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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Why are you people constantly trying to derail the thread to discuss Trump and Republicans?

I know, right? Every time we get this thread back on track about Russian war atrocities and the fight back by the plucky underdog Ukrainians, somebody pipes up about how awful Biden is, or how great people like Tucker Carlson are.

It’s almost as if some right wing Americans are more concerned with winning petty US political squabbles than they are condemning or talking about the actions of the Russian fascist government.

One of Putin’s greatest assets in the past few years is Americans intent on denigrating or destroying their own political system, for the sake of their own partisan beliefs.

Democracts and Republicans should be joined wholeheartedly in condemnation of Russia… like most other western countries right and left wings… but instead the pettiness carries on. It’s pretty fucking shameful really.

Can we properly ban all American pointless, irrelevant political discussion in here from now on?
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How ironic that anti-vaxers claim mandates are totalitarian domestically and yet support totalitarianism abroad?
I dunno. I’ve been following both sides on this, and from what I can tell, team red is saying “it’s not our problem,” and blue is “it’s totally our problem” 🤷🏼‍♂️

Personally, I just hope the international conflict ends with Ukraine and doesn’t go any further 🙏
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Junior Member
So say what you want about people like Tucker Carlson or Maddow but at least they’re upfront about where they are coming from. They don’t cloak themselves as impartiality like some kind of wolf in sheep’s clothing. The idea that “news” is some sacred enterprise only that some kind of journalistic priesthood gets to partake isn’t how things work.
As I said I have no problem with them spouting whatever they want domestically. However, this is no longer Red vs. Blue type rhetoric from him and he still has a very large audience. Those two factors to me are concerning. I am not advocating censorship, but pointing out that it is concerning and yeah it pisses me off.


As I said I have no problem with them spouting whatever they want domestically. However, this is no longer Red vs. Blue type rhetoric from him and he still has a very large audience. Those two factors to me are concerning. I am not advocating censorship, but pointing out that it is concerning and yeah it pisses me off.

The fact that Fox News reporters are dying in Ukraine trying to cover the truth, while that sack of shit is still on air, parroting the Kremlin's propaganda, is something people should be pretty ashamed about. They won't be. But they should.


I know, right? Every time we get this thread back on track about Russian war atrocities and the fight back by the plucky underdog Ukrainians, somebody pipes up about how awful Biden is, or how great people like Tucker Carlson are.

Nice bullshit.

It's very transparent which side the bile is being spewed from.

The neverending finger-pointers are having a hard time keeping their toxicity at bay. Oh irony of old.


Nice bullshit.

It's very transparent which side the bile is being spewed from.

The neverending finger-pointers are having a hard time keeping their toxicity at bay. Oh irony of old.

Nah. It’s both sides, and all American. Hence why the rest of us are sick of it. The fact some of you still insist it’s all the other side’s fault is what’s most laughable. A moron for a president, followed by a geriatric. The constant petty bickering in the US is one of the main reasons Putin felt he could do what he’s done. And he did his own part in building the partisan resentment in America. Hopefully more will realise this now.
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Nah. It’s both sides, and all American. Hence why the rest of us are sick of it. The fact some of you still insist it’s all the other side’s fault is what’s most laughable. A moron for a president, followed by a geriatric. The constant petty bickering in the US is one of the main reasons Putin felt he could do what he’s done. And he did his own part in building the partisan resentment in America. Hopefully more will realise this now.

Forget about America or the rest of the world. I'm talking about this thread.

Best to shut up about the anti-vaxxers, Trumpers, and Tucker Carlson enjoyers.

Stick to what's actually happening in Ukraine.


Gold Member
The US expanded its kleptocracy enforcement program to include the Russian Federation. Up to $5 million USD reward available for locating stolen assets from rich Russian kleptocrats with more available from the IRS.




shit is getting weird boys
If you think that's weird:

The prof in that article makes it seem like those things are unrelated and therefore it's a problem of disinfo but it does cohere in the "conspirituality" frame


This really isn't about the US at all.
Its about Ukraine and Russia and, to a lesser extent... always a lesser extent, Belarus.

We really don't need to make it about us.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
This thread is a resource for following news and updates about the invasion of Ukraine. Keep the partisan American political bickering out of here, and keep the Russian propaganda out of here. If you see either, don’t engage with it as the thread will tend to derail for 500 replies on the spot. Let the mods remove them instead.

Thanks. Now, back to the war.


Forget about America or the rest of the world. I'm talking about this thread.

Best to shut up about the anti-vaxxers, Trumpers, and Tucker Carlson enjoyers.

Stick to what's actually happening in Ukraine.

I'm not the one bringing up US politics, mate.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion


For people who want a look at how it seems from the other side, I just watched this interview, and it seems revealing. I think the information war is worth looking at objectively if possible.



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
"Believe me, I am absolutely honest," she said, so this kindly old lady must be telling the truth.

She also says that Ukrainian cities have not been destroyed at all:

Something only possible to believe if you're blind and on a 24/7 drip feed of Russian propaganda.


"Believe me, I am absolutely honest," she said, so this kindly old lady must be telling the truth.
Yeah, never trust anyone who has to say how they are being honest up front.

The big conspiracy theory they believe in is that the west that won WW2 no longer exists and has been subverted by Nazi infiltrators who have now joined up with Nazi sleeper cells in Ukraine. From the allies only Russia and China stand strong. That is what you are getting into if you go down this "just one battalion" rabbit hole.

I think a lot of this comes from how WW2 is taught in Russia and how they don't look at the dark side of their own history. Something similar is true in Britain, probably, and many people think that the old empire could come back overnight and the good people of the world would just open up their arms and welcome us back.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yeah, never trust anyone who has to say how they are being honest up front.

The big conspiracy theory they believe in is that the west that won WW2 no longer exists and has been subverted by Nazi infiltrators who have now joined up with Nazi sleeper cells in Ukraine. From the allies only Russia and China stand strong. That is what you are getting into if you go down this "just one battalion" rabbit hole.

I think a lot of this comes from how WW2 is taught in Russia and how they don't look at the dark side of their own history. Something similar is true in Britain, probably, and many people think that the old empire could come back overnight and the good people of the world would just open up their arms and welcome us back.
US/UK universities do the opposite of glorifying our histories. All of the shortcomings are brought to light. Foreign politicians accustomed to propaganda try to leverage this all the time, but fail to grasp how ridiculous they look to westerners.


US/UK universities do the opposite of glorifying our histories. All of the shortcomings are brought to light. Foreign politicians accustomed to propaganda try to leverage this all the time, but fail to grasp how ridiculous they look to westerners.
This problem for Russia is fuelled by them just not understanding or caring about how other people see them. They are the ones who always talk about a new "multipolar world" but there is only one pole they actually care about.


Gold Member
He's not going to use nuclear weapons on Ukraine. It would be pointless and not assist Russia in anyway. Even if Russia losses, they're not going to nuke Ukraine out of spite.
False logic. What he’s already done hasn’t helped Russia in any way.

There are only two scenarios here. You either

a) Believe he’s a rational actor and therefore his actions can be predicted.

b) Believe he’s irrational and unpredictable.

The answer here is nobody knows for sure. So claiming a) as a certainty which your premise relies on is only a possibility, not a certainty.

I agree that likely it won’t happen, however Russia has already escalated to the use of hypersonic missiles. That is concerning as is Putins recent speeches and rallies. Those are not indicative of reason.


I’m not sure what kind of escalation hypersonic missiles represent…they’re still conventional missiles, the hypersonic feature is meant to circumvent countermeasures, as far as I know? Thermobaric weapons in civilian areas still seem far worse, and they’ve been using those this whole time
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"Believe me, I am absolutely honest," she said, so this kindly old lady must be telling the truth.

She also says that Ukrainian cities have not been destroyed at all:

Something only possible to believe if you're blind and on a 24/7 drip feed of Russian propaganda.

"This will end the same happy end as with Nazi Germany, we will withdraw from Ukraine after this noble and honest goal is realized, ETC..."

My god, what an insufferable person. Us Europeans wanted to be liberated from the Nazi boot. We welcomed our liberators with open arms and with it formed a new bond of friendship with the American people. There is nothing noble and honest about what Russia is inflicting on Ukraine. People who want to be liberated would not fight back like that and the people of Ukraine will carry a newfound hate for their neighbors for a very long time.

The cynical "etcetera" at the end of her sentence clearly indicates that she doesn't even believe in the crap that she is spouting. "We are doing the noble thing, yada yada yada....", for sure she's only in it for her own personal gains. That is why we need to help Ukraine as much as possible, irrespective of your own short-term economical and political interests. It will show our Eastern-European brethren that we seek mutual cooperation and are not a threat to them. It will lend testament to the fact that their pro-Russian regimes are a poison pill and that Russia merely sees them as prey, ready for the slaughter when the time is ripe. It will form a new bond of friendship and international cooperation.

It is crazy how outmoded and obsolete Russian propaganda has become in light of modern democratic information societies. It's like they haven't evolved at all and are still applying cold war era disinformation tactics. It's laughably bad. The sooner the Russian people realize that they are being held hostage by their own oligarchic regime, the better. Natalya Narochnitskaya is not working for the Russian people, she is working into her own pockets and those of her cronies.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I’m not sure what kind of escalation hypersonic missiles represent…they’re still conventional missiles, the hypersonic feature is meant to circumvent countermeasures, as far as I know? Thermobaric weapons in civilian areas still seem far worse, and they’ve been using those this whole time
It was just a flex for the west. Obviously thermobaric missile on Ukrainian soil is way worse.

It is crazy how outmoded and obsolete Russian propaganda has become in light of modern democratic information societies. It's like they haven't evolved at all and are still applying cold war era disinformation tactics. It's laughably bad. The sooner the Russian people realize that they are being held hostage by their own oligarchic regime, the better. Natalya Narochnitskaya is not working for the Russian people, she is working into her own pockets and those of her cronies.
Maybe domestic wise, but you are really underestimating what Russia was able to do internationally with their propaganda. They know that they can apply force domestic wise, so they don't need to get creative.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
"This will end the same happy end as with Nazi Germany, we will withdraw from Ukraine after this noble and honest goal is realized, ETC..."

My god, what an insufferable person. Us Europeans wanted to be liberated from the Nazi boot. We welcomed our liberators with open arms and with it formed a new bond of friendship with the American people. There is nothing noble and honest about what Russia is inflicting on Ukraine. People who want to be liberated would not fight back like that and the people of Ukraine will carry a newfound hate for their neighbors for a very long time.

The cynical "etcetera" at the end of her sentence clearly indicates that she doesn't even believe in the crap that she is spouting. "We are doing the noble thing, yada yada yada....", for sure she's only in it for her own personal gains. That is why we need to help Ukraine as much as possible, irrespective of your own short-term economical and political interests. It will show our Eastern-European brethren that we seek mutual cooperation and are not a threat to them. It will lend testament to the fact that their pro-Russian regimes are a poison pill and that Russia merely sees them as prey, ready for the slaughter when the time is ripe. It will form a new bond of friendship and international cooperation.

It is crazy how outmoded and obsolete Russian propaganda has become in light of modern democratic information societies. It's like they haven't evolved at all and are still applying cold war era disinformation tactics. It's laughably bad. The sooner the Russian people realize that they are being held hostage by their own oligarchic regime, the better. Natalya Narochnitskaya is not working for the Russian people, she is working into her own pockets and those of her cronies.
Well said. I'm sure that most Ukrainians, despite expressing frustration that NATO countries aren't doing more to help, are still appreciative of the support currently given by the west. Countless Europeans are taking Ukrainian refugees into their homes. Americans have been training Ukrainian soldiers there for months in the lead-up to the conflict, and private citizens are still going over there now to continue that (and probably some not-so-private citizens with plausible deniability). The Javelins and Stingers have been putting in work.

You can see here (timecoded), for example:

Maximum cool.

This war will bring the western world closer (inclusively of Ukrainians, one way or another), and the evils of totalitarianism back into crystal clarity for decades to come.



…I’m really worried that the Russian soldiers who might’ve been hesitant to fire on civilians earlier on will become desensitized to the idea, or frustrated with seeing their buddies blown up, and just be fine slaughtering everyone in their sights. Things may just get uglier and uglier until some sort of agreement is reached


Gold Member
This thread is a resource for following news and updates about the invasion of Ukraine. Keep the partisan American political bickering out of here, and keep the Russian propaganda out of here. If you see either, don’t engage with it as the thread will tend to derail for 500 replies on the spot. Let the mods remove them instead.

Thanks. Now, back to the war.
I think some people are doing it on purpose


For those who are interested, use this map to model effects of a nuclear payload of a certain size.


This was created by Alex Wellerstein who is an accredited historian.
Russian Orthodox church blesses nuclear weapons.

As bin Laden cited the 11th century Crusades and Putin seeks a return to the 10th century idea of holy Russia, both have reacted to a modern world. Both products of it, both seeking to remake it. As bin Laden glamorised warfare and was often photographed with a gun, so Putin has glorified Russia's history of war and its symbols of military might.

Again, the church is central. Russian Orthodox priests bless nuclear weapons.
Russian Orthodoxy has its own version of jihad, what is called podvig — a spiritual struggle. As Cesari says, podvig defines wars that took place in Russia from the 1300s to World War II and the wars in Chechnya.

Priests have sanctified S-400 surface-to-air missiles, nuclear submarines, tanks and fighter jets.

Those blessings sure helped those tanks and planes find their resting place. It's like they're cursed.


Count of Concision
For those who are interested, use this map to model effects of a nuclear payload of a certain size.


This was created by Alex Wellerstein who is an accredited historian.

I recall hearing that this tool is somewhat inaccurate/irrelevant because it models a single warhead, whereas an actual strike would likely consist of a missile with multiple (5-10) warheads which fan out and hit multiple targets. Is that incorrect?


Gold Member
I recall hearing that this tool is somewhat inaccurate/irrelevant because it models a single warhead, whereas an actual strike would likely consist of a missile with multiple (5-10) warheads which fan out and hit multiple targets. Is that incorrect?
Most likely what you are saying is correct. Not sure how to model what you would be saying though.

There are limitations to every model. This gives a good indication of a single warhead under optimal circumstances is all.


Gold Member

…I’m really worried that the Russian soldiers who might’ve been hesitant to fire on civilians earlier on will become desensitized to the idea, or frustrated with seeing their buddies blown up, and just be fine slaughtering everyone in their sights. Things may just get uglier and uglier until some sort of agreement is reached

fist shake GIF


Most likely what you are saying is correct. Not sure how to model what you would be saying though.

There are limitations to every model. This gives a good indication of a single warhead under optimal circumstances is all.
All I know is if it comes to that, I hope we’re at ground zero because I don’t really want to LARP The Road
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