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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Should have saved your money instead of putting all your eggs in one basket lol


Simps for Amouranth
Pretty good video describing the big picture of the conflict:

Watched that myself, love his videos alongside Caspian Report they have a really good insight into geopolitics, personally I thought this was all about not having Nato potentially in the future being on the border with Russia, I didn't know the other shit about Ukraines oil and gas reserves which would have serious impact to Russia's future economy once developed


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
You guys don’t seem to get how big it is for post war Germany to do such a 180 within days. Them sending weapons was already mind mending. Spending a 100billion on the Bundeswehr after decades of willingly underfunding is massive. It’s like if the US announced they’d cut all military spending and start paying every citizen a guaranteed basic income.
It's really not that odd. It's weird that Germany hasn't had a major military for any length of time. The only reason it could have been that way is because the political situation after WWII and the US's continued presence in Europe without the intent of conquest there. America's use of soft power to offset worries about hard power after WWII, especially in Germany, Japan and Korea is a phenomenally weird thing. It's even weirder that we have done actual nation building and not set up puppet governments in those places if you look at it through a historical lens.

Germany is returning to normal. This is the end of an anomaly, not the beginning of one.
Germany's Chancellor has announced an increase in the annual military budget, to 100 billion Euros. That is more than double what it was last year and almost quadruple what it was before that. He has also vouched to keep it high from here on in the future. Essentially Germany has decided to build a powerful and modern army for the first time since WW2.

No. An increase to over 2% of GDP and a special $100bn fund, because otherwise it wouldn't work immediately. It's not known yet if that fund will be done over 2, 5 or more years.
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I wonder when those oligarchs will take out Putin. Anytime guys. I will be happy, ukrainians will be happy and those oligarchs wallets will feel happy too.
I don’t think that is the way things works. These type of people have real assets, i.e. real state, gold, jewel… Of course it will impact in a way, but far from making them poor. What can make a difference is the economy being so fucked up that the people will go out and protest against Putin. He can’t take in a whole country.
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Some of you guys watch too many movies and TV shows. The Red Wedding isn’t real life. “It’s a trap”. Come on now.
Would you set foot on essentially Russian vassal state soil after what happened to Alexei Navalny? To a state that just this morning fired a ballistic missile at Kiev? Also, you do know that Putin has been known to poison his enemies, right?

At best, their "good faith negotiation" tactics is a diversion from how shitty their Ukraine operation is going.
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Apparently this is a response to sanctions, not the highly successful campaign in Ukraine where he’s not had a single casualty.

See what I mean about how close we could be coming to a nuclear standoff/war? This could be some Cuban Missile crisis shit if someone doesn’t depose Putin soon.

Oh and there’s no way Russia would try to turn Zelesnky into a martyr at a peace negotiation. If you really want Ukrainians to never surrender, capturing or murdering their leader at a peace talk would be an act of treachery they’d never forgive
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Would you set foot on essentially Russian vassal state soil after what happened to Alexei Navalny? To a state that just this morning fired a ballistic missile at Kiev? Also, you do know that Putin has been known to poison his enemies, right?

At best, their "good faith negotiation" tactics is a diversion from how shitty their Ukraine operation is going.
Do I think they are going to assassinate the oppositions leader under the auspices of peace negotiations with the entire world paying attention? No. I guess anything is possible. This is a bit more high profile than Navalny.
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Apparently this is a response to sanctions, not the highly successful campaign in Ukraine where he’s not had a single casualty.

See what I mean about how close we could be coming to a nuclear standoff/war? This could be some Cuban Missile crisis shit if someone doesn’t depose Putin soon

This is why we have seen NATO be so cautious with actions against Russia, one wrong move could bring with it Nuclear strikes


Do I think they are going to assassinate the oppositions leader under the auspices of peace negotiations with the entire world paying attention? No. I guess anything is possible.
They might as well, Russia has nothing to lose from an image perspective at this point. Putin is threatening fucking nuclear war, what's one more murder of a head of state?
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I think this is a great video explaining why things are happen now it basically another war for oil and resource

I don’t think it is a war for oil given Russia has the Nordstrem 2 pipeline ready to be commissioned. If oil and gas is a thing the only country taking advantage of this war is the US.
And yet after days of fighting and thousands of their soldiers dead Russia has no major gains in the country.

Turns out when you have an army that doesn't really want to fight and you throw it against an army that is fighting for their lives and their home you're going to have a bit of an imbalance.

Who could have possibly fucking guessed.
We should stop with that. Obviously it seems that it hasn’t been as quick as the Psico Clown hopped but Russia is advancing despite what are s said. They are entering a huge country with a huge and brave population. Ukrainian gov is already considering to negotiate with Putin (according the news - not sure though). Let’s see if they can hold a little longer so that the help from other countries arrive.
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Oh and there’s no way Russia would try to turn Zelesnky into a martyr at a peace negotiation. If you really want Ukrainians to never surrender, capturing or murdering their leader at a peace talk would be an act of treachery they’d never forgive


The British Government have stated that no negotiations can happen while Russian troops are in Ukraine.

Russia wont pull troops, this will be seen as a defeat and as you say launch Zelesnky to a martyr and Russia wont let his happen.


No. An increase to over 2% of GDP and a special $100bn fund, because otherwise it wouldn't work immediately. It's not known yet if that fund will be done over 2, 5 or more years.

You are right, my bad. Per Wikipedia, Germany would spent 1.4% of GDP for military expenditure for 2022. At 2%, that's about 40% increase I think.
His last threats of nuclear seem to have completely failed, I doubt anyone in his inner circle would even be up for nuclear war. They'll all end up dead. And what about China, they think they'll let them start a nuke war? Very doubtfull. It will be Russia against the rest of the world.


Do I think they are going to assassinate the oppositions leader under the auspices of peace negotiations with the entire world paying attention? No. I guess anything is possible. This is a bit more high profile than Navalny.
Think about it. If Russia were serious about peace talks, why not commit to having them on neutral ground? They purposefully made Zelenskyy an offer that he can't not refuse to make themselves look like not the aggressors. Except I can't imagine how they thought that would make them look good. Maybe in Russia.
Think about it. If Russia were serious about peace talks, why not commit to having them on neutral ground? They purposefully made Zelenskyy an offer that he can't not refuse to make themselves look like not the aggressors. Except I can't imagine how they thought that would make them look good. Maybe in Russia.
It would also be diplomatic poison. Even China isn’t going to support murdering a head of state under those circumstances. If killing Zelenskyy actually ended the war and meant Russian victory? Then maybe. But this would further embolden and enrage the opposition. Zelenskyy has proven to be a valuable leader from a morale perspective. But he’s not some lynchpin to the Ukrainian war effort. Killing him during peace talks would not accomplish much for Russia.


Gold Member
I know a lot of people here will sneer at this because "all media is corrupt", and its not some random dude in a gamer chair on twitter but thought it was an interesting breakdown of the current battle for Kyiv for anyone without a tin foil hat.

and is honestly what I thought the Russians would open with, but only time will tell if any of these heavy weapons are deployed on the city.
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It would also be diplomatic poison. Even China isn’t going to support murdering a head of state under those circumstances. If killing Zelenskyy actually ended the war and meant Russian victory? Then maybe. But this would further embolden and enrage the opposition. Zelenskyy has proven to be a valuable leader from a morale perspective. But he’s not some lynchpin to the Ukrainian war effort. Killing him during peace talks would not accomplish much for Russia.
Would capturing him have the same effect? I just don't see any reason to have the talks in Belarus of all places.
Would capturing him have the same effect? I just don't see any reason to have the talks in Belarus of all places.
I don’t know. But generally when heads of state meet for peace talks, agreements are made regarding security. To breach that would mean no one ever meets with you again. So if something like that happened, it’s basically like a commitment to World War 3. You may as well just fire your nukes at the same time.


I don’t know. But generally when heads of state meet for peace talks, agreements are made regarding security. To breach that would mean no one ever meets with you again. So if something like that happened, it’s basically like a commitment to World War 3. You may as well just fire your nukes at the same time.
Now another source saying they are to meet at the border near Pripyat River. I wonder if Zelensky will be personally attending?

Zelensky says he agreed with Lukashenko to meet for peace talks with Russian delegates at the border near Pripyat River. Lukashenko has given his word to ground all Russian armed forces in Belarus during the Ukrainian negotiators’ travel, talks, & return.


You guys don’t seem to get how big it is for post war Germany to do such a 180 within days. Them sending weapons was already mind mending. Spending a 100billion on the Bundeswehr after decades of willingly underfunding is massive. It’s like if the US announced they’d cut all military spending and start paying every citizen a guaranteed basic income.
Donald Glover Reaction GIF

Wasn’t it the WW2 German generals that helped with establishing NATO in Europe? Von Braun that developed V2 rockets was instrumental in making the US land on the moon? Say what you want about Germans, it seems they really know how to wage a war.

Baddie GIF by Giphy QA

Not today Heinrich, not today.
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This is why in my rather pessimistic post yesterday I could see Putin stream roll tanks into one country after another, threatening nukes for anyone who stood in his way.

Only way to stop this path to all out war is if someone within Russia takes him out. If the west stops ramping up and applying sanctions, he'll take that as weakness and continue his conquest of Europe, but if we ramp up troop numbers, defence expenditure, apply sanctions etc the madman will take that as a sign Nato will attack and launch war first.

My pessimism comes from the fact I don't see Putin as a rational actor anymore. He's unhinged. MAD no longer acts as a deterrent if one sides leader is actually mad.
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