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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Yup. I'm sure he doesn't want too much of collateral damage to retain some image after the war.

Regarding that Ukrainian intel "leak". Ehh... Would love to believe that, but not so sure.

But let's play make believe for some speculation:

How in the hell is Putin so unprepared for this war?
They could be broke as fuck and not have the needed military equipment, but if he was playing the long game here and prepared for the invasion for almost 10 years then you'd have enough heavy artillery shells to glass whole Ukraine. You will find the cash for war, no matter what.

Or... Putin was unprepared because the whole invasion wasn't planned but was a reaction to something 🤷🏻‍♂️
from a few pages back it seems the military in Russia told POS Putin he could win easily. (They knew it was not the case, but lied to his face). If he destroys everything, who will be in charge of reconstruction? That is money they will have to provide. He says this is to liberate Ukraine from neo-Nazis and a lot of bullshit, if you liberate you pay for things back. If they conquer and destroy everything those people who survive become citizens of Russia, which may allow them to get into the capital. Also, possible China told them to make it quickly, if Russia destroys everything I doubt China will still side with them, China looks desperate too to finish this, since their news are telling lies already.

It is a new day so, Fuck Putin.


Russia grossly outnumbers Ukraine but Ukraine won’t back down. I don’t think even Putin expected this resistance.

This is real life. He expected it.

Not sure how real this is.

So take it with a grain of salt everyone.

Actual military people would expect casualties. reference Russia's previous conflicts under Putin to know what loses they expect and what damage they are willing to inflict.

Can you please explain the significance?

This is the biggest real sanction so far if it holds up. that passage is the only way for Russia to the Mediterranean. now they will have to go through the Artic or Siberia.

Edit: seems not true.
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Turkey is a big client of Russia mil tech. I highly doubt they will really close the strait. If true this would be the biggest punch in Russia so far.


A lot of misinformation in this thread.

0 critical thinking too. Just blind faith in twitter fakes, total hate and primal fear of unknown.

I understand that people are on edge, but just posting AND believing in literally anything you see on Twitter is ridiculous.

Stop posting jet fighting videos , please. It's from a game.

Video of an old guy being run over by a Russian tank was debunked too.

It was Ukrainian forces mistakenly attacking another Ukrainian forces and during the fighting that guy in a tank run over Ukrainian civilian in his car. There's a few videos of that incident online from a different angles.

13 Ukrainian war heroes from that island aren't dead too They said fuck you to Russians and then surrendered in full. Around 80 people were send to Crimea.


from a few pages back it seems the military in Russia told POS Putin he could win easily. (They knew it was not the case, but lied to his face). If he destroys everything, who will be in charge of reconstruction? That is money they will have to provide. He says this is to liberate Ukraine from neo-Nazis and a lot of bullshit, if you liberate you pay for things back. If they conquer and destroy everything those people who survive become citizens of Russia, which may allow them to get into the capital. Also, possible China told them to make it quickly, if Russia destroys everything I doubt China will still side with them, China looks desperate too to finish this, since their news are telling lies already.

It is a new day so, Fuck Putin.

It seems really stupid to be destroying the place you say belonged to you in the first place. And now he's fucking over his own people and turning the world against them.

Putin isn't too bright.



Putin is allowing all of these terriorist tactics to break the will of the Ukrainian people and to try to force a quick surrender. Now he is sending over actual terrorists to torture and do evil acts, to a neighboring country no less! really evil stuff.
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Would you be able to give me a source for this one?
BBC Russian (use translate)


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A lot of misinformation in this thread.

0 critical thinking too. Just blind faith in twitter fakes, total hate and primal fear of unknown.

I understand that people are on edge, but just posting AND believing in literally anything you see on Twitter is ridiculous.

Stop posting jet fighting videos , please. It's from a game.

Video of an old guy being run over by a Russian tank was debunked too.

It was Ukrainian forces mistakenly attacking another Ukrainian forces and during the fighting that guy in a tank run over Ukrainian civilian in his car. There's a few videos of that incident online from a different angles.

13 Ukrainian war heroes from that island aren't dead too They said fuck you to Russians and then surrendered in full. Around 80 people were send to Crimea.

Yes, curious where you're getting this info from too...


BBC Russian (use translate)


"The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that the island has been captured and that 82 Ukrainian military men who were in the garrison "voluntarily surrendered to a unit of the Russian armed forces." At the same time, Moscow does not mention that the island was hit, and about the casualties among the military.

There is no independent confirmation of the information - as well as accurate data on how many people were in the garrison in total and what is currently happening on the island."


I have a hard time believing going anywhere near Kyiv was the initial plan. Russia setting up shop in the separatist regions would have been one thing, but pushing into the rest of the country...that's what's confusing
The plan is two fold

1) Capture and occupy land surrounding Crimea and the Russia Ukraine border.

2) Oust or kill Zelenskyy then install a Russian sympathizer president that'll agree to the terms of objective 1 and keep Ukraine from joining NATO.


A lot of misinformation in this thread.

0 critical thinking too. Just blind faith in twitter fakes, total hate and primal fear of unknown.

I understand that people are on edge, but just posting AND believing in literally anything you see on Twitter is ridiculous.

Stop posting jet fighting videos , please. It's from a game.

Video of an old guy being run over by a Russian tank was debunked too.

It was Ukrainian forces mistakenly attacking another Ukrainian forces and during the fighting that guy in a tank run over Ukrainian civilian in his car. There's a few videos of that incident online from a different angles.

13 Ukrainian war heroes from that island aren't dead too They said fuck you to Russians and then surrendered in full. Around 80 people were send to Crimea.

I'm not saying your wrong but the irony here is funny.

Don't believe twitter, believe me!


A lot of misinformation in this thread.

0 critical thinking too. Just blind faith in twitter fakes, total hate and primal fear of unknown.

I understand that people are on edge, but just posting AND believing in literally anything you see on Twitter is ridiculous.

Stop posting jet fighting videos , please. It's from a game.

Video of an old guy being run over by a Russian tank was debunked too.

It was Ukrainian forces mistakenly attacking another Ukrainian forces and during the fighting that guy in a tank run over Ukrainian civilian in his car. There's a few videos of that incident online from a different angles.

13 Ukrainian war heroes from that island aren't dead too They said fuck you to Russians and then surrendered in full. Around 80 people were send to Crimea.
You do realize your on Neogaf right? Console warring jingos aren’t just mouth breathing and ass talking when they’re console warring, they lead very sheltered lives with completely polarized emotionally driven knee jerk reaction opinions. Thinking isn’t their strong suit, regurgitating their favorite lines from whichever mouthpiece they choose is their norm, it’s not worth fighting with those people, you won’t get anywhere.

This isn’t just a gaming forum issue, this is a 2022 people have turned to tribal mentality issue. People pathetically call others sheeple while they themselves are also sheeple but they don’t notice it. Truth dies snappy fake facts rule, the world as a whole is fucked.
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A lot of misinformation in this thread.

0 critical thinking too. Just blind faith in twitter fakes, total hate and primal fear of unknown.

I understand that people are on edge, but just posting AND believing in literally anything you see on Twitter is ridiculous.

Stop posting jet fighting videos , please. It's from a game.

Video of an old guy being run over by a Russian tank was debunked too.

It was Ukrainian forces mistakenly attacking another Ukrainian forces and during the fighting that guy in a tank run over Ukrainian civilian in his car. There's a few videos of that incident online from a different angles.

13 Ukrainian war heroes from that island aren't dead too They said fuck you to Russians and then surrendered in full. Around 80 people were send to Crimea.

Too many people keep projecting their own wishful thinking into these fake news, failing to realize that war is not a Hollywood movie. And then they wonder how others can believe the Russian propaganda... well, it is for the same frikkin' reason, because poeple want to believe what appeals to their own emotional state.

GAF being an international community and having its fair share of intelligent members, this thread could have been a good source of information. As it stands, it is comprised mostly of moral indignation, random bullcrap tweets from unverified sources, sycophants making this tragedy about their own national partisan politics and idiots taking the opportunity to sh*t on other countries they don't like.

Any political analysis is maliciously shot down by the outrage mob who are quick to suspect an apologist behind anybody who tries to make sense of the situation. This thread turned into a contest about who can morally condemn the hardest spurned on by self-appointed backseat moderators combing this thread for anybody who isn't condemning hard enough.

My only hope is that people finally start realizing how important our western values of democracy, rationality, individual liberty and cooperation are for maintaining the peace. What happens if we fail to uphold the values can be seen right now.


that's the kind of blundering oversight that could have been avoided had the plan been to decapitate all along

I think Putin never expected resistance, that the locals would just go home so he can Oust the president and take his land, but what he wants of his soldiers is difficult to motivate. Ukrainians and Russians are like English and Welsh, neighbours, family, lovers and children with dual citizenships.. How do you motivate a soldier to attack their brothers?

But if you are the defender you will do anything to save your family and life. Motivation will always overcome lack of motivation.

Especially when the motivated have more advanced weapons.

And it reminds me of this passage

The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the "Men who wanted to be left Alone" are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left Alone", fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears"


°Temp. member
Poor Ukraine, but this shit is happening on a smaller scale in Africa almost all the time.

Ukraine is really out there on there own. If anything this only enforces the value of being a NATO nation.
Who is the most powerful country in Africa? (Just out of curiosity)

I find my opinion on this changing. At first I was like “they’re not in nato and Russia has nukes” but now I’m like “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere” and the world (not just the us) needs to take a stand here and now.
As if there aren't plenty of Telegram Ukrainian propaganda groups. Westerners are trained to use Twitter, Russians are all about VK. Don't assume the social media you know is the one that can be trusted.


Who is the most powerful country in Africa? (Just out of curiosity)

I find my opinion on this changing. At first I was like “they’re not in nato and Russia has nukes” but now I’m like “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere” and the world (not just the us) needs to take a stand here and now.
The thing about Russia that everyone is really scared about isn’t Russia taking the Ukraine, it‘s Russia seeing how easy it is to use their power and thinking “that was fun now whose next”. A stronger Russia is a weaker world in general.


Poor Ukraine, but this shit is happening on a smaller scale in Africa almost all the time.

Ukraine is really out there on there own. If anything this only enforces the value of being a NATO nation.
Oh, so nuclear power invades other countries in Africa “all the time” huh?

Well this is flat out not true. There is horrible fighting in Africa for sure, Sudan. Ethiopia , even parts of Nigeria among others. But it’s a far far cry from what I’m going on now in Ukraine


He says this is to liberate Ukraine from neo-Nazis and a lot of bullshit, if you liberate you pay for things back.
I keep seeing this repeatedly in the thread. I don’t think you guys understand how much Putin likes to troll the west and use their own words or tactics against them. Still waiting on those weapons of mass destruction….
But also, Ukraine legit had nazis
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Who is the most powerful country in Africa? (Just out of curiosity)

I find my opinion on this changing. At first I was like “they’re not in nato and Russia has nukes” but now I’m like “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere” and the world (not just the us) needs to take a stand here and now.
The biggest gdp in Africa is probably Nigeria but in terms of military I don’t know… Egypt?
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Thank goodness you're here to set it straight.

I've pointed out blatant false reporting before yes (someone posting Arma III footage and passing it off as a Russian plane being shot down for example), but I'm not necessarily setting anything straight outside of the aforementioned blatant false reporting I come across and know to be wrong.

What I am NOT taking part in is weird armchair warrior behavior, hamfistedly shoehorning American politics and non sequitar-ish hate for Biden/Trudeau. I'm not spreading unverified false information from random Twitter bozos. Generally speaking I'm just not muddying the waters with nonsense during such a horrific time. There's enough of that out there.

What I will do is have a laugh and poke fun at cheesedick five star armchair generals in here with their statements full of undeserved conviction and random accusations directed at others. I'm not here to set anything "straight", after reading 30+ pages of this nonsense it would be a nearby impossible thing to achieve, but best believe I'll have a laugh at people's expense.

So please, continue on.
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I've pointed out blatant false reporting in before yes (someone posting Arma III footage and passing it off as a Russian plane being shot down for example), but I'm not necessarily setting anything straight outside of the aforementioned blatant false reporting I come across and know to be wrong.

What I am NOT taking part in is weird armchair warrior behavior, hamfistedly shoehorning American politics and non sequitar-ish hate for Biden/Trudeau. I'm not spreading unverified false information from random Twitter bozos. Generally speaking I'm just not muddying the waters with nonsense during such a horrific time. There's enough of that out there.

What I will do is have a laugh and poke fun at cheesedick five star armchair generals in here with their statements full of undeserved conviction and random accusations directed at others. I'm not here to set anything "straight", after reading 30+ pages of this nonsense it would be a nearby impossible thing to achieve, but best believe I'll have a laugh at people's expense.

So please, continue on.
Clearly you know the details of everyone's lives to make such broad claims and that omnipresent talent you use in broad strokes would be useful somehow.
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