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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Before Germany was blocking other NATO nations from sending weapons because they were sure they were going to lose. But now that they are winning.

Make no mistake, Ukraine is not winning, but they are giving one hell of a bloody nose to the Russians. Putin probably expected to win this very fast and be welcomed as the "liberator' (that explain why the Russians are not employing massive force in the cities).

This is clearly no happening.
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Two days and they are already at the capital… and Russia won’t stop now. It is a lost war unless other countries send actual troops there.

Edit: … or the Ukrainian gov has access to intel indicating that Russian doesn’t have what it takes to actually take the capital.
Have you looked at a map lately and seen where the capital is? Belarus is pretty much next to it and putin assaulted from there too. And still they havent managed to take it.


Gold Member
And that, is the whole problem with the western world. You've created a designated enemy, united countries against them, ostracized them and snubbed them at every turn where you could, constructed an entire narrative. You've acted like a school's popular bully - think pretty rich girl with connections that has a gaggle of fans and minions - for decades, and you're acting all surprised and indignant when you realize your designated victim has had enough and brought their collection of guns to class.

And then when they said "either you back off or I start shooting" you told your minions to step closer.

This is absurd. Russia is ruled by thieving Oligarchs who rob Russians blind and use external issues as a distraction and people like you just eat it up. Poor, poor nuclear armed regional power! :messenger_loudly_crying:

Nobody fucking wants to be ruled by or be associated with losers like Russia because Russia absolutely loves to murder their next door neighbours if they choose fair elections or positions that don't align with Russian autocrats. Hell, it enjoys killing its own people that disagree with Putin. Take a look at Russia's closest "friends" in Venezuela, Iran, Syria, or Kazakhstan, a veritable who's who of states that abuse their people for the elite few, and ask yourself why the fuck would anyone want to join their ranks?

NATO isn't forcing anyone to join it, Russia is. NATO also doesn't need any border state to curbstomp the Russian army in a non-nuclear war. In fact, Russia had become such a non-threat that NATO members had been reducing its military readiness until Russia decided to go on an expansionist spree.

Ukraine just happens to be one adjacent under-equipped post-Soviet state that Russia felt it could abuse, just like how Moldova and Georgia are likely targets because big, bad Russia would shit itself going up against Scandanavian countries with actual modern weapons and topography that has left countless Russian invaders buried beneath their soil with no success.
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unsure why people are claiming "without support" the entire "The Ukrainians did this" push on the story is based around this leaving the area of a firefight, which would infer friendly combatants and hostile combatants, also do people not see the 7.62 machine gun mount on this thing? does it just disappear for people? The top Hatch on the right side is actually flipped up during the video to allow access.
I see the gun on your photo, and on every other normal shot of the vehicle. I see the massive rectangular ammobox that is so big it looks like it protrudes off the side of the vehicle.

Do you see it here?

Because I see an open gunner's hatch and no gun in sight.

This is absurd. Russia is ruled by thieving Oligarchs who rob Russians blind and use external issues as a distraction and people like you just eat it up. Poor, poor nuclear armed regional power! :messenger_loudly_crying:

Nobody fucking wants to be ruled by or be associated with losers like Russia because Russia absolutely loves to murder their next door neighbours if they choose fair elections or positions that don't align with Russian autocrats. Hell, it enjoys killing its own people that disagree with Putin. Take a look at Russia's closest "friends" in Venezuela, Iran, Syria, or Kazakhstan, a veritable who's who of states that abuse their people for the elite few, and ask yourself why the fuck would anyone want to join their ranks?

NATO isn't forcing anyone to join it, Russia is. NATO also doesn't need any border state to curbstomp the Russian army in a non-nuclear war. In fact, Russia had become such a non-threat that NATO members had been reducing its military readiness until Russia decided to go on an expansionist spree.

Ukraine just happens to be one adjacent under-equipped post-Soviet state that Russia felt it could abuse, just like how Moldova and Georgia are likely targets because big, bad Russia would shit itself going up against Scandanavian countries with actual modern weapons and topography that has left countless Russian invaders buried beneath their soil with no success.
Well if that's your position then you've no place acting all indignant. You've been making Russia out to be an enemy and a villain for decades. Now Russia has become the villain, because it's lost any reason to do different. I sure hope you're happy.
Now Russia has become the villain, because it's lost any reason to do different. I sure hope you're happy.

This isn't as sympathetic as you want it to be, as if all Russia needed to not be the villain was some international moral support. Unfortunately by this you've implied that Russia's natural state is villainy because had they not been pulled back this would be just how they behave. Actually there's just a dictator in charge that decided to invade a foreign country, the blame is only there.
Have you looked at a map lately and seen where the capital is? Belarus is pretty much next to it and putin assaulted from there too. And still they havent managed to take it.
You realize that they can’t go a straight line because it is pretty much mud everywhere? You can’t pick tanks and just go through it, Putin will look even more dumb if 200 tanks are stuck in mud. That’s why Ukrainian forces were bravely fighting for the Antonov airport. It is fundamental that they hold control. That is also why the fights on the South are important, especially in Kherson.

Still, I agree with you. It is definitely not going as fast as probably Putin wished. It is just making Russia look weak and gives hope to Ukraine.
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Gold Member

Ukraine official calls for stronger sanctions, 'decisive decision' on Ukraine EU, NATO membership​

Ukrainian MP’s Liaison to the international community Pavel Unguryan issued a plea Saturday to establish a tribunal and prosecute Russian President Vladimir Putin for war crimes.
Unguryan, on behalf of the Movement Free Ukraine, criticized President Biden for issuing sanctions that are “nowhere near strong enough” and issued a number of demands.
“It is now the time to put far more damaging financial weapons into play; those which would instantly have a negative impact on the Russian military and economic machine,” he wrote.
Unguryan called for greater punishments, such as cutting Russia from the SWIFT banking system and expanding the list of individuals subject to personal sanctions, and introducing a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine.
Most notably, he urged for “a decisive decision to grant Ukraine the EU and NATO membership.”

boom smile GIF
I see the gun on your photo, and on every other normal shot of the vehicle. I see the massive rectangular ammobox that is so big it looks like it protrudes off the side of the vehicle.

Do you see it here?

Because I see an open gunner's hatch and no gun in sight.

Well if that's your position then you've no place acting all indignant. You've been making Russia out to be an enemy and a villain for decades. Now Russia has become the villain, because it's lost any reason to do different. I sure hope you're happy.
FUCK YOU! My people are dying and you are excusing piece of shit that is Russia. Every one of the Russian soldiers in Ukraine and the whole Russian government deserves to BURN IN HELL!


Gold Member
Well if that's your position then you've no place acting all indignant. You've been making Russia out to be an enemy and a villain for decades. Now Russia has become the villain, because it's lost any reason to do different. I sure hope you're happy.

No, that is the doing of the Russian elite robbing Russia blind and making excuses by pointing abroad. You eat up those excuses because you lack the will to question Vladamir Putin and his cronies over the decisions he makes to murder Russia's neighbours.

How can Russia do anything different if it chooses to keep a violent autocrat in power? Sorry, but Vladamir Putin cannot be blamed on anyone else other than Russians.

Rossco EZ

I see the gun on your photo, and on every other normal shot of the vehicle. I see the massive rectangular ammobox that is so big it looks like it protrudes off the side of the vehicle.

Do you see it here?

Because I see an open gunner's hatch and no gun in sight.

Well if that's your position then you've no place acting all indignant. You've been making Russia out to be an enemy and a villain for decades. Now Russia has become the villain, because it's lost any reason to do different. I sure hope you're happy.
there’s a video of the armoured vehicle that ran over the car chasing a ukrainian truck. the soldier in the truck is injured and gets out, he is then shot by a russian. if that armoured vehicle was being driven by Ukrainians then why would they let a opposition soldier 20ft away execute one or there own?
What other sanctions over Russia can be used to end this war as soon as possible? Removing them from the swift is fundamental, but what else?
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Gold Member
FUCK YOU! My people are dying and you are excusing piece of shit that is Russia. Every one of the Russian soldiers in Ukraine and the whole Russian government deserves to BURN IN HELL!

I wonder how discourse will be if they declare anyone defending Putin online will be tried for war crimes along with him. I imagine you'll see a lot less people copying BS from Telegram.

there’s a video of the armoured vehicle that ran over the car chasing a ukrainian truck. the soldier in the truck is injured and gets out, he is then shot by a russian. if that armoured vehicle was being driven by Ukrainians then why would they let a opposition soldier 20ft away execute one or there own?
Because Russian propaganda is well and alive. People think it's "harmless", "just asking questions", "being contrarian", BUT it's EXACTLY the reason why Putin is getting away with MURDER!
Ukrainian president is RUSSIAN SPEAKING JEWISH man. How the fuck can you believe all this Russian propaganda? HOW??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gold Member

Ukraine-Russia War: Russian troops underfunded, equipment sub-par, according to reports​

The Russian effort to invade Ukraine appears to have been underfunded and under-equipped to handle the swift takeover that Russian President Vladimir Putin was hoping for.
Russia is "increasingly frustrated" by the lack of momentum in the invasion, particularly in the north of the country, a U.S. official said Saturday. Despite the months of planning and preparation, Russia has yet to achieve air superiority, and Ukraine retains command-and-control.
And a senior U.S. defense official told Fox News correspondent Jennifer Griffin that the Russian military is not moving or fighting at night: Most movement starts just before dawn and occurs during the day because they don’t have night vision and are not trained in night vision, which contributed to slower than expected progress.
What other sanctions over Russia can be used to end this war as soon as possible? Removing them from the swift is fundamental, but what else?

All banks, all flights, all trade imports. Sanctions are always a slow hand around a throat, they're not very effective at ending a war as quick as possible. They're there to affect public mood, and as such need to be made proportionally so as not to punish the general populace for a government's war action.
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Rossco EZ

Whew... Some of these posts. I haven't visited this forum in years. I'm left leaning when it comes to US politics, so it's tough for me to be OK with some of the discussions here... But reading some of these posts about Ukraine here is just insane. How can people still believe Russia HOW????! I mean literally nothing changed since 2014. It was the same propaganda but no one was paying attention. But now it's ALL in the open. You can easily see what's happening. How can you still call Ukrainians Nazis when Ukrainian is Russian speaking Jewish man? How can you believe that any of this has to do with NATO? It's all bullshit. Putin literally spoke for 30 minutes how Ukraine has no right to exists. You believe Russia?!! So fucking believe him! He is insane!
chill out. there’s been a very small amount of posters that have seemed to try make what putin is doing sound ok, the rest of us don’t agree. most of us know what russia is like
Germany has stopped resisting for a while now. I think they wanted to preserve a good reputation when you look at what they have done till now.

There's been a few members who have been denouncing the German chancellor for his hesitation or lack of initiative (pointed towards a "coward") in regards to deploying SWIFT as a sanction.

You guys need to bare in mind this is going to be a double-egded sword, especially for Germany. Its going to financially, hurt the average German citizen and they/you will collectively have to bare the burden for that. The country is like 55% reliant on Russian gas among other things. Its likely going to spark a gas energy crisis, and consequently, the price on natural gasses will fly through the roof. That's probably part reason why he's been reluctant to give an OK.

German GAFfers should brace themselves for that.
chill out. there’s been a very small amount of posters that have seemed to try make what putin is doing sound ok, the rest of us don’t agree. most of us know what russia is like
Dude! It's been a problem since 2008. Since Russia invaded Georgia. If this was shut down in 2008 thousands of Ukrainians would still be alive. This propaganda is not harmless. It looks like Putin believes it now. This propaganda is costing thousands of lives. Check my posts from 2014, it was the same bullshit.


chill out. there’s been a very small amount of posters that have seemed to try make what putin is doing sound ok, the rest of us don’t agree. most of us know what russia is like
I think being a citizen of a country being invaded right now gives him a bit of a right to be outwardly distressed and outraged by people making excuses for the invaders
There's been a few members who have been denouncing the German chancellor for his hesitation or lack of initiative (pointed towards a "coward") in regards to deploying SWIFT as a sanction.

You guys need to bare in mind this is going to be a double-egded sword, especially for Germany. Its going to financially, hurt the average German citizen and they/you will collectively have to bare the burden for that. The country is like 55% reliant on Russian gas among other things. Its likely going to spark a gas energy crisis, and consequently, the price on natural gasses will fly through the roof. That's probably part reason why he's been reluctant to give an OK.

German GAFfers should brace themselves for that.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the US hadn’t kneecapped their production, handing Putin a massive advantage to hang over Europe? But I’m sure driving Europe into the arms of Russia was worth whatever immeasurable impact it has on carbon emissions.
I'm afraid the patience is running dry and soon in-discriminatory bombings will commence. Not much time left for ukraine's leadership to prevent it.


I mean, it's no secret that this forum has plenty of Putin's "masculinity" idolizers. They legit think that Putin is some kind of great example of a leader who has led Russia to some mighty prosperity and power when in reality the country with all it's insane resources is pretty much on par (if not worse) with Baltics in terms of quality of life. That midget has done absolutely nothing but enriched his friends, family. Nukes is their only power pillar.

Rossco EZ

Dude! It's been a problem since 2008. Since Russia invaded Georgia. If this was shut down in 2008 thousands of Ukrainians would still be alive. This propaganda is not harmless. It looks like Putin believes it now. This propaganda is costing thousands of lives. Check my posts from 2014, it was the same bullshit.
yeah but you act like it’s a simple task to stop it, nobody wants all out war. which is what will happen if we sent troops into Ukraine now.
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