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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Nothing would happen to Putin unless the PEOPLE turn on Putin. He is firmly in power now until he dies.

The people are broken. A coup is not happening. It’s inconceivable.
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Nothing would happen to Putin unless the PEOPLE turn on Putin. He is firmly in power now until he dies.

The people are broken. A coup is not happening. It’s inconceivable.
Have you ever looked into the history of Russia?

A coup d'é·tat is the national pasttime. Things are unpredictable, anything can happen right now.
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It interesting watching the news and seeing a political commentator here in Australia pouring cold water on the whole thing and accusing the Wagner boss of hypocrisy and that civil war is the last thing Western leaders would want to see ... I was thinking, geeez mate, you're at least meant to attempt to hide the fact you're a Russian sympathiser on National TV.
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The Simpsons GIF by MOODMAN


It could be everything from the onset of a civil war, a cover for Russia blowing the nuclear plant and blaming Wagner, a consolidation of power by Putin by removing unfriendly or reluctant generals, or an excuse for Russia to pull out of Ukraine to deal with large scale domestic unrest at home. Or it could just be words and nonsense. Unless the situation on the ground in Russia is vastly different to what western analysts believe, Prigozhin doesn’t have anywhere near enough support to pull off a coup. It might be that they called him to heel and he has refused, but he is careful not to use Putin’s name so this could easily just be Putin putting pressure on Shoigu. We know the power structure in Russia is weird and that Putin doesn’t have full control of anything.

These came to my mind too. Having plausible deniability with infighting and moving forces away (did not check the map) from the fall out area.

Burnie Burns Conspiracy GIF by Rooster Teeth

Interesting if its really what the news make it out to be. Dont know whether its good or bad for Ukraine and us though.


There are unconfirmed reports that elements of the Russian military are defecting to the side of Prigozhin and Wagner....
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There are reports that elements of the Russian military are defecting to the side of Prigozhin and Wagner....
and can you blame them? (rhetoric question)

I mean they have a better chance to have a life than continue with the current Ruzzia government. I hope they both kill each other or until Prigozhin states they want to finish this war and stop the invasion so they can live in "peace"


We haven’t heard anything from Putin and the air force hasn’t been sent to straffe the Wagner columns. Right now I’m putting my money on Putin being in on it and cleaning house, blaming Shoigu et al for bad Intel leading up to the war, then trying to pull back to the 2014 borders.

Either that or maybe Putin is dead and we’re seeing the power struggle in the vacuum.

Fucking mental.


We haven’t heard anything from Putin and the air force hasn’t been sent to straffe the Wagner columns. Right now I’m putting my money on Putin being in on it and cleaning house, blaming Shoigu et al for bad Intel leading up to the war, then trying to pull back to the 2014 borders.

Either that or maybe Putin is dead and we’re seeing the power struggle in the vacuum.

Fucking mental.

Putin is pulling all the strings.


Wow. So who is Ukraine fighting now? This is crazy, but you sort of saw the fallout with Wagner a mile away. Putin seems completely clueless. He is not like Kim Jong Un who probably watches western media all day.


Putin is pulling all the strings.
Maybe he’s under house arrest as part of a military coup that Wagner wants to save him from 😂

Fuck knows at this point. If we’re going to hear from him today I would think it would be quite soon though. It’s early morning in Russia now.


Honestly, I know a lot of you are excited by the development that just happened...but I am honestly worried sick for my parents who are currently residing in Moscow as this development elevates the risk of them being placed in immediate danger by tenfold in the coming weeks, instead of the coming months.

A real, emboldened, and heated civil war may be brewing and there is no safe place once that happens and I'm patiently waiting for a few hours to pass before I can call my parents and ask them if everything is okay and whether we should discuss them leaving the country sooner than later.

The last thing I want is my parents stuck in a country and trapped in a warzone where we have no rhyme nor reason to be caught in the crossfire. Here's hoping this doesn't escalate deep into the countrys internal borders, or at the very least my country wouldn't wait till the civil unrest knocks on the doors of Moscow before pulling out Embassy staff members out of the country.

Edit: To clarify, I am not Russian. My mother works in the Embassy in Moscow for my respective nation (which I won't divulge).


LOL, that sweeper is like a literal view of ruZZians typical answer of "I'm not in to politics".
Yep. The amount of people on the streets just hanging out and watching it unfold with confused smiles on their faces is just odd to me.

Who takes over if Putin is dead? Lavrov?


Yep. The amount of people on the streets just hanging out and watching it unfold with confused smiles on their faces is just odd to me.

Who takes over if Putin is dead? Lavrov?

I dont think Lavrov has any future. He has no credibility even at hes own crowd. But I have no idea who would be next after Putin but perhaps some FSB thug?


They have more than 3 times the population of Ukraine. They can import anti tank launchers from Iran, China or their friendly african puppet states and just throw people to the grinder until Ukraine just says its not worth it. Its what they did in WW2. Theres just no loss scenario valid for Putin, he knows he will be over if it happens, hes all in.

For the record, this is what I think will happen, its not what I wish ofc. I fully support Ukraine and wish they would regain all their territories.

Go read up on WW2, lend lease.


“A senior U.S. military official told NBC News that he does not believe Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner group, is attempting a coup against Putin at this stage, but rather an attempt to remove Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov.”

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General mobilization is probably on the cards if Shoigu and Gerasimov are removed from play. It’ll be interesting to see who Putin sides with when he surfaces.
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