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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
That is fucking awesome! Kaydrov is a despicable excuse for a human being and every time I see his ugly face I want to rip that stupid hipster beard right off it.
Yeah it's honestly one of the brightest spots of this whole ordeal. Having those pieces of shit get their ass handed to them because they had to face real soldiers for once is a nice change of pace.
Also can I just say real quick that from an American perspective this whole situation is kind of wild because this is the first time in I don't even know how many years that I have seen both Democrats and Republicans united on a single issue almost entirely.

I sat and watched all the usual major news agencies today and they had multiple Democrats and Republicans all saying basically the same thing and all of them are saying that as soon as the Senate can they will probably pass even more sweeping measures to support Ukraine and/or punish Russia.

It's been so long since I've seen both sides unanimously agree on something that I kind of forgot what it looked like.
Not entirely the case, but to keep this politics free, you'd have to look into it yourself.


Gold Member
Yeah it's honestly one of the brightest spots of this whole ordeal. Having those pieces of shit get their ass handed to them because they had to face real soldiers for once is a nice change of pace.
Well…soldiers as well as a heavyweight champion of the world (and now Kyiv mayor):
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I had to read that 4 whole times.

There is no way that can be accurate. It has to be a mistranslation of some kind. Why the fuck would anyone EVER do that.

Well, it's Belarus, president Lukashenko is the last dictator in Europe who does absolutely everything Putin wants. Belarusian army is now directly controlled by Russia.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Well soldiers as well as a heavyweight champion of the world (and now Kyiv mayor):

I saw that. Fucking legend.

This entire ordeal has taught me a great deal many things and has given me an insight to a lot of sections of world politics that I had never really opened myself up to before because I was so focused on America all the time. Obviously because it's my home.

But the biggest thing that I have learned in this entire ordeal is that the Ukrainian people regardless of their social position or financial wealth for the most part are just god damn badasses. They are just a hard as fuck people who have been shaped and formed by a lifetime of struggle and hardship. Because when all of this first came on to the horizon I pictured them as basically what Russia expected them to be I think. A relatively weak country that would fold in a few days. But everything that I have seen since all of this began has shown me that the Ukrainian people are just made of tougher stuff than what you would see out of almost anywhere else in the world. These are people who are not only willing to show their fangs when you threaten them but bite the fucking shit out of you when you actually come at them.

That combined with the resolve of their president and their military has made me have a very unexpected and very deep respect for Ukraine and its people. They may not be the biggest nation, they may not be the strongest nation, and yet large fucking portion of them would still rather die than fall under the tyrannical rule of a foreign dictator.

I have to respect that. Everyone does.


If there's one thing that unites Americans it's an existential threat. Most physically powerful country on the planet, and when they're of one mind and in motion - unstoppable.

I gave the wrong emoticon. America tends to come in, say "woohoo!"and leave. Undeniable.

As for untied themselves, well ... history. Europe kinda ... well. Europe ain't happy.

Shannon Airport, with Russian subs coming and patrolling patrolling the seas?

Where did the US as an air-base to europe to launching an attack from Europe?

Where was the bases?

yeah... about that. Russians were;



I gave the wrong emoticon. America tends to come in, say "woohoo!"and leave. Undeniable.

As for untied themselves, well ... history. Europe kinda ... well. Europe ain't happy.

Shannon Airport, with Russian subs coming and patrolling patrolling the seas?

Where did the US as an air-base to europe to launching an attack from Europe?

Where was the bases?

yeah... about that. Russians were;

lol, look at Idiot US say "no we didn't!" when it's been documented for decades. Russians patrolled the water this year! LOL.

Fare thee well

Well…soldiers as well as a heavyweight champion of the world (and now Kyiv mayor):

If people like this are in the defense of Ukraine, Russia would have to spill the blood of an entire nation if they wish to keep it. Their army isn't that big. Putin is about to learn a time-honored mistake we Americans have let our military make a lot in the last many decades: occupation is hell and almost always fails; maybe not today or even next year, but it fails.

If I'm wrong I will be surprised. It's not often a smaller millitary force can permanantly placate a country the size of Ukraine.


I gave the wrong emoticon. America tends to come in, say "woohoo!"and leave. Undeniable.

As for untied themselves, well ... history. Europe kinda ... well. Europe ain't happy.

Shannon Airport, with Russian subs coming and patrolling patrolling the seas?

Where did the US as an air-base to europe to launching an attack from Europe?

Where was the bases?

yeah... about that. Russians were;

My thoughts were primarily focused on their war efforts of WW2 as a parallel to WW3, rather than the smaller conflicts sustaining the war economy in between.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

No..... No... FUCK NO..... You already hit an Oil Refinery and a gas line, now you hit a Nuclear site.. Are you fucking kidding me right now?

Only two explanations. It was either accident or it was deliberate. And as is usually the case in these situations one is infinitely worse than the other.

Though to be fair at this point considering all of the other information that we have I would not be shocked at all to hear that this particular strike was out of incompetence rather than malice.


Junior Member
Only two explanations. It was either accident or it was deliberate. And as is usually the case in these situations one is infinitely worse than the other.

Though to be fair at this point considering all of the other information that we have I would not be shocked at all to hear that this particular strike was out of incompetence rather than malice.
Its dumbfuckery of the highest order.. You do not aim a missile within MILES of a nuclear site, period.. That should be the rule...


I saw that. Fucking legend.

This entire ordeal has taught me a great deal many things and has given me an insight to a lot of sections of world politics that I had never really opened myself up to before because I was so focused on America all the time. Obviously because it's my home.

But the biggest thing that I have learned in this entire ordeal is that the Ukrainian people regardless of their social position or financial wealth for the most part are just god damn badasses. They are just a hard as fuck people who have been shaped and formed by a lifetime of struggle and hardship. Because when all of this first came on to the horizon I pictured them as basically what Russia expected them to be I think. A relatively weak country that would fold in a few days. But everything that I have seen since all of this began has shown me that the Ukrainian people are just made of tougher stuff than what you would see out of almost anywhere else in the world. These are people who are not only willing to show their fangs when you threaten them but bite the fucking shit out of you when you actually come at them.

That combined with the resolve of their president and their military has made me have a very unexpected and very deep respect for Ukraine and its people. They may not be the biggest nation, they may not be the strongest nation, and yet large fucking portion of them would still rather die than fall under the tyrannical rule of a foreign dictator.

I have to respect that. Everyone does.
Would have to agree their fighting spirit really changed my mindset. The fact that they are willing to risk it all for freedom against terrible odds actually has me more on the interventionist camp: the Ukranian people deserve our help and would welcome it unlike Iraq and Afghanistan where it was clear the US was unwanted and unwelcome after Sadam was toppled and Bin Laden killed.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Its dumbfuckery of the highest order.. You do not aim a missile within MILES of a nuclear site, period.. That should be the rule...
You also don't invade a sovereign nation who did nothing wrong and try to bombard it's populace into submission but here were are.

Putin and his military leaders are obviously not in the best of mind right now.
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Junior Member
Would have to agree their fighting spirit really changed my mindset. The fact that they are willing to risk it all for freedom against terrible odds actually has me more on the interventionist camp: the Ukranian people deserve our help and would welcome it unlike Iraq and Afghanistan where it was clear the US was unwanted and unwelcome after Sadam was toppled and Bin Laden killed.
Yup.. The longer they hold on, the more pressure I think Western countries will feel to intervene... I like pretty much every American is fed up with sending our men and women to foreign lands for war... But I feel this is different, this is a fight worth fighting for. The Ukrainian people are showing so much courage and resolve in their fight for their country, they are fighting for Democracy in a former Soviet Block.. Fighting to be able to have self determination on who leads them and towards what..

We along with NATO allies should really take a hard look at Ukraine and its people, and ask ourselves.. "Isn't this what we all believe in? Shouldn't we be doing more to ensure they are successful in their struggle against Russian aggression?


NATO intervening more than they’re doing now is a very bad idea. We’re at all times precariously close to nuclear annihilation, right now we’re closer than we’ve probably been in 30 years, and NATO going in with troops would almost make it a matter of when


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Yup.. The longer they hold on, the more pressure I think Western countries will feel to intervene... I like pretty much every American is fed up with sending our men and women to foreign lands for war... But I feel this is different, this is a fight worth fighting for. The Ukrainian people are showing so much courage and resolve in their fight for their country, they are fighting for Democracy in a former Soviet Block.. Fighting to be able to have self determination on who leads them and towards what..

We along with NATO allies should really take a hard look at Ukraine and its people, and ask ourselves.. "Isn't this what we all believe in? Shouldn't we be doing more to ensure they are successful in their struggle against Russian aggression?
Yeah it really is different and I'm sure that there are a lot of people that will apply a racial aspect to that to try to say that the world thinks that European lives are worth more than Middle Eastern lives or whatever, but the fact is that the actual facts in the ground are entirely different. This is a sovereign Nation with a democratically elected president who has been forcefully invaded by a infinitely larger power for literally no justifiable reason whatsoever.

This is not vietnam, this is not afghanistan, and this is not Iraq. Ukraine has been forced into a position that has not been seen in Europe since 1939. This is a entirely different situation and I think the majority of the world sees that and is reacting accordingly. Everyday People across the world are able to look at what's going on and see that it is wrong and that's something should be done without it being tainted by the promise of oil or government contracts or whatever.

It's just wrong. And people across the globe can see that it's wrong and are gathering together in places that you wouldn't expect to care. I mean we have seen displays of sympathy and protests from Atlanta, Georgia all the way to fucking Paris. From the UK all the way to Japan.

This is the first time since 9/11 that I can remember literally the entire world standing up and unanimously pointing at one thing in particular and saying "NO!".


Yup.. The longer they hold on, the more pressure I think Western countries will feel to intervene... I like pretty much every American is fed up with sending our men and women to foreign lands for war... But I feel this is different, this is a fight worth fighting for. The Ukrainian people are showing so much courage and resolve in their fight for their country, they are fighting for Democracy in a former Soviet Block.. Fighting to be able to have self determination on who leads them and towards what..

We along with NATO allies should really take a hard look at Ukraine and its people, and ask ourselves.. "Isn't this what we all believe in? Shouldn't we be doing more to ensure they are successful in their struggle against Russian aggression?
I hate to say it but if Zelinsky and the Klitschko brothers go down in a blaze of glory public support for a full on NATO incursion is going to make it pretty hard to sit idly by: these guys are charismatic heroes on the right side of history. I’ll full on cry if they go down and I’m not ashamed to admit it.


Junior Member
I hate to say it but if Zelinsky and the Klitschko brothers go down in a blaze of glory public support for a full on NATO incursion is going to make it pretty hard to sit idly by: these guys are charismatic heroes on the right side of history. I’ll full on cry if they go down and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
You won't be alone in those tears... I am a huge fan of the Brothers, followed their careers in boxing very closely.. They are both amazing intellectuals and athletes. Zelinsky regardless of his past (don't know it as well so wont comment either way), looks like a true Leader and a patriot. All of them are there at the capital defending their people, their homes and their country.. You can't ask more from your countrymen.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I have to wonder if Putin really thought all of this through. Did he think that Ukraine was just going to roll over? Did he think that the west would be so scared of his nukes that they wouldn't sanction the fucking shit out of him?

I just don't understand it. This is a man who has spent the better part of the last 15 years creating chaos and dissension in the West and NATO. Then in one sweeping move of idiocy he has united the entirety of the West in less than a week. The Western powers of Europe and North America have not been more united in possibly the last 30 years than they have been in the last 72 hours basically.

I have racked my brain for the last few days trying to figure out if there's any ulterior motive or under the table transaction that Russia is going to benefit from here, but for the life of me I cannot think of a single way that any of this comes out as a win for Russia at this point.
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Yeah it's honestly one of the brightest spots of this whole ordeal. Having those pieces of shit get their ass handed to them because they had to face real soldiers for once is a nice change of pace.

There are few greater pleasures in life than watching bullies get their comeuppance. It’s wonderful to see the brave, resilient Ukrainian people winning and Putin/Kaydrov greatly diminished.


Junior Member
There are few greater pleasures in life than watching bullies get their comeuppance. It’s wonderful to see the brave, resilient Ukrainian people winning and Putin/Kaydrov greatly diminished.
You might like this then :)

Ukrainian soldier to Chechen soldiers who are helping Russians. "The best of you died fighting Putin. The worst, who come to Ukraine to fight us - we are going to play football with your heads".​



There are few greater pleasures in life than watching bullies get their comeuppance. It’s wonderful to see the brave, resilient Ukrainian people winning and Putin/Kaydrov greatly diminished.
At the end of the day this is why I could never support a bully president even if his polices were to the left of FDR and it’s so satisfying to see Ukraine wiping the smug smile off a bully like Putin’s face. America has always been at its best when it’s supported underdogs and hell we were underdogs until arguably WWII. From sports to entertainment to politics no one likes to see someone born rich or who has had everything handed to them succeed.

I like this side of Marco.

A side note though... I do wonder what he is referring to.... Is he talking from within the "know" or speculating?

I read it has something to do with bombs and methods they’ve been instructed to use. The word is everything so far was “asking nicely”.

It seems as if its going to get a lot worse before it gets better, we’ll find out soon enough
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Junior Member
I read it has something to do with bombs and methods they’ve been instructed to use. The word is everything so far was “asking nicely”
That kinda triggers my mind to think if that is why we are seeing this weird lul over the last few hours.. Also further to wondering if this was an intentional "drop" from NATO/US telling Russia they know exactly whats coming.
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