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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I remove teeth
Unless Putin backs down, This war will last for at least another year. That’s the reality of things. Nobody’s expecting they’d be able to fly F-16s now, and I never said they’d be short term solutions. But there’s enough time for at least half year of intensive training.

For ATACMS, no training required as they’re already proficient with HIMARS. Bradley Fighting Vehicles? A handful of weeks at most. And the US has thousands of these mothballed and scheduled for replacement.
Need Abrams, f117, f22, leopards, black hawks and another machines.


Gold Member

This is gonna be a big problem. Cheap drones causing massive damage. Almost unstoppable. Iran selling missiles and drones without comeback, giving Russia the opportunity to take out the remaining 70% of Ukraine's power stations and the expensive, western sourced military equipment.

All gloves should come off when it comes to Iran, while maybe Ukraine should be supplied with as many drones as possible to take out the Russian power network and defences (fight fire with fire).
Time to start taking out the Iranian Republic Guard. Targetted at first, but if that doesn't work, moving on to just obliterating their bases.

Given the atmosphere in Iran at the moment, the Iranian people just might finish off the job.


I remove teeth
Man I ran into some Russians at the zoo. Those fuckers were openly talking Nazi shit because they think nobody can understand them. Russians need to go home and die for their country not shit up the rest of the world with their backwards filth
Russians don't exist. I see georgian who think he's russian and support ussr, belorussian who this made too.
That's insulting to the monkeys.
Monkeys best than russians.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
They aren't getting F-22s or the like. Not a chance in hell.

And that isn't some 'oh, they aren't prepared for them', or 'they would take too long to train on them'. It's a, that's shit that the US shares with no one.

F22? Who cares, F15 is better tho… lol the fighter mafia what a meme.


Even by Russia propaganda standards its crazy how extreme their rhetoric has been getting. They're fully in support of wiping out Ukraine's civilian infrastructure and causing even more of a humanitarian crisis. Just full on comicbook villains.


Suck It Jensen Ackles GIF

We all know they are lying, but if they say so, they should let people from the EU check the manufacturer, and follow up on shipments for some time to see how Truthful their word is (none).

Lukashenko - to Belarusians: If you want it to be quiet and calm - then clench your teeth and do what I tell you​


Poor bastard. Either way, he is screwed up. Someone posted this in the article comments (google translate)

Since August 26, Lukashenko's puppet regime has become a real nuclear threat to all of Europe. On October 10, the resubordination of the Belarusian army to the General Staff of the Russian Federation and its filling with Russian troops de jure completed the process of the liquidation of Belarus as a state and Lukashenko was de facto removed from the command of his army. The army of Belarus, whether it likes it or not, but since October 10, it already obeys Moscow and is obliged to carry out its orders. Lukashenko is just a propaganda curtain, convenient for Moscow because it allows it to claim that the Russian Federation is not the only one at war and creates the appearance of an interstate coalition.

from Monday, October 17, power in Belarus passed to "gray" colonels. "Grey", since no one chose them except for the Kremlin. "Grey" colonels entered the screens and began to demonstrate the Russian army entering Belarus. They stated that another 9,000 people entered. Russian soldiers, but do not believe this figure. Someone Valery Revenko, the head of the department of international military cooperation, said that day that it is possible to launch a "preemptive strike" on Vilnius, since the opposition government of Svetlana Tykhanouskaya lives there, which is preparing an attack and overthrow of the beloved Alexander Grigoryevich. According to the status, only Lukashenko can make such statements, and he had to personally meet the incoming army of the Russian Federation and give an explanation to the Belarusians in numbers, how much it entered and how much they didn't care.

But since the military did without him in all this, it is safe to say that from Monday the "gray" colonels are in power, and Lukashenko is under secret arrest by them and the special services of the Russian Federation, and he can only go abroad to Abkhazia. For this reason, his interview in Astana can really be called the last political squeal. Lukashenko will still be taken out of custody on solemn occasions to be shown to the public, but all this is no longer important. The Kremlin "chekists" solved their problems with the cunning Belarusian "collective farmer" quite traditionally - they arrested him and sent him to indefinite detention without the right to correspond.

Lukashenko tried to scream in Astana and demand negotiations with the USA on the nuclear disarmament of Belarus, but this only convinced the "Chekists" that it was time for the "collective farmer" to isolate himself, otherwise he would again throw out some "multi-vector" feint and ask to accept Belarus into NATO. Probably, he will soon be sent for better security to Abkhazia or somewhere else, and he will work as president remotely. Now Belarus already has two presidents who both work remotely via the Internet, but the status of Tsykhanouskaya is clearly higher.

Lukashenko's twitches and screams in Astana were caused by the fact that he finally understood that Moscow, with or without him, intends to start hostilities again from the territory of Belarus, and this time not only against Ukraine, but also against Lithuania and Poland. If everything goes according to her plan, then against Latvia and Estonia, which are left for the "second dish".


Gold Member
The reason for the Rivet Joint Eurofighter escorts has come to light.

Two Russian SU-27 fighters flew within 15ft of an RAF Rivet Joint flying over international wates over the Black Sea. Beyond visual range, but nearby, one of the Russian fighters released a missile.

Extremely reckless and stupid, but nothing surprising and not the start of WWIII as some morons were postulating.
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The reason for the Rivet Joint Eurofighter escorts has come to light.

Two Russian SU-27 fighters flew within 15ft of an RAF Rivet Joint flying over international wates over the Black Sea. Beyond visual range, but nearby, one of the Russian fighters released a missile.

Extremely reckless and stupid, but nothing surprising and not the start of WWIII as some morons were postulating.

I can see the Ruzzian doing shit like this by mistake, then the people in charge:
Celebrity Big Brother Bbceleb GIF by Big Brother
Then trying to jump saying that it was a mistake or a "rouge agent", hoping:
Episode 1 Boat GIF by The Simpsons
to finally:

The reason for the Rivet Joint Eurofighter escorts has come to light.

Two Russian SU-27 fighters flew within 15ft of an RAF Rivet Joint flying over international wates over the Black Sea. Beyond visual range, but nearby, one of the Russian fighters released a missile.

Extremely reckless and stupid, but nothing surprising and not the start of WWIII as some morons were postulating.
"Released" probably being the "did a sharp turn and the poorly built/fastened clamp holding the missile failed and it dropped in the sea" kind of release.


The thing I don't get about Iran is why they would paint such a huge target on their backs by having Russia showcase their weapons. There was even talk of easing some sanctions on them. Having Russia destroy the civilian population and infrastructure with their weapons will not be seen as a power play and in fact reinforces why there are sanctions and why more are probably needed. But bigger than that I bet there will likely be a lot more covert bombings on Iran targets from the US, Israel and probably even Saudi Arabia. I don't think many realize how many bombs the US and Israel drops on Iran behind the scenes.



The RuSSians have been doing stuff like this forever here in Scandinavia, always getting caught outside military installations, nuclear plants, transformer stations etc... When I did my draft duty, we regularly caught RuSSkies trying to get information on the base I was stationed at.

They probarly have information on all our critical installations, in Norway, Sweden, and Finland.


The thing I don't get about Iran is why they would paint such a huge target on their backs by having Russia showcase their weapons. There was even talk of easing some sanctions on them. Having Russia destroy the civilian population and infrastructure with their weapons will not be seen as a power play and in fact reinforces why there are sanctions and why more are probably needed. But bigger than that I bet there will likely be a lot more covert bombings on Iran targets from the US, Israel and probably even Saudi Arabia. I don't think many realize how many bombs the US and Israel drops on Iran behind the scenes.

Religious fanatics don't follow logic and reason. It's all about hatred for others.



So your significant other is not so significant....

Will Ferrell Anchorman GIF by AOK

Women in ex Soviet countries are fucked by the system. They are pressured into marriage and kids at young ages and expected to be chaste homemakers while their husbands fuck around. They are also increasingly carrying the household finances while their husbands work shit jobs and spend their free time drunk and bitching. A desire for divorce is common but the practice is frowned upon in conservative circles. Having your spouse die a "hero" so you can take a pile of cash and find somebody you actually love is a more palatable alternative.


Time to start taking out the Iranian Republic Guard. Targetted at first, but if that doesn't work, moving on to just obliterating their bases.

Given the atmosphere in Iran at the moment, the Iranian people just might finish off the job.

The thing I don't get about Iran is why they would paint such a huge target on their backs by having Russia showcase their weapons. There was even talk of easing some sanctions on them. Having Russia destroy the civilian population and infrastructure with their weapons will not be seen as a power play and in fact reinforces why there are sanctions and why more are probably needed. But bigger than that I bet there will likely be a lot more covert bombings on Iran targets from the US, Israel and probably even Saudi Arabia. I don't think many realize how many bombs the US and Israel drops on Iran behind the scenes.

Read up on "Iran Lobby". No effective reaction will be done, they were just given a gas field on the shores of Lebanon as a stable source of income that will also limit sanctions.
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