Lukashenko - to Belarusians: If you want it to be quiet and calm - then clench your teeth and do what I tell you
Poor bastard. Either way, he is screwed up. Someone posted this in the article comments (google translate)
Since August 26, Lukashenko's puppet regime has become a real nuclear threat to all of Europe. On October 10, the resubordination of the Belarusian army to the General Staff of the Russian Federation and its filling with Russian troops de jure completed the process of the liquidation of Belarus as a state and Lukashenko was de facto removed from the command of his army. The army of Belarus, whether it likes it or not, but since October 10, it already obeys Moscow and is obliged to carry out its orders. Lukashenko is just a propaganda curtain, convenient for Moscow because it allows it to claim that the Russian Federation is not the only one at war and creates the appearance of an interstate coalition.
from Monday, October 17, power in Belarus passed to "gray" colonels. "Grey", since no one chose them except for the Kremlin. "Grey" colonels entered the screens and began to demonstrate the Russian army entering Belarus. They stated that another 9,000 people entered. Russian soldiers, but do not believe this figure. Someone Valery Revenko, the head of the department of international military cooperation, said that day that it is possible to launch a "preemptive strike" on Vilnius, since the opposition government of Svetlana Tykhanouskaya lives there, which is preparing an attack and overthrow of the beloved Alexander Grigoryevich. According to the status, only Lukashenko can make such statements, and he had to personally meet the incoming army of the Russian Federation and give an explanation to the Belarusians in numbers, how much it entered and how much they didn't care.
But since the military did without him in all this, it is safe to say that from Monday the "gray" colonels are in power, and Lukashenko is under secret arrest by them and the special services of the Russian Federation, and he can only go abroad to Abkhazia. For this reason, his interview in Astana can really be called the last political squeal. Lukashenko will still be taken out of custody on solemn occasions to be shown to the public, but all this is no longer important. The Kremlin "chekists" solved their problems with the cunning Belarusian "collective farmer" quite traditionally - they arrested him and sent him to indefinite detention without the right to correspond.
Lukashenko tried to scream in Astana and demand negotiations with the USA on the nuclear disarmament of Belarus, but this only convinced the "Chekists" that it was time for the "collective farmer" to isolate himself, otherwise he would again throw out some "multi-vector" feint and ask to accept Belarus into NATO. Probably, he will soon be sent for better security to Abkhazia or somewhere else, and he will work as president remotely. Now Belarus already has two presidents who both work remotely via the Internet, but the status of Tsykhanouskaya is clearly higher.
Lukashenko's twitches and screams in Astana were caused by the fact that he finally understood that Moscow, with or without him, intends to start hostilities again from the territory of Belarus, and this time not only against Ukraine, but also against Lithuania and Poland. If everything goes according to her plan, then against Latvia and Estonia, which are left for the "second dish".