Britain and France signed separate agreements with Poland. The British didn't form an agreement with Poland until 1939 after Hitler took the rest of Czechoslovakia. Prior to this, in the 1925 Lacarno Treaty normalized Germany's border, without securing it's eastern.Britain and France declared war when Germany invaded Poland, drawing in their colonies and starting the world war. Had the same principles applied here, UK would have declared war on Russia on invasion of Ukraine.
The only way the Polish invasion could be seen as directly touching Britain or France would have been fear of Hitler’s expansionist policies, but that’s still stretching the definition of directly.
The French felt that it would be even more secure if there were also an "Eastern Locarno," if Germany would also guarantee its borders with Czechoslovakia and Poland. But Stresemann did not wish this at any price. He had implicitly agreed to the renunciation of Alsace-Lorraine, but the Polish Corridor, Danzig and Upper Silesia were another matter. And the British, certain that they would never go to war over Danzig, discreetly supported Stresemann in his resistance.
The Spirit of Locarno: Illusions of Pactomania on JSTOR
J. B. Duroselle, The Spirit of Locarno: Illusions of Pactomania, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 50, No. 4 (Jul., 1972), pp. 752-764
The irony is, the USSR invaded Poland as well, but waited to make sure the west wouldn't do anything and that Hitler would be successful. The after the war we just gave it to them anyway.