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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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1. If he hopes to capture this territory, mass destruction of critical infrastructure is going to do his forces no good.
2. Targeting government buildings risks killing high level government officials, if not Zelenskyy himself. The latter would be like signing his own death warrant.
3. Any attack on supply hubs outside of Ukraine would be an attack on a NATO member. I need say no more.
Sorry but I don't understand point 2. Why would killing zelenskyy sign his own death?
Honest question, just trying to understand.
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Gold Member
Sorry but I don't understand point 2. Why would killing zelenskyy sign his own death?
Honest question, just trying to understand.

Killing a world leader by another state is a big taboo. It would make it far more acceptable to assassinate Putin.

It's not done, well mainly because most world leaders are pretty decent people, but if not because they are fucking terrified that if it happens, then it might become 'okay' for it to happen. And that means their heads on the block/in the crosshairs.

The citizens of a country killing their own leader, like what happened to Gaddafi, is not part of that taboo.
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There are few things more important in world politics than avoiding a war between Russia and the west. Any cursory reading of history will tell you that.
no one can provoke war between west and russia except russia itself if russia decides to go suicidal that's theyr choice.
And I'm one of those crazy people who doesn't think Ukraine can actually beat Russia in a war, no matter how many weapons you give them, so unfortunately negotiation with Russia is the only option. Any cursory reading of history will tell you that too.
of course it can just look what happen when ukraine got himars.
And if negotiations don't eventually happen, it will mean something a lot worse happened, like the total destruction of Ukraine, or World War 3. It's just realpolitik to acknowledge that there's too much at stake here.
unless russian starts nuking ukraine then maybe.
I don't know but it would have to be some kind of negotiation about the Russian-speaking east of Ukraine and Crimea. It would surely be worth it to the world if that brought an end to the war.

Anyway, things are getting very bad this morning. Worrying times.
nothing would change it just delay war and would give russia time to recover and then would follow even more brutal war, more ukrainian deaths, more rockets attacks, atrocities and lost teritory "great tactics" by: "captain napalm facepalm".
Star Trek Reaction GIF


Killing a world leader by another state is a big taboo. It would make it far more acceptable to assassinate Putin.

The citizens of a country killing their own leader, like what happened to Gaddafi, is not part of that taboo.
I was also thinking of Gaddafi as an example.
Usually in movies, games, comics, etc... The main goal is to take out the guy on top. So I always "admired" zelenskyy's balls for being able to walk on the street outside no worries.


Gold Member
I was also thinking of Gaddafi as an example.
Usually in movies, games, comics, etc... The main goal is to take out the guy on top. So I always "admired" zelenskyy's balls for being able to walk on the street outside no worries.

Oh, Russia were out to get him on the 24th, though even for Russia I would imagine they would have had instructions to take him alive. If he had died though, they would likely have tried to spin it as 'accidently died while being taken into custody'. I do reckon that would still have put a target, albeit smaller one, on Putin's head. But the difference there would have been had they succeeded, then Ukraine would have been shown as too weak to defend itself and allies would have let it slide in the end.

But that didn't happen and Zelenskyy is the head of a clearly still functioning government.


Although Putin might be capable of giving the order to use nukes, I doubt the military will follow his orders.
The end of Putin's regime, is not the end of the career for most officers in the Russian military. Only a few officers at the top, very close to Putin, will fall with him.
Putin might get to a point where he has nothing to lose, but most officers have their lives, families, friends and country to protect.
There is life in Russia after Putin and his regime. But only if Russia doesn't use nukes.


Oh, Russia were out to get him on the 24th, though even for Russia I would imagine they would have had instructions to take him alive. If he had died though, they would likely have tried to spin it as 'accidently died while being taken into custody'. I do reckon that would still have put a target, albeit smaller one, on Putin's head. But the difference there would have been had they succeeded, then Ukraine would have been shown as too weak to defend itself and allies would have let it slide in the end.

But that didn't happen and Zelenskyy is the head of a clearly still functioning government.
And your opinion on the Crimean bridge attack?
Would it be possible that it was staged by Russians to "justify" escalation?
From the footage shared and as many here pointed, something under the bridge exploded. It was impossible from the way the smoke and debris spreaded for it to be caused by a truck on top of the bridge.
If I'm not mistaken that stealth black boat that appeared a while back was Russian property so they might have used something like that. Or the Ukrainians could have repurposed it.
So many hidden truths and lies.. nothing is certain.. everything is possible
Although Putin might be capable of giving the order to use nukes, I doubt the military will follow his orders.
The end of Putin's regime, is not the end of the career for most officers in the Russian military. Only a few officers at the top, very close to Putin, will fall with him.
Putin might get to a point where he has nothing to lose, but most officers have their lives, families, friends and country to protect.
There is life in Russia after Putin and his regime. But only if Russia doesn't use nukes.
Hopefully you're right. I don't know their process to use nukes. I know it's not as easy as pressing a big red button and that it needs to go through certain stages for a nuke to actually fly. Hopefully somewhere along the line someone decides to disobey.

I'm worried they are all evil corrupt cunts like Putin or that Putin has made it as easy as possible for him to launch them himself.

You're right there is a place for Russia after Putin. The russians need to rise up against him and we need to hope that even if they don't that he doesn't decide to go down the nuke road. Not only could it ruin Russia's future but the entire planets. Once a nuke flies it could easily force the US, UK, France to fire theirs and then you'd have China joining in. The earth and humanity would be fucked. I think/hope that Putin isn't stupid enough to fire a nuke that would spill over into NATO countries. If he does fire one then hopefully it's a small tactical one which is entirely limited to Ukraine.
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Gold Member
I don't know but it would have to be some kind of negotiation about the Russian-speaking east of Ukraine and Crimea. It would surely be worth it to the world if that brought an end to the war.

Anyway, things are getting very bad this morning. Worrying times.

Disregarding your retarded poke in an earlier post, negotiations will never happen, because we and the Ukrainians know it's just postponing a genocide that will ultimately spread to a NATO confrontation later. Negotiations and "peace" mean Ukraine get wiped out, then Georgia, then Moldova, then they'll go for the Baltics and NATO. This is it. Ukraine is fighting for the west, and that means we are lucky, because that means we hopefully don't have to break away from our armchairs to do it ourselves. Simple as that. And I have bad news for you; Every Ukrainian, including the two I live with, doesn't want "peace" on ruzzias terms (which they all know means death or torture either way). It's pretty well understood that Ukrainians would rather die fighting to the last breath than give in to ruzzia at this point. Because, either scenario means they'll die or live a meaningless life as shunned, mistreated and oppressed. Even Europe understand this now., which says a lot when you think about the incredible display of unwillingness to take part in this in the start.

Edit: Just think about this mindblowing nugget of thought: All ruzzia (the largest country in the world) has to do for the world to move on is to stop invading other countries. That's it, there's nothing more to it.
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Although Putin might be capable of giving the order to use nukes, I doubt the military will follow his orders.
The end of Putin's regime, is not the end of the career for most officers in the Russian military. Only a few officers at the top, very close to Putin, will fall with him.
Putin might get to a point where he has nothing to lose, but most officers have their lives, families, friends and country to protect.
There is life in Russia after Putin and his regime. But only if Russia doesn't use nukes.
I'm not so sure. The russians have proven themselves time and time again to be incredibly stupid and daft beyond anything we've seen. They're like dogs that do anything their master says without any thoughts for themselves.
I'm not so sure. The russians have proven themselves time and time again to be incredibly stupid and daft beyond anything we've seen. They're like dogs that do anything their master says without any thoughts for themselves.
I've just been reading up on their process. Turns out he does have a briefcase and there are two others. So it looks like 2 out of 3 need to be activated for a nuke to launch. Doesn't sound good :messenger_anxious:

The other two people with a briefcase are Sergei Shoigu (Minister of Defence) and Valery Gerasimov (Chief of General Staff).

According to some headlines it looks like Sergei wants out so hopefully he wouldn't press the button.
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I'm not so sure. The russians have proven themselves time and time again to be incredibly stupid and daft beyond anything we've seen. They're like dogs that do anything their master says without any thoughts for themselves.

Look that how many Russians have fled the country already. And how many are still trying to do it.
They know Putin's war is a lost cause. And they want live.

Also consider that during the Cold War, for several times, there was a possible cause for nuclear war, that was prevented because an officer didn't push the button.

But I also know that in this matter, I'm always right, until the moment I'm not.
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I've just been reading up on their process. Turns out he does have a briefcase and there are two others. So it looks like 2 out of 3 need to be activated for a nuke to launch. Doesn't sound good :messenger_anxious:

The other two people with a briefcase are Sergei Shoigu (Minister of Defence) and Valery Gerasimov (Chief of General Staff).
As many here I would also like to believe it to be impossible. But that manlet, orc, pig, torturer, rapist, every awful name possible, if given the chance will definitely push that button.
Look that how many Russians have fled the country already. And how many are still trying to do it.
They know Putin's war is a lost cause. And they want live.
That's just less people for Putin to worry about trying to overthrow him. Plenty of meek cattle left to go send to the frontlines like they've been doing for centuries.


Gold Member
And your opinion on the Crimean bridge attack?
Would it be possible that it was staged by Russians to "justify" escalation?
From the footage shared and as many here pointed, something under the bridge exploded. It was impossible from the way the smoke and debris spreaded for it to be caused by a truck on top of the bridge.
If I'm not mistaken that stealth black boat that appeared a while back was Russian property so they might have used something like that. Or the Ukrainians could have repurposed it.
So many hidden truths and lies.. nothing is certain.. everything is possible

The only thing I can say with any certainty is that it almost certainly wasn't a missile attack. Not only was there a lot of talk how a missile attack would likely not cause much damage to a bridge, but it seems too far for Ukraine to be able to strike. The Saky airbase strike was much closer to Ukrainian held territory.

Other than that I have no idea. Lots of theories, including Russian inside jobs, but no evidence for them. There's also things like jokes being taken as facts around it. I will say that a boat sounds quite likely, as to defend water can be really hard, but that's not evidence.


Gold Member
Disregarding your retarded poke in an earlier post, negotiations will never happen, because we and the Ukrainians know it's just postponing a genocide that will ultimately spread to a NATO confrontation later. Negotiations and "peace" mean Ukraine get wiped out, then Georgia, then Moldova, then they'll go for the Baltics and NATO. This is it. Ukraine is fighting for the west, and that means we are lucky, because that means we hopefully don't have to break away from our armchairs to do it ourselves. Simple as that. And I have bad news for you; Every Ukrainian, including the two I live with, doesn't want "peace" on ruzzias terms (which they all know means death or torture either way). It's pretty well understood that Ukrainians would rather die fighting to the last breath than give in to ruzzia at this point. Because, either scenario means they'll die or live a meaningless life as shunned, mistreated and oppressed. Even Europe understand this now., which says a lot when you think about the incredible display of unwillingness to take part in this in the start.

Edit: Just think about this mindblowing nugget of thought: All ruzzia (the largest country in the world) has to do for the world to move on is to stop invading other countries. That's it, there's nothing more to it.

I think this point is very strong.

Even if you take the most nihilistic, selfish approach about the 'West'/democratic world, and that we want to live comfort; I don't know for sure about everyone else, but I don't want to be freezing my arse off in a cold, muddy trench in the rain and dark, getting bitten by mosquitos/midges, waiting for the enemy, and wondering if Death will come for me and if so how.

I have frozen my arse off in a cold, muddy trench in the rain and dark, getting bitten by mosquitos/midges, waiting for the 'enemy' (it was an exercise). That was bad enough.


That's just less people for Putin to worry about trying to overthrow him. Plenty of meek cattle left to go send to the frontlines like they've been doing for centuries.

One of the things that is almost essential for a revolution to happen, is that the army has to support that revolution or at least sit back and do nothing to protect the regime.
Few cases in history of revolutions have succeeded when the army still fully supported the regime.
Right now, the Russian army is losing trust in Putin, but still not close to an actual revolution.
But if many more officers continue to die in Ukraine, this might eventually shift.


Gold Member
Just think about this mindblowing nugget of thought: All ruzzia (the largest country in the world) has to do for the world to move on is to stop invading other countries. That's it, there's nothing more to it.
I think this point is very strong.

Even if you take the most nihilistic, selfish approach about the 'West'/democratic world, and that we want to live comfort; I don't know for sure about everyone else, but I don't want to be freezing my arse off in a cold, muddy trench in the rain and dark, getting bitten by mosquitos/midges, waiting for the enemy, and wondering if Death will come for me and if so how.

I have frozen my arse off in a cold, muddy trench in the rain and dark, getting bitten by mosquitos/midges, waiting for the 'enemy' (it was an exercise). That was bad enough.

That's cool. I mean, I was also in the army a few years ago. I was actually taught to fight ruzzians.. And we trained in -35 celsius winter conditions, I'll never forget the feeling. It was both hellish and amazing. It was pretty mesmerizing and exciting to do excercises at night with tanks around you, sometimes doing live fire, and the sky was filled with tracer rounds.. My god.. Good - and bad times.., lol.


Simps for Amouranth
Time for Nato to put boots on the ground, id station a few thousand "peace keepers" up in the North along the border with Belarus with the express mission of stopping a new front opening up, Putin’s Russia has nothing to offer the normal world nor has he any threat other than self-annihilation through nuclear weapons, countries need to stop tip toeing around the fucker and taking the jellyfish spine approach like some posters in here, call his fucking bluff, ramp it all the way up and threaten a full scale engagement with Nato, what the fuck is his army of rapists, drunks and old men gonna do? he’s relying on the weak people in the west and its high time we fuck those cunts up and get involved, just to add a few squaddies i know are busting to get involved and its seems to be the general consensus amongst them.
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Gold Member
Woke up to the news of all the missile attacks across Ukraine. Just horrible. Fuck Russia and anyone who thinks Putin should be given an off ramp.
Yeah.. I'm reading in the news that ruzzia sent 75 missiles towards civilian targets. About ~42 was shot down..

Edit: 41 was shot down.
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Time for Nato to put boots on the ground, id station a few thousand "peace keepers" up in the North along the border with Belarus with the express mission of stopping a new front opening up, Putin’s Russia has nothing to offer the normal world nor has he any threat other than self-annihilation through nuclear weapons, countries need to stop tip toeing around the fucker and taking the jellyfish spine approach like some posters in here, call his fucking bluff, ramp it all the way up and threaten a full scale engagement with Nato, what the fuck is his army of rapists, drunks and old men gonna do? he’s relying on the weak people in the west and its high time we fuck those cunts up and get involved, just to add a few squaddies i know are busting to get involved and its seems to be the general consensus amongst them.

That would not be too far fetched.
For example, during the Vietnam war, at the height of the Cold War, there were a few thousand of Russian "observers" manning the anti-air missile systems, training the Vietcong, supplying information, etc.


Gold Member
Just think about this mindblowing nugget of thought: All ruzzia (the largest country in the world) has to do for the world to move on is to stop invading other countries. That's it, there's nothing more to it.

That's cool. I mean, I was also in the army a few years ago. I was actually taught to fight ruzzians.. And we trained in -35 celsius winter conditions, I'll never forget the feeling. It was both hellish and amazing. It was pretty mesmerizing and exciting to do excercises at night with tanks around you, sometimes doing live fire, and the sky was filled with tracer rounds.. My god.. Good - and bad times.., lol.

Sadly, only cadets for me. I took it pretty seriously, but I have high blood pressure that means I can never serve in the armed forces. It's one of the very few things that are non-negotiable and can't be corrected for (I've tried - I got ghosted). I fully understand and appreciate why (can't be having old me having a heart attack during an attack), but it still sucks.

Still, being told I could go ham with the light machinegun because it was the end of the exercise, or firing out of a moving Land Rover window were fantastic experiences. Even accidently rolling over to fire and landing in a cowpat wasn't too bad.

And if it came to conscription, I likely would end up serving (though probably getting blown up at some supply depot). At some point you take whatever you can get. So I am immensely grateful that the Ukrainians are doing it for us.


Time for Nato to put boots on the ground, id station a few thousand "peace keepers" up in the North along the border with Belarus with the express mission of stopping a new front opening up, Putin’s Russia has nothing to offer the normal world nor has he any threat other than self-annihilation through nuclear weapons, countries need to stop tip toeing around the fucker and taking the jellyfish spine approach like some posters in here, call his fucking bluff, ramp it all the way up and threaten a full scale engagement with Nato, what the fuck is his army of rapists, drunks and old men gonna do? he’s relying on the weak people in the west and its high time we fuck those cunts up and get involved, just to add a few squaddies i know are busting to get involved and its seems to be the general consensus amongst them.

The rather unlovely, but pragmatic truth of this conflict is that NATO wants Ukraine to be free again... but it wants the current Russian state to fail even more. NATO isn't going to do anything to overtly ramp up the scale of the war, partly because there is a slight chance of the use of nuclear weapons, but partly because the intent is clearly to destabilise Putin, and bleed Russia dry of men, materiel, money and soft power. That only happens if you keep the war going for as long as is necessary to accomplish this. Of course, this means that NATO stands four square behind Ukraine's efforts to get Russia out of their country, because that represents the best way to fuck Putin, without any real escalation.


And if it came to conscription, I likely would end up serving (though probably getting blown up at some supply depot). At some point you take whatever you can get. So I am immensely grateful that the Ukrainians are doing it for us.

I tend to think the 'Ukraine should negotiate' crowd get louder the further west they are, and the further away they are from the actual enemy.


Gold Member
Just rain rockets into moscow back see how they like it.
Yeah, no. Terrible idea. Ukraine will lose all of their western support overnight.

Killing indiscriminately is easy, any moron can do it. But it creates more problems for a nation than it solves. Shortsightedness is why Russia is in the predicament they are in.

They fired 75 cruise missiles at civilian targets, over half of them having been shot down. They have a finite supply and a severely limited ability to make more due to sanctions. This is strategically stupid, and reeks of a bully’s idea of showcasing strength.
One of the things that is almost essential for a revolution to happen, is that the army has to support that revolution or at least sit back and do nothing to protect the regime.
Few cases in history of revolutions have succeeded when the army still fully supported the regime.
Right now, the Russian army is losing trust in Putin, but still not close to an actual revolution.
But if many more officers continue to die in Ukraine, this might eventually shift.
Putin knows this and has split the armed forces into many little kingdoms, none of which can fully win over the others. The Army, VDV, Naval Infantry, Rosgvardia, Chechens, Wagner, FSB and others have been filled with stooges and hardliners. Performance on the battlefield against an acutal opponent has been dismal due to this but it keeps Putin in power for the time being.
This attack shows how little Putler can do. Attack Civilians, none of those attacks were for real military objectives (or at least from what I could find). This was a terrorist attack plain and simple, without nothing much to show. This is trying to show strength to the Ruzzians, but it was shit. This was supposed to be precision missiles for civilians? What a fucking piece of shit.

"They attacked my bridge, so I make a tantrum" should become a meme to the death and after of Ruzzia.

Now, you will see the fucking world more united against the enemy of Ukraine, with more equipment, this was really:


I am glad the Ruzzian army is so incompetent.


Putin knows this and has split the armed forces into many little kingdoms, none of which can fully win over the others. The Army, VDV, Naval Infantry, Rosgvardia, Chechens, Wagner, FSB and others have been filled with stooges and hardliners. Performance on the battlefield against an acutal opponent has been dismal due to this but it keeps Putin in power for the time being.

Tsar Nicolai II was also the absolute ruler and Russia was also divided into a feudalistic society.
But once Russia started losing the war hard, the army turned on him. After that it was a battle royale, until the Bolsheviks won.


Tsar Nicolai II was also the absolute ruler and Russia was also divided into a feudalistic society.
But once Russia started losing the war hard, the army turned on him. After that it was a battle royale, until the Bolsheviks won.

Russia likes to repeat its military failures over and over. It also likes to repeat its deposing of the ruling class when its military plans fail.

Putin will be dead within months.


I'd take a MOAB dropped on the Kremlin

That'd give them an enemy to fall into line about. Much better we see a lovely shot of Putin and his cronies lynched at some point in the near future, and a change of regime that will be more in line with western values.
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I've just been reading up on their process. Turns out he does have a briefcase and there are two others. So it looks like 2 out of 3 need to be activated for a nuke to launch. Doesn't sound good :messenger_anxious:

The other two people with a briefcase are Sergei Shoigu (Minister of Defence) and Valery Gerasimov (Chief of General Staff).

According to some headlines it looks like Sergei wants out so hopefully he wouldn't press the button.
2 out of 3 seems a little half assed. You'd think you would want at least all three people to agree before they take the decision to end the world


I've just been reading up on their process. Turns out he does have a briefcase and there are two others. So it looks like 2 out of 3 need to be activated for a nuke to launch. Doesn't sound good :messenger_anxious:

The other two people with a briefcase are Sergei Shoigu (Minister of Defence) and Valery Gerasimov (Chief of General Staff).

According to some headlines it looks like Sergei wants out so hopefully he wouldn't press the button.

Here's something to ponder:

We can all clearly see that Russia is an extremely corrupt regime. Corrupt officials in a regime like that are easy to control/influence/turn due to the fact that they can be bribed.

One of the reasons we may not have seen any evidence of the use of nuclear weapons - despite Putin's red lines on the matter being repeatedly crossed by NATO - is because western intelligence already has that particular line sewn up with massive bribes, kompromat, and espionage activities.

I truly don't think we'd have taken the steps we've taken if the Pentagon thought a nuclear attack was all that likely.
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2 out of 3 seems a little half assed. You'd think you would want at least all three people to agree before they take the decision to end the world

So both of them together can launch even without putin? could be a safety solution for putin.
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Gold Member
What a shit morning to wake up to. Take the rage out on the military versus talk of bombing Russia directly. At some point it will be no Russians in Ukraine - that's the end game, not bombing Russian cities.


Read the last sentence of E. Would you be so keen on negotiations if it was your country he’d invaded?

Let me answer for you… No. You wouldn’t.

Can we make this a sticky? Such a good rubric to use on all the trolls that slip on here.

And your opinion on the Crimean bridge attack?
Would it be possible that it was staged by Russians to "justify" escalation?
From the footage shared and as many here pointed, something under the bridge exploded. It was impossible from the way the smoke and debris spreaded for it to be caused by a truck on top of the bridge.
If I'm not mistaken that stealth black boat that appeared a while back was Russian property so they might have used something like that. Or the Ukrainians could have repurposed it.
So many hidden truths and lies.. nothing is certain.. everything is possible

You've had a series of "just asking questions", "I'm so concerned, trust nothing", "but he's gonna nuke" posts. Can you get your shit together or stop posting in this thread. Things are knowable, and a few of them are Russia is a bunch of terrorists and they don't need to false flag to keep doing that they have been doing for the past 8 months.
That'd give them an enemy to fall into line about. Much better we see a lovely shot of Putin and his cronies lynched at some point in the near future, and a change of regime that will be more in line with western values.
Gorbachev tried that and failed within its borders. Russian people are too far corrupt and easily influenced and behave like cavemen to fit into western values for at least 25 years.

Lost cause. They just need to be neutered and walled away from the rest of the world.
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