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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Authorized Fister
Notice how the audio does not match the fact the dude is wearing a mask. Also note that the dude in the tweet is some anti covid nut job... and guess why...

Taa daaaa

It's because its loony nut jobs spreading fake news

Real video from over a month ago demonstrating against climate change, now please fuck off with your Russian PR bullshit and get a clue.

I found it funny.


Gold Member
I found it funny.

My bad but iv seen this doing the rounds today as actual evidence and it dousent matter how much I bat it down it keeps popping up.

If you are going to post stuff it needs to have some context added otherwise people will be assuming your just posting it as legit.


Notice how the audio does not match the fact the dude is wearing a mask. Also note that the dude in the tweet is some anti covid nut job... and guess why...

Taa daaaa

It's because its loony nut jobs spreading fake news

Real video from over a month ago demonstrating against climate change, boom next conspiracy please.

Nothing can be believed...


Gold Member
Reposting that stuff without additional comment only helps propagate it and increase the buzz around it, voluntarily or not. It's the base of virality, as long as it spreads it will "contaminate" the maximum amount of people in the end.

Might as well get this one out of the way too.

This is FAKE! the footage is real of course but here's a tweet from 2020

Oh wow that bottom left image seems familier, it was a TV show... now why would conspiracy nutjobs be spreading this as proof the Ukrainian war is fake..... hmmmmmmmm...
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GPS inteference on the East border. The last was 2018 when Norway was having a military exercise.

The page should be translated automatically.


You make out like the USA and Russia are similar. This is, of course, a load of horseshit.

The USA remains a democracy, where the rule of law holds, people have freedom of speech and some of the best human rights in the world. Russia is a fucking hellhole totalitarian state with zero democracy.

Of course Ukraine wants to be allied with the USA, the UK, and Europe… and not Russia, China and Pakistan. You’d have to be a dumb fucking cunt to want it the other way around.
You don't want to understand, it's not who has better democracy.
It's about the choices and consequences of a country that is near Russia.


Gold Member
Nothing can be believed...

Actually it can be, a bunch of people are spreading this stuff right now and it gets copy pasted as fact by idiots that believe if you just instantly spout the opposite of the general concensus without evidence that makes it the truth, even better just create your own evidence and it becomes the truth, repeat the lie enough times and boom you have whats posted above.

There is a war going on, people are dying in the cross fire and one of those countries has a long and storied history of commiting war crimes and then lying about it, the other is defending there fucking country, Its not hard to work out.
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Gold Member

That’s not a squirrel. People on Twitter say it's a Degu
shooting star GIF




So people who are most shocked about "fakes" and "lies" in the media are also really bad at spotting fakes and lies on random things they see on social media? I'm shocked.


Gold Member
So people who are most shocked about "fakes" and "lies" in the media are also really bad at spotting fakes and lies on random things they see on social media? I'm shocked.

And you show them this and its "no no not real, I mean did you see that video of the moving body bag? Its probably Ukrainians shooting there own people for false flags."

Yes because that's the normal thinking process of a sane and rational person. So before anyone says "it's not marked with a Z" A. You must have eagle eye vision to be claimaing that as a definite at that distance and B...


Not all russian vehicles get marked with a Z, some are simple stripes, so give the footage some credit please, people died.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
This is a bit old, but I've been watching this channel for a while. Good background on the Soviet states as they are today. His travel vlogs go back a few years and worth watching. He's fluent in Russian and a few others and has spent time in those countries and has a massive amount of respect for the people. Definitely not your average YouTuber.

This video is from 25 Feb and is him and a companion leaving the city of Kyiv. Interesting to see, boots on the ground coverage from someone outside the traditional media and the support infrastructure that comes with that.

In his previous vlog, he travels to a very tiny village on the border of Ukraine & Russia. For those interested:


And you show them this and its "no no not real, I mean did you see that video of the moving body bag? Its probably Ukrainians shooting there own people for false flags."
If only this whole thing was some sort of fairy tale where we can believe what we want and everything ends happily ever after. The thing that pisses me off is that these people believe in fairy tales, but they wish for the bad ending to happen every time.


You don't want to understand, it's not who has better democracy.
It's about the choices and consequences of a country that is near Russia.

I understand fine, thanks.

Ukraine wants to join NATO, because of the security it provides.
Putin the little bitch doesn’t want that, because Ukraine was once part of the USSR.

Putin apologists and Russian propagandists try to paint NATO, and Ukraine’s potential application to it, in a negative light, to make the goatfucker seem like not such a bad dude.
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Gold Member
I understand fine, thanks.

Ukraine wants to join NATO.
Putin the little bitch doesn’t want that, because Ukraine was once part of the USSR.

Putin apologists and Russian propagandists try to paint NATO, and Ukraine’s potential application to it, in a negative light, to make the goatfucker seem like not such a bad dude.

You forgot that Putin tried to up end the entire country several years prior after getting a puppet elected. Who then surprisingly backtracked on his election promises of getting closer to the EU and suprised 180'd a free trade agreement to try and sign one with Russia instead.

There are horrific scenes available of protesters hiding behind sheilds trying to drag there friends out of harms way only to get gunned down themselves.

After that they where done, under threat of an armed uprising after gunning down protestors Viktor Yanukovych fled the country, who just so happens to now live in Russia, funny that. Crimea soon after was him throwing a tantrum over the failure.
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Statement from Cloudfare about their activities during the crisis.


- Helping prevent DDOS attacks on Ukraine
- Private Data has been moved out of Ukraine/Russia/Belarus servers to prevent a breach.
- Monitoring Internet Availability in Ukraine
- Stronger focus on monitoring Cyber Attacks
- Sanctioned people are sanctioned. However, Cloudfare is not shutting down their services in russia. As they put it themselves:

Indiscriminately terminating service would do little to harm the Russian government, but would both limit access to information outside the country, and make significantly more vulnerable those who have used us to shield themselves as they have criticized the government.

In fact, we believe the Russian government would celebrate us shutting down Cloudflare's services in Russia. We absolutely appreciate the spirit of many Ukrainians making requests across the tech sector for companies to terminate services in Russia. However, when what Cloudflare is fundamentally providing is a more open, private, and secure Internet, we believe that shutting down Cloudflare's services entirely in Russia would be a mistake.
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Gold Member


Gold Member

Looks like Chinese media is embedded with the Russian forces. I am sure they will ask plenty of "tough" questions.

Like "how many Nazi's have you killed?" And "Western propaganda say you commit warcrimes, why are they lying?"

But who knows? I don't speak Chinese.
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About fucking time. But instead of opening up our own pipeline that could completely replace Russian oil (and then some), they’re toying with the idea of importing Iranian oil. We’ll go from propping up one horrific nation to another.
Still better Iran than PoS Saudi Arabia. I always thought US opposition to Iran was crazy.

Fools idol

My friend in St. Petersburg said the anti-war protests on the streets are getting larger and more violent by the day.

Credit cards rejecting payment is causing chaos in russian supermarkets as people are going there to panic buy food and then not being able to pay for it.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
If these numbers are close to being true this is insane. Those are WWII numbers. I think the US was at about ~3k casualties per week from 1942-1945 (average, obviously a lot more casualties at certain points and less at others)

The troop counts are probably pretty heavily distorted. It's hard to really say for sure and Russia is pretending it's like 500. I would at least cut the Ukrainian figure in half, which is still very high. Russia is taking a beating.


Credit cards rejecting payment is causing chaos in russian supermarkets as people are going there to panic buy food and then not being able to pay for it.
I thought the Visa/Mastercard thing would only block international payments, as local ones go through the national system ? I don't think private individuals will see their payment refused, only it will be harder for companies to fill shelves with imported goods.
I understand fine, thanks.

Ukraine wants to join NATO, because of the security it provides.
Putin the little bitch doesn’t want that, because Ukraine was once part of the USSR.

Putin apologists and Russian propagandists try to paint NATO, and Ukraine’s potential application to it, in a negative light, to make the goatfucker seem like not such a bad dude.

Correct, and people defend that bullshit argument. NATO currently has already some borders with Russia, taking Ukraine would increase them by a lot. That is a shit argument to defend this terrorist attack. Also, no one from NATO would dare to attack Russia for the same situation we are at now, nuclear war, making that argument shit too.


Correct, and people defend that bullshit argument. NATO currently has already some borders with Russia, taking Ukraine would increase them by a lot. That is a shit argument to defend this terrorist attack. Also, no one from NATO would dare to attack Russia for the same situation we are at now, nuclear war, making that argument shit too.
But, but, but



ChatGPT 0.1
Russia has always been an issue, at least in the last 50 years they've been a light issue, actually blessed. If the world knew about Ukraine situation, why are they acting like this is out of the blue? There were signs of Russia pounding the little southern brother, clear evidence. This is a preparation issue by NATO.

I thought the Visa/Mastercard thing would only block international payments, as local ones go through the national system ? I don't think private individuals will see their payment refused, only it will be harder for companies to fill shelves with imported goods.

yeah Visa/Mastercard affects internationally issued cards working in Russia, and Russian issued cards working internationally. It doesn't Russian issued cards in Russia...which I assume it most of them.

Correct, and people defend that bullshit argument. NATO currently has already some borders with Russia, taking Ukraine would increase them by a lot. That is a shit argument to defend this terrorist attack. Also, no one from NATO would dare to attack Russia for the same situation we are at now, nuclear war, making that argument shit too.
Dude, Russia wants to create two or three puppet states to the South and Southeast of Ukraine so it doesnt matter for them if Ukraine later on joins NATO, Greep Peace, WTF, whatever. This means that their biggest border with a Nato country would still be to the Baltics (Norway perhaps)?
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