All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Edit: moving this to the top of the page, it's more important than shitting on hippy terrorists:
Can anyone verify that that is what he's saying?
He seems to be sticking his finger in Pooty-Poot's eye for planning this invasion. Did Vlad the Inflated have him killed for this video?
Why are we bringing hairbrained terrorists into this discussion? Leave Greenpeace at the children's table, this is a topic about what the grown ups are doing.
Holy cow has anyone posted this yet? This guy gets to tout the biggest “I fucking told you so” in history. Supposedly recorded in April of 21.
Can anyone verify that that is what he's saying?
He seems to be sticking his finger in Pooty-Poot's eye for planning this invasion. Did Vlad the Inflated have him killed for this video?
Why are we bringing hairbrained terrorists into this discussion? Leave Greenpeace at the children's table, this is a topic about what the grown ups are doing.

Greenpeace apologises to people of Peru over Nazca lines stunt
Culture ministry says it will press charges against activists for damage to world heritage site as UN climate talks began in Lima
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