fuck me... one of those cunts is my age, taken from some buttfuck village in the arsehole of Russia then 3 days later given a shitty weapon and dropped off at a line of trenches showing signs of heavy damage from shelling, told to get in and hold the line then their commander fucks off and they spend the next couple of days getting shelled and then the trenches fill with water from the rain... lol you couldn’t make it up, luckily they said fuck this and left and came across a Ukrainian checkpoint and immediately surrendered..
That video needs to be seen by everyone in Russia, this is what awaits you, Putin & the Oligarchs don’t give two shits about your life, you’ll get no training, no supplies and in 2022 thrown into a fucking WW1 trench and told to hold the line against precision shelling that can hit the middle of the fucking trench or an MLRS will air burst above you and saturate the entire line with 150,000 ball bearings killing everyone… 2022!!??
As much as I hate the fucking Russians, I have to feel sorry for those sad bastards, fed a constant diet of incredibly fucking stupid to us westerners propaganda about how evil we all are for years and you’re willing to jump on a bus and go fight to protect the motherland, it’s incredibly frustrating that one man is committing crimes against humanity not only against Ukrainians but his own people and no one is doing anything about HIM, we have another fucking Hitler in the world and everybody is just sitting around letting him breathe air..