If Russia retreats from Northern Kherson over the dnipro, it can't be underestimated just how much of a major defeat that'll be for them for several reasons. The biggest since Kyiv, and bigger than Kharkiv
1) Thats been the site of some of the most fiercest fighting since the beginning of the war, especially recently. Russia has lost thousands of soldiers in what is a relatively small part of the frontline when you look at its size. All those Russians will have basically died for nothing.
2) Kherson city was the only regional capital Russia managed to capture since Feb 24th. From a political standpoint, losing it will be devastating.
3) Russian morale will plummet even further, while Ukranian soldiers will be in even higher spirits than they already are.
4) The river will make the perfect natural defense line that Ukraine will further fortify to make any future Russian offensive in that area basically impossible. Putin's dream of taking over Mykolaiv and Odessa to eventually build a land corridor with Transnistria will never be realized.
So yeah.....interesting times ahead.