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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I have no idea what Ukranian people put in their morning coffee but the rest of the world needs it.

This mother fucker is literally the culmination of all of the other stories of defiance and badassery that we have seen since all of this began. Whether it is the woman who told the Russian soldier that she wanted to put sunflower seeds in his pocket or if it's the soldiers on Snake Island that told a whole ass warship and it's crew to go fuck themselves.

The Ukrainian people are just made of some seriously tough fucking stuff. I can only tip my hat in awe.

Former comedian who played none other than….The President of Ukraine in a show called Servant of the People, who later became the actual President of Ukraine under the Servant of the People party. Really fascinating story.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Former comedian who played none other than….The President of Ukraine in a show called Servant of the People, who later became the actual President of Ukraine under the Servant of the People party. Really fascinating story.
The fact that he was an entertainer and not a lifelong politician or a military service member is what makes this even crazier to me. Maybe it is just my American upbringing and everything where I have grown used to a certain type of person being in political office but seeing someone like him thrown into one of the most difficult positions ever seen in the last 50 years in Europe and not only see him survive through it but rise above it is honestly inspiring.

I'm sure that this guy has some opinions and some policies that I probably wouldn't agree with, but seeing the way that he is acting right now with everything on the line and the lives of his people threatened I cannot help but hope that someday my own country can have someone that is this dedicated to it's protection and the protection of it's people in the highest office that is available.

And to be honest after everything that we have seen in the last week I think most people from most countries would be willing to agree with me on that for the most part.


Gold Member
Same. I too am pro-gun regulation, BUT NOT banning. I think you will find few Americans that wish to actually ban all guns completely. And if a hell-bent army was actually killing civilians on my home streets, you damn well bet I'd grab the family shotgun and begin preparing what I could. It's not even just love of country for me. It is love of the common man/woman when facing oppression.
Pro-gun and anti-gun IMO will heavily rely on these factors:

1. I want a gun for recreational purposes like hunting or gun ranges or collecting

2. I want a gun for everyday safety (crime around the neighbourhood or random thug breaking into their house)

3. I want a gun to protect against giant oppressive safety like shady local or foreign governments taking over or rebel warlords storming a village kind of thing

People who live in democratic safe countries dont have to worry about #3. At least not now. Maybe in past world wars where Germany is raiding every European country within reach yes, but not now.

I'm against guns because world war kinds of events I dont see happening in Canada, so the last thing I need is every person on my street stockpiling guns for the heck of it. All it takes is one pissed off dude one day who got fired from their job to go mental and grab on of his guns and shoot everyone at his former work.

But if the landscape was a shaky one where Americans are evil and you'd never know if they stormed over the border (Toronto is only a 90 min drive from Buffalo customs crossing), then ya I'd be ok with people having guns. But since there is no threat of that, I'm not.
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Imgagine beeing a proud russian today....holy shit, would be so embarrassed to have anything to do with this country today. Do the only right thing and stand up against youre mass murderer, president.


Gold Member
Gun restrictions and regulations is the first step for "slavery".

Plus, this happens too:

That’s what you call an old fashion swindling. Wargames.
Anonymous left a message :

The new establishment’s “anonymous”

As I posted earlier. They disappeared when RICO charges were introduced to hackers. A lot were offered positions in FBI task forces and the like. They say that 1 in 4 hackers worldwide are now spooks.

Hillary went on TV a day or two ago all of a sudden pro hacker groups (meaning anonymous) where she admitted she was against years ago, and is now calling for cyber warfare (I know, wtf right?)… and poof they all of a sudden appear moments after.

Riiiiight. Plausible deniability.
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Well they made it through the night. I hope some things will go their way today. They deserve some good luck. They've earned the respect and admiration of most of the world, and I hope that will inspire the world's leaders to get bolder against Russia and do more to help the good people of Ukraine.


GIGN have entered Kyiv to protect the French Embassy, and have vowed to protect Zelenskyy no matter what, if he requests it; allowing him to micromanage the war from Kyiv, even if Russia overruns the city.
So happy that my country is on the right side of history unlike cowardly Germans. Now if only Le Pen and Zammour fail to get 500 signatures and get kicked from the campaign this would be a terrific day.
GIGN have entered Kyiv to protect the French Embassy, and have vowed to protect Zelenskyy no matter what, if he requests it; allowing him to micromanage the war from Kyiv, even if Russia overruns the city.

I can never make fun of the French again. Thank you, France!

They have bigger balls than this ridiculous Biden administration that didn't even sanction the Russian Petroleum Industry, because it could influence gas prices and we have midterms to win....


Every single analyst I’ve seen comment on the abstention, from ex-Russian officials, to western experts agree the abstention is a bad sign for Putin, as it shows China is not going to support him.
The only thing China supports is China, always was and always will be. Russia is stupid to think they will not get exploited and used by China.


Gold Member
Imgagine beeing a proud russian today....holy shit, would be so embarrassed to have anything to do with this country today. Do the only right thing and stand up against youre mass murderer, president.
Anyone happy Ukraine is being taken over with military brute force should be ashamed. But that's the kind of government there. And there will always be a portion of the population being traditionalists supporting whatever it takes to make it like the old days.

Let's say Quebec separated from Canada (there was the 1995 referendum which Quebec people voted on). Let's say they said yes and Quebec government said FU to the rest of Canada and they broke off and did their own thing for decades.

Even though the federal gov would be negotiating their return with endless meetings, I would never imagine Canadian military raiding Quebec, with their focal point being to storm Montreal with infantry, attack helicopters and jetfighter dogfights.

But that's what you get in places like Russia and Asia. Forever iron fisted government till the sun burns out and Earth ends.
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If true, seems substantial.

Ukraine says 3,500 Russian soldiers killed so far​

The Ukrainian military has published what they claim is a breakout of Russia's losses.
According to a post on its Facebook page, more than 3,500 Russian soldiers involved in the invasion have been killed and almost 200 taken prisoner.
They add that Russia has also lost 14 aircraft, 8 helicopters, and 102 tanks so far. The BBC is unable to independently verify any of these claims.
Russia has so far not acknowledged any casualties.


If true, seems substantial.

Ukraine says 3,500 Russian soldiers killed so far​

The Ukrainian military has published what they claim is a breakout of Russia's losses.
According to a post on its Facebook page, more than 3,500 Russian soldiers involved in the invasion have been killed and almost 200 taken prisoner.
They add that Russia has also lost 14 aircraft, 8 helicopters, and 102 tanks so far. The BBC is unable to independently verify any of these claims.
Russia has so far not acknowledged any casualties.

Isn't that more than the US total deaths in both Iraqi wars combined or somewhat close? That took years, and Russia has been fighting a few days. I swear every war they're involved in, we see their junky equipment burning on the side of roads.
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Imagine Puting going up, hand against hand, against Kievs mayor: Mr Vitali Klitschko! Please "Mr" Putin, do it, to show youre country whos the man:D

Okay that we are talking of a 6'7 ft / 250 lbs world class boxing champion.
But for a 5'6 man ( :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: ), Putin holds a judo black belt.


Gold Member
Before this war, I never read up on Ukraine or knew anything about their president. But it's awesome he's sticking around to fight. A lot of global leaders in the same situation would had already bolted to the safety of some unknown spot in Switzerland.


Its gonna be nasty, that is for sure.

highly doubt nukes will happen, but it's not even about who shoots first really. Nuclear subs can carry dozens of extremely powerful warheads and turn much of the world into a parking lot. Undetected. Much of their mission besides deterrence is payback if their country is wiped out first, they are literally the last checkmate and no one knows where they are.
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Gold Member
Wishing all the Ukraine citizens (both men and women) godspeed at repelling the Russians.

I'm not a pro-gun or pro-violence kind of person, but hey when shit hits the fan, I'm all for doing whatever you can to hold the fort against assholes.



Before this war, I never read up on Ukraine or knew anything about their president. But it's awesome he's sticking around to fight. A lot of global leaders in the same situation would had already bolted to the safety of some unknown spot in Switzerland.

Because he's a regular guy. He was a comedian and actor in a previous life. He's not some crony in it to line his pockets. I'm from Aus i cannot fathom our useless PM fighting alongside his troops.

Get this man to Ukraine. Let him give Putin some love
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Fare thee well

Putin has lost his gdam mind. I seriously think it is old man brain failure going on. He supposedly threatened finland and sweeden now too? I missed that little nugget of info. What an idiot. Maybe he just wants to go out in a blaze of glory because he is a bored old billionaire? I have no idea anymore, but this is why autocracies are so dangerous.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Because he's a regular guy. He was a comedian and actor in a previous life. He's not some crony in it to line his pockets. I'm from Aus i cannot fathom our useless PM fighting alongside his troops.
The dude would be on his knees in prayer, in Hawaii.
This is a broad generalization of such a topic that it's simply laughable. But as I mentioned to the other person I don't want to derail this thread so yes you're right, I'm wrong, carry on.

No idea why you’re being a vagina when we are all just having what I thought was a mature discussion, but, okay.
It is a bit weird to see people surprised at regular Ukrainian citizens doing what they are doing.

Ukrainian’s love for Ukraine runs deep, Ukrainians will fight to the death, this has always been the attitude of Ukrainian people.

A woman approached a Russian soldier (there’s a video) and told his ass off, told him he is going to die, she gave zero fucks. It has been clear from videos that they don’t give a shit about killing civilians. Not saying they would have shot her dead, though, it wouldn’t have surprised me if they decided to since they don’t mind bombing apartments, hospitals, schools, and running over a fleeing vehicle with a tank, just saying it also shows civilians are not afraid of these bullies and will walk right up to these assholes and give them a piece of their mind.

Zelenskyy has balls, unlike a certain Canadian PM, who tucked his tail in and ran away from a bunch of truck horns.


Gold Member
Holy shit , they held their country over night ! I hope western material comes soon!

Respect !

I know you were skeptical, but yep, fuck yeah.

I pray they hold out.

They did :)

They should have taken the terms of surrender. Russia has no qualms about wiping the population of Western Ukraine off the map so long as the infrastructure remains.

Finland and Sweden joining NATO threats are just mind games designed to make NATO happy they stopped at Ukraine.

Oh should they have now?

Your "support" and their pride sealed their fate

Guess it didn't. You fuck.

Taking a victory lap for Ukraine. No apologies. They earned it. Tomorrow is another day. So until then, fuck Putin and you doubters.


Supposedly putin has only sent in 1/3 of the troops so far. He’s waiting for his men to capture an airport near the capital before he dumps half of the platoons on Kyiv. Fortunately the ukranians have been able to hold them off.
Supposedly putin has only sent in 1/3 of the troops so far. He’s waiting for his men to capture an airport near the capital before he dumps half of the platoons on Kyiv. Fortunately the ukranians have been able to hold them off.
If Ukraine is using all their fighting force to try and defend their country your looking at over 1 million vs 100-200 thousands Russian soldiers by the Numbers of troops Ukraine should have the advantage
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