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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I can understand those who are isolationists and don't want to get involved with affairs/wars in other countries. Don't necessarily agree with them, but I understand that view. I don't understand an American who is pro-Putin. The first time I heard Tucker Carlson ask the question of why isn't America supporting Russia against Ukraine.......it was hard to believe he actually said that. But what I want to know is what is Carlson's angle here. I'm really struggling to align his conservative views with such a pro-Putin stance and I can't put my finger on it. This is beyond isolationist's not wanting America taxpayer dollars going to fight another countries war. This blatantly saying we are on the wrong side. Traitor's have motives, be it ideological, financial or otherwise. What's Carlson's motive?
Money. I have no doubt Putin is paying Tucker to do this interview and spread more propaganda to further destabilize the political landscape in American and influence republicans to keep blocking Ukraine aid.

Just yesterday, I watched an ad of Tucker saying "I can make you instantly rich right now, you just need to follow the link and invest in my (insert another generic bitcoin scam) because it's going to take off and make you money."

He is greedy, a con-man, and corrupt. No one should listen to what he has to say or take him seriously. Tucker Carlson is only doing this for his own self-interest, yet he will spin it for his audience to make this interview represent " the right to freedom of speech." He has no journalistic integrity.
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Gold Member
Money. I have no doubt Putin is paying Tucker to do this interview and spread more propaganda to further destabilize the political landscape in American and influence Republicans to keep blocking Ukraine aid.

Just yesterday, I watched an ad of Tucker saying "I can make you instantly rich right now, you just need to follow the link and invest in my (insert another generic bitcoin scam) because it's going to take off and make you money."

He is greedy, a con-man, and corrupt. No one should listen to what he has to say or take him seriously.

Seriously. Ok....I'm convinced. Fuck that guy


not gonna lie, I'd be glad to be fired from that job.
Phew, I was thinking what would they do if they fire Zal, but seeing these news I can only smile and think 'Get Them, Sir...and get them you will, oh you will' 🫡🇺🇦

He's supposed to be helming the new unmanned army(Zaluznhy), while HyperÜberGygaChad now Captain General and General of the Armies and Chief of Staff Oleksandr Syrskyi will be our Vatnik Grinder Overlord.

For those that don't know him ( how you could not lol), he's this gentleman:


With a feet on Russia (know your enemy) and another in the Western world, he has had decades to study both Soviet/Russian doctrine, strategy and tactics and Western, he has studied in major military school in USA and Europe.

Among his recent achievements, he held and still holds Avdiivka fortress to this day. He devised both that and Bakhmut grinders, which costed hundreds of thousands of Russian lives, and most importantly...

He was the Commander of the Kyiv Defense where the bushes spoke Ukrainian, Javelin and NLAW against the biggest armored column the world has ever seen. He was there for the Ukrainian to fuck the most trained, equipped and prepared soldiers Russia has ever had, the Special Forces(Spetnaz) VDV Parachutists divisions, when they made the grave mistake of landing their asses on Hostomel...and annihilated them so GOOD by the end there were captains, colonels, and soldiers, while awaiting for ammo resupply, picking firefighter trucks and anything big enough and splorchy enough and splroching VDV bastards left and right haha. 😆😆😆

And biggest of all, he was the mastermind of the Kherson and Kharkiv Feint and Rout, which saw them utterly fucking the Russians on two places at the same time, regaining huge swaths of their land, all the while sustaining minimal casualties because the breakthroughs led to a chaotic Russian rout that saw the Ukrainians running after their hysteric prey, killing tens of thousands in the process and pocketing thousands of armor, arsenals and vehicles the Rashists left after running in panic.

Which then made Russians so utterly mine their front, this is the most densely mined land in the history of mankind, they've lost a good chunk of their own armor and soldiers to their own mines.

All in the span of less than two years lol.

If he isn't being studied right now by historians and tacticians, he will. Because this man is military and history books made flesh.

For the Russians...

Syrskyi means DEATH 🫡🇺🇦☠️
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Gold Member
Modern day Axis Sally’s and Lord Haw-Haws should be treated the same way as the originals. It’s not journalism if you travel all that way to suck Putin’s dick.

I hope the new Ukrainian General has ideas that can improve their offensives and grind down the Russian forces better. Generals only serve as long as they produce results and 2 years of war is a long time without changes.


Gold Member

The full interview

Putin essentially hijacks the "interview" and barely lets Tucker get a word in. The first 1/3 of the interview is Putin giving his version of a history lesson on Russia. Tucker at more than one point questions how any of this is relevant. Tucker was trying to press him with some of his questions, but Putin either didn't give a straight answer, dodged them altogether, or would go on a weird diatribe. Ultimately, this felt like Putin treated this as a platform to spew his nonsense and Tucker went in thinking this was going to be a real interview.


I stopped watching after 30 mins, it wasnt an interview.

It was Putin giving a history of Russia lecture.



Every interview with him tends to devolve into a "History of Russia according to V. Putin" and "How the ebil wect mistreated poor innocent rasha" combo spergout.


hide your water-based mammals
His obsession with Poland is worrying.
As someone who has a friend in Poland, it's not an obsession as much as the US basically making Poland it's cuck servant. This are his words directly.

The US and it's over reach into matters that don't concern it are the issue and Poland is a puppet. This is coming directly from a long time friend I've talked to for years who lives in Poland. To be clear, he's not on the woke side of things either.
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As someone who has a friend in Poland, it's not an obsession as much as the US basically making Poland it's cuck servant. This are his words directly.

The US and it's over reach into matters that don't concern it are the issue and Poland is a puppet. This is coming directly from a long time friend I've talked to for years who lives in Poland. To be clear, he's not on the woke side of things either.

Poland is a sovereign country of 40 million people. Its making its own decisions and its action inside EU are a proof of it. US may have sway towards their decisions but to call it a servant inches towards horseshit. Its the same horseshit that fringe people in on different political spectrums spout when they are unhappy with the goverments actions. Russia has obsession with every country thats been under their thumb and they are aiming to reverse that history.
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As someone who has a friend in Poland, it's not an obsession as much as the US basically making Poland it's cuck servant. This are his words directly.

The US and it's over reach into matters that don't concern it are the issue and Poland is a puppet. This is coming directly from a long time friend I've talked to for years who lives in Poland. To be clear, he's not on the woke side of things either.

Putin is butthurt that Poland kicked their asses and occupied Moscow in 1610 and kicked their asses again in 1920 and stopped bolshevik revolution in Europe. He even established new holiday:

From my perspective USA have little to no involvement in our daily lifes in Poland, EU politics is far more present.

- previous government had some dumb ministers, nepotism and few other issues (they love religion) but they were very anti woke and opposing many dumb EU policies. They also wanted to have very good relations with US and bought a lot of military equipment,

- new government is basically on a leash of Brussels, Donald Tusk will obey anything that they will say. I think relations with US won't be as close this time (it's not in the interest of EU).

New government will probably be slighty less corrupt and with less nepotism but I can already see how many woke nonsense and EU bullshit they will implement in the next 4 years...

But no matter the government Poland hate Russia, and even better: every polish person hate Russia, we are born with this - they are our eternal enemy. I guess it probably goes both ways so every Russian hate Poland with a passion.


Gold Member
Putin and his cronies are trying to conflate soft power with total conquest. It's a disingenuous tactic that fools only the dimwitted.
A country with such a large economy as the USA will influence most of the world. And it's military has a big importance in maintaining shipping and free trade around the world.
And of course, having the US dollar as the main global currency is also important.
The USA is also a major seller of military safety. Not only with the weapon systems it sells, but also because of the protection in gives to it's allies.
But one thing is to have some level of influence with it's allies and partners. A very different thing is to conquer and have full control of another country.
Another very important difference is that the USA wants to lead a group of powerful countries. Russia wants to exploit every country it conquers, extracting as much wealth as it can from it.


Simps for Amouranth
I stopped watching after 30 mins, it wasnt an interview.

It was Putin giving a history of Russia lecture.


This is great, so the one group of people that this interview was aimed at, i.e. the orange cunts maga nuts whom we all know have a collective iq of 5 and the attention span of a similarly aged child will just tune out...

Sounds like a win

Rat Rage

Putin that fucking psychopath needs to die already.

About Tucker Carlson: wouldn't surprise me, if he were a foreign KGB agent.



Ukrainian forces recently made confirmed advances near Kreminna and Russian forces recently made confirmed advances near Kreminna, Avdiivka, and Donetsk City amid continued positional fighting along the entire line of contact on February 8.

Ukrainian drones reportedly attacked not one but two oil refineries in Russia, specifically the Ilsky and Afipsky refineries in the Krasnodar Territory.
A significant fire erupted at the Ilya Refinery, affecting a primary processing plant crucial for producing diesel fuel for military needs. The Afip plant was also targeted, the extent of the damage is being assessed, RBC reports referring to its own sources.



Ukrainian drones reportedly attacked not one but two oil refineries in Russia, specifically the Ilsky and Afipsky refineries in the Krasnodar Territory.
A significant fire erupted at the Ilya Refinery, affecting a primary processing plant crucial for producing diesel fuel for military needs. The Afip plant was also targeted, the extent of the damage is being assessed, RBC reports referring to its own sources.
It's almost like everytime the fuckwit bombs ukraine civilians recently he loses some oil or military production assets, a dog learns quicker than this cuck.


Tucker Carlson interview: Fact-checking Putin's 'nonsense' history.


Ukrainian Ground Drone Successfully Seizes Russian Orlan-30 UAV | Defense Express | February 2024

In a video published on social media, Ukrainian military demonstrated the operation of a ground UAV that captured the Russian Orlan-30 unmanned aerial vehicle. The Russian Orlan-30 UAV was forced to make an emergency landing due to interference from electronic warfare tools.

The reconnaissance drone landed between the positions of Russian and Ukrainian forces. After this, Ukrainian military personnel deployed a robotic platform that remotely extracted the spy drone from its landing site.
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As someone who has a friend in Poland, it's not an obsession as much as the US basically making Poland it's cuck servant. This are his words directly.

The US and it's over reach into matters that don't concern it are the issue and Poland is a puppet. This is coming directly from a long time friend I've talked to for years who lives in Poland. To be clear, he's not on the woke side of things either.

Sounds like you need better friends.


Fucking great!!!


In my history buff bingo card, I would have never expected the Ukrainians to fuck at least one of the tanks which took part in crushing the Hungarian Uprising. T-54/55 were fielded first during the 1956 Hungarian Uprising. You can make in white paint H-22 next to the designation number, 3rd Company 2nd Platoon 0 means commander tank.

Well done lads. Very well done. 🫡🇺🇦

Now, you can recover it and sell it for MILLIONS, because that is a valuable relic of history and, at the very least...

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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Fucking great!!!


In my history buff bingo card, I would have never expected the Ukrainians to fuck at least one of the tanks which took part in crushing the Hungarian Uprising. T-54/55 were fielded first during the Hungarian Uprising.

Well done lads. Very well done. 🫡🇺🇦

Now, you can recover it and sell it for MILLIONS, because that is a valuable relic of history and, at the very least...


Man seeting T54-55 on a 2024 battleground is wild. Those things entered service in 19-motherfucking-46.

Now I'm wondering if there's enough T32s on museums in Russia to assemble and send to Ukraine.
History lesson is wasted on Americans. Putin is telling you what he thinks this is though, a civil war and a major point in his countries history. So... more tanks for Ukraine please.


As someone who has a friend in Poland, it's not an obsession as much as the US basically making Poland it's cuck servant. This are his words directly.

The US and it's over reach into matters that don't concern it are the issue and Poland is a puppet. This is coming directly from a long time friend I've talked to for years who lives in Poland. To be clear, he's not on the woke side of things either.

Strong ‘My uncle works for Nintendo’ energy here.


hide your water-based mammals
Strong ‘My uncle works for Nintendo’ energy here.
You better believe it.

And look, I don't have all the time to research as I honestly don't do politics for a living nor get paid for it so my opinion is as ameture as the next forum dweller. I definitely defer to this friend in Poland for things in his region though.


You better believe it.

And look, I don't have all the time to research as I honestly don't do politics for a living nor get paid for it so my opinion is as ameture as the next forum dweller. I definitely defer to this friend in Poland for things in his region though.

I live in Poland and I have completely different opinion. There is this saying:

two Poles, three opinions

I have seen multitude of options: Germany controls Poland, USA controls Poland, Jews are controlling Poland (this one was super popular), Russia (secretly) is controlling Poland.

In reality it's true that Germany and EU have the most influence in economy aspects and US has a lot of influence on military aspects but country in itself is independent, previous government was constantly fighting with Brussels regime.
Read that Nadezhdin and Duntsova were rejected from running for candicancy in Russia. Both were pro-peace. The entire Russian governmental system is corrupt and rotten to the core.

Their democracy is a facade. The legitimacy of the Russian mafia state hinges on Putin staying in power. He is like a tumor in the center of it all which has metastasized to all departments of the government.


hide your water-based mammals
I live in Poland and I have completely different opinion. There is this saying:

I have seen multitude of options: Germany controls Poland, USA controls Poland, Jews are controlling Poland (this one was super popular), Russia (secretly) is controlling Poland.

In reality it's true that Germany and EU have the most influence in economy aspects and US has a lot of influence on military aspects but country in itself is independent, previous government was constantly fighting with Brussels regime.
It's good to see different perspectives. Clearly my friend has that lol


You better believe it.

And look, I don't have all the time to research as I honestly don't do politics for a living nor get paid for it so my opinion is as ameture as the next forum dweller. I definitely defer to this friend in Poland for things in his region though.
I'm polish. Your talking nonsense. In general the public doesn't really think about being dependant on America.
The public mostly talks about EU and it's laws and being dependant on them.
Generally people view America as an ally and don't really have nothing against it.


hide your water-based mammals
I'm polish. Your talking nonsense. In general the public doesn't really think about being dependant on America.
The public mostly talks about EU and it's laws and being dependant on them.
Generally people view America as an ally and don't really have nothing against it.
The other side of the coin from my friend is that Poland is a tool of America. There's more to it and what am I going to do pretend to you that I know it all because I don't. I was trying to have a talk with him just to get more clarity but I much defer to somebody there then I would to somebody who is not there. And I'm pretty open to all opinions so I don't think any information should be surprised which is why I'm glad that Tucker did that interview with Vladimir. You have to have all the information to make a proper assessment I don't really take sides I take information and make an assessment. That's why I don't just listen to the popular opinion or nothing. I tend to do something called thinking.
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