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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Oh yeah, remember that time Russia was desperate and basically begging Churchill for help. And then remember when Stalin had British wartime aid airbrushed from history. What a lark!

Stalin was determined to rewrite the history of what happened during the war, virtually from the moment it ended.

Most disgustingly was his airbrushing of the holocaust. He actively had soviet Jews killed if they tried to talk about it.


Just sell some of your gold and properties to raise money for ukraine if you wanna help mr pope, prayers and fairytales are not gonna help nobody.
Zelenskyy talked with the Pope for humanitarian aid and is arranging a visit. Prays and gold is one thing, 1.2 billion Catholics is another.



If you’re going to criticise educational standards in the west my friend, you might want to change that from Western Front to Eastern.

Also, western education on WW2 isn’t that bad. It teaches that all the allies played their part in stopping the Germans. Each was instrumental at different times.

Hitler would have been dancing through the Kremlin if the Battle Of Britain had gone differently, for instance.
And to complement that, the people that usually talk so much about that, kind of forget that even if that isn't teached at a deeper level, so isn't the fucking atrocities Soviet troops commited when entering Germany. Like raping every woman and child on schools and shit like that.

Hey, but at least the west should talk more how the glorious USSR saved the west from the Nazis.


And to complement that, the people that usually talk so much about that, kind of forget that even if that isn't teached at a deeper level, so isn't the fucking atrocities Soviet troops commited when entering Germany. Like raping every woman and child on schools and shit like that.

Hey, but at least the west should talk more how the glorious USSR saved the west from the Nazis.

Soviet Russia was a necessary evil for the allies. The enemy of my enemy, and all that. Stalin went on to commit crimes pretty much as bad as the nazis.

And the revisionist history going around about the Second World War these days is as inaccurate as the motives behind it are transparent.



Russian official news announced that American satan worshipers are coming to Ukraine. This is not a daily comedy show. They are serious about it.



Spock Encerio GIF

VORONEZH — On a cold March morning in a southern Russian suburb, several dozen people gathered at a church to say goodbye to one of their own.
Inside a coffin wrapped in the Russian flag and the paratroopers’ standard lay 21-year-old Kirill Ulyashev — one of the thousands of Russian servicemen believed to have died in Moscow’s nearly month-long “special military operation” in Ukraine.
“Kirill is here as a warrior of Christ,” the priest began. “He fought against evil, Satanic spirits: Ukrainian Nazis, created by American multinational corporations.”
The priest — Father Gennady Zaridze, a short, plump, bespectacled man with a long beard streaked with grey — is something of a local celebrity in Voronezh.
At Sunday services, Maybachs and Rolls Royces belonging to the loyal elite line up outside his church on the edges of town.
According to local journalists, on Christmas Day 2015, the priest was granted a personal meeting with President Vladimir Putin, who was visiting town.
“The destruction of the U.S.S.R. was a great deceit visited upon the Russians,” the priest continued. “There was no law by which the republics were dissolved. Everything that was built after 1990 is a lie. All this will soon come to light, and you will know it.”

Most of those inside the church were Ulyashov's classmates, young people no older than 22 years old, as well as relatives, and soldiers.
After the 20-minute speech, Zaridze let those present kiss the cross, and asked for pallbearers.
To Kirill’s parents, clinging to the zinc coffin’s lid, he said: “Please don’t. There’s nothing left to hold onto.”

‘We were told to just accept it’​

Four days before the funeral, on March 12, a military commandant had arrived at the Ulyashev family's home to report that their son had died in Ukraine.
According to the paperwork, sapper Kirill Ulyashev had died two weeks earlier, on Feb. 27 — the third day of Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine — from wounds inflicted by a mine. He had received shrapnel wounds to his abdomen, arms and legs.
The young man’s remains were brought home to Voronezh in a zinc coffin on March 15, his body so badly damaged that even his parents were forbidden to open the coffin.
"How can you be sure it's him? We were told to just accept that he is no more,” said Kirill’s friend, 20-year-old Ira Fedorova.

Like many young Russian men, Kirill had joined the army as a conscript. After two months of military service he signed on as a professional soldier, joining the elite 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division, widely known as the Pskov Paratroopers.
In mid-February, Kirill and his comrades were sent to the border with Ukraine, ostensibly for exercises. There, the men’s phones were taken away, allowing them to call their relatives only occasionally.
On Feb. 26, Kirill wrote to his family from the forests north of Kyiv, telling them that everything was alright. The next day he was dead, killed on the approaches to the Ukrainian capital.

‘Good against evil’​

A long column with a hearse, a military truck and few locals’ cars drove along the village’s pot-holed main street to the local House of Culture, where the village head, 66-year-old Anatoly Kokin, and the district head, 42-year-old former FSB officer Dmitry Maslov, delivered eulogies over the coffin.
In the House of Culture, a Soviet-era venue that once held dances and concerts, the coffin lay in a spacious hall.
Local officials made their speeches and expressed condolences to Kirill’s family, his grandmother, mother, father and sister, all sitting near the coffin. The dead soldier’s grandmother howled plaintively.

“Dear relatives, and loved ones, we all bring condolences to our hero, our Kirill, and we understand that no words can console the grief that we are experiencing. Today, thousands of our fellow countrymen mourn with us. He remained faithful to his military duty to the end and died heroically not at war with Ukraine, not at war with the Ukrainian army, but in a battle of good against evil. He did everything to ensure that goodness won in this world. Bow low to his eternal memory; rest in peace, brother,” said Maslov, head of the Novousmansky district.
“We are seeing off a wonderful young man who died in a war that is being fought to defend our country from the evil that our grandfathers did not finish during the Great Patriotic War,” said the district military commissar.
“He was a patriot, he chose the path of a defender of the fatherland, his memory will always be in our hearts.”

Blue beret​

About 50 people laid red carnations atop the coffin. After that, the body was again loaded into the hearse and taken to a rag-tag cemetery just across from a small supermarket.
A burial plot had been prepared for Kirill on the very edge of the graveyard. People crowded onto a small patch of land, a military band at the ready.
An officer in his 30s from Ulyshev's airborne brigade showed up and re-told the circumstances of the young man's death to the gathered mourners.
“Kirill died in the village of Bucha near Kyiv. Their group carried out a combat mission and encountered the Nazis. The soldiers completed their task in full. Unfortunately, in this battle we lost our paratrooper brother, our comrade. His name will be immortalized. By presidential decree, for courage and bravery shown in battle, Kirill Alexandrovich has been awarded the Order of Courage, posthumously,” the officer said.

Kirill’s relatives gathered around his coffin. His grandmother was still weeping, wrapping her hands around the zinc box. The family began to pull her away. As the band struck up the Russian national anthem, the coffin was slowly lowered into the ground. A row of cadets fired a salute from their Kalashnikovs. Burly men dumped earth into the newly dug pit, piled dozens of wreaths onto the grave and erected a wooden cross bearing a portrait of a thin young man in a paratrooper's beret.
Kirill’s blue parade beret was given to his mother. It was the only thing left to her from her son after his departure to exercises in February.
The village head announced that everyone could go to a cafe for a memorial dinner, paid for by the local administration.

The roadside cafe was a small, red-brick building at the entrance to the village. Bearing the name “Prestige,” its interior was decked out in cheap, faux-luxury decor. Long tables in the hall were filled with snacks: chicken, fruit, wine, vodka and kutya — grain porridge with raisins — a dish traditionally served at Russian funerals.
Elderly men in their 50s and 60s chat about events in Ukraine. For some, it was a reminder of their own youth, when the coffins of local boys killed in Afghanistan began to arrive back in the village.
Men sit and relax at the table. Someone silently pours vodka. There were paratroopers from Kirill's brigade, his relatives, and young people. The latter sit silently, looking at each other.
“It’s a very strange feeling,” says 21-year-old Lada.
“I have never been at a wake surrounded by all my friends before.”


The Russians seem deeply concerned that their own evil satanic spirits are not up to the job when facing ours. They thought their more "ascendant" evil spirits, and making a sick joke of human rights and democracy, would catapult them to victory every time.


Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
So apparently a Russian commander got run over by one of his soldiers after the unit lost 50% of its effectives. The Chechen medic unit rescued him and posted on tik tok and the legs are gone like flatbread.

“If a unit loses 30% of effectives it loses cohesion, but if it loses 50% the officer in command loses cohesion.”


Gold Member
I'd like this to be true but I still believe NATO won't do shit if Russia attempts to create a land bridge with Kaliningrad Oblast and takes Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the process.
If the want to longer exist as an alliance I guess you'd be right.... But they do so, yeah, they'd definitely do something.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I'd like this to be true but I still believe NATO won't do shit if Russia attempts to create a land bridge with Kaliningrad Oblast and takes Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the process.
That's my fear as well, tho. But There still will be Poland between us and Russians. I know, I don't even want to speculate, how much suffering it would cause. BUT..


Simps for Amouranth
I think people can really stop thinking or worrying about a war with NATO or further Russian aggression, those fuckers couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag without burning it down with them inside it, they can't even win a single front in a campaign against Ukraine let alone opening up an additional one and drawing in other countries


Related to my previous post. Just another source.


I think people can really stop thinking or worrying about a war with NATO or further Russian aggression, those fuckers couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag without burning it down with them inside it, they can't even win a single front in a campaign against Ukraine let alone opening up an additional one and drawing in other countries

NATO appears to be committing to a strong defensive posture.


*Refreshes biennially
That's my fear as well, tho. But There still will be Poland between us and Russians. I know, I don't even want to speculate, how much suffering it would cause. BUT..

I'm originally from Poland. We've been fucked over so many times that I have serious doubts if Article 5 will work as intended in case of full on Russian invasion. It's just a piece of paper. Same as Budapest Memorandum turned out to be just a piece of paper and now Ukraine is slowly turning to dust.

Say what you want to say but without a doubt we're living in very interesting times.


Russia does not get to dictate the foreign policy of sovereign nations. So Russia's so-called warnings mean exactly jack and shit in the grand scheme of things. The attitude that you are taking would be like suggesting that the US go to war with Canada over a political policy that they disagree with. Which is fucking stupid. Russia can stamp its feet and piss it's little britches until the cows come home when places like ukraine, finland, sweden, or anyone else want to join NATO all they want. The reality of the situation is they don't get a fucking say in it. Full stop. It's not their country. They can kick rocks.

And right now Russia is seeing the consequences of trying to dictate foreign policy to other sovereign Nations. They have destroyed their economy, killed thousands of their own soldiers, lost billions in military equipment, and have literally fucking nothing to show for it.

TL;DR: Who fucking cares what Russia wants and what they "warned" Ukraine about. Fuck them.
Ok let's not use Canada (nato member), and do a hypothesis using Mexico, Venezuela how you think usa will respond with sanctions don't kidding yourself.
Russia is imperialist, USA is imperialist and China and before them was England France Germany Spain etc.


Why did we shut down the Keystone pipeline but then become dependent on oil from Russia and other places? Supposedly the US was the biggest importer in the world of Russian oil and a couple years earlier were were an exporter
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Ok let's not use Canada (nato member), and do a hypothesis using Mexico, Venezuela how you think usa will respond with sanctions don't kidding yourself.
Russia is imperialist, USA is imperialist and China and before them was England France Germany Spain etc.
Can you imagine Britain using nuclear terrorism to regain all the territory it lost through decolonization in the last century, and just thinking it can get away with it because "the world isn't fair"? How is this anything other than a false equivalence?


Yes, russia be like: 'Don't try to defend yourself from an attack from us or we will attack'.

I can't believe people still believe this bullshit. For all the russian sympathizers here, why would it be so bad they joined Nato? So that the US could put weapons on Ukrainian land next to Russia? Who gives a fuck if they did.
If anything this war has proven is that if you have nukes, nobody will touch you even if you commit the worst war crimes imaginable. Even Russia talks shit about nukes but they know they'll be turned to glass like the rest of us if they even tried launching a single one. That's why they are only talking shit about NATO countries supplying the brave Ukrainias with weapons, while in a world without nukes they would've probably already declared war on all of NATO.

Or then again, maybe not as their army is a piece of shit full of cowards and conscripts that don't want to be there.
Maybe you don't understand me.
Russia, putin yes this son of a bitch is a ruller of a big nuclear country, and is a shark country like USA and China they don't want a little slice of pie (world domination) they want everything.
Yanuchenko porosenko and now zelensky they are all puppets.


Can you imagine Britain using nuclear terrorism to regain all the territory it lost through decolonization in the last century, and just thinking it can get away with it because "the world isn't fair"? How is this anything other than a false equivalence?
To be fair, exporting its talent shows to the US was a form of terrorism I haven’t gotten over yet.


I can't believe Europe tries so hard to show their support for Ukraine with all their fancy speeches and condemnation of Russia but then continues to give Putin and his cronies billions of dollars for their oil & gas, directly helping fund the war against Ukraine. Just insane.


Can you imagine Britain using nuclear terrorism to regain all the territory it lost through decolonization in the last century, and just thinking it can get away with it because "the world isn't fair"? How is this anything other than a false equivalence?
They don't need it, they are in the winner side of the colden war.
Now you can think it again.


They don't need it, they are in the winner side of the colden war.
Now you can think it again.
Apparently Ukraine were also on the winning side of the Cold War so that is why they needed to be invaded by fascist warmongers in Russia to make the world more fair. Such logic.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
They don't need it, they are in the winner side of the colden war.
Now you can think it again.
They don't need nuclear imperialism because the US busted Russia's economy in the early 90's?
I'm thinking it again, British nuclear imperialism doesn't make sense whether the USSR is still around or not.
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