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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Quoting Season 22 GIF by Law & Order



Very fucking big if true.

From the guys that were the first to shot down a submarine with a cruise missile, comes the mortal cartwheel.

They shot down an A-50 AWACS. The first AWACS ever. They damaged one in Belarus a bit ago. And at least in the Spanish Wikipedia, someone added 'also used as a submarine in the Azov Sea' 🥲

Apart from the cost and scarcity of these, which is absurdly high, the crew is a big fucking loss. They're hyper fucking trained and specialized, this is gonna be felt HARD.

And an IL-22 was damaged and tried to limp back but it was lost over Kerch.

Get Rekt Russia. When were finished with you, we will change your name to Rektia and your people will be know as The Rektssians. 🥲

EDIT: oh, I see I was ninja'ed. Doesn't matter, this is something to shout from every roof.
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Unfortunately, until it hits Moscow, the population of Moscow won't care

Very fucking big if true.

From the guys that were the first to shot down a submarine with a cruise missile, comes the mortal cartwheel.

They shot down an A-50 AWACS. The first AWACS ever. They damaged one in Belarus a bit ago. And at least in the Spanish Wikipedia, someone added 'also used as a submarine in the Azov Sea' 🥲

Apart from the cost and scarcity of these, which is absurdly high, the crew is a big fucking loss. They're hyper fucking trained and specialized, this is gonna be felt HARD.

And an IL-22 was damaged and tried to limp back but it was lost over Kerch.

Get Rekt Russia. When were finished with you, we will change your name to Rektia and your people will be know as The Rektssians. 🥲

EDIT: oh, I see I was ninja'ed. Doesn't matter, this is something to shout from every roof.
but you brought up the importance of the lives of the crew, In the US guys like that are considered to be worth 10s of millions of dollars, those are 300 million dollar aircraft, and the lives of the crew are considered more valuable. To the US , British, Japanese, you know anybody else losing men that specialized is devastating, but Russia, Russia don't care


Unfortunately, until it hits Moscow, the population of Moscow won't care

but you brought up the importance of the lives of the crew, In the US guys like that are considered to be worth 10s of millions of dollars, those are 300 million dollar aircraft, and the lives of the crew are considered more valuable. To the US , British, Japanese, you know anybody else losing men that specialized is devastating, but Russia, Russia don't care
Judging 🧐 them by the competence we all have seen displayed time and again, they probably went in rifle range of a poor TDF guy taking a beach walk in the moonlight or something like that. And he even got a command IL-22 for dessert. 😆

Yep, Russian Airfarce fucked itself.


ChatGPT 0.1
Never know when wars will end let’s look at WW2

September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945

Going on multiple years now that’s a pretty big deal.



Russian forces increasingly down their own drones on Kherson Oblast's left bank – ISW

Figure on 500,000 people who joined Russian army significantly inflated - British intelligence.

Photos of an Il-22 allegedly shot down by the Ukrainian armed forces have appeared online.

ISW calls Ukraine disabling over 20 Russian missiles with EW stations a turning point.

The Russian government has hidden a vast amount of data from the public in an apparent attempt to conceal the impact of the war in Ukraine. An analysis shows that almost 500 datasets have been removed since February 2022, covering everything from weather to state pensions.


President of #Latvia Edgars Rinkevičs announced a new package of military aid to #Ukraine, which includes: howitzers, 155-mm ammunition, anti-tank weapons, missiles, grenades, helicopters, drones, means of communication, generators, as well as equipment.

‘Total Disgrace’: Anger, Frustration as Mass Heating Failures Across Russia Leave Thousands in the Cold.

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No one in history has ever shot down an early warning aircraft.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces accomplished what was considered impossible: no one in history has ever shot down an early warning aircraft.



No one in history has ever shot down an early warning aircraft.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces accomplished what was considered impossible: no one in history has ever shot down an early warning aircraft.

It really can't be understated how absolutely fucking shocking in every single respect your airforce has to be for someone to be able to shoot down your AWACS. You almost have to actively want it to be shot down to get it into a situation where it can be.


Simps for Amouranth
Makes you wonder how long can they just keep this up
It really can't be understated how absolutely fucking shocking in every single respect your airforce has to be for someone to be able to shoot down your AWACS. You almost have to actively want it to be shot down to get it into a situation where it can be.
Has it been confirmed it was actually the Ukrainians and not some dipshit drunken S300 operator? If it was the Ukrainians firing some as yet unknown weapons system then fair play but for the russkies to lose an AWACS... Hahahaha, just sums up their unlimited ability to be utterly useless


Biggest NATO 'exercise' in decades

Teasing them so they make an error they can't come back from? 🤔

Maybe it's our time to ' nope, no warring here Boris, just doing an 'exercise'...ooops, we just crossed into your territory and razed to the ground that nice city you have there...whelp, since we're engaged, why not raze our way to Moscow' 🤷🏻‍♂️

And Patton's skeleton would punch out of his grave and start dancing claquet on his tombstone like an old Disney cartoon.

Would serve them right, they don't know the meaning of 'humor' and for them to be fucked the same way they fucked Ukraine would be the ultimate 'hahaha fuck you' 😄 moment.
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A somber read considering our current situation.

'Silence Patton': First Victim of the Cold War.

Patton: "We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see that they have it. This might mean war with the Russians, but what of it?"

"The day is not far off when we will completely liberate the Ukraine, and the White Russia, Leningrad and Kalinin regions from the enemy; we will liberate... the people of the Crimea and Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldavia and Karelo-Finnish Republic."

Germany is planning for war with Russia again.

Awful, horrid, is this 2024, or 1924?
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Gold Member
I don’t know what to make of the current war fear mongering in Germany, Sweden and UK. Realistically Russia has zero prospects of attacking any NATO country. One just needs to look to Ukraine where they failed their min objectives against an ill prepared and poorly equipped army. The risk will not substantially increase as long as the Ukraine front is open. And even after that, the gear that NATO countries have is a light year ahead of the stuff Ukraine is inflicting damage now.

My only logical read of it is that Europe will need to start to pay for its own defence once Trump is elected, which will mean inevitably cuts to social services and benefits and/or tax increases. If the public is primed to fear war those cuts will be less contentious - “would you rather have war or dental?”


Wonder what got the awacs. They were supposed to have the f16's in january right? then it got delayed for logistical reasons or something or did it lol. Ukraine asking for allies not to announce support packages a few months back could be paying off, maybe the patriots got some new types of missiles?


No one in history has ever shot down an early warning aircraft.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces accomplished what was considered impossible: no one in history has ever shot down an early warning aircraft.

To be fair, they are up against real life orcs.


I don’t know what to make of the current war fear mongering in Germany, Sweden and UK. Realistically Russia has zero prospects of attacking any NATO country. One just needs to look to Ukraine where they failed their min objectives against an ill prepared and poorly equipped army. The risk will not substantially increase as long as the Ukraine front is open. And even after that, the gear that NATO countries have is a light year ahead of the stuff Ukraine is inflicting damage now.

My only logical read of it is that Europe will need to start to pay for its own defence once Trump is elected, which will mean inevitably cuts to social services and benefits and/or tax increases. If the public is primed to fear war those cuts will be less contentious - “would you rather have war or dental?”

And the one that cuts social services and benefits will be voted out directly.


Gold Member

Not this non-sense again.
You do realize that all the conspiracy theories about Patton's death only came about in the 70s.
There were no doubts about Patton's death being an accident, until one guy wrote a book about it, several decades after his death.
And it's not like he was the only person advocating for attacking the USSR. Even the Brits had a full on plan to do so, called Operation Unthinkable.


Simps for Amouranth
Wonder what got the awacs. They were supposed to have the f16's in january right? then it got delayed for logistical reasons or something or did it lol. Ukraine asking for allies not to announce support packages a few months back could be paying off, maybe the patriots got some new types of missiles?
By the time we read it on the news it's been in use in Ukraine for months, why give your enemy time to plan around it's deployment.

It's the same with Storm Shadows and other long range missiles we say it'll take months to deploy meanwhile we're shipping them in under cover to strike bases before the Russians get a chance to relocate, I imagine something similar to this AWACS hit unless the Ukrainians simply got lucky and this thing veered to close to the border or some drunken air defense muppet mistook it and shot it out of the air, either outcome is an utter embarrassment for Russia and an absolute win for the good guy's.

Still wish NATO would get involved and just take over the skies, can you image the utter devastation the yanks could inflict with their air force capabilities, this war is on hold till we see what the fucking Americans elect on the world, the Orange Putin sock puppet or the senile old fart who doesn't know if it's a Tuesday... But at least when his braincells are firing they're all anti Russian, cannot imagine how this will turn out for Ukraine/Europe/NATO if that other fucknut gets elected.. (apologies mods for the political talk but I believe it's warranted in the case of the Ukraine war, delete if I'm being too cuntish)



European gas prices just dropped below 30 Euros/MWh, I think this is the first time since the full-scale invasion. They spiked over 300 euros early on. Traders seem confident that Europe will make it through the winter.

Ukraine has amassed enough natural gas reserves to meet winter heating needs without Russian imports for the first time since gaining independence.

Russian fossil fuel giant Gazprom has lost $11 billion for the 2023 fiscal year, and is set to lose even more as a gas transit agreement to Europe via Ukraine expires.

North of Kreminna, Russian forces have made advances towards Makiivka in the fields east of it.

Russians have advanced along the whole eastern part of Bohdanivka, entering the settlement and controling roughly 20-30% of it. The centre remains contested.

Despite significant efforts, Russians have not managed to gain a foothold in the city or in its close proximity which allows them to break into Novomykhailivka.

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By the time we read it on the news it's been in use in Ukraine for months, why give your enemy time to plan around it's deployment.

It's the same with Storm Shadows and other long range missiles we say it'll take months to deploy meanwhile we're shipping them in under cover to strike bases before the Russians get a chance to relocate, I imagine something similar to this AWACS hit unless the Ukrainians simply got lucky and this thing veered to close to the border or some drunken air defense muppet mistook it and shot it out of the air, either outcome is an utter embarrassment for Russia and an absolute win for the good guy's.

Still wish NATO would get involved and just take over the skies, can you image the utter devastation the yanks could inflict with their air force capabilities, this war is on hold till we see what the fucking Americans elect on the world, the Orange Putin sock puppet or the senile old fart who doesn't know if it's a Tuesday... But at least when his braincells are firing they're all anti Russian, cannot imagine how this will turn out for Ukraine/Europe/NATO if that other fucknut gets elected.. (apologies mods for the political talk but I believe it's warranted in the case of the Ukraine war, delete if I'm being too cuntish)

Also, Ukraine asked past year from friends to classify arms deliveries instead of trumpeting every tank, IFV, APC and whatever they got to them, so we don't exactly know what is what and what did what unless there's video and confirmation from Ukraine. And we don't know if it's there already or coming. For all we know they may be doing HALO jumps far behind enemy lines with the 82nd Airborne Assault in sabotage and Seek&Destroy mode. 😄

Anyway, here's the beloved and most awaited yearly Kadyrov's Tourniquet Contest
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Oh la la 😘👌🏻

Vive le french designé

France sent hundreds of these beauties to Ukraine in addition to 40 SCALP takers.

AASM HAMMER 🫡🔨, a kit to make dumb gravity bombs, much like JDAM, gliding guided ones, but with a rocket booster strapped on its ass and it's also IR or laser guided instead of GPS, since there's a lot of GPS poisoning right now. 250 to 1000kg warhead, up to 70km range. Ukraine is gonna have some fun painting objectives for these puppies to mow the meat real time.


In a few weeks well see laser/IR drones, you heard here first folks.
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⚡️ Russia attacked Kupyansk, Kharkiv region.
A 57-year-old woman has been killed. Two more men were wounded during the attack.

Overnight, #Russians attacked #Ukraine with 33 Shahed drones. Russia also fired two S-300 missiles from the Belgorod region at #Kharkiv Oblast.
Ukraine's air defence shot down 22 UAVs. Several other drones didn't reach their targets.

The photo shows the aftermath of the S-300 missile attack on Chuhuiv in Kharkiv region, where a civilian woman was killed and two people were injured. Also, as a result of the attack in the Kherson region, three people were killed, and seven others were wounded. The falling debris in Sumy and Dnipro regions destroyed outbuildings and damaged four private houses. #StopRussianAggression

Russian tactical aviation advantage is diminished after loss of $330 million radar place — ISW
This indicates that Ukraine’s successful downing of the A-50 aircraft might have compromised the capabilities of the Russian Air Force, the group said.


Are the bradleys given to ukraine not armed with the guided missile pods? It annoys me the crew of the t90 managed to get out and sorry not sorry about that view.

I'm not a military buff so basically my knowledge of the bradley came from informative videos like this ;)



Are the bradleys given to ukraine not armed with the guided missile pods? It annoys me the crew of the t90 managed to get out and sorry not sorry about that view.

I'm not a military buff so basically my knowledge of the bradley came from informative videos like this ;)

The crew of the T-90M is...waiting for the thaw so they can fertilize the fields of Ukraine.

It's not shown on the video, but shortly after dismounting they were promoted to Komradnauts by artillery.
Biggest NATO 'exercise' in decades

Teasing them so they make an error they can't come back from? 🤔

Maybe it's our time to ' nope, no warring here Boris, just doing an 'exercise'...ooops, we just crossed into your territory and razed to the ground that nice city you have there...whelp, since we're engaged, why not raze our way to Moscow' 🤷🏻‍♂️

And Patton's skeleton would punch out of his grave and start dancing claquet on his tombstone like an old Disney cartoon.

Would serve them right, they don't know the meaning of 'humor' and for them to be fucked the same way they fucked Ukraine would be the ultimate 'hahaha fuck you' 😄 moment.
2024 starting in fire already. :(
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