?


That is simply a minor taste of Europeans, Eastern ones are tougher but this shit ain't unique to only them.

Try the same shit with;


The list goes on and on, basically ANY Euro nation. That video is mild considering what happens. I got beaten up worse for saying "Nice mask" to a detective. Grabbed like Darth Vader and choked.

I had a bag of chips, my crime? saying "nice mask".

He asked what my problem was when pushed up against a wall and being choked. I said said I didn't have one, just had a bag of chips.

Women are tough as fuck in Europe. Put one in the ring against some mouthy dumbass, male or female and you better make sure your balls are insured. You get to walk away if you throw serious abuse? Then you better cross your heart and thank God. America has Karens, Europeans will give a bloody lip but mostly ONLY when seriously insulted or threatened.

Karens don't really exist as most people laugh and move on. The odd time though, you get the wrong person, well ... let's just say they are silenced either by the individual or anyone around telling them to STFU. Shit doesn't fly here.

I was in a major accident and my legs were fucked, was on a walker. In a daze I got a bus, had to use a walker as otherwise there was a chance I'd collapse. Busted legs, learning to walk again. Some stupid bitch came up to me screaming in my face as I sat on a designated disabled seat (middle of bus, no bells or whistles, just closer to the exit). Just screamed at me, I just looked at her confused. Told me I wasn't allowed sit there (I had a fucking walking frame with me). The bus stirred, my stop was a couple after, thank fuck for her.

I think she was mental though. I didn't say a word, one stop more though and I would have told her what a cunt she was. I found it annoying but seriously pity anyone who couldn't take it and felt humiliated because of some dumb bitch, (Again broken legs, walker right in front of me). A very rare situation, first one I'd ever witnessed and of course was me, was just unlucky. A few more stops the driver could have likely shut the bus off until she left or she'd have been mobbed.

The expression when I hit the stop button (it's lower on a disabled seat) and sauntered with the frame out was priceless. I can walk ok now, thank Christ.

EDIT: For anyone in an accident or confined to bed you get muscle atrophy. It's fucking horrible to have and getting back to normal is no small challenge. Pain with the constant threat of collapse even when you're building muscle again.

Yeah that's why the metoo and other "workplace abuse" or whatever Americans cry about constantly won't catch on here in Central and Eastern Europe. Our women ain't no snowflakes.

On one hand they are beautiful and they like the compliments from coworkers, heck I would argue they not just like it they require it, on the other hand if you try to seriously fuck with them or abuse them, they can perfectly handle the situation themselves, they don't need HR or whatever, they will simply destroy you themselves.
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Gold Member
What free choice really they do have, they are between Scylla and Charybdis (usa and Russia).
Geopolitical they don't, how you think usa will respond if one day Mexico or Canada put Russian missiles in the borders.

This position blatantly ignores the secular differences between political spheres. Western Europe and Russia are not equal, and there are plenty of reasons an independent nation may choose, without undue influence, to align itself with economies that are bigger, less corrupt, and allow for more freedoms and accountability.

Again, it should also be pointed out that the Ukraine that Russia invaded and annexed in 2014 through to today is a non-NATO, non-EU nation that did not have American missiles targetting Russia.

Russia's actions are the biggest contributor in pushing its neighbours away from its influence. Blame Putin.


Yeah that's why the metoo and other "workplace abuse" or whatever Americans cry about constantly won't catch on here in Central and Eastern Europe. Our women ain't no snowflakes.

On one hand they are beautiful and they like the compliments from coworkers, heck I would argue they not just like it they require it, on the other hand if you try to seriously fuck with them or abuse them, they can perfectly handle the situation themselves, they don't need HR or whatever, they will simply destroy you themselves.

Hell yeah,that's what I love about them. Beauty, brains and brawn. There's nothing quite like watching a confident woman obliterate some dude being an asshole, the make it look like a work of art and do it in style. ;)


Russia threatening to close down the Nord Stream gas pipe to Europe. Before the sanctions destroy our economy, let's do it ourselves? That'll teach them.

Granted, gas prices will skyrocket in EU but I think that just has to be accepted. EU will partly return to fossil fuels and continue on the track for more renewable energy. And long term, I think the plan is definitely to come less dependant on Russia energy-wise.


Granted, gas prices will skyrocket in EU but I think that just has to be accepted. EU will partly return to fossil fuels and continue on the track for more renewable energy. And long term, I think the plan is definitely to come less dependant on Russia energy-wise.
Look, all nice and dandy, but my house is gas heated and before the war in Ukraine we had a 50% increase in the gas price for heating, coupled with a ramping up inflation in Poland.
It will hit people like me VERY HARD as the winters are cold and they ain't over yet


Look, all nice and dandy, but my house is gas heated and before the war in Ukraine we had a 50% increase in the gas price for heating, coupled with a ramping up inflation in Poland.
It will hit people like me VERY HARD as the winters are cold and they ain't over yet

Yes, I know. It will hit some people really hard. Our winters can be really harsh too as I'm sure you are aware. Even more so than in Poland.

Also, I'd like to think this is only the start:



This position blatantly ignores the secular differences between political spheres. Western Europe and Russia are not equal, and there are plenty of reasons an independent nation may choose, without undue influence, to align itself with economies that are bigger, less corrupt, and allow for more freedoms and accountability.

Again, it should also be pointed out that the Ukraine that Russia invaded and annexed in 2014 through to today is a non-NATO, non-EU nation that did not have American missiles targetting Russia.

Russia's actions are the biggest contributor in pushing its neighbours away from its influence. Blame Putin.
I blame putin is a fucking cold war junkie, I really believe he likes all this situation.
Nevertheless I stand with my no free choice situation theory.
In 2009 start the nato invitation for Ukraine, the know nato strategy and they plan for the counter mesures.
They will never let free the pathways of Baltic and black sea


Look, all nice and dandy, but my house is gas heated and before the war in Ukraine we had a 50% increase in the gas price for heating, coupled with a ramping up inflation in Poland.
It will hit people like me VERY HARD as the winters are cold and they ain't over yet

Well, You either accept such hardships today or find yourself conscripted into a war-zone, being shot at by Russian troops, tomorrow.


What free choice really they do have, they are between Scylla and Charybdis (usa and Russia).
Geopolitical they don't, how you think usa will respond if one day Mexico or Canada put Russian missiles in the borders.

You make out like the USA and Russia are similar. This is, of course, a load of horseshit.

The USA remains a democracy, where the rule of law holds, people have freedom of speech and some of the best human rights in the world. Russia is a fucking hellhole totalitarian state with zero democracy.

Of course Ukraine wants to be allied with the USA, the UK, and Europe… and not Russia, China and Pakistan. You’d have to be a dumb fucking cunt to want it the other way around.


Not quite. While it is true military targets were intended. It still resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the allied commanders knew about the mounting pile of civilian deaths in these bombing campaigns.

"On the night of March 9, 1945, U.S. warplanes launch a new bombing offensive against Japan, dropping 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs on Tokyo over the course of the next 48 hours. Almost 16 square miles in and around the Japanese capital were incinerated, and between 80,000 and 130,000 Japanese civilians were killed in the worst single firestorm in recorded history."


Winston Churchill went so far as to write, "the destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing." While there were legitimate military targets in Dresden, how can one sanction the deliberate targeting of the civilian population? Frederick Taylor’s judgment still rings true: “When we think of Dresden, we wrestle with the limits of what is permissible, even in the best of causes.”


I was well aware of Tokyo and Dresden when I made my comments. Civilian deaths were anticipated by all parties in bombing campaigns. As I said, the limitations of the technology at the time made it a simple matter of fact. The justification was that it would do significant enough damage to the enemy war effort that it would end the war faster. From what I could find, the bombings of cities like London and Rotterdam by the Nazis were not even charged as war crimes at Nuremberg. To quote the Joker from TDK: Bombing cities of significant military and political importance, knowing that civilians were nearby, was "part of the plan."

Ukraine has nowhere near the war industry/infrastructure that the Allies or Axis had during the 30s and 40s. Russia has far more precise munitions than any participant in WWII. There is no excuse for stuff like this:


Gold Member
RT and Sputnik websites are blocked from today here in the Netherlands across all major providers. I support the sentiment from the EU sanctions, but it also worries me how simple it seems to be to apply censorship.


RT and Sputnik websites are blocked from today here in the Netherlands across all major providers. I support the sentiment from the EU sanctions, but it also worries me how simple it seems to be to apply censorship.

Stopping propaganda sites from functioning isn’t censorship, though. It wouldn’t be as simple to stop a real, independent news site from operating.


You have to understand the geopolitical desires of all sides. The West isn't some sweet, loving and caring union of countries. They do their own terrible stuff to engineer outcomes they want. I could list dozens of examples in history that you would shock you. Russia and NATO are all doing what they can to isolate the other. The West knew that there was a risk Russia would get into conflict with Ukraine over joining NATO. To be honest I think the West is happy with this outcome as it helps reduce Russia going forward. And don't fool yourself by thinking governments care about civilians dying, they don't.
I think Russia mis-stepped here. They over reached. But the victim is the Ukrainian people. Whatever could have been done to stop any war should have been done. It wasn't. Russia will pay the price, Ukrainians will pay the price, and the West will pay the price at the gas pump, higher inflation etc.
If you wouldn't go back in time and placate Russia to avoid this then that's you. I would.
"Help reduce russia going forward"? Does NATO really care about Russia anymore? Read up upon Jelzin and Gorbatschows take on NATO, they had no qualms with it. Jelzin freaking kissed the NATO secretary lol

The legends of NATO expansion and breaking of trust propaganda started with Putin.

The US has China to care about now and in the future.
A weak and isolated Russia that can't provide gas/oil is of no benefit to the EU (part of NATO). This war already has lead to a coming together in EU and in a short while the EU will be a France/German led geopolitical/military "superpower" that could deal with Russia on its own, can't be in the Interest of the US to loose influence there.
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