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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Honestly this whole thing feels off to me, something is up and it's something bad.

I'm concerned.
Unconfirmed reports that Wagner is staging on the Northern border of Ukraine in Belarus. That combined with the tactical nuke insurance policy has me thinking this whole "coup" was the plan all along and the rest has been an elaborate ruse. Prigozhin may be leading the second assault on Kyiv

I hope i'm wrong about this, but it looks like things are going to dialing up to 11 and fast.

Just my thoughts after hearing the latest scuttlebutt.
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Stop posting this idiot. He has no access to any sources.


Unconfirmed reports that Wagner is staging on the Northern border of Ukraine in Belarus. That combined with the tactical nuke insurance policy has me thinking this whole "coup" was the plan all along and the rest has been an elaborate ruse. Prigozhin may be leading the second assault on Kyiv

I hope i'm wrong about this, but it looks like things are going to dialing up to 11 and fast.

Just my thoughts after hearing the latest scuttlebutt.
I don’t think you have roads/bridges to Moscow getting ready to be destroyed, the entire aristocracy noping out and a dozen Russian pilots shot out of the sky if it’s all an elaborate ruse.
So what if wagner guy is moving to belarus recruit a shit ton of criminals and whatever else, then overthrow that current leader and basically create his own country as result.

And then what? Be stuck with both Russia and the rest of the world as an enemy with the population of London.
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Simps for Amouranth
Christ there's a brutal video going about showing some unfortunate Ukrainians getting stuck in a minefield and just getting de-limbed left right and center, horrible but at the end of a guy crawling into the back of a wagon with his leg in tatters... Once this war is over there is going to be so many of these horrible little fuckers that can easily blow a leg off all over southern Ukraine, the demining operation will take years, fuck Russia
Has anyone read about Wagner in Africa. In the CAR they murder and massacre entire villages that are near gold and diamonds mines, just so they can plunder and spread fear, while they make bank stripping the country of wealth.

Government funded terrorism thats getting away with murder globally.


Western special forces should assassinate Prigorzhin at the point. That'd stir the pot nicely.

Pringles is gone. As soon as Putin barked back, he didn't have the guts or the force to take the Kremlin and spent his political capital to save face.

He will probably find a window or the teacup in a near future.

Christ there's a brutal video going about showing some unfortunate Ukrainians getting stuck in a minefield and just getting de-limbed left right and center, horrible but at the end of a guy crawling into the back of a wagon with his leg in tatters... Once this war is over there is going to be so many of these horrible little fuckers that can easily blow a leg off all over southern Ukraine, the demining operation will take years, fuck Russia

There is a video of Ukrainian forces disembarking a APC. As soon as the guy touches the ground, he steps into a mine and goes crawling back to the APC with just one leg.

It will take decades for Ukraine effectively clean the countryside.


So what if wagner guy is moving to belarus recruit a shit ton of criminals and whatever else, then overthrow that current leader and basically create his own country as result.
From what I understand there's tons of Russian secret police in Belarus(fsb). That's one of the reasons they think he stopped his march on Moscow; the fsb had his family.



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They are sending out scattered dragoons, observers and sacrificial zealots to clear spider mines and scope shit out first.

We wouldn't want those blowing up your siege tanks


"Andriy was hospitalised for concussion, but a day later snuck out against his doctors advice, determined to recover his vehicle. He returned to the battlefield where the Bradley was still abandoned and discovering its engine was still functioning succeeded in driving it out".

And, Woho! Yes, I am partial, but will be interesting to see them put to good use. They are almost IR invisible too.

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"One in every three students in Russia wants to leave the country, and 44 percent describe the current situation there as a “crisis,” according to a survey conducted by the Russian state, which remains unpublished."

More brain drain..

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Gold Member
"One in every three students in Russia wants to leave the country, and 44 percent describe the current situation there as a “crisis,” according to a survey conducted by the Russian state, which remains unpublished."

More brain drain..

More likely that one third admit they want to leave Russia, and the rest is lying out of fear.



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Gold Member
"We're the good guys! The world's turned against us!" | Cognitive Dissonance of Propaganda Victims

For those interested in some of the psychological aspects of how Russians are still able to see themselves as the good guys despite supporting an absurdly brutal and utterly meaningless invasion/war.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member

Good. Light'em up.



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Edit: Yea seems twitter is fucked now when you try to quote them. Was video about ruZZian soldier trying to kill few Ukranians while surrendering. He was laying over a grenade and tried to detonate it when the soldier closed on him.
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