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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Poland is too big...for now.

The madman will come after baltic countries like Latvia,Lithuania or Estonia. Then us, Poland.

I just hope that Nato will keep him at bay
Sure, NATO has no other choice than to intervene if one of its member states is being attacked. However, this could potentially escalate into a nuclear conflict. There are a few simulations demonstrating the possible consequences of that for the northern hemisphere:



Gold Member
As a matter of fact i already predict you ( deep enigma) will come to me and going to drag this again into (Democrat vs Republics)

Cos i know precisely this particular person ( joe biden) triggers you

But we are not here for that and not everyone here is american and are into( democrats vs republics) american politics

The topic of the thread is russia invading ukraine

Im putting emphasis there
His words and actions do matter though, since they can and will impact the entire world in this conflict all the same.


Swiss also not helping with the sanctions. First Nazi collaborators and now this. good job Swiss.

I always remember that piece from Michael Moore, when they had a guy dress up as Hitler and walk into Swiss banks to ask for his gold back.

Also, just read that 1500 people have been arrested in Moscow for antiwar protests. I really hope more Russians show more civil disobedience.

It will take generations to undo the damage Putin has done. :\
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

What is spot on about it? Germany and the US both contribute about 15% of the NATO budget. The US spends roughly 3% of it's GDP voluntarily on defense because they want to project military force around the world, have a massive military industrial complex, and have a massive nuclear stockpile to maintain. They don't do it just in support of NATO.
Plus no NATO nations are involved in anything at the moment, which is the main problem.


The Swiss and German behavior in context of all the other economic maneuvers seems part of the same strategy and meant to provide a lifeline and way out ala Art of War. /speculation


What is spot on about it? Germany and the US both contribute about 15% of the NATO budget. The US spends roughly 3% of it's GDP voluntarily on defense because they want to project military force around the world, have a massive military industrial complex, and have a massive nuclear stockpile to maintain. They don't do it just in support of NATO.
Plus no NATO nations are involved in anything at the moment, which is the main problem.

Gas and coal.
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Airbus Jr

His words and actions do matter though, since they can and will impact the entire world in this conflict all the same.
So what do you propose him to do? Perhaps a direct attack at russian soil...a country with over 1000 nuclear silo at its disposal and curently a madman in charge...that could not only trigger world war but also ended humanity and turns planet earth into desolate wasteland with that amount of posession?
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Gold Member
Sure, NATO has no other choice than to intervene if one of its member states is being attacked. However, this could potentially escalate into a nuclear conflict. There are a few simulations demonstrating the possible consequences of that for the northern hemisphere:

Africa is starting to look like a pretty good place to be huh...

No, but that's absolutely terrifying. And it might happen. These could be the end days for the civilized world.


Zelensky had two years to make a deal with Russia instead he chose to do drugs, doing dick jokes about Putin, and let oligarchs steal money from the people by constantly raising prices.
Full responsibility on the clown.
He promised peace talks no matter what. What the fuck he's waiting for now? More deaths? More sanctions on Russia? Why would he care, his country is on fire yet he refuses to say anything. He meets with a freaking actor now?? WTF?


Putin doesn't care about sanctions he knew that would happen, he made it clear whoever will aid Ukraine on their territory will be destroyed. Outside help for Ukraine is suicide for that country.


All I see on the news is more warmongering, fear and blatant propaganda.

Why nobody's asking for peace talks/offers help to stop this madness?

Too proud?

Part of the plan to let Russia get in deeper to hurt it more? Why nobody's thinking about normal people?



He promised peace talks no matter what. What the fuck he's waiting for now? More deaths? More sanctions on Russia? Why would he care, his country is on fire yet he refuses to say anything. He meets with a freaking actor now?? WTF?
Today he announced no diplomacy with Russia which is really terrible for Ukraine. Zelenskyy should put his fake crown down if he really cares for the people otherwise more casualties.


All I see on the news is more warmongering, fear and blatant propaganda.

Why nobody's asking for peace talks/offers help to stop this madness?

Too proud?

Part of the plan to let Russia get in deeper to hurt it more? Why nobody's thinking about normal people?

The defense industry / Military Industrial Complex makes fine bedfellows with our modern, consolidated corporate media.

Do NOT take reports from MSM at face value concerning this war. Not from the left, not from the right. Try to make determinations in the aggregate, and even then, be careful what you allow yourself to believe.


I'm pretty sure this whole thing is just to cover for his mis-managent of the country to enrich his own personal fortune and those of his cronies.
Agree. It's been easier to understand his behavior when looking at other world leaders who express admiration for Vova and have shown similar intentions to those you suggest.
Even though Biden said there's no US troops involved, i'm pretty sure some of the delta/seals and SAS are on the ground in Ukraine supplying weapons/ammo


Today he announced no diplomacy with Russia which is really terrible for Ukraine. Zelenskyy should put his fake crown down if he really cares for the people otherwise more casualties.
What diplomacy? Russian army is literally waging war in soverign nation and you are telling here how its president is an idiot for not bowing down to agressors demands. I mean, you couldn't be more obvious with your pro-putin undertone in your posts.
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Nato and the EU have always seemed to rely on the US to basically bear the brunt of it all. The current admin sadly will not be the one to tell them to wake up and pull their own weight.
EU or Germany pulling their own weight is of no interest to the US, they would loose geopolitical influence for what? A couple billion dollars? They operate the biggest non US base in Germany, they can start drone strikes from there with no interference of the German or US law. All for the simple task of footing most of the bill. Genius.

This war moving the EU to invest more in their own army would make the US loose influence.
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All I see on the news is more warmongering, fear and blatant propaganda.

Why nobody's asking for peace talks/offers help to stop this madness?

Too proud?

Part of the plan to let Russia get in deeper to hurt it more? Why nobody's thinking about normal people?


Peace talks aren’t going to stop this. And, as an American who was staunchly opposed to our two decades in Afghanistan, we should keep to ourselves. The Ukraine situation is horrible. But it would be even more horrible if we decided to escalate and send our American brothers and sisters over there to die.


Gold Member
All I see on the news is more warmongering, fear and blatant propaganda.

Why nobody's asking for peace talks/offers help to stop this madness?

Too proud?

Part of the plan to let Russia get in deeper to hurt it more? Why nobody's thinking about normal people?


You mean the plea for peace at the UN where Putin literally declared war in the middle of it? Get the fuck outta here.

Today he announced no diplomacy with Russia which is really terrible for Ukraine. Zelenskyy should put his fake crown down if he really cares for the people otherwise more casualties.

Fake crown? You mean elected? Maybe Putin can stop being a shithead and stop killing people too?

Quite the honey pot for Russian stooges.


Gold Member
All I see on the news is more warmongering, fear and blatant propaganda.

Why nobody's asking for peace talks/offers help to stop this madness?

Too proud?

Part of the plan to let Russia get in deeper to hurt it more? Why nobody's thinking about normal people?


What the fuck are you talking about? That exactly what the entire western world has been doing for months. Putin didn't give a shit. And there was no way the entire world could just roll over and accept Russia's outrageous demands, surely you must understand that.


Today he announced no diplomacy with Russia which is really terrible for Ukraine. Zelenskyy should put his fake crown down if he really cares for the people otherwise more casualties.
This is such a horrible decision. What he's trying to accomplish? Fight till last Ukrainian soldier? Then what? War is lost already.

No, I compared the hunger of one cynical aggressor for new territory to the hunger of another cynical aggressor for new territory.
Do as you please, but I don't see Russia taking any new territory.

Just think, does US promise of Ukraine in NATO was really worth it?
What diplomacy? Russian army is literally waging war in soverign nation and you are telling here how its president is an idiot for not bowing down to agressors demands. I mean, you couldn't be more obvious with your pro-putin undertone.
Man. War. Is. LOST. WHAT'S HIS ENDGAME? He promised peace talks during his elections, he promised to end war asap.

Peace talks aren’t going to stop this.

Why not? I still strongly believe that it's not about territory. It's about Ukraine not being in NATO. It can be done in 1 day.

And, as an American who was staunchly opposed to our two decades in Afghanistan, we should keep to ourselves. The Ukraine situation is horrible. But it would be even more horrible if we decided to escalate and send our American brothers and sisters over there to die.
USA will never go there I hope. Biden is old enough to understand that it will not end well. I hope.
You mean the plea for peace at the UN where Putin literally declared war in the middle of it? Get the fuck outta here.
What are your suggestions? Fight till... till what?


Gold Member
You seriously just compared Russian actions to WW2 Germany?

You seen carpet bombings, death camps and terror against civilians? Stop with this nonsense.

Russia is murdering innocent Ukrainian civilians, yes. They just invaded a peaceful, democratic nation for absolutely zero legitimate reasons. Again, what the fuck are you talking about? Why are you defending this fucking murderer dictator and his country that seems ready to start WW3? What is wrong with you?
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Gold Member
This is such a horrible decision. What he's trying to accomplish? Fight till last Ukrainian soldier? Then what? War is lost already.

Do as you please, but I don't see Russia taking any new territory.

Just think, does US promise of Ukraine in NATO was really worth it?

Man. War. Is. LOST. WHAT'S HIS ENDGAME? He promised peace talks during his elections, he promised to end war asap.

Why not? I still strongly believe that it's not about territory. It's about Ukraine not being in NATO. It can be done in 1 day.

USA will never go there I hope. Biden is old enough to understand that it will not end well. I hope.

What are your suggestions? Fight till... till what?

Until it's over you cretin.


Russia is murdering innocent Ukrainian civilians, yes. Again, what the fuck are you talking about?
What? Why spread this nonsense? Russian military forces giving a freaking interview to CNN in between of mass murdering?

What the fuck YOU are talking about? You believe that Russia will build a nazi style death camps? Ah, forget it, I'm done with this nonsense. War is not the answer, especially when it lost.
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