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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Make no mistake, Ukraine is not winning, but they are giving one hell of a bloody nose to the Russians. Putin probably expected to win this very fast and be welcomed as the "liberator' (that explain why the Russians are not employing massive force in the cities).

This is clearly no happening.
True but given how badly it’s going and the perception that this was a pretty light 1st wave considering the terrifying gear Russia has at its disposal it seems like it can only escalate.

I don’t see Putin swallowing his pride and going home: he may try something stupid like detonating a nuke in space as an EMP and doubling down with the nastier banned weapons in his arsenal.

Sanctions can either be too lite or harsh enough to backfire like they did in the case of post WWI Germany and in Imperial Japan who had their oil supply embargoed as a response to their atrocities in maninland China: Pearl Harbor was a direct result of that.

Ironically that could be what actually expands the war outside of Ukraine: EU cuts Russia off from banking Russia stops oil exports and there you go the WWIII is lit.
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Is this real lol?
yeah but you act like it’s a simple task to stop it, nobody wants all our war. which is what will happen if we sent troops into Ukraine now.
It's easy to stop it. Check who Zelensky is and listen to Putin's speech. If something is pushing BS narrative here it should not be covered under "freedom of speech". It's hate speech. It leads to war. It dehumanizes Ukrainians.
It’s a concern. But if the Russians start fire bombing cities, it will be a bad look in the modern age. That will not play well anywhere.
The thing is there are 1000's russians all around the country protesting and they're simply being arrested swiftly, so unless putin is taken care of himself I don't see this war ending so 'nicely' [imho].

Rossco EZ

It's easy to stop it. Check who Zelensky is and listen to Putin's speech. If something is pushing BS narrative here it should not be covered under "freedom of speech". It's hate speech. It leads to war. It dehumanizes Ukrainians.
i know who he is, i’ve seen the speech. i’ve followed it for a while, what do you want us to do? russia is a country that has its own bubble and propaganda.. we can’t choose what they show there and what agenda they push.
he can be mad but it doesn’t help anything coming in here talking like that
How else is there to react? Fact check? No one gives a shit about that. Like what is there to stop Russian propaganda. All we have is anger. Reason doesn't work. It's been 14 YEARS of this propaganda and people are still buying it. And if not for that NONE of this would be happening!


Gold Member
So what's the actual de-escalation here?

Russia withdraws? Highly unlikely....
Russia gets rid of Putin? Highly unlikely....
We just tread water and watch until Russias numbers tell?
i know who he is, i’ve seen the speech. i’ve followed it for a while, what do you want us to do? russia is a country that has its own bubble and propaganda.. we can’t choose what they show there and what agenda they push.
At least prevent is from spreading. Look I'm too right for "the other place" too, but at least there's some sort of moderation when it comes to complete propaganda. Here it's allowed.


Gold Member
So what's the actual de-escalation here?

Russia withdraws? Highly unlikely....
Russia gets rid of Putin? Highly unlikely....
We just tread water and watch until Russias numbers tell?

Russia's conscripts either lose or give up, all of his out of date equipment gets blown up, Putin goes back to Moscow in defeat and is quickly deposed.


All banks, all flights, all trade imports. Sanctions are always a slow hand around a throat, they're not very effective at ending a war as quick as possible. They're there to affect public mood, and as such need to be made proportionally so as not to punish the general populace for a government's war action.
Depends what the goal is. If a population gets furious enough at all the crap happening on the inside they might stand up and try removing the captain from the cockpit.

Fools idol

This guy is completely insane, but he’s right about there being no winners in this scenario. To throw it out there as a threat is total sociopathy. You’re really gonna throw your dick on the table about superior nuclear power? How many nukes would you be willing to accept being dropped on Russia? Because any nuclear exchange would be absolutely horrific and devastating, and the West has more bud.

It’s just so stupid to even contemplate doing this by choice. I’m sorry God didn’t make you taller and you have to wear big shoes to appear tough, Vlad, but you’re a cunt and we all know it.

the US is second only to the UK for the most sophisticated and accurate intelligence in the world - if Russia were ever close to pressing the button, it would be known far in advance, and likely that Putin would zeroed in and be gone before the blink of an eye.

There are far more realistic scenarios here to play out such as economic fallout, which will devastate just as many lives as any bombs would.


Would you be able to give me a source for this one?
Found this video, I guess the truth is in the middle and 20 years from now we'll know exactly what happened:

This is China. Shanghai Media Group. "Shanghai Media Group (SMG), represent one of China's largest state-owned media and cultural conglomerates..."

Give you a hint. Try and write somewhere over there: "What about Taiwan?"


Let me ,among others, quote comment of "P Nicholas"

God bless Russia and China for fighting against Western provocators. May your missions be a success with minimal casualties.


Rossco EZ

At least prevent is from spreading. Look I'm too right for "the other place" too, but at least there's some sort of moderation when it comes to complete propaganda. Here it's allowed.
report those peoples posts to the mods then if they are spreading mis information..


Gold Member
the US is second only to the UK for the most sophisticated and accurate intelligence in the world - if Russia were ever close to pressing the button, it would be known far in advance, and likely that Putin would zeroed in and be gone before the blink of an eye.

Based on what they're throwing at Ukraine, their missiles probably don't even work.


I see the gun on your photo, and on every other normal shot of the vehicle. I see the massive rectangular ammobox that is so big it looks like it protrudes off the side of the vehicle.

Do you see it here?

Because I see an open gunner's hatch and no gun in sight.

Well if that's your position then you've no place acting all indignant. You've been making Russia out to be an enemy and a villain for decades. Now Russia has become the villain, because it's lost any reason to do different. I sure hope you're happy.

Russia made themselves the villains like 70 years ago when they had a leader who starved his own people and threatened the world.

Fools idol

Based on what they're throwing at Ukraine, their missiles probably don't even work.

They have some very powerful hypersonic missiles and who knows what behind closed doors. I have a bad feeling they probably have weapons supplied by China. Of course speculation on my part, but China's neutrality is telling.
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Gold Member
he can be mad but it doesn’t help anything coming in here talking like that

Nah man, there's tons of folks deserving to be yelled at in this thread. Some are pretty obvious bots too.

It's distressing to have people getting killed for no good reason - and people they know. Give them some space, you don't need to lecture.

Rossco EZ

Nah man, there's tons of folks deserving to be yelled at in this thread. Some are pretty obvious bots too.

It's distressing to have people getting killed for no good reason - and people they know. Give them some space, you don't need to lecture.
ok i’m not sure what good it does though, if people are gonna run with the agenda they do (right or wrong) just report posts to mods and let it be dealt with like that. whatever though, i won’t lecture anyone.


They have some very powerful hypersonic missiles and who knows what behind closed doors. I have a bad feeling they probably have weapons supplied by China. Of course speculation on my part, but China's neutrality is telling.
China is the type to supply both parties and take over what's left


Gold Member
My heart goes out to the Ukrainian people. They are some of the bravest and hardest people to walk the planet. If entering the conflict wouldn’t trigger WW3 I’m sure others would have waded in by now.
I'm actually heartened by the unity shown across pretty much the world in basically saying 'Nah man, this is wrong'.



They have some very powerful hypersonic missiles and who knows what behind closed doors. I have a bad feeling they probably have weapons supplied by China. Of course speculation on my part, but China's neutrality is telling.
The missile that killed their own scientists. Admittedly, that could have been intentional.


I did. The post is still up. Even has a like. And I got a warning.
Hi. I sympathize with you and I understand you must be an emotional wreck right now, I think we all do. But the fact is Putin and Russia are a part of this conflict and anything that he says is news and worthy of discussion. I could very well be wrong, but from viewing and occasionally posting in this thread, I havent seen anyone defending, or worse, supporting the horrible violence going on in Ukraine. This has long been a forum that generally allows for open discussion of newsworthy events so long as politics don’t get deeply involved. From one person to another, given what you’re going through, I can’t help but feel like this is not the best thing for your emotional well-being right now. I know it sure as hell wouldn’t be for me.

Wish you all the best, brother.
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Rossco EZ

Hi. I sympathize with you and I understand you must be an emotional wreck right now, I think we all do. But the fact is Putin and Russia are a part of this conflict and anything that he says is news and worthy of discussion. I could very well be wrong, but from viewing and occasionally posting in this thread, I havent seen anyone defending, or worse, supporting the horrible violence going on in Ukraine. This has long been a forum that generally allows for open discussion of newsworthy events so long as politics don’t get deeply involved. From one person to another, given what you’re going through, I can’t help but feel like this is not the best thing for your emotional well-being right now. I know it sure as hell wouldn’t be for me.

Wish you all the best, brother.
this is exactly what i’m saying and being called a cunt for it


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Fuck you! Like literally, what's wrong with you? What's the satire? A fact? Like do you believe Ukraine is Nazis? If so you are indirectly responsible for what's happening.
I think you need to step back and calm the fuck down, son, our wires got crossed somewhere. I didn’t state the Ukrainians are Nazis whatsoever. I read your post wrong, and took it that you were saying all the propaganda against Russia is bullshit and that the Russians are the good guys. Chill the fuck out.
The off ramp, assuming Russia doesn’t steam roll Ukraine’s resistance in the next 3-5 days, will require Ukraine to sacrifice more territory like they did in Crimea. I see no scenario where Russia leaves with nothing. If a deal cannot be reached or surrender doesn’t occur, this will get very very ugly and protracted.


People saying 'NATO not intervening is immoral' etc are well meaning but ultimately are speaking into the wind with those kinds of sentiments. For the most part, our conception of 'good' and 'evil' are inapplicable on the scale with which nations interact with one another. It just isn't a meaningful aspect of the calculus that leaders make towards one another.

I would go a step beyond simply describing the situation as it is, and argue that this is the way that it should be as well.
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Gold Member
The off ramp, assuming Russia doesn’t steam roll Ukraine’s resistance in the next 3-5 days, will require Ukraine to sacrifice more territory like they did in Crimea. I see no scenario where Russia leaves with nothing. If a deal cannot be reached or surrender doesn’t occur, this will get very very ugly and protracted.

Russia will leave with nothing, and have a cratered economy for all their effort. That's the offramp.


°Temp. member
This may be a stupid question, but is there any chance of Russia ever joining nato? The us and Russia were on the same side in ww2…how did we go from that to the Cuban middle crisis to now? Is there no chance we ever reconcile our differences if Putin is ousted from power?
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