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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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They aren't. Ukraine is being left on their own, there will be sanctions but no troops. NATO will put more troops on their borders just in case, but I don't see Russia going for an all out war with Europe/USA. Putin knows he can get Ukraine for whatever sanctions they give him now.
No, Russians won't go further west. NATO is (at least for now) stopping them. Too much of a force to stand against for them, thankfully for us.
But there are a lot of voices telling to stop Putin, even through force. This is a baaaaad idea.
Is the total collapse of Russian's economy worth it just for the Ukraine?
Some food for thought for you non Russians/Slavs. Russians are hardened by the USSR to live in poverty, just to fight against "western imperialism". You can sanction Russia to hell and beyond and all the ruskies will be pushed further towards the belief they are under siege by external powers.

And i'll drop an opinion that might be not so popular. Ukraine should have been left in Russia's sphere of influence. The Orange Revolution, Euromaidan - all the "sudden" societal movements towards NATO and the EU were enough for Putin to secure (his) western borders.
We may not like it, but we are not playing the big league game and what we think is right and wrong means nothing to the people that are in power. Trying to move Ukraine from one sphere of influence to the other has caused the Russian leaders to move.


We should be pulling troops out of Germany and telling them that we will defend them if they stop importing gas from Russia. Until then no one should be dying for those corrupt assholes.
The thing is that around 40% of all the gas in Germany comes from Russia. By cutting Russia's gas suply, you're literally letting germans without heating and energy.

Putin knew this and knew Germany and other EU countries couldn't do shit because of the gas. Heck, there is already high discontempt in european population due to increasing gas and electricity prices and if you cut the russian gas, those prices could only go up.

And again, Putin knew exactly that. Right now, he has those countries by the balls.
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Biden refused to answer question about personally sanctioning Putin

Yeah, it was pretty interesting how quickly he ran away from that response.

Biden actually said "Asia is opposed to Russia's actions" (uh China???)

lol Biden openly refused to comment on China's opinion/role in this!

Biden loves China, right?

Wouldn’t want to upset his “friends”.

China made it clear in comments they were not happy about the sanctions being brought on Russia. They don’t seem to have a problem with the invasion…of course, nothing shocking here, China and Russia suck each other’s dicks all day.

That whole thing was cringe, Biden trying “not to be a wise guy” was unprofessional, he has no idea what to do.
What shall we do then ? What is your genius idea ?
Ukrain was already lost when it was crystal clear to everybody that no NATO military intervention would take place.

Sanctions should be focused on the regime. Putin's support in not that high anymore in the general population, especially among the younger generations, as rubles, among other things, lost 75% of its values in the last ten years. Russia is a proud people though and if they feel international sanctions worsen their everyday life even more, it will only help Putin keeping power.


No, Russians won't go further west. NATO is (at least for now) stopping them. Too much of a force to stand against for them, thankfully for us.
But there are a lot of voices telling to stop Putin, even through force. This is a baaaaad idea.
When Putin said yesterday that if someone would intervene they would face consequences history has never seen, I think NATO knew to just protect their borders. You don't want WW3 to start with Putin using Nuclear bombs

Hari Seldon

The thing is that around 60% of all the gas in Germany comes from Russia. By cutting Russia's gas suply, you're literally letting germans without heating and energy.

Putin knew this and knew Germany and other EU countries couldn't do shit because of the gas. Heck, there is already high discontempt in european population due to increasing gas and electricity prices and if you cut the russian gas, those prices could only go up.

And again, Putin knew exactly that. Right now, he has those countries by the balls.
Yeah and they have had plenty of time since 2014 to fix this situation but they continue to fund Putin directly. There is no point in fighting a war when your """""" allies """"" are directly funding the enemy.


Gold Member
I messaged my russian friend. When i ask him about his view on this he said(i just copied):

Probably, i won't surprise you if I speak loud about my support of this operation. Nazis and fascist must be perished in Ukraine. We cannot tolerate this hostile regime along our borders.
Our forces strike against ukro-nazi military objects and forces. We don't strike civilians coz they're same russians as us.
This country will be de-nazified, de-militarized and de-occupied from NATO assholes.
This country will be changed for the sake of Russia's national security. :)
To say again: we don't wage war against ukrainian citizen.
I believe, most of them will become Russians soon...as well ;-)

Ukraine supposed to be neutral, non-nuclear country. But their crazy leaders were corrupted by the USA and some European governments. They were overthrown by nazis and fascists in 2014, then became hostile and dangerous

I hope you have renounced your friendship with him. Anyone who supports this is absolute trash and a waste of space. What a piece of shit person.


Why are they making a thing about Putin himself not being sanctioned. He is the leader of a nuclear power and all the control that comes with that. How would sanctioning him do anything other than provide optics?


Grain of salt with this one, but this guy thinks Putin bombed U.S. financed bio-labs near the border.



When Putin said yesterday that if someone would intervene they would face consequences history has never seen, I think NATO knew to just protect their borders. You don't want WW3 to start with Putin using Nuclear bombs
And sucks for the Ukraine bros for dropping their nuclear arsenal for "border guarantees".

Looks like that was a bad idea.


Zelensky had two years to make a deal with Russia instead he chose to do drugs, doing dick jokes about Putin, and let oligarchs steal money from the people by constantly raising prices.
Full responsibility on the clown.
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Isn’t that irrelevant? With the rise of modern propaganda Putin already has a big chunk of Russians believing everything he says.
No, Russians aren’t so blind that they believe all this stuff. They don’t want WWIII either or anything else long lasting. But if pushed into a corner where their livelihoods are stake because of poverty, they’d lash out in a similar fashion. I don’t see things going that far though. Swift has to be voted on by 26 countries or something, and tons of banks are involved as well
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Gold Member
China just accused the US of warmongering with the sanctions.

Winnie The Pooh GIF


, but he doesn’t have the support of the russian people for this aggression. (All of this gathered from talking to my russian lesbian postdoctoral student in religious anthropology friend/colleague so take it with a grain of salt)
I hope you are joking cause such a source is as valid as a gypsy lady telling your future from the palm of your hand.
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They have already shutdown Nordstream 2. Some politicians are simply corrupt in germany that's all. Russian's money.
You mean US influence.

NS2 is good for central europe. It cuts out intermediaries and makes gas cheaper for us. We paid half the cost of the pipeline.

It does not make us more dependent on russia than we already are, how would that even work? We won't magically need more gas. Russia hardly cares which russian pipeline we supply our russian gas from (probably, russia gets a bigger cut with NS2, so they care a little bit.)

Shutting down NS2 is against european interests and benefits mostly the US, who hope to sell their expensive liquid gas. The US has been sabotaging EU/Russia economic relations for the past decade or two, to the detriment of all involved parties.

No effort to resolve the tension was made. Surely, there was room for some compromise. Was is really so hard to agree to keep Ukraine out of Nato? At the very least, it would have made it easier for me to see russia as "the bad guy".
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Airbus Jr

The thing that unnerved me during that conference is why was he smiling so much during this? To me that came across as weird.
The amount of pressure going on with biden is actually very high you see him smile he look distressed to me

One wrong move could be catasthropic and he knows it
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Ukrain was already lost when it was crystal clear to everybody that no NATO military intervention would take place.

Sanctions should be focused on the regime. Putin's support in not that high anymore in the general population, especially among the younger generations, as rubles, among other things, lost 75% of its values in the last ten years. Russia is a proud people though and if they feel international sanctions worsen their everyday life even more, it will only help Putin keeping power.

The reasons why I believe that sanctions will work.
damn I'm glued to this situation today, haven't accomplished a single damn thing, anyone else very non-productive today?
I couldn't even sleep, maybe could be 2,5-3 hours max.. Everyone I talked with [one ukrainian student, a few russians and others] is completely dumbfounded by this, they thought it's just two small counties and thats it. A quick in and out and if need be hold for a few weeks until ukraine gives up of any the idea of support to those regions. I still believe this was totally unplanned and just an unfortunate counter reaction and greed from putin to surprisingly weak support to Ukraine.


Gold Member
Lets put aside the american politics between democrats vs republic as this is getting tiresome and focus at the problem at hand

We are dealing with a madman and must united not divide each other
Oh, so now it's time we do this and not criticize pure incompetency, after the 6+ years of shit slinging.

I agree, but I find it ironic.
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Airbus Jr

Oh, so now it's time we do this and not criticize pure incompetency, after the 6+ years of shit slinging.

I agree, but I find it ironic.
As a matter of fact i already predict you ( deep enigma) will come to me and going to drag this again into (Democrat vs Republics)

Cos i know precisely this particular person ( joe biden) triggers you

But we are not here for that and not everyone here is american and are into( democrats vs republics) american politics

The topic of the thread is russia invading ukraine

Im putting emphasis there
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