Really... And you call my post a world salad)))
You are clearly not a Russian scholar n mostly is a Twitter Politics professor.
you completely missing the fact that this is not bout Ukraine.
NOBODY CARES bout it....not Putin, not Biden n *spoiler* you don't give a flying fuckiddy fuck bout those dead children ether.
and if you wanna punish people responsible for the horrible war crimes you should go to Washington first
IT is ENTIRELY bout killing US dollar as a world currency where China n stupidity of the current US leadership play even bigger role thAn Russia.
And while you virtue signaling bout children you don't give a fuck about n fantasizing bout Russia economy being destroyed, it is the western financial system with all of it's debt that is on a brink of collapse.
That what this war is bout.
And all of those sanctions west imposed just untied Putins hands to completely nationalise banking system, made the west pay 5x times more for the gas n support his national currency(ruble) by making everybody who buy Russian gas to pay in rubes. You probably didn't know, but ruble gained back 50% of the value it lost since the war started just in the last 2 days.
Udachi, tovarishch.