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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Nah just do the Bin Laden thing and send in the SEALs with a stealth blackhawk like they used in Pakinstan and wake him up in the middle of the night with a bullet.

Oh yeah for sure. I'm sure a team of seals would somehow be able to get access to Putin in a major city and eradicate him with little to no political fallout or escalation of the current situation.

RAÏSanÏa RAÏSanÏa you see this? This is is armchair five star general nonsense I'm having a laugh over.
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Gold Member
Holy fuck their paratroopers getting massacred

That official? Captain Obvious 😏

Hot Fuzz Shame GIF



Elon Musk, the guy who budded up to Trump after his election and then noped out?And left his council? After Trumps initial election?

I take his statement with a massive grain of salt. I know he has fans, I'm not one but I will salute him if he can make a difference without a doubt instead of just posturing. I hope he can. This is your chance Elon, Recommend a new crypto that will being them down! (With a tunnel that works, to Russia and not a few miles long that makes your investors broke).

Admirable, nah. He knew it was bad for business back then apart the photo-shoots. He left for that reason.

(Excuse the first massive inital URL. thanks Google). I will shit my pants and then consume them in his honour if he does anything to change things without it being a grift.

I recommend using Twitter. 'Dogge-the-issue coin', Elon. Will make people rich, prompt another.


I wonder.

Putskin warned that if anyone intervenes with his liberation mission, there would be "consequences greater than any you have faced in history".. does extensive sanctions and weapon deliveries trigger that threat in his psycho mind?


Gold Member
This is going to cripple Russia for years to come.

Keep mounting the pressure on this asshole.

Edit : they are also freezing Russian Central Bank assets and its ability to liquidate assets.

”Certain Russian banks”

Every Russian business should be cut-off no exception (sorry to the innocent Russian citizens that want nothing to do with it). But any money at all that goes into Russia can be used against Ukraine, this war costs Russia billions a day, and every day so far they have been coming out looking like shit.

I thought probably the same thing as Putin; that it would be done in a day or two…except I thought it would be with major extensive planning.

But after seeing Russian tank convoys running out of fuel with no supply lines in sight, air support getting menaced out of the sky by MANPADS, Russian soldiers that don’t know where the fuck they are with no food and no fuel, and the famed spetsnaz units getting beaten back at the airport.

It’s like the plan was: “run in and fuck shit up” when everyone on the fucking planet already knew the plan. It’s like trying to sucker punch somebody after telling them you’re going to punch them and winding your arm up Looney Tunes style.

Sega Orphan

For me the biggest thing is having context. One of the biggest issues Russia has is the coup in 2014 and the role the West played.
The democratically elected leader of Ukraine wanted to form stronger ties with Russia, which is normal to think as they are both Slavic people and share a common history. The West had been trying to get Ukraine into their fold and when Ukraine announced their intention to strengthen ties with Russia the West instigated the uprising and coup against the government. Russia views the current Ukraine government as a puppet government of the West. The Cato institute did a paper on the US involvement in the coup and its pretty damming. We had all the talk, and still do, of Russian meddling in the 2016 election by using bots on social media, but that pales into insignificance to what the US did in Ukraine.
As always, perception is reality, and when you look at it from the other person's eyes you start to think, yeah ok they have a point on that. Make no bones about it, Putin should never have invaded Ukraine, but it was the push of the Ukrainian government to become a NATO member that made this invasion happen now. Putin had two options, do nothing and then when Ukraine becomes part of NATO their ability to do something is no longer there as it would mean a full NATO war, which they don't want. So the only option in his eyes was to do something now before Ukraine becaome a NATO member.

As I said, I am totally against the invasion of Ukraine, and I think it will hurt Russia more in the long term, but I think the diplomacy failed.

Have a read of the CATO report, it makes interesting reading and gives some perspective on things. CATO is actually a US think tank, not some Russian disinformation group.

To the mods, if any of this veers to much into the political side of things, it wasn't my intention and feel free to delete whatever you think needs to be.

I have to say, I’m a little uncomfortable with the amount of excitement people are getting from this. Its like watching people cheer for sports or something. This isn’t a movie. When some Russian transport goes down, that’s potentially hundreds of sons and husbands being killed. That shit is sad. Those guys are pawns in the power game of other people. I wouldn’t be cheering for any of this shit.

I want Ukraine to remain independent, but I’m not excited it’s come to this.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I have to say, I’m a little uncomfortable with the amount of excitement people are getting from this. Its like watching people cheer for sports or something. This isn’t a movie. When some Russian transport goes down, that’s potentially hundreds of sons and husbands being killed. That shit is sad. Those guys are pawns in the power game of other people. I wouldn’t be cheering for any of this shit.

I want Ukraine to remain independent, but I’m not excited it’s come to this.
Real talk.
I wonder how many more generations before we stop doing this dumb shit.


I have to say, I’m a little uncomfortable with the amount of excitement people are getting from this. Its like watching people cheer for sports or something. This isn’t a movie. When some Russian transport goes down, that’s potentially hundreds of sons and husbands being killed. That shit is sad. Those guys are pawns in the power game of other people. I wouldn’t be cheering for any of this shit.

I want Ukraine to remain independent, but I’m not excited it’s come to this.

Innocent, non combatant people are dying in Ukraine. I’m going to cheer on Russia being economically and culturally crippled at every opportunity. And I’m not going to feel too bad about aggressors dying. This is a war. A full out war, being waged by a pariah state against a democracy. Pick a side. The right one.
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Real talk.
I wonder how many more generations before we stop doing this dumb shit.

I have to say, I’m a little uncomfortable with the amount of excitement people are getting from this. Its like watching people cheer for sports or something. This isn’t a movie. When some Russian transport goes down, that’s potentially hundreds of sons and husbands being killed. That shit is sad. Those guys are pawns in the power game of other people. I wouldn’t be cheering for any of this shit.

I want Ukraine to remain independent, but I’m not excited it’s come to this.
Fuck Russia, that is all.
Innocent people are dying in Ukraine. I’m going to cheer on Russia being economically and culturally crippled at every opportunity.
Cheering for the sanctions is different from celebrating when some aircraft full of soldiers reportedly gets shot down. I am aware it has to happen if Ukraine is going to withstand the assault, but it’s not something to be happy about. People are dying. And just because many of them happen to be Russians doesn’t mean it’s something to be excited about. The sooner this shit ends, the better.


Cheering for the sanctions is different from celebrating when some aircraft full of soldiers reportedly gets shot down. I am aware it has to happen if Ukraine is going to withstand the assault, but it’s not something to be happy about. People are dying. And just because many of them happen to be Russians doesn’t mean it’s something to be excited about. The sooner this shit ends, the better.

You confuse excitement with righteous indignation, I think. We’re watching a horror unfold, and it’s perfectly okay not to heap sympathy on those carrying it out. It’s perfectly okay to cheer when the little guy bloodies the nose of the big bastard trying to destroy it. Nobody is happy about any of this, but I’m sure as hell not going to pretend I’m not pleased when I read that Russia’s disgusting attack isn’t going well.
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I have to say, I’m a little uncomfortable with the amount of excitement people are getting from this. Its like watching people cheer for sports or something. This isn’t a movie. When some Russian transport goes down, that’s potentially hundreds of sons and husbands being killed. That shit is sad. Those guys are pawns in the power game of other people. I wouldn’t be cheering for any of this shit.

I want Ukraine to remain independent, but I’m not excited it’s come to this.

I do have to say, despite my excitement for these victories, I do have empathy for the Russian troops who are forced to serve in the armed forces and probably wanted no part of this.

But honestly, the Ukrainian defenders standing up despite everyone writing them off is inspiring, seeing western democracies band together to try to put a stop to a tyrant and a thug is inspiring.

Like I said days ago, the whole thing is gross and despicable violence. But if one side has to win and one side has to lose, I know which side I’ve chosen.
You confuse excitement with righteous indignation, I think. We’re watching a horror unfold, and it’s perfectly okay not to heap sympathy on those carrying it out. It’s perfectly okay to cheer when the little guy bloodies the nose of the big bastard trying to destroy it.
Those planes are full of “little guys”.


I wonder.

Putskin warned that if anyone intervenes with his liberation mission, there would be "consequences greater than any you have faced in history".. does extensive sanctions and weapon deliveries trigger that threat in his psycho mind?
Whether it’s direct or through a proxy, if we hamper their efforts in Ukraine they’re going to retaliate. That means we had better not arm the Ukrainians to the extent they can beat the Russians or inflict heavy casualties. Or be prepared for a major escalation.


I do have to say, despite my excitement for these victories, I do have empathy for the Russian troops who are forced to serve in the armed forces and probably wanted no part of this.

But honestly, the Ukrainian defenders standing up despite everyone writing them off is inspiring, seeing western democracies band together to try to put a stop to a tyrant and a thug is inspiring.

Like I said days ago, the whole thing is gross and despicable violence. But if one side has to win and one side has to lose, I know which side I’ve chosen.

Spot on 👍
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