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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Well that's convenient
No it's not, I think you just misunderstand something.
You just need to stop and think: why Putin did not go full scale war in 2021. Although he had amassed a lot of troops there already.
Or 2020, or earlier.
How come the stuff he did in Ukraine happened only in 2014-2016 and 2022-...
Something happened in 2017-2021 that scared him shitless, and he was so quiet that even his goons in Donbass region were silent.
No it's not, I think you just misunderstand something.
You just need to stop and think: why Putin did not go full scale war in 2021. Although he had amassed a lot of troops there already.
Or 2020, or earlier.
How come the stuff he did in Ukraine happened only in 2014-2016 and 2022-...
Something happened in 2017-2021 that scared him shitless, and he was so quiet that even his goons in Donbass region were silent.

Convenient for you to suddenly claim ignorance on a comment implying that Ukraine belonged to Russia. What stopped Putin invading earlier? It is irrelevant. He ccould have done it sooner, but it doesnt matter now. Putin invaded from the north too, thinking Kyiv would fall in days. It didn't. Calling any part of Ukraine in February "Russia" when even Russia didn't declare it until the hurried sham referenda months ago, is your Russian propaganda.


No it's not, I think you just misunderstand something.
You just need to stop and think: why Putin did not go full scale war in 2021. Although he had amassed a lot of troops there already.
Or 2020, or earlier.
How come the stuff he did in Ukraine happened only in 2014-2016 and 2022-...
Something happened in 2017-2021 that scared him shitless, and he was so quiet that even his goons in Donbass region were silent.

The thing that scared him was the discovery of new oil and gas fields in Ukraine, and the thought that it wasn't his. So he decided to steal it.
comment implying that Ukraine belonged to Russia
Not even close.
Never implied it.

Putin invaded from the north too, thinking Kyiv would fall in days.
Yup, because everybody ensured him that that's what would happen.
The same people who ensured that he gets almost no repercussions from 2014 Crimea (by the way, "sanctions" in 2014 mostly hit Ukraine, hard, did you know that?).
Rings a bell yet?

Calling any part of Ukraine in February "Russia" when even Russia didn't declare it until the hurried sham referenda months ago, is your Russian propaganda.
That has nothing to do with anything that I've said.
The thing that scared him was the discovery of new oil and gas fields in Ukraine, and the thought that it wasn't his. So he decided to steal it.
You can try again. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
He thought he could take Ukraine in 3 days, then Baltic states, then Nordic, then go to Europe, til Lisbon.
And that would be all done by today, if Zelensky would fold. But he didn't.
*desperately grasping for a genocidal maniac’s good reason for being so…*
Ukraine is now single handedly fights WW3.
And all you can say is "genocidal maniac"?
So why this maniac is not stopped?
What's stopping NATO from doing its part? Waits for fucking Perl Harbor again? 6 mln Jews was not enough last time?


Ukraine is now single handedly fights WW3.
And all you can say is "genocidal maniac"?
So why this maniac is not stopped?
What's stopping NATO from doing its part? Waits for fucking Perl Harbor again? 6 mln Jews was not enough last time?
He is currently being stopped.
And don't play dumb, you know perfectly well that NATO is careful to not escalate into nuclear conflict.
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Gold Member
Not even close.
Never implied it.

Yup, because everybody ensured him that that's what would happen.
The same people who ensured that he gets almost no repercussions from 2014 Crimea (by the way, "sanctions" in 2014 mostly hit Ukraine, hard, did you know that?).
Rings a bell yet?

That has nothing to do with anything that I've said.

Mate, all your comments are an absolute mindfuck. Your ideas and opinions are all over the place, expressed in half-baked half sentences. Has the wiring up there got tangled or something?

I think you need a break.
Not even close.
Never implied it

That has nothing to do with anything that I've said.

you said:

The soldiers that went into Ukraine on Feb 24 2022 were "firmly" in Russia. Since 2017.

now what are you saying here if not the soldiers that went into Ukraine also went into Russia, unless you mean that's how the Russians saw it...then, no shit, but Russians see a lot of things that aren't real

Yup, because everybody ensured him that that's what would happen.
The same people who ensured that he gets almost no repercussions from 2014 Crimea (by the way, "sanctions" in 2014 mostly hit Ukraine, hard, did you know that?).
Rings a bell yet?

oh yeah, Putin's puppet masters, who are they again?


Gold Member
The thread as derailed again...

Welp, here's something to get it back on track.

It seems Ukrainian forces continue to slowly and cautiously advance on Kherson, and that there's still a lot of support for them within it (plus many of the stooges have fled).


Rodent Whores
Something happened in 2017-2021 that scared him shitless, and he was so quiet that even his goons in Donbass region were silent.
If you're implying that President Trump was that something, then I doubt it. While there were weapons sales under the Trump administration to Ukraine, they were done in a very reserved manner and seemingly for domestic political strategic reasons. He also pushed for a halt to weapons sales to Ukraine as part of his election platform, a position not that far off from President Obama, too.


Glad the mods have acted to rid us of these Putin proxies. Well done!

Can’t believe one of the fuckers was actually sharing content from a pro-Russia telegram group (funded by the Russian Govt, no less) and claiming it was attempt to being balanced.

Thankfully we can get back on topic now.
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Gold Member
I've been biting my tongue for the last few pages.. Seems like it was worth it now.

Anyway, Lukashenko is playing dumb poor victim. Says Zelensky is like a son to him (!). Jesus.. he basically let the bogeyman into his house to try to rape and kill his "son". Father of the year material right there... /s

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Guess who has a new tenant

swerk GIF


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
No thanks, protesting is a waste of time. Even if I did, it wouldn't accomplish anything. I am too busy making good money, but you obviously have too much time on your hands and care about other people's issues and have the audacity to tell others what to do. Now kindly, back in the corner where you belong. Buh-bye, I need to go back to counting my stacks.

Sounds like someone on my Ignore list.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I've been biting my tongue for the last few pages.. Seems like it was worth it now.

Anyway, Lukashenko is playing dumb poor victim. Says Zelensky is like a son to him (!). Jesus.. he basically let the bogeyman into his house to try to rape and kill his "son". Father of the year material right there... /s

Comrade Clown knows how to get down.



if true it this will fundamentally change the course of the war.

I have my doubts, That's a state of the art British/French designed cruise missile for the Typhoon, F-35 & Rafale.

...and I'm not sure the Americans will like the idea of that being available to Ukraine, a deep strike capability into Russia does raise the stakes somewhat.


Gold Member
I have my doubts, That's a state of the art British/French designed cruise missile for the Typhoon, F-35 & Rafale.

...and I'm not sure the Americans will like the idea of that being available to Ukraine, a deep strike capability into Russia does raise the stakes somewhat.
On the other hand, the UK have quite happily been giving Ukraine NLAWs, Starstreak and Brimstone 2 (3 is the latest, but is still in development so 2 is the currently used one).

HIMARS/M270 missiles are also currently used NATO weapons, as are the German and French artillery that have been sent.


On the other hand, the UK have quite happily been giving Ukraine NLAWs, Starstreak and Brimstone 2 (3 is the latest, but is still in development so 2 is the currently used one).

HIMARS/M270 missiles are also currently used NATO weapons, as are the German and French artillery that have been sent.

All those can be classed as defensive in nature.

Cruise Missiles are not, they're an offensive, first strike weapon.


I have my doubts, That's a state of the art British/French designed cruise missile for the Typhoon, F-35 & Rafale.

...and I'm not sure the Americans will like the idea of that being available to Ukraine, a deep strike capability into Russia does raise the stakes somewhat.
that's why it's not americans who would supply these missiles i guess that's good thing because they wouldn't allow to target russia my guess is that's UK also these missiles would mount on ukrainian SU-24.
That's "news" from few days ago and only source you can find is some strange few weeks old site which also repeat some ruSSian propaganda so it's probably fake.
second hand source is "Jurij Švec" ex KGB veteran geopolitic and war analyst currently living in america according to him the information he was allowed to publish on his podcast was given to him by an unnamed source whose predictions always came true also that ukraine will receive "shadow storm" was confirmed by ukraine news agency.
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Can I just say, Jesus fucking Christ that video thumbnail is cringey shit.

It looks like it's aimed at 12 year-olds, and the whoever made it can't even make a proper speech bubble.
They all do it. But he actually gives good daily updates to the war.

There’s another guy that gives updates to what he thinks the Ruscists are planning and he’s been more right than wrong. However he pretends to be neutral, but all he does is attack the media that favours Ukraine every video. Not a single time did he attack any of the Russian favouring media.
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