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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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From what i read it was a group of special forces that managed to invade the russian trench from behind. The orcs never knew what hit them.

Edit. It looks like we have a star on the SF assault. I knew the guy looks familiar

its a joke post, read the comments.

A TikToker told his 400,000 fans he was a Russian special forces warrior fighting US marines in Ukraine, but he turned out to be a Chinese grifter selling vodka online​



Could this guy be similar to this person:

Winnie The Pooh GIF


I'll admit, i'm not expecting anything this time, I don't follow rumors or leaks anymore, so whatever happens happens !


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

When the war is finally over and Russia has been defeated, it'll be time to rebuild Ukraine. What's left of Russia won't have the funds, at least not all of it, which is why Europe and the rest of the world must contribute.

The UK is offering £3bn, which is honestly a pathetic amount. We're still one of the riches nations on earth and should be contributing a hell of lot more than that!



When the war is finally over and Russia has been defeated, it'll be time to rebuild Ukraine. What's left of Russia won't have the funds, at least not all of it, which is why Europe and the rest of the world must contribute.

The UK is offering £3bn, which is honestly a pathetic amount. We're still one of the riches nations on earth and should be contributing a hell of lot more than that!

The UK can’t even fill potholes in its roads and has the highest food poverty rate in Europe. “Richest” means fuck all if the money is being horded by the elite.


“Mr Zelensky said the military push was not going easily because 200,000 sq km (77,220 sq miles) of Ukrainian territory had been mined by Russian forces.”

That seems insane.

Also sounds like F16s won’t be in theatre until early next year at best.
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American and European taxpayers are paying to watch two ex-soviet nations kill each other over a line in the sand.
Cool, so let's say I'm bigger than you, I can come throw you out of your house, kill your wife, sell your child off on the darknet and burn your car out, because its only a door to your house, and I have access to everything inside if I get inside with a little force, it's all technically mine isn't it...

That line in the sand is a internationally recognised border for a sovereign country. Jesus fucking christ, these Russian alt accounts...
Cool, so let's say I'm bigger than you, I can come throw you out of your house, kill your wife, sell your child off on the darknet and burn your car out, because its only a door to your house, and I have access to everything inside if I get inside with a little force, it's all technically mine isn't it...

That line in the sand is a internationally recognised border for a sovereign country. Jesus fucking christ, these Russian alt accounts...

It's the truth. I bet you definitely weren't this fired up in 2014...


It's the truth. I bet you definitely weren't this fired up in 2014...

Another dunce? :p

On a note, If Ukraine's broken through where livemap thinks they have...oh boi.

They could get behind at least half of Russia's defense line, AND be on the right (Wrong from the Russian perspective) side of the river.
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Gold Member
It's the truth. I bet you definitely weren't this fired up in 2014...

That's why Russia is invading Ukraine again. Because we didn't care at the time.
And if today, we don't care about Ukraine, next will be Poland, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, etc.
If we go by Lavrov's words a few years ago, even East Germany belongs to Russia.


Still can contribute more than a tiny £3bn. £10bn should be the minimum for each country.

They definitely should, but they've also got to be "careful" about it. Got to remember inflation has gone up, cost of living crisis is still raging, mortgage owners are gonna get hit hard now and they're doing fuck all to help the country cause they're now in it to keep their mates happy, not the country, they know as a party they're fucked right now.

I know the Tories are practically out at the next GE, but they won't wanna loose anymore of their voting base that Boris secured in the last GE cause some chavs and racists don't understand how important it is to help the Ukrainians and cry the money should be spent at home reducing the aid we are supplying to Ukraine.

It's a shit situation and we should be doing more, but our country has alot of mongs who doesn't see how important this is for stability in the world.

If this post isn't allowed, delete it mods. Thanks.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
They definitely should, but they've also got to be "careful" about it. Got to remember inflation has gone up, cost of living crisis is still raging, mortgage owners are gonna get hit hard now and they're doing fuck all to help the country cause they're now in it to keep their mates happy, not the country, they know as a party they're fucked right now.

I know the Tories are practically out at the next GE, but they won't wanna loose anymore of their voting base that Boris secured in the last GE cause some chavs and racists don't understand how important it is to help the Ukrainians and cry the money should be spent at home reducing the aid we are supplying to Ukraine.

It's a shit situation and we should be doing more, but our country has alot of mongs who doesn't see how important this is for stability in the world.

If this post isn't allowed, delete it mods. Thanks.

A mod can correct me if I'm wrong (and delete my post), but I'm sure this is the only thread where politics are allowed as long as it's on the topic of Ukraine.

Ukraine needs the money more than us. Oh no! My shopping and mortgage has gone up a small percentage! Big deal. Where's in Ukraine children are dying and the country is turning to rubble. Which is more important?

Ukraine comes first. I know this is fantasy, but I'd happily increase my taxes to pay for Ukraine. However, that's never going to happen so I think more money could be raised by international, grass roots fund raising efforts than anything scraps given by governments.


A mod can correct me if I'm wrong (and delete my post), but I'm sure this is the only thread where politics are allowed as long as it's on the topic of Ukraine.

Ukraine needs the money more than us. Oh no! My shopping and mortgage has gone up a small percentage! Big deal. Where's in Ukraine children are dying and the country is turning to rubble. Which is more important?

Ukraine comes first. I know this is fantasy, but I'd happily increase my taxes to pay for Ukraine. However, that's never going to happen so I think more money could be raised by international, grass roots fund raising efforts than anything scraps given by governments.

Ukraine definitely needs the money, there's no denying it, but the unwashed masses who read The Scum & Daily Mail won't see it like that. Same type of people that cry about Children In Need & Red Nose Day funds going to other countries.

I'm surprised the Daily Mail hasn't started running "stories" that are essentially pro kremlin yet like.
No. We’re paying to stop a nation continuing to commit war crimes and atrocities on an innocent country.
He is not entirely wrong. In a perfect world we would be working to a star trek-like utopia and I wish that one day we will consider it that way but sadly this is not the case. The war crimes and atrocities are what make this war so bad. Any tentative to reframe the discussion is impossible because of it. I hope that it ends soon.


He is not entirely wrong. In a perfect world we would be working to a star trek-like utopia and I wish that one day we will consider it that way but sadly this is not the case. The war crimes and atrocities are what make this war so bad. Any tentative to reframe the discussion is impossible because of it. I hope that it ends soon.

As do I. And it ends when Russia leaves Ukraine completely. Until then, I’m happy for us to keep paying. Because this is the kind of shit we should all feel okay with funding.


Gold Member
This is also an investment for a better future, because if Russia loses, then it will become less likely they will start another war, knowing the rest of the world will strongly oppose them.


No. We’re paying to stop a nation continuing to commit war crimes and atrocities on an innocent country.
This is a byproduct. The money is being paid to declaw Russia and marginalize China, unfortunately at Ukraines expense. No doubt Ukraine will recover and be all the better for it in the future, but none of this is pretty and the war could be over far sooner if NATO, the UN and EU leadership weren’t a bunch of bitches.

There’s nothing stopping a country like Poland from joining the war. They don’t have to wait until article 5 is triggered by a Russian attack. Early on I assumed the UK would enter the war unilaterally, but that didn’t happen. Poland has recently said that if Ukraine are defeated it will be forced to join the war. Why wait? The UK and Poland could just enter the war now without triggering article 5 and end this shit much more quickly.

Russia clearly can’t prosecute a war against NATO proper, but they can continue killing thousand upon thousands of Ukrainians. If those Ukrainians are dying to defend Western Europe from Russian aggression, somebody just needs to step up. I dislike Boris Johnson as much as the next man, but there was a brief window where I felt like he was going to send in British troops. Protracted weapon deliveries won’t cut it and Russia only understands one thing. Even if the Ukrainians take Crimera, this shit isn’t ending any time soon. Europe need to bear its teeth and show Putin that it’s serious.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Ukraine definitely needs the money, there's no denying it, but the unwashed masses who read The Scum & Daily Mail won't see it like that. Same type of people that cry about Children In Need & Red Nose Day funds going to other countries.

I'm surprised the Daily Mail hasn't started running "stories" that are essentially pro kremlin yet like.

This all day. Rebuilding Ukraine and helping them win this war takes priority over everything else.

He is not entirely wrong. In a perfect world we would be working to a star trek-like utopia and I wish that one day we will consider it that way but sadly this is not the case. The war crimes and atrocities are what make this war so bad. Any tentative to reframe the discussion is impossible because of it. I hope that it ends soon.

Word. A world with no borders or nations, Star Trek style, would be a dream. It would be a world without war and the quality of living for the whole world, not just the west, would massively improve. No more poverty, no more hunger etc etc.

Just rename former countries numbered regions and there'll never be another war again.


This all day. Rebuilding Ukraine and helping them win this war takes priority over everything else.

Word. A world with no borders or nations, Star Trek style, would be a dream. It would be a world without war and the quality of living for the whole world, not just the west, would massively improve. No more poverty, no more hunger etc etc.

Just rename former countries numbered regions and there'll never be another war again.
Star Trek works because they have infinite free energy and a food replicator.


Its a card they can only play once. More likely or less likely is a moot.
And the Russians know this just as well as we do. They wouldn’t just lose the ability to conventionally project power, they’d immediately lose support from countries like India and China too. As long as nobody invades Russian territory, it’s a card they are unlikely to play.
Russia is not a "threat" to the west and that's become painfully obvious over the past year.
I am sorry but WHAT ? are we going to completely ignore the Chemical and Radiological attacks Putin and his cronies carried out on UK soil which lead to the death of two people and left several others with life changing injuries. Russia is a threat to the west in their own words they have stated they see the west as the enemy and have vowed to destroy it no matter how long it takes. The fact there are still people stanning for a country as fucked up as Russia is unbelievable. You are defending a country that CASTRATES Prisoners of war so they can't have "ukrainian children". Russia is not just a threat to the West, Russia is a threat to humanity.
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There’s nothing stopping a country like Poland from joining the war. They don’t have to wait until article 5 is triggered by a Russian attack. Early on I assumed the UK would enter the war unilaterally, but that didn’t happen. Poland has recently said that if Ukraine are defeated it will be forced to join the war. Why wait? The UK and Poland could just enter the war now without triggering article 5 and end this shit much more quickly.
this isn't possible because if some nato country enters the war in ukraine, then it definitely will be attacked by russia and that will bring all nato to war which what everyone doesn't wants.
all we need is just support ukraine as much as possible unfortunately even now this isn't done.
what nato needs to do is to secure zapo nuclear power plant because situation will get worse when ukrainians advances now it's all riged with explosives even cooling pond.
Russia clearly can’t prosecute a war against NATO proper, but they can continue killing thousand upon thousands of Ukrainians. If those Ukrainians are dying to defend Western Europe from Russian aggression, somebody just needs to step up. I dislike Boris Johnson as much as the next man, but there was a brief window where I felt like he was going to send in British troops. Protracted weapon deliveries won’t cut it and Russia only understands one thing. Even if the Ukrainians take Crimera, this shit isn’t ending any time soon. Europe need to bear its teeth and show Putin that it’s serious.
if ukraine takes crimea then it's all over for putin and quite possible war would end or stop it all depends who will come after putin.
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this isn't possible because if some nato country enters the war in ukraine, then it definitely will be attacked by russia and that will bring all nato to war which what everyone doesn't wants.
all we need is just support ukraine as much as possible unfortunately even now this isn't done.
what nato needs to do is to secure zapo nuclear power plant because situation will get worse when ukrainians advances now it's all riged with explosives even cooling pond.

if ukraine takes crimea then it's all over for putin and quite possible war would end or stop it all depends who will come after putin.
If a NATO member entered the war unilaterally they wouldn’t be able to trigger article 5 if Russia attacked them. There is no risk of dragging NATO into direct conflict of the UK or Poland wanted to send troops to Ukraine, they would simply be giving up article 5 protection.

And if you think Ukraine taking Crimea end this conflict or causes Russians to revolt against Putin you are incredibly naive. Take your head out of your daft Twitter bubble. This conflict will go on for years, irrespective as to how the Ukrainian counter offensive goes.

The only ways to end this conflict long term are A) Ukraine joining NATO, or getting some sort of solid defence pact, B) Ukraine acquiring nuclear weapons, and C) a foreign ally entering the war to support Ukraine. The last one might not even end the conflict permanently but it would save Ukrainian lives in the meantime and give Ukraine time to do A or B.


If a NATO member entered the war unilaterally they wouldn’t be able to trigger article 5 if Russia attacked them. There is no risk of dragging NATO into direct conflict of the UK or Poland wanted to send troops to Ukraine, they would simply be giving up article 5 protection.
in that case no country will help without protection of article 5.
And if you think Ukraine taking Crimea end this conflict or causes Russians to revolt against Putin you are incredibly naive. Take your head out of your daft Twitter bubble. This conflict will go on for years, irrespective as to how the Ukrainian counter offensive goes.
not russians but putins inner circle which is happening already just not to extend to take power over him but deocupation of crimea would do that even zelensky said that it would end the war why do you think ukrainians moving towards crimea in south direction?
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