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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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For good or bad:

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Mr. Community
Things are happening around Kreminna.

Based on the official Ukranian army report of places where russian assaults happened and were repelled, most likely they control the P66 north of Kreminna, which means the orcs defending the town can only receive reinforcements from the south.


What are they going to do when they're out of paintball helmets?
Yup that’s what gonna happen , if Putin gives up , it is his end, so he will continue. His whole economy will be around the war and produce bombs, rockets , material.

The west is to slow with new stuff .. we will set us up for full war if we continue holding back all the good stuff .. instead of sending them all back to Russia with f16, patriots, helicopters and drones . The Russians clearly have no answers.

We are letting them spin up their war economy. Will be paid in blood .
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Gold Member
Yup that’s what gonna happen , if Putin gives up , it is his end, so he will continue. His whole economy will be around the war and produce bombs, rockets , material.

The west is to slow with new stuff .. we will set us up for full war if we continue holding back all the good stuff .. instead of sending them all back to Russia with f16, patriots, helicopters and drones . The Russians clearly have no answers.

We are letting them spin up their war economy. Will be paid in blood .

What? You think Russia war economy actually matters? Their entire economy is smaller than the US peace time military investment.
Looking at Russia's economy and going 'smaller then Canada lol' for the past 20 years is missing the point. Russia still a huge pile of Soviet equipment from when it was the second largest GDP in the world and, unlike the West, did not dismantle it or selll of for a few bucks to other countries. Both the TU-160 bombers and the missiles currently being fired at Ukraine were for a large part sold by Ukraine to Russia in the '90s for instance. At the time it seemed like those weapons were relics of the past, much like all the stuff everyone in NATO is now desperately trying to dig out of storage or call buyers to ask them back. Jordan bought 60 surplus Gepard AA tanks from Holland for 21 million, an absolute bargain at the time when defense spending was being gutted and every cent made from selling stuff was welcome. A huge portion of NATO defense spending also went into making weapons totally useless in all out war. Warships without air defense. Missiles without explosives. Cannons that fire shells costing a hundred thousand bucks a piece.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I am not surprised that most of you are incapable of a joke or sarcasm.

The whole war is a joke. The big scary Russians are a joke.


You're trying hard to hide behind a pseudo edgelord demeanor, which everyone who has spent time on the internet instantly recognizes, but all you're doing is spreading Putin/Russian disinfo and strife.

Meanwhile innocent people are being brutalized, raped, tortured, and murdered by a sick authoritarian regime - while we in the West do our best to try and help them as we can.

Please, just stop. It's not witty, it's not cool. It's abhorrent.
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What can you expect from this? They are brain washed to no end.

Mix a few truths with a shitload of lies. The west is very confused with the woke mind virus and the thousands of genders and pronouns, and that is something that should be defeated to keep our grasp on reality, but that isn't going to make me support a genocidal corrupt maniac.

Russians are just insulated from the rest of the world, a huge country where the great majority of its citizens will probably never visit any other country. Easy to brainwash everyone to some degree.
Mix a few truths with a shitload of lies. The west is very confused with the woke mind virus and the thousands of genders and pronouns, and that is something that should be defeated to keep our grasp on reality, but that isn't going to make me support a genocidal corrupt maniac.

Russians are just insulated from the rest of the world, a huge country where the great majority of its citizens will probably never visit any other country. Easy to brainwash everyone to some degree.

Those Russians don't know fact from fiction and are so easily brainwashed. Anyway back to the woke mind virus...


Gold Member
Looking at Russia's economy and going 'smaller then Canada lol' for the past 20 years is missing the point. Russia still a huge pile of Soviet equipment from when it was the second largest GDP in the world and, unlike the West, did not dismantle it or selll of for a few bucks to other countries. Both the TU-160 bombers and the missiles currently being fired at Ukraine were for a large part sold by Ukraine to Russia in the '90s for instance. At the time it seemed like those weapons were relics of the past, much like all the stuff everyone in NATO is now desperately trying to dig out of storage or call buyers to ask them back. Jordan bought 60 surplus Gepard AA tanks from Holland for 21 million, an absolute bargain at the time when defense spending was being gutted and every cent made from selling stuff was welcome. A huge portion of NATO defense spending also went into making weapons totally useless in all out war. Warships without air defense. Missiles without explosives. Cannons that fire shells costing a hundred thousand bucks a piece.
And despite all that, NATO, even just the European elements, would stomp all over Russia if there were a war between them.

It would be hilarious if the loss of life wouldn't be so tragic.


Those Russians don't know fact from fiction and are so easily brainwashed. Anyway back to the woke mind virus...
I think you get it but it could be plainly pointed out that the person you're talking to is brainwashed by that same propaganda to a degree. That they're the one plagued with a "mind virus" which makes them self-aggrandize. In the post you quoted they think they have a grasp on reality which the collective West doesn't.

Maybe the propaganda is fed to them the same way as the old lady. Through watching video after video putting it in their head constantly making them fixate and the virus worsen to where they want to expose others.

It does bring it back to the article from yesterday about how this stuff circulates and the risks with thoughtless contrarianism.


I think you get it but it could be plainly pointed out that the person you're talking to is brainwashed by that same propaganda to a degree. That they're the one plagued with a "mind virus" which makes them self-aggrandize. In the post you quoted they think they have a grasp on reality which the collective West doesn't.

Maybe the propaganda is fed to them the same way as the old lady. Through watching video after video putting it in their head constantly making them fixate and the virus worsen to where they want to expose others.

It does bring it back to the article from yesterday about how this stuff circulates and the risks with thoughtless contrarianism.

I know I'm talking to someone that has been thoroughly brainwashed by propaganda, so I'll let you ponder which gender and pronoun you wish to be today and let's get back to the topic. The woke mind virus isn't the topic, it's the disastrous invasion of Ukraine by the Russians.


I know I'm talking to someone that has been thoroughly brainwashed by propaganda, so I'll let you ponder which gender and pronoun you wish to be today and let's get back to the topic. The woke mind virus isn't the topic, it's the disastrous invasion of Ukraine by the Russians.
You brought it up by posting you believe elements of the same misinformation and propaganda as the old lady in the video. Considerations to self-actualization of human consciousness in gender and pronoun aside since that isn't a concern of mine but of yours since you deny the reality of it, my post referenced an article I posted yesterday on how propaganda, like what yourself and the old lady are vulnerable to, circulates and shows similarities in content with an added personal insight on contrarianism.

haha, that's about how it's being seen. And they have to deploy it to catch up. It looks like it will be very unnatural to the point of surreal.

There's been months of videos of Ukrainians with music. They have the education and culture to pursue these things with honest grace in the setting.

Even NATO was caroling a Ukrainian classic melody already.
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Gold Member
Yes, we are prolonging the war.. yet we could have made a K.O, months ago .. it’s just stupid .

Not true. This isn't the first time you've gone down a path where you think Russia is just one long range ACTAMS away from losing. Russia is far more committed than a few additional missiles would dissuade. I wish I knew what would trigger their retreat but no one is prolonging this war except Russia itself.


Rallying death cultists.
Against the advances of science and evidence it's the old orthodox superstitious Christian world view that will be in ashes as the world moves on. Clinging to falsehood is to worship Satan metaphorically.
Most people here and the West experts keep underestimating Russia’s resolve.

We are blinded by our own intolerance of too much death that we can’t fathom the extreme’s other countries are willing and able to endure.
Most people here and the West experts keep underestimating Russia’s resolve.

We are blinded by our own intolerance of too much death that we can’t fathom the extreme’s other countries are willing and able to endure.

I do not think anyone here underestimates Ruzzia "resolve" to send hundreds of untrained people to die for nothing. They even kill those who try to save themselves from meaningless death. We are not blinded, we all know the Ruzzian people are brainwashed to the extreme, so they will endure to no end, but this is already the end of Ruzzia as we know it, one way or another.


Most people here and the West experts keep underestimating Russia’s resolve.

We are blinded by our own intolerance of too much death that we can’t fathom the extreme’s other countries are willing and able to endure.

We saw that Russian resolve at the borders, when hundreds of thousands of Russian ran away from their country to avoid being drafted.
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Gold Member
Most people here and the West experts keep underestimating Russia’s resolve.

We are blinded by our own intolerance of too much death that we can’t fathom the extreme’s other countries are willing and able to endure.

Indo coming in with a shittake again.

I've not seen a single Western expert, actual expert, say that Russia is anywhere near giving up. And most people in this thread think that too. We are well aware of the Russian character and their history.


Indo coming in with a shittake again.

I've not seen a single Western expert, actual expert, say that Russia is anywhere near giving up. And most people in this thread think that too. We are well aware of the Russian character and their history.
That’s why you need to shoot and kill first 🤣


We are blinded by our own intolerance of too much death that we can’t fathom the extreme’s other countries are willing and able to endure.
Except this is not another Défense of the Motherland of WW2. Russians have no idea why they should ever be in Ukraine. No bombs are dropping on Russian cities.

If Russian propaganda says 24/7 that war is going great but it is still going almost a year later and sanctions are getting harder and harder - c’mon, people can see between the lines, they got experience from 70 years of Soviet Union.
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Because 0.001% of a population represents an entire country.

These were all man in fighting age. In a country where young people are a minority.
The result is Russia then had to conscript old man and give them rusty AK-Ms.

But I'm sure YOU have such resolve. And YOU are in the frontlines fighting for that Russian revolve.
I bet you are not of of those cowardly Russians in a western country, benefiting of western modern life, just watching the war happen.


Gold Member
Most people here and the West experts keep underestimating Russia’s resolve.

We are blinded by our own intolerance of too much death that we can’t fathom the extreme’s other countries are willing and able to endure.
I'd like to see receipts. Until then I'll just scratch this off as wishful thinking on your behalf.
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