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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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There will be huge losses on both sides. Ukraine is better equipped, but they’re advancing against heavily fortified positions and just like Bakhmut, some of it will be a grinder with the attackers being at a significant disadvantage. Without air support it is going to be painful for both. Why you guys are using Twitter posts as talking points I don’t know. Very little accurate reporting is happening and we simply won’t know the real state of things for days or weeks. Both sides are heavily invested in propaganda and neither is going to report real losses. By and large, Twitter milbloggers are a joke. We just need to hope that the Ukrainians are able to find weak points in the front and mitigate the worst of it.

Ukraine isn’t the only predator out for Russian blood today though…



Well, being overpowered due to my own effort is fun and satisfying, the challenge is not always the combat but building a character that becomes stronger as I push it. JRPGs are mostly for people that want to understand and exploit the character growth system and that the game is not only fighting enemies but getting stronger, they're also stats games.

Level scaling breaks that game for us, there's no growth notion, one thing is getting overpowered because of some fierce deity armor that magically makes you a demigod and other is to build that strength little by little and knowing you earned that yourself. Seems like even when playing same titles, some play totally different games...

River water is pumped into a pond at the plant. Lower water levels mean that the pond can no longer be resupplied with river water. The plant is shutdown so the water in the pond will last awhile. The plant has time to find an alternate source of water.

Another Russian official mysteriously falls from window to his death​



Haunted House Falling GIF by Deadstream


There will be huge losses on both sides. Ukraine is better equipped, but they’re advancing against heavily fortified positions and just like Bakhmut, some of it will be a grinder with the attackers being at a significant disadvantage. Without air support it is going to be painful for both. Why you guys are using Twitter posts as talking points I don’t know. Very little accurate reporting is happening and we simply won’t know the real state of things for days or weeks. Both sides are heavily invested in propaganda and neither is going to report real losses. By and large, Twitter milbloggers are a joke. We just need to hope that the Ukrainians are able to find weak points in the front and mitigate the worst of it.

Ukraine isn’t the only predator out for Russian blood today though…

They were on an extended stay, so they likely went to get away from the son likely being thrown into the meatgrinder, only for him to get eaten by a shark in front of them. That footage was like something out of a movie. Fucked up.


Simps for Amouranth
People over on Reddit having a melt down cause a few Ukrainians western tanks are shown to have been hit, what the fuck where they expecting? zero casualties? this is an offensive against defensive lines with dialled in artillery going up against the regular Russian army who have been well rested and probably unused tbh, instead of the conscripted mobiks/prisoners that we've been making fun off. This is gonna be a battle and hopefully with the Ukrainians will and resolve coupled with western hardware they'll emerge victorious but they will emerge bloody, just as long as they enact a heavy heavy toll on those rapist inhuman scum, the more they send to hell the better


Following the news day to day and scrutinizing every random clip on social media can mislead you about the larger pattern of what is going on. Now more than ever as operations are going on with a degree of secrecy.


People over on Reddit having a melt down cause a few Ukrainians western tanks are shown to have been hit, what the fuck where they expecting? zero casualties? this is an offensive against defensive lines with dialled in artillery going up against the regular Russian army who have been well rested and probably unused tbh, instead of the conscripted mobiks/prisoners that we've been making fun off. This is gonna be a battle and hopefully with the Ukrainians will and resolve coupled with western hardware they'll emerge victorious but they will emerge bloody, just as long as they enact a heavy heavy toll on those rapist inhuman scum, the more they send to hell the better

Stuff like that gets amplified by pro-Russian accounts... it's hard to separate fact from fiction. Sadly, a lot of idiots just take what they see on social media at face value, no matter what it is. Every single Ukrainian loss is going to be exaggerated to create fear and apprehension. You'd think that after so many months, Reddit morons would understand that you can't trust anything you see at face value, unless it comes from a reputable source.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Stuff like that gets amplified by pro-Russian accounts... it's hard to separate fact from fiction. Sadly, a lot of idiots just take what they see on social media at face value, no matter what it is. Every single Ukrainian loss is going to be exaggerated to create fear and apprehension. You'd think that after so many months, Reddit morons would understand that you can't trust anything you see at face value, unless it comes from a reputable source.


Russia operates an extensive network of social accounts and if you think "oh i can spot them easily" congratulations, you are falling into the trap - the obvious trolls are part of the scheme.


So, you guys thought that western tanks are indestructible? Of course there will be losses. The orcs had time to prepare this is not going to be a walk in the park.

That's the third time someone has chimed into this thread recently with almost the same language...

Yes, we know Western tanks are not indestructible.



Russia operates an extensive network of social accounts and if you think "oh i can spot them easily" congratulations, you are falling into the trap - the obvious trolls are part of the scheme.

Loving the completely transparent tactic they are all employing now of featuring combat footage - and lying point blank about what's happening in it. Easy to do, as most of it is blurry, and unlike in Hollywood, real warfare is messy, chaotic and hard to differentiate, unless you have military training and expertise. But idiots soak that shit up, because they think it's somehow 'real' just because its battle footage.

If I had a penny for every 'footage of entire Ukrainian tank battalion getting destroyed' tweet, I'd be able to quit my job.
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Simps for Amouranth
what a western tank will do if across a field from some Russian armour is take it the fuck out before the piece of shit orc "tank" gets within firing range, it will have better optics, better targeting and generally be a better tank all round but what it isnt, is indestructible


what a western tank will do if across a field from some Russian armour is take it the fuck out before the piece of shit orc "tank" gets within firing range, it will have better optics, better targeting and generally be a better tank all round but what it isnt, is indestructible

The point the pro-Russians are handily ignoring as hard as they possibly can, is that destroying one Leopard probably required the destruction of several T-55s to get it done. They may be able to gaslight idiots on Twitter. They can't gaslight several decades of military advancement in the west, over the corrupt Russian state.
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I have no idea what's up with people being surprised by Ukraine taking losses. This is normal for the attacker to take in most cases heavier losses than the defender. The ratio will probably reverse between the two sides. As long as Ukraine can gain ground and keep it below 3 to 1 then it will be within reasonable expectations. It would be like expecting the Americans to just have walked up the beach at Omaha. This is war, I think people have forgotten the reality of it.



"We took advantage of the enemy conducting rotation and hit the troops it brought to the city which are unfamiliar with the area. We’ve stormed their positions for several days. Our troops advanced sometimes 1.2 km in the past day," he said.

Ukrainians switched to night attacks because Western equipment gives them the edge on the battlefield at night.

This might be a critical point going forward.

Most of the armor that Russian bots have been trying to peddle as a huge loss for Ukraine were successfully evacuated. If you can perform recovery operations, you also usually have pretty good control of the area.
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What's the situation of that nuclear power plant? Heard the EU authorities were worried.

The dam provided water for cooling purposes. Dam is gone. Nuclear watch dog and everyone else wants russia to avoid the pond above plant as that can supply for a few months.

Failing that water can be pumped in via trucks unless russia does russia


Fucking lol. No.

There's an offensive on right now, mate.

JFC, just read any news source.

Ye in a bad mood cause United got beat? 😂😂

But seriously. This page of replies the counter offensive has been talked about. Dunno why he can't read a page before chippin' in


Ye in a bad mood cause United got beat? 😂😂

But seriously. This page of replies the counter offensive has been talked about. Dunno why he can't read a page before chippin' in

Fuck no, go City!

I'm just perpetually in a bad mood like the Gallagher brothers.
Any end in sight? Peace talks?
Russia wants them on the condition that Ukraine capitulates on everything, calls for elections, doesn't join nato, lets russia keep the land they occupied and recognize it's not theirs anymore.

Plenty of articles and lavrov interviews with that precise write-up over the last year, they haven't changed. I suspect they want to consolidate those regions (rebuild and move russians there) so they can pull a crimeia so they can claim victory. Then they'll challenge Ukraine to cease fire and "respect their territory". But they've been failing those goals they thought were easy for a while now (when they invaded they thought it would be a 1 month operation maximum to reach those goals). Not to say they aren't closer to managing to do it though.
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Haven't been keeping up.

Any end in sight? Peace talks?

Peace talks are not going to happen all the time Russians occupy any area of Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea.

I'd imagine the aim is to push them out of the rest of the country, then sue for negotiations over the future of the Crimean peninsula.

The most likely outcome is the demilitarisation of Crimea, and its change to a semi-autonomous region.



Ukraine winning the war will still face a more powerful opponent, a complete demographic collapse.
Most Eastern European countries have a demographic problem, but at least those countries that have joined the EU have the right economy to make immigrants want to go to them, then they will probably still somehow manage to minimize their losses, Ukraine is not in the same position.



Ukraine winning the war will still face a more powerful opponent, a complete demographic collapse.
Most Eastern European countries have a demographic problem, but at least those countries that have joined the EU have the right economy to make immigrants want to go to them, then they will probably still somehow manage to minimize their losses, Ukraine is not in the same position.

When the war is won, Ukraine will be far closer to the EU, NATO and western allies. There's going to be an awful lot of money sloshing about for the repair job, with a lot of capacity for employment. Ukraine is a very important nation for both fuel and food, so once Russia has been forced out, the future actually looks potentially very bright for them.


When the war is won, Ukraine will be far closer to the EU, NATO and western allies. There's going to be an awful lot of money sloshing about for the repair job, with a lot of capacity for employment. Ukraine is a very important nation for both fuel and food, so once Russia has been forced out, the future actually looks potentially very bright for them.

Demographics are still going to be a bitch. Ukraine will need immigration in the short term and a serious amount of fucking to keep things sorted.


Wagner boss will fly out window 🤣🤡
He's either with full protection of FSB/Putin against the MOD, which shows us some real cracks in Russia or he's completely out of Russian's Government reach, which makes him even more dangerous and unstable.

The abridged version of the weekend:
"..with huge losses for AFU"

...same video being shown over and over from different angles on Russian telegram channels.
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