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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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You were defending and downplaying them.
it's a war.
instruments of war that are not illegal by international war will be used

that is not going to spark an UE or international response (that has not already happened)

that's what i said, if you consider that a downplay, a defense or whatever, do as you please


not tag worthy
it's a war.
instruments of war that are not illegal by international war will be used

that is not going to spark an UE or international response (that has not already happened)

that's what i said, if you consider that a downplay, a defense or whatever, do as you please
Geneva convention much ?
Every post from that guy in this thread is defending Putin. He was defending the use of vacuum bombs and I was pointing out how Russia used them in Aleppo.
US used thermobaric weapons in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the 114N Hellfire missiles are "metal augmented charges with sustained pressure wave", so the same darn thing. They're weapons that destroy and kill things, they're used by many countries. Until they're found to be illegal, their use won't bring about any repercussions.
Not sure how real this is.

So take it with a grain of salt everyone.
I'll say. Intel from a Ukrainian officer about a secret meeting in the Urals?


Geneva convention much ?
that's why i asked are they illegal, checked the wiki page, found no mention of them being considered an illegal instrument of war and actually being used in multiple recent conflicts by different countries

anyway, now i know that they are banned by the geneva convention, guess i should surrender my non existent military expert card.

a simple yes would have been sufficient though:messenger_tears_of_joy:


Interesting thoughts here.

Last night Putin asked Kazakhstan to send troops to help him in Ukraine. The fact that Kazakhstan publicly turned him down is a big deal, since Kazakhstan is one of Putin’s closest allies. It suggests that Putin can’t even get his friends on board his sinking ship. But the bigger deal may be the fact that Putin had to ask at all.


US used thermobaric weapons in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the 114N Hellfire missiles are "metal augmented charges with sustained pressure wave", so the same darn thing. They're weapons that destroy and kill things, they're used by many countries. Until they're found to be illegal, their use won't bring about any repercussions.

I'll say. Intel from a Ukrainian officer about a secret meeting in the Urals?
Yeah I know.
He might have gotten it from the his allies.. or they have a double agent in there. ;)

Not sure if this was posted, I saw it just now but posted 2 hours ago.

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My absolute disgust with the EU grows every single day of this conflict. Their gross cozying up to Russia for the past decade, becoming more and more reliant on Russian gas supplies is one of the main reasons this war is happening. And now the likes of Germany are blocking harder sanctions because they worry it will hurt their economy.
Well, imo the idea of Germany was that economic ties lead to undesirable effects on booth sides in case of conflict and that booth sides would try to dissolve their disputes.
It worked in the EU with a shared currency (no war between EU countries) but Putin is gonna Putin. EU and the world has learned this week that economic ties don't have to mean all that much. It will be a turning point going forward.


It’s not no one not hearing him. It’s once nato enters the picture things will go a little crazy. Which I’m under selling. Basically it can go from just fighting in ukraine to Europe then a possible high high chance of Nukes being used.
I think NATO will only provide weapons. Zelensky won't leave and ask the US for more ammunitions


Gold Member
sure, the most propagandist of propagandists:messenger_tears_of_joy:
Putin is literally the lord of propagandists. “Drug addicts and neo-nazis.” Who seriously believes that? The US would be all over Ukraine before Russia should this even be remotely real.
it's a war.
instruments of war that are not illegal by international war will be used

that is not going to spark an UE or international response (that has not already happened)

that's what i said, if you consider that a downplay, a defense or whatever, do as you please
Certain instruments of war and actions are illegal in wartime. Holding thugs like Putin accountable is tricky.


it's a war.
instruments of war that are not illegal by international war will be used
You got the answer now, but priority target for Ukraine forces either way. Unsure what all the different strategic lowest cost options to be brought to bear on it to destroy it. Maybe risk artillery, missile assets and others taking it out in some quick maneuvers. Would be looking for Russian field commanders in the area while contemplating.


Gold Member
it's a war.
instruments of war that are not illegal by international war will be used

that is not going to spark an UE or international response (that has not already happened)

that's what i said, if you consider that a downplay, a defense or whatever, do as you please

Pretty sure unprovoked invasions of sovereign nations is illegal.


Can you imagine what would happen if after all this time the image of the hard Russian man putin so loves to portray was a lie and that the Russian army despite seeming formidable on paper were undertrained underfunded and had really outdated equipment? What would that do to Russian moral?

This is exactly what has happened. The UK provided Javelins and Stingers have made mincemeat out of their shitty old tanks and "gunships"


Pretty sure unprovoked invasions of sovereign nations is illegal.
and that hasn't sparked international intervention, which is what i was quoting about in the original post

is it that difficult to read the posts instead of jumping in?

one user quoted the image of the tos-1 ansd said "this will make the EU move finally"
answered with a post asking if it was an illegal instrument of war because on the wiki page i visited there was no mention of it being banned, and actually listed several recent instances of usage from different countries

from that, "hilarity" ensues

The Russian’s morale seems to be a night and day difference from the “go fuck yourself” attitude from Ukraine. What a bunch of fucking limp dicks.

I can imagine, but i wouldf love to know sdpecifically what they are screaming to the guy
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Putin is literally the lord of propagandists. “Drug addicts and neo-nazis.” Who seriously believes that? The US would be all over Ukraine before Russia should this even be remotely real.

Certain instruments of war and actions are illegal in wartime. Holding thugs like Putin accountable is tricky.
The whole idea of “illegality” as it relates to war is a farce. There are no limits in actual war. The world hasn’t seen a true war since the end of WWII. We play at it in a few places, but there has always been restraint shown by the greater powers.

And thank God for that. People are sort of scoffing at Russia’s perceived struggles here. Be careful with that because if Putin unleashed his full capabilities, even forgetting about the nuclear weapons, Kiev would be a crater right now. We’re getting uptight because one cruise missile hit an apartment high rise but imagine 500 cruise missiles fired relatively indiscriminately. For as evil and terrible as Putin seems to be, he so far hasn’t resorted to that level of depravity. Let’s pray he doesn’t decide to.
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Don't people here realize that Ukrainian war communication is exactly what it is : war communication. The war hasn't even started for 72 hours and they're fighting to defend their capital city. They're left alone and in a much worse place they've ever been since their independence.
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This is exactly what has happened. The UK provided Javelins and Stingers have made mincemeat out of their shitty old tanks and "gunships"

The only (offensive) weaponry that the UK has supplied to the Ukraine up to now, are anti-tank NLAW missiles, not Javelins and The UK has never had stinger missiles.


I hope belarus is already regretting their choice of helping Russia. They should be included in every sanction sent out.
From what I've read and only get the gist of, the leadership of Belarus was installed illegally in fraudulent vote and enforced by police and military with Russian funding/backing. The majority of the people of Belarus are against it. Plus their economic footprint isn't as substantial. Still an option though.
And you know the only reason he hasn’t? Because in the age of instant communication and social media this would make Russia being sanctioned like no tomorrow overnight.
Perhaps. I won’t try to understand the reasoning of a tyrant. But I think we should all just remember that if backed into a corner, this could get much, much worse.


Gold Member
What’s the point? We are going to die, some sooner than later. I’m just facing the cold, hard reality that lies before us. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to bill buy tins of Coca-Cola and Frey Bentos pies.
tfw GIF


This is a very good sign that he still somehow cares about that. He seems to be scared to go all-in and I hope it stays this way.
He might be realizing his assumptions about the Russian army capabilities may have been off by a mile. Thus is the danger of being surrounded by yes men who are afraid to tell you what you don’t want to hear.


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not tag worthy
Don't people here realize that Ukrainian war communication is exactly what it is : war communication. The war hasn't even started for 72 hours and they're fighting to defend their capital city. They're left alone and in a much worse place they've ever been since their independence.
If Russia didn’t have 6k worth of nukes. Plus a country that spans time zones. They are yuuuuge. I think others would have stepped in.
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Perhaps. I won’t try to understand the reasoning of a tyrant. But I think we should all just remember that if backed into a corner, this could get much, much worse.
It's reasonable to expect those engaging in this have at least glanced at the Art of War and other treatises which illustrate the reasons not to paint an enemy into a corner on the path to peace.


I think it's still too early to tell how this is playing out, and there has been so much misinformation so far that it is impossible to tell what is really going on. However, if the Russians really are messing up though, wouldn't it be crazy if China took the opportunity to pull some Game of Thrones shit in the far east!




I think it's still too early to tell how this is playing out, and there has been so much misinformation so far that it is impossible to tell what is really going on. However, if the Russians really are messing up though, wouldn't it be crazy if China took the opportunity to pull some Game of Thrones shit in the far east!


China will do it the buisiness way. You give some of our land back and we will help you build Russia


And thank God for that. People are sort of scoffing at Russia’s perceived struggles here. Be careful with that because if Putin unleashed his full capabilities, even forgetting about the nuclear weapons, Kiev would be a crater right now. We’re getting uptight because one cruise missile hit an apartment high rise but imagine 500 cruise missiles fired relatively indiscriminately. For as evil and terrible as Putin seems to be, he so far hasn’t resorted to that level of depravity. Let’s pray he doesn’t decide to.
Yup. I'm sure he doesn't want too much of collateral damage to retain some image after the war.

Regarding that Ukrainian intel "leak". Ehh... Would love to believe that, but not so sure.

But let's play make believe for some speculation:

How in the hell is Putin so unprepared for this war?
They could be broke as fuck and not have the needed military equipment, but if he was playing the long game here and prepared for the invasion for almost 10 years then you'd have enough heavy artillery shells to glass whole Ukraine. You will find the cash for war, no matter what.

Or... Putin was unprepared because the whole invasion wasn't planned but was a reaction to something 🤷🏻‍♂️
How in the hell is Putin so unprepared for this war?

I have a hard time believing going anywhere near Kyiv was the initial plan. Russia setting up shop in the separatist regions would have been one thing, but pushing into the rest of the country...that's what's confusing


I have a hard time believing going anywhere near Kyiv was the initial plan. Russia setting up shop in the separatist regions would have been one thing, but pushing into the rest of the country...that's what's confusing
It's not confusing, they were going for the head. It's just they underestimated the Ukrainians,.


Rodent Whores
I have a hard time believing going anywhere near Kyiv was the initial plan. Russia setting up shop in the separatist regions would have been one thing, but pushing into the rest of the country...that's what's confusing
They probably gambled that securing the capital and other strategic points in the western areas would make taking over Eastern Ukraine easier. They could "secure the independence" of Eastern Ukraine, and then "give back" the rest of Ukraine, but not before installing their own puppet government.


Russia delayed a long time before going in. Supplies were probably depleted significantly by then. The troops were probably tired and sick of it all already. Generals were probably telling Putin to shit or get off the pot.


I have a hard time believing going anywhere near Kyiv was the initial plan. Russia setting up shop in the separatist regions would have been one thing, but pushing into the rest of the country...that's what's confusing
Nah, Kyiv was always the target to end the war quickly. If they still win they'll request the full teritorial claims for both "people republics" and annex them later (to have a ground passage to Crimea) and full "neutraility" regarding nato
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