Disregarding your retarded poke in an earlier post, negotiations will never happen, because we and the Ukrainians know it's just postponing a genocide that will ultimately spread to a NATO confrontation later. Negotiations and "peace" mean Ukraine get wiped out, then Georgia, then Moldova, then they'll go for the Baltics and NATO. This is it. Ukraine is fighting for the west, and that means we are lucky, because that means we hopefully don't have to break away from our armchairs to do it ourselves. Simple as that. And I have bad news for you; Every Ukrainian, including the two I live with, doesn't want "peace" on ruzzias terms (which they all know means death or torture either way). It's pretty well understood that Ukrainians would rather die fighting to the last breath than give in to ruzzia at this point. Because, either scenario means they'll die or live a meaningless life as shunned, mistreated and oppressed. Even Europe understand this now., which says a lot when you think about the incredible display of unwillingness to take part in this in the start.
Edit: Just think about this mindblowing nugget of thought: All ruzzia (the largest country in the world) has to do for the world to move on is to stop invading other countries. That's it, there's nothing more to it.