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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I've voted Conservative multiple times in the past. And Labour. But NIMBYs all vote conservative. Clue's in the name, sport.
Not really. You know full well it doesn't (any longer) explicitly mean someone's backyard. Besides plenty of low income people living in small terraced housing still have a backyard.

Only difference between the (most likely) Tory NIMBYs and the traditionally labour-voting NIMBYs is that the latter has already been shafted while the former is still trying to avoid getting shafted. Can't blame them really.


Shoigu must be shitting himself right now. This is his future.



I won't derail this with uk politics, but I was not referring to brexit (or the laundering skills of London) but the omnishambles / shorttermism in governance and general decline (not least in uk military capability). The embarrassing bailout in Afghanistan should have been a huge warning that we are too dependent on the USA to project capability abroad.

It is in our interests to have Ukraine successfully defend themselves, the inconvenience of noise for those who bought houses near to established military training grounds shouldn't tip the scales against the consequences of the alternatives.

We should be ensuring Ukrainians get the maximum training possible, be investing heavily in arms for them whilst getting our own forces re-equipt.

All well and good, but I was criticising your comment about Britain sliding into a failed state - which was hyperbolic nonsense.
People were surprised by how shitty Russian equipment was over the course of this war, but I think it's been an open secret for a long time.

I remember a lot of jokes in Stargate SG-1 in the late 90s about how Russian gear was trash.


Gold Member
I think everyone knew it wasn't as good and made a joke of it, but nobody really thought it was THIS bad

For people paying attention, we already knew Russian equipment was behind the USA, by a good margin.
For example, during the Gulf War, Iraq had the 4th biggest airforce in the world. And it was using some of the best Russian aircraft. And still, it was completely wiped out by the US air force.
And a similar thing occurred with tank vs tanks. The US just annihilated every Russian made tank with relative ease.
Or during the Iraq-Iran war. This was before the Iranian Revolution, so Iran received severa Tomcats. The result was that the Iranian airforce was shooting down Iraquian airplanes beyond line of sight, something very recent for the time.
It got so bad, that Iraq started an investigation, thinking someone was sabotaging their planes, until they finally understood that the US made airplanes were much more advanced.

But the cherry on top, is the utter incompetence of the Russian leadership.

"The reason Starlink was turned off was really because the U.S. had imposed sanctions against Russia. They cover Crimea, and we were not allowed to switch on the link," Musk said.​


poop toss GIF

pretty embarrassing that such an esteemed and prolific biographer with a 50 year career whose work would have had to go through editor, publisher and subject approvals before an excerpt was provided to news agencies would have got such a detail wrong

big yikes, wouldn’t be hiring him again!



"The reason Starlink was turned off was really because the U.S. had imposed sanctions against Russia. They cover Crimea, and we were not allowed to switch on the link," Musk said.​


poop toss GIF

I thought Starlink wasn't turned off at all? And he merely declined to turn it on for those areas? Keep changing your story every week Musk my boy.

I love how his sympathizers will deliver this news as "clarification" as what really happened, they don't teach critical thinking in school anymore I guess

Edit: Actually his phrasing sounds intentionally conflating. Like whether he "turned it off" or was "already turned off" it applies to both versions of past events. Depends on your personal context when you read it. He definitely measured this carefully. Elon you know you done fucked up don't you.gif
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Gold Member
We also have to consider that the rest of the Russian people, including the armed forces, do not want to die in a nuclear war. Along with their families and friends.
Even if Putin were to give the order to use nukes, I doubt the Russian people would be willing to do it and accept the cost.


Lots of stuff happening:

More footage of the parts of a special operation to regain control over Ukrainian oil and gas drilling platforms in the Black Sea last week.

Russian defenses south of #Bakhmut have collapsed. "800 (Russian) refusenicks and deserters are in the forest belt". RuSSkie comment "A tank's been kicking us out for 24 hours. Yesterday, at about 3 a.m., it got mad that we were holding on till the end and started to demolish the hut. I was concussed as well as two of my fellow soldiers. I don't know how, by some miracle, we survived. We were hit with everything from shrapnel ammunition to cluster munitions. We asked for artillery support. We were told there were no shells."

Speaker of the Ukrainian forces, Hanna Mailar, confirms the full liberation of Andriivka.

Military counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the Ukrainian Navy destroyed a Triumf air defense system in Yevpatoria, temporarily occupied Crimea, overnight into Thursday, SBU sources have told Ukrinform.
"Last night, the SBU's military counterintelligence and the Ukrainian Navy conducted a unique special operation near Yevpatoria - they destroyed Russia's Triumf air defense system worth $1.2 billion," sources said.

And, boyo, theese animals, hope they all in turn get a horrid end:

Russian troops have gunned down dozens of Ukrainian children with small arms at close range.
The murders were perpetrated by different Russian units in different regions of Ukraine, but they all seem to share the same purpose – to induce terror.
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immigrants and ukraine aren't the ones fucking up the nhs, roads, schools or housing mate
so an influx of over 1k of africans a week who then get put up in hotels at the cost of the tax payer of 7m a day, plus 500k a year to store the boats they have used is a good thing?? could that money not go to the nhs if we stopped these gimmegrants coming over.
The irony here is you're probably exactly the kind of cunt that costs the tax payer more money than anyone else.

I see a lot of fuckers whining about the poor, the foreigners, and everybody else - while taking cash in hand jobs, squeezing out tons of babies, claiming benefits, getting shitfaced and taking up the police's and the NHS's time, littering, causing anti-social behaviour... the list goes on and on.
i agree with all those issues aswell, but these cunts get put up in hotels and housing, for what? what have they done to deserve a heated hotel room, free food, free electric, free fucking everything?


so an influx of over 1k of africans a week who then get put up in hotels at the cost of the tax payer of 7m a day, plus 500k a year to store the boats they have used is a good thing?? could that money not go to the nhs if we stopped these gimmegrants coming over.
I can see you restrained yourself and called them africans, we all know what you would want to say if you could.
But let's hear how you are contributing to your country?
Nice. Racist, ableist, homophobic and a console warrior. I assume you have an Asshole bingo card you're trying to fill out?

Funny thing is, the NHS is propped up by those "3rd world" immigrants, and I hate to point it out to you, it ain't English lads out there building roads, schools and houses.
clown.....so how come theres english building my sons school and working on the road to the school, coz it aint the 1k plus a week africans coming over here in there free hotel rooms.
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I can see you restrained yourself and called them africans, we all know what you would want to say if you could.
But let's hear how you are contributing to your country?
theyre africans, what else would i say? i dont care about skin colour, go check out the 8000 of them that just landed on a tiny italian island and watch them destroy it, all coming to the uk.
I can see you restrained yourself and called them africans, we all know what you would want to say if you could.
But let's hear how you are contributing to your country?
i work and cause no issues, pay for my presciptions, pay my tax, dont use the nhs much.....i hope thats ok??

wouldnt say no to a free hotel, electric, food, water, gym membership and no bills at all just by coming over on a boat whilst natives pay for it all.
so an influx of over 1k of africans a week who then get put up in hotels at the cost of the tax payer of 7m a day, plus 500k a year to store the boats they have used is a good thing?? could that money not go to the nhs if we stopped these gimmegrants coming over.

you're right we shouldn't be paying private institutions to house these migrants, they should be housed in public accommodation at a fraction of the price and their applications processed quickly enough for them to be deported, allowed to work or allowed to stay under the refugee laws that you voted for

but what do africans have to do with ukraine again?
you're right we shouldn't be paying private institutions to house these migrants, they should be housed in public accommodation at a fraction of the price and their applications processed quickly enough for them to be deported, allowed to work or allowed to stay under the refugee laws that you voted for

but what do africans have to do with ukraine again?
no they should not be housed here at all, tents at best then get rid........i never voted for those laws, regards.
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i never voted for those laws, regards.

you did as a nation, welcome to democracy

oh and you're wrong about africans, they make up 1/5 of the "irregular" (read: what you call gimmegrants) migrants...so why do you choose to focus on them?


one more time, what do africans have to do with ukraine?


this is getting so off topic and really political.. I'd wish i could come with a rebuttal, but then I'd just prolong this stupid convo..

at least try and look at the bigger picture of why they are coming.. if you don't want them to come, maybe you should support the war in Ukraine who is fighting against a tyrannical regime, that are using the grain export from Ukraine to Africa as a weapon.

it's not the only reason why we are having an influx of immigrants, from Africa right now. But it's one of the biggest contributors..


I wonder what purported holy relic Minsk could have been carrying as its idol. An alleged piece of the true cross went to the bottom of the Black Sea with the Moskva. With Minsk in dry dock it would be poetic if it was something Russia claimed had to do with the John the Baptist. Speculation. Nevertheless, the belligerent losing ships named after their capital cities is quite an omen.

With Wagner leadership killed the group appears to be almost destroyed. Quite a difference from the hypothetical status that could have happened with that death squad if Russia had succeeded in the first few months of its invasion. They would've had a place to thrive as civilian butchers instead of being forced back into Russia and killed/dispersed by their masters.

The escalation of NK supplying weapons to Russia was expected by the West. It seems likely that supports behind the scenes have been readied for Ukraine to keep and take more control of tempo in their theater as things heat up.


clown.....so how come theres english building my sons school and working on the road to the school, coz it aint the 1k plus a week africans coming over here in there free hotel rooms.

The way this guy types, acts and thinks is the best case he could have made for better schools, but that's still not Ukraine's fault


Simps for Amouranth
Can somebody ban Mr Brexit "I Hate all Immigrants" from the thread please, this is to discuss Ukraine not how much the Daily Mail has rotted your brain M8.

Incredible that a country with no Navy has taken such a massive toll on Russia's black sea fleet, a fucking Submarine of all things lol not to mention the flagship and numerous other ships, the bean counters in Moscow must be really good at hiding these costs from Putin, the human cost obviously means very little to him but these big ticket items, Subs, Missile Defense systems etc are mounting up into the hundreds of millions lately


Gold Member
Kadyrov's father lead the fight the Russian army, during the 2 invasions of Chechnya in the 90's. Until he mysteriously died.
After that, Kadyrov took the leadership and huge payouts from Putin. While oppressing his own people.
Maybe this is a good time for Chechens to take back heir own country.
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Simps for Amouranth
I hope his death is/was super fucking painful and prolonged.

Oh you know it was, if he was poisoned which this has all the hallmarks off it'll be grim af and hell slap it up him, he's another shitstain on humanity like Putin who no doubt will eventually suffer a similar fate.

With the dondondon deed you'd think now is the time for the Chechens to take back their country with Russia occupied getting their arses kicked, I can't imagine the Chechens being favourable to Putin after the horror show he put the country under during the Chechen wars which where as brutal if not more so as the current one.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Russian authorities will now be able to send deaf, oligophrenic and schizophrenic people to the front line!!


They're scraping below the bottom of the barrel to avoid sending in people from moscow and saint petersburg.

Including the massive loss of unreplaceable materiel, the demographic catastrophe and the economic damage, Putin is inflicting massive damage on Russia.


Incredible that a country with no Navy has taken such a massive toll on Russia's black sea fleet, a fucking Submarine of all things lol not to mention the flagship and numerous other ships, the bean counters in Moscow must be really good at hiding these costs from Putin, the human cost obviously means very little to him but these big ticket items, Subs, Missile Defense systems etc are mounting up into the hundreds of millions lately

Even worse than the financial hit is the strategic hit. Even with full coffers, can't just turn money directly into a submarine. I doubt their ability to even backfill such losses technologically or materially, or with the needed expertise and personnel, with how much damage has been inflicted on the country.


Russian authorities will now be able to send deaf, oligophrenic and schizophrenic people to the front line!!


In cause people don't know what oligophrenic means it's people with intellectual disabilities.

I just read on the US army you have to have an iq of at least 80, which is pretty low.

This is going to cause confusion and mayhem behind Russian lines. What a shit show
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