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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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We absolutely have problems, male alcoholism can be pretty bad especially in Northern part of the country where winters are longer, colder and much darker than in the South.

That said, here's a list the most alcoholistic countries in the world per World Population Review. I don't know how reliable they are, seem to be not politically affiliated but you never know. Nevertheless:

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Rates of Alcohol Use Disorder/Alcoholism (both genders):​

  1. Hungary - 21.2%
  2. Russia - 20.9%
  3. Belarus - 18.8%
  4. Latvia - 15.5%
  5. South Korea - 13.9% (tie)
  6. Slovenia - 13.9% (tie)
  7. United States - 13.9% (tie)
  8. Poland - 12.8%
  9. Estonia - 12.2% (tie)
  10. Slovakia - 12.2% (tie)

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Rates of Alcohol Use Disorder/Alcoholism (females):​

  1. United States - 10.4%
  2. Russia - 7.4%
  3. Sweden - 7.3%
  4. Hungary - 7.2%
  5. South Korea - 6.8%
  6. Belarus - 6.2%
  7. Austria - 6.1%
  8. United Kingdom - 4.7%
  9. Latvia - 4.6%
  10. Slovenia - 4.5%

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Rates of Alcohol Use Disorder/Alcoholism (males):​

  1. Russia - 36.9%
  2. Hungary - 36.9%
  3. Belarus - 33.9%
  4. Latvia - 28.8%
  5. Slovenia - 23.5%
  6. Slovakia - 22.8%
  7. Poland - 22.7%
  8. Estonia - 22.2%
  9. South Korea - 21.2%
  10. Lithuania - 19.9%
I don't know where Finland would be on that list. Would be curious to find out if I had the patience to dig deeper into google.

Does this list included Beer? I heard in Russia - beer wasn't considered alcoholic beverage until recently (well, until 2011 that is)
Russia classifies beer as alcoholic


ChatGPT 0.1

That’s the size of California.

Best case scenario: the country magically heals up over the next 100 years (my point is Putin will be dead by than) this would give Ukraine a burst, Russia will see adding Ukraine and they’re still viewed as the bad guys. /hot take.


We're setting ourselves up for a containment of Russia at the Ukrainian border.

It makes me wonder if they will make attempts to provoke us when the time comes.
Provoke us to do what? Write more academic theories about how we are responsible for every bad thing they do, so we feel more powerful and important than we are?


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

I'm so conflicted. I want NATO to go in and destroy the Russian army and help the people of Ukraine, otherwise this is going to go on for a long time and more and more of this tragic events are going to happen. This is why Zelensky has been begging for a no fly zone.

On the other hand, that means war with the CSTO and possibly nuclear conflict.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion

That’s the size of California.

Best case scenario: the country magically heals up over the next 100 years (my point is Putin will be dead by than) this would give Ukraine a burst, Russia will see adding Ukraine and they’re still viewed as the bad guys. /hot take.
If they won the war, the renovation would be fairly quick I think, look at Jugoslavia and countries which the collapse created, something like Croatia was rebuild very fast. And I am sure that west will invest there heavily anyway.


The pressure on the Russian people possibly could turn on Putin soon. Yes, a lot of people support him now, but with the Russian economy burning and the country becoming a pariah state, I'm not sure how much longer the people will continue their support.
At this point the fact I don't see Putler letting people rioting and anarchy in the streets deter him from whatever end goal he is seeking. If anything if the chaos gets too close to home for him he may go Tienanmen square and use extreme violence to pacify any threats from the public.
That’s the subtle worry from many analysts I’ve seen too come day 30-60. Putin won’t back down because he’s a psychotic narcissist who can’t admit failure and much like Hitler in the end he’d rather see Moscow burn than surrender. He’s backed into a corner and so he may use something like a tactical nuke to get Ukraine to submit…sadly a small megaton tactical nuclear bomb in Kyiv might be the one assassination attempt on Zelinsky that would succeed. Hell it wouldn’t even have to be Kyiv it could be some back water in the middle of the country and it would still open Pandora’s box.
I think he will 100% bomb a city into a fiery rubble to get an immediate surrender, probably won't start with the capital, he'll use a smaller city as a warning. and I wouldn't guess he would use nukes, but who knows right?
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I believe the list is about (diagnosed) alcoholism per country, regardless how it was achieved?
Thing is, a lot of time about alcoholism is by counting how many alcoholic drinks you have per day/week etc...
and if certain drink is not considered alcoholic beverage... then it would not count, no?

Say, other countries included beer as alcoholic beverage - and Russia didn't - I assume it would alter the scores quite a bit. (but can't be sure how much)
I did also hear that life expectancy of Russian men skyrocketed during past decade - as a result of more strict laws regarding alcohol (including this specific beer law too.)


Can’t Git Gud
Right, let's burn 10k qubic meters of fuel and start this stupid war.
We don't really have a global climate warming.... I have to use paper straws because europe is so strict. I have to segregate trash and don't use too many resources.
Then russian dictator just burns shitton of fuel. No amount of savviness by European citizens would equal to this loss.
That's why I think that all this saving, trash segregation and paper straws is bs.... if all the effort is lost by whole east who dont give a shit about anything. China and india too.
Anyway - Fuel in Poland is really expensive now. Everything is getting a bit more expensive too. But we are still safe somehow


Flashless at the Golden Globes

As funny as this is and as balsy as these Ukranians are, you have to give it to the Russian soldiers who are not acting like animals you see in wars. The russian army was absolutely brutal in Afghanistan killing civilians left and right and their war crimes during WW2 are legendary. In post war germany, they might have raped upto 2 million German women. I mean I dont see the U.S Soldiers leaving private property in Iraq when told to do so.

I dont know. This just gives me hope and proves to me that not all hope is lost and not all Russians are as bad as Putin.


Standard Russian Armed Forces operating procedure.


New York Times Report:

Nice operation standard bombarding sick children. Every soldier, comander, general involved should be considered war criminal and judged in haia.
If I was a soldier I would rather shot myself then bombard an hospital.

How is it possible that someone could do something like this. I hope that's fake or else burn all in hell...


Only thing worse would be someone who would launch a nuke right when he has the chance.

There are still many other terrible options conceivable, like a break up of the Russian federation with thousands of nukes hanging in the balance.

For example, Navalny (current inprisoned opposition leader) is also a staunch nationalist and would likely not give back crimea
I'm so conflicted. I want NATO to go in and destroy the Russian army and help the people of Ukraine, otherwise this is going to go on for a long time and more and more of this tragic events are going to happen. This is why Zelensky has been begging for a no fly zone.

On the other hand, that means war with the CSTO and possibly nuclear conflict.

As much as I hate this situation we need to de-escalate the conflict, participating in this war would mean declaring war to Putin, which would lead to a worldwide nuclear disaster.

I believe our best chance of “winning” this is by cutting ties with Russia (Putin), help the ukrainian people with every resource in our hands, and learn from this for other countries in a similar situation, prepare for the worst and tighten the relationships of the NATO an EU countries since countries such as Moldavia might be their next target, who knows..
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As funny as this is and as balsy as these Ukranians are, you have to give it to the Russian soldiers who are not acting like animals you see in wars. The russian army was absolutely brutal in Afghanistan killing civilians left and right and their war crimes during WW2 are legendary. In post war germany, they might have raped upto 2 million German women. I mean I dont see the U.S Soldiers leaving private property in Iraq when told to do so.

I dont know. This just gives me hope and proves to me that not all hope is lost and not all Russians are as bad as Putin.

i think a lot of it has to do with being about to speak Russian and the culture for many of the older Ukranines is very similar. They can appeal to them much easier and probably see them as confused grandsons and Russians probably see them as not unlike their own, some units anyway. It's easier to dehumanize people that don't look/act the same.
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Gold Member
I'm so conflicted. I want NATO to go in and destroy the Russian army and help the people of Ukraine, otherwise this is going to go on for a long time and more and more of this tragic events are going to happen. This is why Zelensky has been begging for a no fly zone.

On the other hand, that means war with the CSTO and possibly nuclear conflict.

CSTO would not declare war with NATO, with the exception of maybe Belarus.


At this point the fact I don't see Putler letting people rioting and anarchy in the streets deter him from whatever end goal he is seeking. If anything if the chaos gets too close to home for him he may go Tienanmen square and use extreme violence to pacify any threats from the public.

I think he will 100% bomb a city into a fiery rubble to get an immediate surrender, probably won't start with the capital, he'll use a smaller city as a warning. and I wouldn't guess he would use nukes, but who knows right?
That’s the thing though a tactical nuke on a specific target isn’t going to produce as much fallout and it’s arguably less deadly immediately than a full scale WWII era style firebombing. Like obviously the Hiroshima long term effects were horrible but firebombing of Tokyo killed way more people agregately. He’s definitely not using ICBMs against NATO but tactically nuking one city in the middle of nowhere would scare the shit out of people and rightly so….maybe I’ve watched too many episodes of 24 but the thought of a nuke going off in like San Bernardino an hour or so from LA was equally terrifying.

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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

More crimes for Russia to the pile, since they will never face prosecution.

Is ammonia even considered a chemical weapon? It's nasty stuff, but I usually think of Nerve agents, mustard gas etc when I think of chemical weapons.
Is ammonia even considered a chemical weapon? It's nasty stuff, but I usually think of Nerve agents, mustard gas etc when I think of chemical weapons.

I am not familiar with it, but does it matter at this time? I can see them using real Nerve agents while complaining it was not them. Hell, I can see Putin doing a live event pouring poison on a village himself and blaming Ukraine for it.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
As much as I hate this situation we need to de-escalate the conflict, participating in this war would mean declaring war to Putin, which would lead to a worldwide nuclear disaster.

I believe our best chance of “winning” this is by cutting ties with Russia (Putin), help the ukrainian people with every resource in our hands, and learn from this for other countries in a similar situation, prepare for the worst and tighten the relationships of the NATO an EU countries since countries such as Moldavia might be their next target.

I don't know if it's likely to happen, but some are saying this conflict could result in the creation of an EU army and unified European state. Although, I'm pretty sure that would be a very hard sell to people living in current European countries.

CSTO would not declare war with NATO, with the exception of maybe Belarus.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure an attack on one CSTO member would mean the other CSTO members would have to join the war. I thought it was very similar to NATO in that regard.


That’s the thing though a tactical nuke on a specific target isn’t going to produce as much fallout and it’s arguably less deadly immediately than a full scale WWII era style firebombing. Like obviously the Hiroshima long term effects were horrible but firebombing of Tokyo killed way more people agregately. He’s definitely not using ICBMs against NATO but tactically nuking one city in the middle of nowhere would scare the shit out of people and rightly so….maybe I’ve watched too many episodes of 24 but the thought of a nuke going off in like San Bernardino an hour or so from LA was equally terrifying.

Yeah I agree with you it would be done first in a small city to send a message. I saw a rumor that putin may have parkinson's disease, who knows what other ailments are present that no one knows about. Everybody knows the guys is a narcissistic shit bag with no regard for the lives of others and will do anything to get or stay ahead. Maybe its was his plan all along to start a world war and he knows his time is close and wants to take the world with him like the villain in Tenet.


That’s the thing though a tactical nuke on a specific target isn’t going to produce as much fallout and it’s arguably less deadly immediately than a full scale WWII era style firebombing. Like obviously the Hiroshima long term effects were horrible but firebombing of Tokyo killed way more people agregately. He’s definitely not using ICBMs against NATO but tactically nuking one city in the middle of nowhere would scare the shit out of people and rightly so….maybe I’ve watched too many episodes of 24 but the thought of a nuke going off in like San Bernardino an hour or so from LA was equally terrifying.

The problem is if you believe Putin is a mad man, and that other mad men around the globe are seeking nukes; at some point a large pre-emptive nuclear strike doesn't seem like the worst idea compared to cowtowing to these monsters. But wtf do I know?

I am no fan of Biden at all. Not one single bit. But I will admit that I am glad he is in charge right now. Slow and steady may just get us through this.
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Also from another note PoS Russian composer Gergiev was fired and cut ties in the West for his refusal to condemn his pal Putin:

This reminded me of another composer who stayed in Germany during WW2, protected his Jewish musicians and got shit flung his way after the war, arguably the most brilliant composer of all time:

As Jew Yehudi Menuhin said:
It was his greatness that attracted hatred
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member


Totally unconcerned that her son murdered defenseless captive civilians in cold blood after undressing them because he's bringing home a 500 watt blender.
The Simpsons GIF by FOX TV

Also, I read Chernobyl was taken off the grid and that it causes a SMALL problem that the cooling system for fuel rods is not working - anyone heard about this?


Can’t Git Gud

I have no words...

fucking trash... they were always like this.
Russian army always pillaged, raped and took everything that was not bolted to the floor.
They are idiots and murderers "haha I shot a car (with people) and took the big ass tv".
USA got 1 hummer and 1 very well equipped and trained soldier.
Russa in this place got 20 shit trucks and 20 murderers...
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Provoke us to do what? Write more academic theories about how we are responsible for every bad thing they do, so we feel more powerful and important than we are?

Well yes, that, but also they can shell us from the other side of the Ukrainian border to provoke us to enter.
As much as I hate this situation we need to de-escalate the conflict, participating in this war would mean declaring war to Putin, which would lead to a worldwide nuclear disaster.

I believe our best chance of “winning” this is by cutting ties with Russia (Putin), help the ukrainian people with every resource in our hands, and learn from this for other countries in a similar situation, prepare for the worst and tighten the relationships of the NATO an EU countries since countries such as Moldavia might be their next target, who knows..
Yep that is best scenario.

Heavy Russia sanctions + making sure Ukraine army is well fed with the best arms Nato can provide.

That's unless Putin declares that an act of war too. Seems like anything these days can be an act of war. Biden could take a piss on the Russian flag and Putin would declare it an act of war.


Well yes, that, but also they can shell us from the other side of the Ukrainian border to provoke us to enter.
Provoking us to escalate is the exact opposite of what they want. They want to prove they are eager to escalate the levels of barbarism more than us in order to terrorize us into doing nothing while they carry out their empire building activities.


It's just propaganda. IAEA says it's not an issue.

I am not sure about that, seems they forgot about 'lot 3'.

The ICSRM comprises four facilities. 'Lot 0' is temporary storage for low- and intermediate-level long-lived waste as well as high-level waste. This is within the Liquid and Solid Waste Storage Facility and was commissioned in 2010.

'Lot 1' will retrieve solid wastes from an existing solid waste storage facility. It will handle 3 cubic metres of waste per day over an operational life of 30 years.

'Lot 2' will sort solid wastes and process low- and intermediate-level wastes at the rate of 20 cubic metres per day. Some solid and liquid wastes will be incinerated, and some will be cemented. It can package 1.5 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level long-lived waste per day, and can store 3500 cubic metres of them and high-level waste.

'Lot 3' is a near-surface storage facility for low- and intermediate-level short-lived waste with a capacity of 55,000 cubic metres. It will accept waste for 30 years and store it for 300 years.

The facility has been in commissioning since May 2014.

Without power, lot 3 will overheat in two weeks according to operators.

But I guess, that there is no "immediate" danger, just worry about it in two weeks?
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Gold Member
I don't know if it's likely to happen, but some are saying this conflict could result in the creation of an EU army and unified European state. Although, I'm pretty sure that would be a very hard sell to people living in current European countries.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure an attack on one CSTO member would mean the other CSTO members would have to join the war. I thought it was very similar to NATO in that regard.

But no one is attacking Russia. I think it would be incredibly thin for their alliance to say Russia's misadventures in Ukraine and the act to defend Ukraine would equal an attack on the collective. It's possible, but if no one attacks Russian political territory that the alliance wouldn't trigger a wider response. It'd also be suicide for them.
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