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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Simps for Amouranth
I'm from Russia and there's millions of people here (I'm one of them) who don't support Putin's fascist and terrorist regime in any way as well as totally unjustified colonial war against Ukraine and its people. But there's only so much (or more like almost nothing) you can do now and while almost 2 million armed to the teeth fascist pigs (Police, National Guards, FSB, FSO etc.) is against you, along with oppressive illegal laws etc., which are getting signed faster than you can effin' blink. Those murderous fuckers, killers and robbers took power and holding our people hustage for 20+ years making sure that no one can do anything about it. So, it'll take a herculean effort to take them down, but we will, with the help of Ukraine and other countries.

Ukraine will take back what's been taken from it and Russia along with Belarus will be free from fascist dictatorship and authoritarianism.

Can you explain why Iranian women have bigger balls than Russian men? They face the same sort of oppressive regime intent on dominating every facet of your life through lies and manipulation yet the Iranian people are out fighting like fuck.. Russians... what the fuck are they exactly doing other than hiding in the woods or dying in foxholes to some drone dropped grenade, i simply cant wrap my head around why you lot are so apathetic to your situation, id rather die on the streets trying to fight and overturn an evil government than some front line in Ukraine, id rather take on a pig in uniform than a fucking tank

Grace And Mamrie GIF by This Might Get


Tears of Nintendo
Can you explain why Iranian women have bigger balls than Russian men? They face the same sort of oppressive regime intent on dominating every facet of your life through lies and manipulation yet the Iranian people are out fighting like fuck.. Russians... what the fuck are they exactly doing other than hiding in the woods or dying in foxholes to some drone dropped grenade, i simply cant wrap my head around why you lot are so apathetic to your situation, id rather die on the streets trying to fight and overturn an evil government than some front line in Ukraine, id rather take on a pig in uniform than a fucking tank
Clearly Russian people and people in Iran are not the same, you need to know more about us than just what TV or news sites are telling you. Without that you won't understand, also....👇

I have to disagree somewhat on this, because protests would do something (even small scale ones, as long as they get online) It would get a lot more of you killed or carried off by the police. Now, from your perspective that’s an understandable no-go, but to be totally blunt about it, the rest of us want to see more of you protest whatever the outcome, because it would highlight how fascist Russia has truly become, and might persuade people to do something about it- or at least show the rest of the world how bad things actually are.
During recent election ~400K people in Moskow alone voted against the war, other votes were simply thrown in by Kremlin. At 8:00 in the morning, 1 million people have voted Kremlin said, which simply can't be done and never happened before, Kremlin simply drawn 1 million votes and before that, people who was against the war weren't allowed to participate in election. So here's 400K people in Moskow alone, who decided to speak out and outvote some of the Kremlin's cocksuckers. There won't be huge protests while people are outnumbered, outgunned, don't have anyone to follow and don't have anyone to fund protest on a huge scale. Their deaths won't do anything at all, they'll just die, solve nothing, it's stupid and irrational. People doing whatever they can their own way by not putting their lives or lives of their relatives, friends etc. at risk. I don't know how much you know about what's going on, but there's a shit ton of diversion withing our country by our people, be it railway diversions to stop the trains with military aid, military commissariats being burned by molotovs, people drawing anti-war graffity, making and sharing anti-war messages on walls etc. etc. etc. People doing whatever they can to not go to war and kill people, cuz it's against their believes and they don't support Putin, his regime and everyone involved in war, propaganda, giving and following orders etc. Do you know how and why revolution begun in 1917? I suggest you find out, cuz then you'll know that there's a shit ton of similarities with what is happening now.

Why in Russia revolution will not happen.if you watch turn on auto translate there is eng subs in video

I call BS on most of the stuff. To say the least, not all people in Russia are like that, only those who seek easy power to rob people and don't care about them afterwards, only showing up at the time of ellections etc. to show and tell that they care, they're buying votes of older people cuz they're mostly brainwashed (though not all), some of the state are bought by Kremlin so they are voting for United Russia etc. etc. In every country there's people like that or even worse, but to think that there's nothing can be done and no one cares is BS and there's no true to that whatsoever.
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Can you explain why Iranian women have bigger balls than Russian men? They face the same sort of oppressive regime intent on dominating every facet of your life through lies and manipulation yet the Iranian people are out fighting like fuck.. Russians... what the fuck are they exactly doing other than hiding in the woods or dying in foxholes to some drone dropped grenade, i simply cant wrap my head around why you lot are so apathetic to your situation, id rather die on the streets trying to fight and overturn an evil government than some front line in Ukraine, id rather take on a pig in uniform than a fucking tank
Because that person probably lives in Moscow. Where all the Putin "nicht verstehen"-ers are holed up. Putin knows that, thus almost no mobilization was held in Moscow.
Every other Russian supports Putin.


Looking at latest footage there is parts of Ukraine without power due to Russias recent strikes. And tons of footage of Ukranian tanks and equipment getting destroyed. The casualties must be massive.
Well, ukrainian losses are also to be expected. It's a war, both sides loose men and equipment.


Tears of Nintendo
And the source is?
The source is people who's voting in social polls anonymously and who's not asked directly on streets under camera. It's 10-15% at best and number of people is growing each day, week and month.

And the source on 2 mln is?
Maybe 300k, that's max.
FSB, FSO, National Guard and Police combined is around 2,6 milliion people in the whole country (not only in Moskow). That's counting millitary with their tanks etc. who also supporing Putin and his regime, do you think noone will call and order them to aid and kill protesters? Well, think again.

As for bumbers.... 300K max?

National guard: 340K people
Police: 746K people
FPS (Personal guard for Putin alone): 50K people - This is not public organizatin so you can't find official and public info on them anywhere for a reason.

And here's even more numbers - https://thebell.io/proekt-naschital-v-rossii-2-6-mln-silovikov

Again - 2,6 million people. So please, if you don't know what you're talking about, don't assume or say that you know. At least it'll make you look smarter that way.

The main problem of Russian "thinkers" is that they want some compassion and to play a victim.

Nope, you won't get any.
I don't need anyone's compasion especially from people with no empathy and who don't know russian people, who we really are and that you can't judge the whole nation by looking at those who's killing people in Ukraine and destroying it.

Because that person probably lives in Moscow. Where all the Putin "nicht verstehen"-ers are holed up. Putin knows that, thus almost no mobilization was held in Moscow.
Every other Russian supports Putin.
I'm not living in Moscow and there is forced mobilization in Moscow, Sankt Petersburg and other cities and provinces, no one is telling you about it cuz they're not living in Russia and in Russia you won't see in on TV and no one there will tell anything about it. Even now, after they've said that mobilization is over, they're lying and it is not over and won't be over until Ukraine will take back their land. Thousands of people being forced one way or the other to go to war, one man even attempted to kill millitary officer in military commissariat and said that "No one will go to war!", soon after he was arrested. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
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Tears of Nintendo
Look no further than Belarus in 2020 to see what'll happen, if people in Russia will go to protest openly in huge numbers. But it'll be far worse in Russia cuz Lukashenko has only about 200K people to oppress belarusian people, where as Putin has almost 3 million. That's a stupid suicide to achieve nothing and if anyone think otherwise - they have no brain, common sense and they can't think rationally. War with Putin can't be won by protests at this stage, but it eventually will be with the help of protests as well.
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Gold Member
Look no further than Belarus in 2020 to see what'll happen, if people in Russia will go to protest openly in huge numbers. But it'll be far worse in Russia cuz Lukashenko has only about 200K people to oppress belarusian people, where as Putin has almost 3 million. That's a stupid suicide to achieve nothing and if anyone think otherwise - they have no brain, common sense and they can't think rationally. War with Putin can't be won by protests at this stage, but it eventually will be with the help of protests as well.

Ukrainians protested Russian puppets and got their freedom which they are fighting to save now. I don't buy your argument. Sounds like rationalization to do nothing. I'm not suggesting you do, but I think the reality is Russian people do support Putin and this war in significant numbers and there really isn't an anti-war movement. That's fine, I guess, but just re-enforces the reality that regime change will not happen until Putin dies or something else changes.

But praise Iranian women, can they are badass.


Look no further than Belarus in 2020 to see what'll happen, if people in Russia will go to protest openly in huge numbers. But it'll be far worse in Russia cuz Lukashenko has only about 200K people to oppress belarusian people, where as Putin has almost 3 million. That's a stupid suicide to achieve nothing and if anyone think otherwise - they have no brain, common sense and they can't think rationally. War with Putin can't be won by protests at this stage, but it eventually will be with the help of protests as well.

There are 12 million people in Moscow alone. If all of them really wanted change they could win purely by drowning the government's oprichniks in blood. You don't really want change though. Russians are quite comfortable in the grasp of a czar. You pay lip service to modern liberal values while you invade and occupy your neighbors and oppress ethnic minorities. The same excuses, the same stories, century after century.


Look no further than Belarus in 2020 to see what'll happen, if people in Russia will go to protest openly in huge numbers. But it'll be far worse in Russia cuz Lukashenko has only about 200K people to oppress belarusian people, where as Putin has almost 3 million. That's a stupid suicide to achieve nothing and if anyone think otherwise - they have no brain, common sense and they can't think rationally. War with Putin can't be won by protests at this stage, but it eventually will be with the help of protests as well.

But history shows us quite clearly that it does achieve something. I think you've convinced yourself that protest is not worth doing, simply because of the danger inherent in it. I get that, but to say protest does not have an effect is demonstrably wrong. I think at the moment Russians still think protesting against the regime is worse than doing nothing. I hope for your sake that attitude changes before it becomes very apparent that doing nothing is far worse. Putin's Russia is going to collapse one day. Up to you guys whether he destroys all of your lives, as he goes down. You're going to get no help from outside Russia at all, and famine can very much still be a thing.
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Tears of Nintendo
Ukrainians protested Russian puppets and got their freedom which they are fighting to save now.
And those people in Russia who don't support Putin, his regime and war in Ukraine are with them, including me.

I don't buy your argument. Sounds like rationalization to do nothing.
We're not just sitting and do nothing, how many times I have to say it and even point out specific examples about which many of you clearly don't know?

I'm not suggesting you do, but I think the reality is Russian people do support Putin and this war in significant numbers and there really isn't an anti-war movement. That's fine, I guess, but just re-enforces the reality that regime change will not happen until Putin dies or something else changes.
I'm not saying that there are no stupid and brainwashed people who support Putin, his regime and war in Ukraine, but it is not majority of the population and only about 10-15% out of 143+millillion.

There are 12 million people in Moscow alone. If all of them really wanted change they could win purely by drowning the government's oprichniks in blood. You don't really want change though. Russians are quite comfortable in the grasp of a czar. You pay lip service to modern liberal values while you invade and occupy your neighbors and oppress ethnic minorities. The same excuses, the same stories, century after century.
What a stupid point of view from a man who knows nothing about Russia and wtf has been going on in it really over the last 32 years. What you know is only superficial information at best. Oligarchs don't have power in Russia, only Putin, his regime and his close supporters have. Oligarchs are nothing and they were nothing in the 90s and 2000s, nothing but corrupt criminals and robbers just like everyone in Putin's regime and himself included. Russia is not Putin. Putin, his regime and suporters are not Russia, never were and never will be. If noone wanted change as you've said, no one would've tried to do everything they could to not go to war, a shit ton of people (if not everyone) would sing up to volunteer and go to war way back in March, no one would've burned military commissariats, sabotaged railway to stop millitary aid, no one would openly oppose the war, Putin and his regime, we would not have so many political prisoners who tried to change something over the last 9 years (if not more), Nemtsov and many other could still be alive, Navalny could be free and not in jail etc. etc. etc. so for the love of god say no more about what you think we're not doing.

But history shows us quite clearly that it does achieve something.
It sure does.

I think you've convinced yourself that protest is not worth doing, simply because of the danger inherent in it. I get that, but to say protest does not have an effect is demonstrably wrong. I think at the moment Russians still think protesting against the regime is worse than doing nothing. I hope for your sake that attitude changes before it becomes very apparent that doing nothing is far worse.
Firtsly - you need to remember that it was Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians as well who eventually destroyed USSR from within, and Yeltsin and his team finished what we've started. The same will happen again with Putin and his regime, but unfortunately situation is completely different now. Only if Navalny's team and other political prisoners will be handling crisis management, only then we can have a peacefull conclusion after Ukraine will take back everything Putin and his fuckers taken from it. Right now Ukraine needs to win this war (which it will) and we'll do what we can to help it achieve this goal and eventually take down Putin together.

Secondly - Putin and his regime cannot be taken down by protests, it is simply not possible at this stage and right now. Ukraine needs to win this war on the battlefield or so called "russian elite" needs to take him down from within, there's no way for ordinary people to do it. Why don't you understand? He has 50K people in FSO alone to save him from anything, that's not countring ~2,6 million people from FSB, Police, National Guard etc. You don't understand that this motherfucker saw everything coming and learned history lessons to do everything in his power to protect himself. He has more people to do so than in any other country that has dictatorship. He learned from Hitler, he learned from Stalin, he learned from Khrushchev, he learned from Gorbachev etc. etc. etc. You don't understand with whom and what we all dealing with.

People, you have to stop believing in Pitin's propagaida and what your TV and news sites are telling you. We have a common enemy here who's clearly trying to make us hate each other and you're helping him right now. How come that you cannot see it?
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And those people in Russia who don't support Putin, his regime and war in Ukraine are with them, including me.

We're not just sitting and do nothing, how many times I have to say it and even point out specific examples about which many of you clearly don't know?

I'm not saying that there are no stupid and brainwashed people who support Putin, his regime and war in Ukraine, but it is not majority of the population and only about 10-15% out of 143+millillion.

What a stupid point of view from a man who knows nothing about Russia and wtf has been going on in it really over the last 32 years. What you know is only superficial information at best. Oligarchs don't have power in Russia, only Putin, his regime and his close supporters have. Oligarchs are nothing and they were nothing in the 90s and 2000s, nothing but corrupt criminals and robbers just like everyone in Putin's regime and himself included. Russia is not Putin. Putin, his regime and suporters are not Russia, never were and never will be. If noone wanted change as you've said, no one would've tried to do everything they could to not go to war, a shit ton of people (if not everyone) would sing up to volunteer and go to war way back in March, no one would've burned military commissariats, sabotaged railway to stop millitary aid, no one would openly oppose the war, Putin and his regime, we would not have so many political prisoners who tried to change something over the last 9 years (if not more), Nemtsov and many other could still be alive, Navalny could be free and not in jail etc. etc. etc. so for the love of god say no more about what you think we're not doing.

It sure does.

Firtsly - you need to remember that it was Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians as well who eventually destroyed USSR from within, and Yeltsin and his team finished what we've started. The same will happen again with Putin and his regime, but unfortunately situation is completely different now. Only if Navalny's team and other political prisoners will handling crysis management this we can have a peacefull conclusion after Ukrain will take back everythin Putin and his fuckers taken from it. Right now Ukraine needs to win this war and we'll do what we can to help it achieve this goal.

Secondly, Putin and his regime cannot be taken down by protests, it is simply not possible at this stage and right now. Ukraine needs to win this war on the battlefield or so called "russian elite" needs to take him down from within, there's no way for ordinary people to do it. Why don't you understand? He has 50K people in FPO alone to save him from anything, that's not countring ~2,6 million people from FPB, Police, National Guard etc. You don't understand that this motherfucker saw everything coming and learned history lessons to do everything in his power to protect himself. He has more people to do so than in any other country that has dictatorship. He learned from Hitler, he learned from Stalin, he learned from Khrushchev, he learned from Gorbachev etc. etc. etc. You don't understand with whom and what we all dealing with.

People, you have to stop believing in Pitin's propagaida and what your TV and news sites are telling you. We have a common enemy here who's clearly trying to make us hate each other and you're helping him right now. How come that you cannot see it?

Mate, I'm a Georgian citizen. You can play your pity party to western people but I know your game intimately. I get to see the real Russia every time I see the occupation line that goes through my in laws land. Or when I drive past the IDP village outside of Tbilisi where Georgians sit watching Russians buy their houses in abkhazia. Tell me again that I don't know about Russia. You're just a coward
As for the latter: link it or else why should anyone believe you? I've not seen any comparative uptick in damage to any side. Further, if Ukraine are sustaining heavier casualties, then we'd have seen more movement of the front lines despite the weather. For a couple of weeks now the lines have remained pretty static, with some Ukrainian gains and Russia making tiny ones towards Bakhmut (but still not managing to enter it).

I assumed it would be against the rules to link this stuff. Some of it is hard to stomach.


Those 2m people protecting him don't mean shit.

What u do is basically terrorize them with just culling them at random places out of nowhere in city's. And keep doing this until the point they can't free move around anymore because everywhere they can be hit. This fucks them massively to the point they either have to fight there own citizens and that will create even more people that will go against them, until u get mass protests and eventually he will have to flee.

After the turns start to tide u make clear announcements that anybody fighting for putin will be faced with justice after he's gone and most of those 2m protectors will be gone with the wind.

This exactly what happened here in WW2 after the Germans took over, they weren't having a happy picknick.
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Tears of Nintendo
Mate, I'm a Georgian citizen. You can play your pity party to western people but I know your game intimately. I get to see the real Russia every time I see the occupation line that goes through my in laws land. Or when I drive past the IDP village outside of Tbilisi where Georgians sit watching Russians buy their houses in abkhazia. Tell me again that I don't know about Russia. You're just a coward
I've done nothing to you or to your people, your war is with Putin and his regime alone, not with normal Russian people with a brain, who can think for themselves etc. Cowards are those people in Putin's fascist government who can't take him down, save people's lives, stop the war, withdraw all forces and let Ukraine take it's land back. I and many others are trying to do anything we can to stop Putin and also save our lives by doing so as well. We're not going to die just cuz you think we should cuz of stupid and completely unrealistic reasons, and so that anyone here could quickly say a few words and forget about it even faster.

And with that I think I've said everything there is to say about the situration. Take out of it what you will and do educate yourselves more on what is really going on in Russia, I already posted some links here which will be a good start.


I've done nothing to you or to your people, your war is with Putin and his regime alone, not with normal Russian people with a brain, who can think for themselves etc. Cowards are those people in Putin's fascist government who can't take him down, save people's lives, stop the war, withdraw all forces and let Ukraine take it's land back. I and many others are trying to do anything we can to stop Putin and also save our lives by doing so as well. We're not going to die just cuz you think we should cuz of stupid and completely unrealistic reasons, and so that anyone here could quickly say a few words and forget about it even faster.

And with that I think I've said everything there is to say about the situration. Take out of it what you will and do educate yourselves more on what is really going on in Russia, I already posted some links here which will be a good start.

Yeah I don't expect you to lift a finger. Russians can't possibly risk their comfort and safety to clean up a mess of their own making. Leave the dying to the millions of people forced to take up arms and fight for their existence because of your inaction. Same shit different century. You're a very good Oprichnik.

Patrick S.

If noone wanted change as you've said, no one would've tried to do everything they could to not go to war, a shit ton of people (if not everyone) would sing up to volunteer and go to war way back in March, no one would've burned military commissariats, sabotaged railway to stop millitary aid, no one would openly oppose the war, Putin and his regime
They do that to save their own asses from eating a grenade in a foxhole, more than anything.
The average Russian didn’t give a fuck about Putin’s regime until about two months ago, and then they just tried to book it to Georgia rather than try to enact any regime change. I think this is how most people would react, no matter the country, but there’s no point in pretending there is or has ever been any insurgent resistance movement.
National guard: 340K people
Police: 746K people
Росгвардия is a part of МВД.
I.e. 340k is included in 746k
Again - 2,6 million people.
Creative accounting...
Even now, after they've said that mobilization is over, they're lying and it is not over
That's obvious.
But it's really over in Moscow. Sobianin is the authority there.
Thousands of people being forced one way or the other to go to war
And they are forced to steal washing machines?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Mate, I'm a Georgian citizen. You can play your pity party to western people but I know your game intimately. I get to see the real Russia every time I see the occupation line that goes through my in laws land. Or when I drive past the IDP village outside of Tbilisi where Georgians sit watching Russians buy their houses in abkhazia. Tell me again that I don't know about Russia. You're just a coward

I hope some day you can free your lands from the russian tyranny.


I've done nothing to you or to your people, your war is with Putin and his regime alone, not with normal Russian people with a brain, who can think for themselves etc. Cowards are those people in Putin's fascist government who can't take him down, save people's lives, stop the war, withdraw all forces and let Ukraine take it's land back. I and many others are trying to do anything we can to stop Putin and also save our lives by doing so as well. We're not going to die just cuz you think we should cuz of stupid and completely unrealistic reasons, and so that anyone here could quickly say a few words and forget about it even faster.

And with that I think I've said everything there is to say about the situration. Take out of it what you will and do educate yourselves more on what is really going on in Russia, I already posted some links here which will be a good start.

Not sure how you work, but, being a citizen of a nation that is comitting atrocities, makes you partly responsible, since, you are, well, a citizen in that nation.

Can't be easy though, glad you are here and writing, so we get views from inside. But, gotterdammerung, you folks need to get that coup d'etat happening soon. We who do not live in RuSSia, have even smaller means of trying to influence, we get to stand by and watch everything happen...
Secondly - Putin and his regime cannot be taken down by protests, it is simply not possible at this stage and right now. Ukraine needs to win this war on the battlefield or so called "russian elite" needs to take him down from within, there's no way for ordinary people to do it. Why don't you understand? He has 50K people in FSO alone to save him from anything, that's not countring ~2,6 million people from FSB, Police, National Guard etc. You don't understand that this motherfucker saw everything coming and learned history lessons to do everything in his power to protect himself. He has more people to do so than in any other country that has dictatorship. He learned from Hitler, he learned from Stalin, he learned from Khrushchev, he learned from Gorbachev etc. etc. etc. You don't understand with whom and what we all dealing with.

People, you have to stop believing in Pitin's propagaida and what your TV and news sites are telling you. We have a common enemy here who's clearly trying to make us hate each other and you're helping him right now. How come that you cannot see it?
Tell this to the women in Iran.


Look no further than Belarus in 2020 to see what'll happen, if people in Russia will go to protest openly in huge numbers. But it'll be far worse in Russia cuz Lukashenko has only about 200K people to oppress belarusian people, where as Putin has almost 3 million. That's a stupid suicide to achieve nothing and if anyone think otherwise - they have no brain, common sense and they can't think rationally. War with Putin can't be won by protests at this stage, but it eventually will be with the help of protests as well.
Yeah I remember the peaceful protests in Belarus... There were heavy debats between UKR-BEL-RUS. On the one hand Ukrainians warned Belarusians that if they want to remove a dictator they must be prepared to fight. And on another hand Russian "liberals" told them not to listen to stupid Ukrainians no matter what and just keep giving flowers to the police it is so cute Lukashenko will be forced to leave by this cuteness. Yet they decided to listen to Russians.
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Simps for Amouranth
M8 no one here listens to Putins Propaganda ffs, it's so laughably moronic and obvious that the majority of people who read or hear it think it's from a fucking comedy sketch yet your fellow countrymen eat it up and go die on foreign lands over it so don't give us that "don't listen to Putin" bullshit, no cunt with an IQ above 10 does ffs but it doesn't detract from the fact that this "majority" of Russians who don't like Putin, through their cowardly inaction have allowed this fucking Hitler wannabe to run riot all over another nation and plunged the world into a fucking crisis.. grow a set of fucking balls and overturn the cunt, I get it the men are all fucking cowards but Jesus Christ, what about the wives and mother's!? Why aren't we seeing all the women out marching for their sons and husbands being sent to a literal meat grinder, yet we see nothing, we see ordinary Russians going about their daily lives ignoring the fact that your fellow countrymen are committing acts of indescribable evil against your fucking neighbours whilst lamenting the price of potatoes going up a few fucking rubles...

AHH fuck I'm too angry to engage in a civilized conversation with a Russian even one who hates Putin as much as everyone in the world does... Just do something more ffs
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Yeah I remember the peaceful protests in Belarus... There were heavy debats between UKR-BEL-RUS. On the one hand Ukrainians warned Belarusians that if they want to remove a dictator they must be prepared to fight. And on another hand Russian "liberals" told them not to listen to stupid Ukrainians no matter what and just keep giving flowers to the police it is so cute Lukashenko will be forced to leave by this cuteness.
Vlad Vexler mentioned in one of his videos that Luka, either out of desperation or idiocy, accepted Russian propagandists inside the Belorussian mass-media. And their methods were very different from the old-school ones of classic Belorussian propaganda: they relied more on dividing people and inciting internal conflict in the rebel camp.
And, as you've mentioned, there's also the violence angle, which, unfortunately, the Belorussians didn't quite figure out before they got scattered and arrested: you actually want to keep provoking the regime's enforcers until they shoot you dead.
It's the one thing they cannot bullshit/agitprop themselves out of.
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So the U.S. is sending over 250 M1117s as part of the newest Aid package. I don't know much about these but they sound like a big upgrade over the M113. And they're designed to be resistant to Mines.

Seems that slowly but surely they're working their way up to supplying proper IFVs like Bradleys.

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M8 no one here listens to Putins Propaganda ffs, it's so laughably moronic and obvious that the majority of people who read or hear it think it's from a fucking comedy sketch yet your fellow countrymen eat it up and go die on foreign lands over it so don't give us that "don't listen to Putin" bullshit, no cunt with an IQ above 10 does ffs but it doesn't detract from the fact that this "majority" of Russians who don't like Putin, through their cowardly inaction have allowed this fucking Hitler wannabe to run riot all over another nation and plunged the world into a fucking crisis.. grow a set of fucking balls and overturn the cunt, I get it the men are all fucking cowards but Jesus Christ, what about the wives and mother's!? Why aren't we seeing all the women out marching for their sons and husbands being sent to a literal meat grinder, yet we see nothing, we see ordinary Russians going about their daily lives ignoring the fact that your fellow countrymen are committing acts of indescribable evil against your fucking neighbours whilst lamenting the price of potatoes going up a few fucking rubles...

AHH fuck I'm too angry to engage in a civilized conversation with a Russian even one who hates Putin as much as everyone in the world does... Just do something more ffs
I am russian. Get it of your chest Billy Bob.


Gold Member
And those people in Russia who don't support Putin, his regime and war in Ukraine are with them, including me.

We're not just sitting and do nothing, how many times I have to say it and even point out specific examples about which many of you clearly don't know?

I'm not saying that there are no stupid and brainwashed people who support Putin, his regime and war in Ukraine, but it is not majority of the population and only about 10-15% out of 143+millillion.

What a stupid point of view from a man who knows nothing about Russia and wtf has been going on in it really over the last 32 years. What you know is only superficial information at best. Oligarchs don't have power in Russia, only Putin, his regime and his close supporters have. Oligarchs are nothing and they were nothing in the 90s and 2000s, nothing but corrupt criminals and robbers just like everyone in Putin's regime and himself included. Russia is not Putin. Putin, his regime and suporters are not Russia, never were and never will be. If noone wanted change as you've said, no one would've tried to do everything they could to not go to war, a shit ton of people (if not everyone) would sing up to volunteer and go to war way back in March, no one would've burned military commissariats, sabotaged railway to stop millitary aid, no one would openly oppose the war, Putin and his regime, we would not have so many political prisoners who tried to change something over the last 9 years (if not more), Nemtsov and many other could still be alive, Navalny could be free and not in jail etc. etc. etc. so for the love of god say no more about what you think we're not doing.

It sure does.

Firtsly - you need to remember that it was Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians as well who eventually destroyed USSR from within, and Yeltsin and his team finished what we've started. The same will happen again with Putin and his regime, but unfortunately situation is completely different now. Only if Navalny's team and other political prisoners will be handling crisis management, only then we can have a peacefull conclusion after Ukraine will take back everything Putin and his fuckers taken from it. Right now Ukraine needs to win this war (which it will) and we'll do what we can to help it achieve this goal and eventually take down Putin together.

Secondly - Putin and his regime cannot be taken down by protests, it is simply not possible at this stage and right now. Ukraine needs to win this war on the battlefield or so called "russian elite" needs to take him down from within, there's no way for ordinary people to do it. Why don't you understand? He has 50K people in FSO alone to save him from anything, that's not countring ~2,6 million people from FSB, Police, National Guard etc. You don't understand that this motherfucker saw everything coming and learned history lessons to do everything in his power to protect himself. He has more people to do so than in any other country that has dictatorship. He learned from Hitler, he learned from Stalin, he learned from Khrushchev, he learned from Gorbachev etc. etc. etc. You don't understand with whom and what we all dealing with.

People, you have to stop believing in Pitin's propagaida and what your TV and news sites are telling you. We have a common enemy here who's clearly trying to make us hate each other and you're helping him right now. How come that you cannot see it?

Sorry, but nothing will change unless something happens in Russia. Maybe you'll get lucky and elites will fight it out, but then you're likely to just get another power and wealth seeking arsehole as a replacement.

I know, I know, it's easy for us to as you need to make sacrifices, maybe your own life. Many of us have had ancestors make so sacrifices for us. And in Eastern Europe there many either still alive, or generationally close relatives that did make sacrifices to get democracy and freedom.

And those 'colour revolutions' terrify dictators.

People are relatively sympathetic to fleeing or quiet Russians. But that patience is wearing thin (and never really existed in countries bordering Russia). We do expect you do act more or else no longer be welcome in our world.


Gold Member
Can you explain why Iranian women have bigger balls than Russian men? They face the same sort of oppressive regime intent on dominating every facet of your life through lies and manipulation yet the Iranian people are out fighting like fuck.. Russians... what the fuck are they exactly doing other than hiding in the woods or dying in foxholes to some drone dropped grenade, i simply cant wrap my head around why you lot are so apathetic to your situation, id rather die on the streets trying to fight and overturn an evil government than some front line in Ukraine, id rather take on a pig in uniform than a fucking tank

'To be fair', Russians have never really known true freedom. The decade at most between the fall of the USSR and Putin tightening his hold on power (I remember being young and hearing on the news about buses of Putin supporters that would threaten and intimidate voters around election time) is all they've had of freedom. And that decade saw Russia reeling from the disintegration of its empire.

Iran on the other hand, did have a really quite free society under the Shah. Yes, there was repression, as any active monarchy has, but people were relatively free. That was the 70s, so there are still many Iranians who remember that and they have passed that down to their children and their grandchildren.

It also helps the Iranians that their government aren't as good at propaganda and cracking down on digital communication.
It's not going to end anytime soon I'm afraid
It’s war of attrition. Russia willl fight till 500,000 soldiers are KIA if history is anything to go by.

But Putin might push that number to 1,000,000. Ukraine will have to maintain a 3:1 ratio of KIA and 20:1 armor kill ratio to win the war of attrition against Russia.

But the North is looking like its turning into a see-saw battle now. Russia is gaining some ground lost and are building up a large force at the Bolgorod border region for a push to surround the offensive. Probably later in the winter when the ground freezes over.

This war will last until 2025 when Trump gets into office and pulls support for Ukraine unfortunately.

Russian army is showing some signs of actual tactics now. With how they are withdrawing forces in Kherson. Kherson will be a long ass battle to take the city. Since Ukraine won’t use the level the city with artillery then advance tactic that Ruscists was using in Mariupol
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It’s war of attrition. Russia willl fight till 500,000 soldiers are KIA if history is anything to go by.

But Putin might push that number to 1,000,000. Ukraine will have to maintain a 3:1 ratio of KIA and 20:1 armor kill ratio to win the war of attrition against Russia.

But the North is looking like its turning into a see-saw battle now. Russia is gaining some ground lost and are building up a large force at the Bolgorod border region for a push to surround the offensive. Probably later in the winter when the ground freezes over.

This war will last until 2025 when Trump gets into office and pulls support for Ukraine unfortunately.

Russian army is showing some signs of actual tactics now. With how they are withdrawing forces in Kherson. Kherson will be a long ass battle to take the city. Since Ukraine won’t use the level the city with artillery then advance tactic that Ruscists was using in Mariupol

Potentially up to 2025 or longer? God damn.
Thanks for info.
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