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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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What a shit morning to wake up to. Take the rage out on the military versus talk of bombing Russia directly. At some point it will be no Russians in Ukraine - that's the end game, not bombing Russian cities.

Can we make this a sticky? Such a good rubric to use on all the trolls that slip on here.

You've had a series of "just asking questions", "I'm so concerned, trust nothing", "but he's gonna nuke" posts. Can you get your shit together or stop posting in this thread. Things are knowable, and a few of them are Russia is a bunch of terrorists and they don't need to false flag to keep doing that they have been doing for the past 8 months.
There is nothing wrong in trying to understand other people opinions.
I have my shit together, thank you, and my take on this is simple. Russia must be stopped. It should not be allowed to stop on it's own. We cannot give them the chance to use such an excuse as "we stopped because we wanted to stop"
They have to be defeated. Period



Possible some part of the German Embassy in Kyiv got hit.

Be careful with extremely shitty journalism like that.

The german embassy wasn't hit. It was a visa consulate on the 22nd floor.


Similarly their stocks of Iskander are quite low.

Kalibr is the last missile in good supply and they just used 80…

And btw at 6.5 million dollars a pop they just spent about 540 millions on misiles. None was aimed at a military target.
But UKRAINE are terrorists .. for perhaps bombing that bridge .. but Russia are great for blowing up gas pipe lines ! Make Russia great again 🤣🤡


Gold Member
Be careful with extremely shitty journalism like that.

The german embassy wasn't hit. It was a visa consulate on the 22nd floor.

"Extremely shitty journalism".. What's with the knee-jerk odd reaction? That's exactly what the article says; It's the visa office of the German embassy. It's not bad enough for you, or you think an embassy can only be one structure? ..Because that would be a weird notion..
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"Extremely shitty journalism".. What's with the knee-jerk odd reaction? That's exactly what the article says; It's the visa office of the German embassy. It's not bad enough for you, or you think an embassy can only be one structure? ..Because that would be a weird notion..

Super extremely shitty journalism.

The others managed to do it properly.


I'm romanian, and i thank NATO for existing, and Ukraine for being so brave and resiliant.

Whoever says that Ukraine should negociate (surrender basically) and give up land, has no fucking clue what can of worms would be opened here in Europe.
Learn some fucking european history before opening your retarded mouths.
Salut.Complet de acord cu tine!

Singura negociere ce merita a fi luata in calcul este ca Ruzia să părăsească Ucraina și să se intoarca în rahatul lor de pământ lipsit de onoare și umanitate ce duhnește a corupție și dintr-un WC înfundat.

'The only real negociation to take into account is Ruzzia leaving Ukraine and going back to their shithole land that lacks any honor and humanity and reeks of coruption from even the most clogged toilet.'


making another push for Kiev?
Ukraine should have planned for and expected this and have bolstered defences and dug in troops north of Kiev, and especially around the airport. Opening another front was always an obvious way Russia had of buying time for their faltering southern flank by diverting Ukrainian forces.

I recall hearing they'd turned Kiev into a fortress during the first Russian push, making it difficult to conquer, so hope they have still got those defences in place.

They need to have a counter strategy to the Russian approach of hitting a city with artillery until there is nothing left, that let them take one city after another down south.


Gold Member
Ukraine should have planned for and expected this and have bolstered defences and dug in troops north of Kiev, and especially around the airport. Opening another front was always an obvious way Russia had of buying time for their faltering southern flank by diverting Ukrainian forces.

I recall hearing they'd turned Kiev into a fortress during the first Russian push, making it difficult to conquer, so hope they have still got those defences in place.

They need to have a counter strategy to the Russian approach of hitting a city with artillery until there is nothing left, that let them take one city after another down south.

I can't remember the source (but it was a legitimate news agency), but Ukraine have been bolstering their northern forces as much as they can given the need for troops and equipment elsewhere. Russia have been mucking around more in Belarus for a few weeks now.


Gold Member
Be careful with extremely shitty journalism like that.

The german embassy wasn't hit. It was a visa consulate on the 22nd floor.

I mean, it's in the extract that automatically gets posted that it was the visa consulate.

And technically, it was the embassy, as consulates are just extensions of an embassy. They have exactly the same protections, it's just that they tend to offer fewer services and aren't where the ambassador lives. They are the same entity.
Gangstalking in the video. Nural link prediction. Your Perspective as their perspective view of missle hit. Tiktok revolution suron borg! Transhumanism war? You're in hell now.
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Monday Night Raw Reaction GIF by WWE


DAMN.....operational command south which is the Kherson front reported taking out 174 Russians today. I think thats the highest single day tally i've seen from that area. Only thing the missile attacks this morning did was make Ukranians fight harder.
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Simps for Amouranth
I’m not to worried about the Northern line or how many Russian Zombies they throw across it, that shipped sailed along with the 40mile convey and nothing more than a feint or a death wish for tens of thousands of wasted orcs. I’m pretty sure Ukraine has every crossing, every potential staging area and every road either mined or dialled in for artillery, not to mention I’m pretty sure there are a few Himars systems with long range rockets kept for this very thing so if the Russians are stupid enough to try it again, Ukraine will hit their bases and staging areas deep into Belarusian territory.

I know the Russians are fighting like its WW2 but to send thousands of men into a heavily fortified and armed Northern line is some proper WW1 shit, their blatant disregard for life or any sign of actual humanity in the 21st century never ceases to amaze me, how can a nation be so fucking backwardly cruel to their fellow humans… Iran, China, NK, Russia.. they really are a fucking cesspool of evil


Gold Member
Damn straight.

Also, the precision of these artie strikes is terrifying; nowhere to hide for the Russians:

Holy shit, that's insane.

The orcs are just there chilling, thinking they are concealed and safe and then BOOM!, right in the optimum spot. If they aren't got in one, then more just come exactly on them.
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