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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Urrgghh!..did anyone else watch that video of a Russian in a fox hole having his face literally blown off by a drone dropped grenade...and he's still alive afterwards?

Some nasty, nasty shit can happen to the human body and still leave you alive to suffer.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Urrgghh!..did anyone else watch that video of a Russian in a fox hole having his face literally blown off by a drone dropped grenade...and he's still alive afterwards?

Some nasty, nasty shit can happen to the human body and still leave you alive to suffer.

Unfortunately I did... I don't think he lived for long huh.


Urrgghh!..did anyone else watch that video of a Russian in a fox hole having his face literally blown off by a drone dropped grenade...and he's still alive afterwards?

Some nasty, nasty shit can happen to the human body and still leave you alive to suffer.

Shit was hot. The drone operator definitely mastered utility in CSGO.


Urrgghh!..did anyone else watch that video of a Russian in a fox hole having his face literally blown off by a drone dropped grenade...and he's still alive afterwards?

Some nasty, nasty shit can happen to the human body and still leave you alive to suffer.
yeah and that burning dude crawling away from his blown up tank was nasty too... it's still horrifying seeing the moments before someone is reduced to just a mutilated mannequin

Mini Golf Toddler GIF


Gold Member
The fronts are stalled, as a result of 2 factors:

a) Mud season which means vehicles can only move across roads and these are easy to defend.

b) The untrained mobiks - they might not be able to advance, but they are an obstacle.

Supposedly mordor has deployed around 80k untrained mobiks to stabilize the front, the remainder 200k are being trained. In a couple months these will finish training and due to cold weather the ground will harden enabling vehicles to cross terrain again - that's when russia will strike.

Don't know about that assessment at the end. 2 mo of training isn't much, and considering the quality of the folks they've called up won't be in that great shape. But more than that, they don't have any equipment nor vehicles to make a difference. The fronts they do have are also seeing nearly 1000 KIA a day.. just no way they hold for months - and mud isn't universal in Ukraine.

I don't see a counteroffensive coming - just more grinding and Russia losing ground slowly but surely. Nothing has changed.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Don't know about that assessment at the end. 2 mo of training isn't much, and considering the quality of the folks they've called up won't be in that great shape. But more than that, they don't have any equipment nor vehicles to make a difference. The fronts they do have are also seeing nearly 1000 KIA a day.. just no way they hold for months - and mud isn't universal in Ukraine.

I don't see a counteroffensive coming - just more grinding and Russia losing ground slowly but surely. Nothing has changed.

Honestly I have no clue whether russia can reliably threaten kyiv or retake the ground ukrainians freed, my point is that in a few months russia will escalate its efforts via mass deploying "trained" (whatever that means) troops.

As for their losses, they're staggering. A conservative 1:2 ratio means 210k troops out of commission. I would also like to point out that russia was estimated to have around 3300 tanks in working condition. Recently they raided whatever Belarus had and have been shipping T62 to the front - which means we might be looking at the last remnants of their tank forces being wiped out in real time.


Honestly I have no clue whether russia can reliably threaten kyiv or retake the ground ukrainians freed, my point is that in a few months russia will escalate its efforts via mass deploying "trained" (whatever that means) troops.

As for their losses, they're staggering. A conservative 1:2 ratio means 210k troops out of commission. I would also like to point out that russia was estimated to have around 3300 tanks in working condition. Recently they raided whatever Belarus had and have been shipping T62 to the front - which means we might be looking at the last remnants of their tank forces being wiped out in real time.
All that counting … but Russia showed us they can’t do shit .. they can ship what they want of their old pieces of shit . Their more numbers game turned out to be a turd … they are hardly a super power ..
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reading this thread it's becoming obvious that we're currently undergoing a major Russian offensive across the frontlines. They're throwing everything they can at in an attempt to gain some ground before the winter. If they don't make progress this month they're in for a world of hurt. There's only so long you can throw 500 soldier's on suicide runs. Won't go any better in minus 15 degrees winter frost.



He’s a weak, bluffing little shit, and anyone who continues to think he is anything otherwise is a useful idiot to him.

As if he was going to shoot at neutral flagged container ships being escorted by Turkish warships. One vessel would be enough for Erdogan to rally the pan Turkic council and basically ruin Russia.


Gold Member
Don't know about that assessment at the end. 2 mo of training isn't much, and considering the quality of the folks they've called up won't be in that great shape. But more than that, they don't have any equipment nor vehicles to make a difference. The fronts they do have are also seeing nearly 1000 KIA a day.. just no way they hold for months - and mud isn't universal in Ukraine.

I don't see a counteroffensive coming - just more grinding and Russia losing ground slowly but surely. Nothing has changed.

The winter itself is going to kill quite a few of them, even in the south where it can still get quite cold. And then quite a lot of the others are going to become massive liabilities due to being cold and malnourished. And that's before we even get to arms.


Gold Member
Challenge Accepted
Well, I for one wouldn't waste my money to go see a Russian in a cage.

Penguins? Cool bois. Giraffes? Tall bois. Elephants? Big bois. Tigers? Mean bois. Flamingos? Elegant bois. Russians? Disgusting orcs.
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So Russia really is resorting to using mobilized soldiers as cannon fodder. Im sure thats going to go down well back at home....



And this is why I wonder why South Korea and Israel are adamantly refusing to help Ukraine or sell weapons to them. Russia is directly funding or helping their arch-foes.


Gold Member
I'm perplexed by the apparent lack of force and initiative from the west to stop Iran from sending ballistic missiles to ruzzia. These missiles are going to make a lot of trouble for Ukraine because there's no currently no effective way for them to shoot them down.
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There are people with too much time and trying to scam people. I checked my emails and got this gem:

I am Williams Richard. please move this message to your Inbox for easy communication.

I am 29 years old. I am from Granada,in the City in Nicaragua but my parents have their businesses in Ukraine and my 2 sisters grew up in Ukraine.

Unfortunately,I am now an orphan as my parents died in the ongoing Civil war between Russia and Ukraine.

Before my Father died,he left behind $30,000,000.00USD with the Ukraine International Bank,he made me the legal owner of the money.

My uncle has changed my father's personal assets to his names. I discovered a letter in my uncle's closet and in that letter,I found out that my uncle and his wife have changed my Father Tie company to their name,I have no right to my father's company in Ukraine any longer.

My only hope of surviving is my $30,000,000.00 USD funds and two of my father business in London and Spain.

In order for my uncle and his wife not to kill me,I ran for safety,so I decided to run away from the house. I am now in a hidden place in Georgia very far away from Ukraine.

I am scared and hidden,I quickly withdrew my $30,000.000.00 USD from The Ukraine International Bank, i had to withdraw the money before my uncle would claim it.

I am presently in a church while my $30,000,000.00 USD funds is at the airport, I left the consignment and some other vital documents at the airport.

I requested that you help me to transfer this money to your account for investment purposes and to continue my studies from where I stopped.

I will give you all the information you need after I hear from you. I am in a sincere desire for your humble assistance in this regard.

Yours Sincerely

Williams Richard


There are people with too much time and trying to scam people. I checked my emails and got this gem:

I am Williams Richard. please move this message to your Inbox for easy communication.

I am 29 years old. I am from Granada,in the City in Nicaragua but my parents have their businesses in Ukraine and my 2 sisters grew up in Ukraine.

Unfortunately,I am now an orphan as my parents died in the ongoing Civil war between Russia and Ukraine.

Before my Father died,he left behind $30,000,000.00USD with the Ukraine International Bank,he made me the legal owner of the money.

My uncle has changed my father's personal assets to his names. I discovered a letter in my uncle's closet and in that letter,I found out that my uncle and his wife have changed my Father Tie company to their name,I have no right to my father's company in Ukraine any longer.

My only hope of surviving is my $30,000,000.00 USD funds and two of my father business in London and Spain.

In order for my uncle and his wife not to kill me,I ran for safety,so I decided to run away from the house. I am now in a hidden place in Georgia very far away from Ukraine.

I am scared and hidden,I quickly withdrew my $30,000.000.00 USD from The Ukraine International Bank, i had to withdraw the money before my uncle would claim it.

I am presently in a church while my $30,000,000.00 USD funds is at the airport, I left the consignment and some other vital documents at the airport.

I requested that you help me to transfer this money to your account for investment purposes and to continue my studies from where I stopped.

I will give you all the information you need after I hear from you. I am in a sincere desire for your humble assistance in this regard.

Yours Sincerely

Williams Richard

Scammers like this are bottomfeeders and should be expelled from humanity.


Gold Member
And this is why I wonder why South Korea and Israel are adamantly refusing to help Ukraine or sell weapons to them. Russia is directly funding or helping their arch-foes.

It baffles me. Israel had no problem supporting Azerbaijan after Iranian-adjacent Armenia kicked off the 2nd Karabagh war, and even told Pashinyan to kick rocks when he begged them to stop supplying weapons and munitions. They regularly hit Iranian militias and proxies across the Arab states. Iran is getting involved in Ukraine and they're basically radio silent. TB2 + Israeli Harops absolutely ruined russian equipment and tactics in occupied Karabagh.


Tanks = javelin’d
Planes = crashing into apartment buildings
Body armor = Marty McFly-esque
Rifles = oxidized

Let’s try sending more meat that’s a good trick!
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It baffles me. Israel had no problem supporting Azerbaijan after Iranian-adjacent Armenia kicked off the 2nd Karabagh war, and even told Pashinyan to kick rocks when he begged them to stop supplying weapons and munitions. They regularly hit Iranian militias and proxies across the Arab states. Iran is getting involved in Ukraine and they're basically radio silent. TB2 + Israeli Harops absolutely ruined russian equipment and tactics in occupied Karabagh.
The country to watch in terms of reaction to Iran is Turkey, and they basically just used their navy to enforce the grain deal against Russia's claims about them stopping it.
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