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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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This is what I expected since Putin is fucked.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin spokesman refuses to rule out use of nuclear weapons if Russia faced an 'existential threat' - CNN​



At the same time, they can say this while invading any other country. This would be like all the world is hostage from Rusia.

Fuck Putin.


A boxing youtuber I follow has a good taken on this whole Ukraine affair, commentating on the two popular Ukrainian boxers Usyk and Lomachenko.



It won't be long, maybe 30 years from now and we could have Yugoslavia.

EU army will mean WW3. People thinking EU are friendly people honestly need to read some history books. EU army will 100% war anything on its boarders and expand like it did in the past nothing changed EU is far worse then russia and america on this front, hell i would not be shocked that EU and US will be at war with eachother to control the sea's not soon after. U can already see this with the EU itself with its trade agreements. Like what the fuck are they even doing in ukraine with that shit? now image if they had a army. We would now 100% be in a war with russia or on there boarders pushing to moskou.

The best EU is a weak and powerless EU without military, with a bunch of useless divided leaders that shit talk each other all day long.

Anybody for militarizing Europe is honestly insane.
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I believe this is just burning due to the exit from Poland, because if Russia tries to do another stupid war they will get double fucked.

“Smoke can be seen coming from the Russian Embassy in the Polish Capital City of Warsaw, there are claims that Russian Diplomats are burning documents, the same thing was done at the Russian Embassy in the Ukrainian Capital City of Kyiv right before the Invasion of February 24th.”​


This is what I expected since Putin is fucked.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin spokesman refuses to rule out use of nuclear weapons if Russia faced an 'existential threat' - CNN​



At the same time, they can say this while invading any other country. This would be like all the world is hostage from Rusia.

Fuck Putin.

Not to be a dick, but I posted a link to the Russian doctrine almost a month ago -- see post here

This really isn't a change as much as it's a reinforcement of doctrine and reminder that we, in the West, should really step back from ideas of regime change. There is a certain strain of the American political class, embodied by the former neocon right who has now shifted leftward that has never seen an opportunity for war or expanding conflict they don't like.

My opinion, for the hell of it, is that should never be our goal, which is to turn off this fucking ridiculous war before more innocents die and return to a Minsk I/II protocol like arrangement.

I believe this is just burning due to the exit from Poland, because if Russia tries to do another stupid war they will get double fucked.

“Smoke can be seen coming from the Russian Embassy in the Polish Capital City of Warsaw, there are claims that Russian Diplomats are burning documents, the same thing was done at the Russian Embassy in the Ukrainian Capital City of Kyiv right before the Invasion of February 24th.”​




Wonder what they're up to. They could attack Poland with surgical strikes to prevent a MiG or equipment transfer since we're pipelining everything in that way, but that's uber risky, right.

I don't believe Russia has the front-line forces to wage such a wider campaign. Right now roughly 70% of their military is involved in the Ukraine and after the fucking beating they've taken, they won't be war-worthy for years maybe? They need to maintain a strategic defense as well, which is why our intelligence has seen them moving Far-east forces to cover in Europe.


It sounds like the EU has another sanctions package cutting off gas trade ready to go if Russia crosses more red lines, which are speculated to be some sort of WMD/chemical weapon use. I’m not sure anyone is going to do more than that unless Russia does hit NATO countries, and even then, I bet it’s slap on the wrist
The EU won't be cutting off gas trade. Germany and quiet a lot of the other EU members depend on it.
EU army will mean WW3. People thinking EU are friendly people honestly need to read some history books. EU army will 100% war anything on its boarders and expand like it did in the past nothing changed EU is far worse then russia and america on this front, hell i would not be shocked that EU and US will be at war with eachother to control the sea's not soon after. U can already see this with the EU itself with its trade agreements. Like what the fuck are they even doing in ukraine with that shit? now image if they had a army. We would now 100% be in a war with russia or on there boarders pushing to moskou.

The best EU is a weak and powerless EU without military, with a bunch of useless divided leaders that shit talk each other all day long.

Anybody for militarizing Europe is honestly insane.
Everyone was cheering as Germany announced they were going to heavily invest in their military. Not sure why people were cheering.
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Wonder what they're up to. They could attack Poland with surgical strikes to prevent a MiG or equipment transfer since we're pipelining everything in that way, but that's uber risky, right.

I don't believe Russia has the front-line forces to wage such a wider campaign. Right now roughly 70% of their military is involved in the Ukraine and after the fucking beating they've taken, they won't be war-worthy for years maybe? They need to maintain a strategic defense as well, which is why our intelligence has seen them moving Far-east forces to cover in Europe.
Poland is a NATO country, Russia will not attack Poland...
EU army will mean WW3. People thinking EU are friendly people honestly need to read some history books. EU army will 100% war anything on its boarders and expand like it did in the past nothing changed EU is far worse then russia and america on this front, hell i would not be shocked that EU and US will be at war with eachother to control the sea's not soon after. U can already see this with the EU itself with its trade agreements. Like what the fuck are they even doing in ukraine with that shit? now image if they had a army. We would now 100% be in a war with russia or on there boarders pushing to moskou.

The best EU is a weak and powerless EU without military, with a bunch of useless divided leaders that shit talk each other all day long.

Anybody for militarizing Europe is honestly insane.

The EU is a mess because all of your leaders drank the cool aid after WW2 and decided it was best to use economic mechanisms to integrate, and to try to eliminate rather than celebrate cultural differences.

It's the same thinking that had the US getting cozy with China. If we integrate our economies enough no one will ever go to war. There are a lot of assumptions baked into this belief system and if any of them are untrue the world was headed for disaster since WW2 ended.

Probably the EU army would be invading Poland or Hungary long before they ever got to deal with Russia. For now trade agreements and sanctions take the place of armies. Fundamentally the problem is your leaders don't think its okay for these countries to hold on to their differences.
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EU army will mean WW3. People thinking EU are friendly people honestly need to read some history books. EU army will 100% war anything on its boarders and expand like it did in the past nothing changed EU is far worse then russia and america on this front, hell i would not be shocked that EU and US will be at war with eachother to control the sea's not soon after.

tell me your IQ is below 80 without telling me your IQ is below 80


Anybody for militarizing Europe is honestly insane.

Europe is already militarised. It’s called NATO. That’s kind of the point here.

Brexit was the single most dumbest thing the Brits have done. A EU army is the only way forward if we Europeans want to pull our own weight. The Ukraine conflict just accelerated that process, as European countries finally recognize the values of their union.

As above. There is no need, and never has been any need, for an EU army. It’s a concept driven by stupid political ideology rather than pragmatism or common sense.

Europeans can pull their own weight by paying the amount they should be into NATO.

The fact they weren’t is one of the major contributing factors to Putin’s invasion. It’s taken whats happened for the major EU members to wake up and start taking their responsibilities seriously.
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I'm quite unhappy that Russia has bought a new wave of fascist warmongering to Europe in my lifetime, this time backed with nuclear terrorism. I'm trying to think of anything worse in Europe at the moment, but I can't.
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Gold Member
The EU is a mess because all of your leaders drank the cool aid after WW2 and decided it was best to use economic mechanisms to integrate, and to try to eliminate rather than celebrate cultural differences.
What does this even mean. Who is trying to eliminate cultural differences? How does that even work via trade?
What does this even mean. Who is trying to eliminate cultural differences? How does that even work via trade?

There are balance of trade issues with the Euro, and other issues related to their use of a common currency while having separate governments that have a coercive effect on the behavior of individuals. I studied some of these issues in college, and at the time some mainstream economists were predicting that the EU would have to fundamentally change and might even break up over it. This was being debated in mainstream news quite a bit in the years following the 2008 financial crises. Much of this debate centered around cultural differences.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Zelensky is the useful idiot for the USA, he knew it and had even been warned many times in the past from Russia for starting cooperation with nato.
Russia does not get to dictate the foreign policy of sovereign nations. So Russia's so-called warnings mean exactly jack and shit in the grand scheme of things. The attitude that you are taking would be like suggesting that the US go to war with Canada over a political policy that they disagree with. Which is fucking stupid. Russia can stamp its feet and piss it's little britches until the cows come home when places like ukraine, finland, sweden, or anyone else want to join NATO all they want. The reality of the situation is they don't get a fucking say in it. Full stop. It's not their country. They can kick rocks.

And right now Russia is seeing the consequences of trying to dictate foreign policy to other sovereign Nations. They have destroyed their economy, killed thousands of their own soldiers, lost billions in military equipment, and have literally fucking nothing to show for it.

TL;DR: Who fucking cares what Russia wants and what they "warned" Ukraine about. Fuck them.
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Yeah, never trust anyone who has to say how they are being honest up front.

The big conspiracy theory they believe in is that the west that won WW2 no longer exists and has been subverted by Nazi infiltrators who have now joined up with Nazi sleeper cells in Ukraine. From the allies only Russia and China stand strong. That is what you are getting into if you go down this "just one battalion" rabbit hole.

I think a lot of this comes from how WW2 is taught in Russia and how they don't look at the dark side of their own history. Something similar is true in Britain, probably, and many people think that the old empire could come back overnight and the good people of the world would just open up their arms and welcome us back.

The US culture and western education in general does a shit job at explaining that CCCP did the heavy lifting on the western front in WW2. Most of the nazi casualties were done by communists as long as most of the killings full stop, it was a shit show on both sides.

WW2 wasn't this big heroic struggle for liberty and peace for the russian, it was a fight for survival. Their outlook is different than the US one that painted itself as the big liberator.

As an armoured vehicle enthusiast this one hurts, but within specific very autistic circles Ukraine has just destroyed a legend. Not to be confused with the "Black Eagle" as that never had a functioning turret, this was the real deal, and was essentially a one off "Ultimate T-80". This thing never belonged on a battlefield but should have been in a museum.

Well done Ukraine, this is akin to some one shooting down the prototype of the RAH-66 Comanche. Anouther Russian legend destroyed on your soil.

It's not looking hood for armored Warfare ATM, the defensive weapons are at a big advantage by being way cheaper and easier to use. I don't think most tanks would have faired any better, including most western ones.

No they were not misguided just people like yourself thinking you know what the leavers actually want.

They don't want to be ruled and governed thousands of miles away. I'm not getting into the brexit argument I cba. Just stop patronising people who did vote that way by thinking they were misled.
They understood the subsidies sent back to the UK were less than what they were putting in. They were a net contributor to the EU fact.

"Oh those silly uneducated, didn't know what they were voting for" ...choose your own choice of words here.

There is a big difference in philosophy between anglo-saxon Europe and the rest. Between short term interest and long term needs. There is a reason the UK wasn't invited a the beginning of the EU , they would probably have killed it right in the egg.

I think, like you, the leavers knew what they wanted and the short term consequences of that choice. And just like their view of the EU they are going to pay for their lack of vision long term.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
There are balance of trade issues with the Euro, and other issues related to their use of a common currency while having separate governments that have a coercive effect on the behavior of individuals. I studied some of these issues in college, and at the time some mainstream economists were predicting that the EU would have to fundamentally change and might even break up over it. This was being debated in mainstream news quite a bit in the years following the 2008 financial crises. Much of this debate centered around cultural differences.

Well, it was obviously a poorly conceived debate as we’re in 2022 and the EU soldiers on, much to the chagrin of our enemies who’d rather exploit our differences than seee us united and prosperous.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Zelensky is the useful idiot for the USA, he knew it and had even been warned many times in the past from Russia for starting cooperation with nato.
And you're basing this on...


Russia does not get to dictate the foreign policy of sovereign nations. So Russia's so-called warnings mean exactly jack and shit in the grand scheme of things. The attitude that you are taking would be like suggesting that the US go to war with Canada over a political policy that they disagree with. Which is fucking stupid. Russia can stamp its feet and piss it's little britches until the cows come home when places like ukraine, finland, sweden, or anyone else want to join NATO all they want. The reality of the situation is they don't get a fucking say in it. Full stop. It's not their country. They can kick rocks.

And right now Russia is seeing the consequences of trying to dictate foreign policy to other sovereign Nations. They have destroyed their economy, killed thousands of their own soldiers, lost billions in military equipment, and have literally fucking nothing to show for it.

TL;DR: Who fucking cares what Russia wants and what they "warned" Ukraine about. Fuck them.

Where are the global sanctions against the west? U.S and UK being the worst

For the regime raiding of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya? Who has got the worst record here? Or is it only countries in Europe the world gives two s***s about?

The hypocrisy we are seeing with these sanctions is off the charts.
Seriously I ask who has the worst record of sovereignty raiding? Its not Russia.
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Where are the global sanctions against the west? U.S and UK being the worst

For the regime raiding of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya? Who has got the worst record here? Or is it only countries in Europe the world gives two s***s about?

The hypocrisy we are seeing with these sanctions is off the charts.
Seriously I ask who has the worst record of sovereignty raiding? Its not Russia.

Iraq (2003) and Afghanistan (2001) are their own topics and you can do a historical analysis on the similarities and differences between the US and UK engagement there and Russia’s engagement here. But this is still complete whataboutism from you, trying to use a conversation that started with “well Russia warned Ukraine” just to muddy the waters on a specific discussion about a specific war.


Please stop posting seriously..
Germany had a great record before a couple leaders decimated that with 2 wars ..

Don’t confuse the actions of the west for trying to take down a country, it’s about Putin .. no one else . Or even Russia and the people in it .And it’s not about other countries at the moment .. don’t be stuck in the past . How would you fix this ? Start a total war ? These sanctions are placed to prevent a total war , there are no other options at the moment… If this won’t work we will be looking at a WW3 in about 5 years. Sadly most wars started this way , before escalating.. right now it’s following pretty much this pattern, maybe a WW3 can be deflected because we are all more connected with supplies and technology.. but most of the time it takes years to escalate.. it’s not weird either , because you try to work it out with talks and agreements until the last minute … war really is the last thing you want to do .. unless you are Putin , he seems to start a war and tries to talk afterwards.

It’s about what’s happening now .. what this man does right now, shows little sign of humanity left .. have you seen what he commands his army to do against regular people ? Little children .. it’s disgusting.
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Where are the global sanctions against the west? U.S and UK being the worst

For the regime raiding of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya? Who has got the worst record here? Or is it only countries in Europe the world gives two s***s about?

The hypocrisy we are seeing with these sanctions is off the charts.
Seriously I ask who has the worst record of sovereignty raiding? Its not Russia.

They are Literally bombing theatres full of children, shooting people in queues for bread, transporting Ukrainians to detention camps in Russia, and murdering pregnant women in hospitals.
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Where are the global sanctions against the west? U.S and UK being the worst

For the regime raiding of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya? Who has got the worst record here? Or is it only countries in Europe the world gives two s***s about?

The hypocrisy we are seeing with these sanctions is off the charts.
Seriously I ask who has the worst record of sovereignty raiding? Its not Russia.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Putin is a war criminal. He and this war must be stopped. Every effort should be made to to do that without dragging the world to war.

Should the west's first response be the last resort? Or should we turn a blind eye? Sanctions are the best choice at this stage.
Zelensky is the useful idiot for the USA, he knew it and had even been warned many times in the past from Russia for starting cooperation with nato.
Yes, russia be like: 'Don't try to defend yourself from an attack from us or we will attack'.

I can't believe people still believe this bullshit. For all the russian sympathizers here, why would it be so bad they joined Nato? So that the US could put weapons on Ukrainian land next to Russia? Who gives a fuck if they did.
If anything this war has proven is that if you have nukes, nobody will touch you even if you commit the worst war crimes imaginable. Even Russia talks shit about nukes but they know they'll be turned to glass like the rest of us if they even tried launching a single one. That's why they are only talking shit about NATO countries supplying the brave Ukrainias with weapons, while in a world without nukes they would've probably already declared war on all of NATO.

Or then again, maybe not as their army is a piece of shit full of cowards and conscripts that don't want to be there.
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Fools idol

as a father of a 3 year old the thought of having to bury her because some old bastards decided it was a good idea to invade and bomb my country is deeply gut wrenching. Like I think I would actually go on a warpath into Russia in a ghillie suit to find Putin myself. Nothing would stop that burning urge for revenge. He's never going to be safe in public again. The snipers will be out there.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Where are the global sanctions against the west? U.S and UK being the worst

For the regime raiding of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya? Who has got the worst record here? Or is it only countries in Europe the world gives two s***s about?

The hypocrisy we are seeing with these sanctions is off the charts.
Seriously I ask who has the worst record of sovereignty raiding? Its not Russia.
You have less than 400 posts in the last three years. Why are you so suddenly active in this thread?
Go away Russian troll.


The US culture and western education in general does a shit job at explaining that CCCP did the heavy lifting on the western front in WW2. Most of the nazi casualties were done by communists as long as most of the killings full stop, it was a shit show on both sides.

WW2 wasn't this big heroic struggle for liberty and peace for the russian, it was a fight for survival. Their outlook is different than the US one that painted itself as the big liberator.

Maybe other countries mythologize their own efforts too much. Hollywood never heard a British war story that it didn't think could be improved by making all the soldiers American. But I think more people are aware of how much heavy fighting was on the eastern front than you assume.

On the other hand, Russia would have happily stayed in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and watched Britain burn in its own fight for survival. They had no problem with German genocide at all, since genocide was already sort of their thing. They enthusiastically stabbed Poland in the back.


Neo Member
Zelensky is the useful idiot for the USA, he knew it and had even been warned many times in the past from Russia for starting cooperation with nato.

And you're basing this on...

I don't support war! Maybe he's basing this on this discussion on the emerging crisis in Europe presented by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Stratfor founder and CEO George Friedman :

(The video is from February 2015, it's edited, you can watch the full discussion here. "Barron's once referred to Stratfor as "The Shadow CIA"")


Maybe other countries mythologize their own efforts too much. Hollywood never heard a British war story that it didn't think could be improved by making all the soldiers American. But I think more people are aware of how much heavy fighting was on the eastern front than you assume.

On the other hand, Russia would have happily stayed in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and watched Britain burn in its own fight for survival. They had no problem with German genocide at all, since genocide was already sort of their thing. They enthusiastically stabbed Poland in the back.
Yup.. and they flipped sides basically.. just like the Italians .. as they both first aligned with nazi Germany , but these are different stories . we could argue people also forgot these facts .. but this is about Putin in the now .. we all can learn from mistakes , but it looks like Putin is not very good at learning .
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The US culture and western education in general does a shit job at explaining that CCCP did the heavy lifting on the western front in WW2. Most of the nazi casualties were done by communists as long as most of the killings full stop, it was a shit show on both sides.

If you’re going to criticise educational standards in the west my friend, you might want to change that from Western Front to Eastern.

Also, western education on WW2 isn’t that bad. It teaches that all the allies played their part in stopping the Germans. Each was instrumental at different times.

Hitler would have been dancing through the Kremlin if the Battle Of Britain had gone differently, for instance.
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If you’re going to criticise educational standards in the west my friend, you might want to change that from Western Front to Eastern.

Also, western education on WW2 isn’t that bad. It teaches that all the allies played their part in stopping the Germans.

Hitler would have been dancing through the Kremlin if the Battle Of Britain had gone differently, for instance.
Oh yeah, remember that time Russia was desperate and basically begging Churchill for help. And then remember when Stalin had British wartime aid airbrushed from history. What a lark!

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