Russia has only become stronger, Ukraine has zero chance to weaken them. Russia doesn't want to have to do this again in 10 years either which unfortunately incentivizes them to push to the Polish border. We'll see what they decide to do when the ground dries up.
Quite the opposite, Russia today, is much weaker than before the war.
Their army has been significantly reduced, to the point of them lacking precision missiles, modern tanks, etc.
The economy is drastically reduced, most of their industrial output has shifted to weapon manufacturing. The rest of the industry is in shambles.
Russia has to sell oil and gas at a discount to only a handful of countries.
They no longer have access to western chips, except through the black market, in limited numbers and much more expensive.
Russia list of friendly countries has drastically reduced. Not even China supports Russia in this war. The only notable country is Iran.
The votes in the UN show almost everyone voting against Russia. A few abstained. And very few vote for Russia.
Russia had one of the worst demographics in the world, with a population shrinking very fast. And this war accelerated that even further.
Thousands of Russian men have already died. Many more have fled Russia to avoid conscription.