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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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ChatGPT 0.1
If Russia can hook up a nuke they might be taking Ukraine in under 10 seconds of course being in awe of what russia has done is crazy obviously they been at war with ukraine for a while.


Can’t Git Gud
Ukraine appears to be hitting the column already.

Give'em hell.

So apparently invasions are super weird nowadays because how the hell are you supposed to move your 5 thousand vehicles to the target if your target got drones and missile strikes. of course that column get's blocked.
And thank god it does. Ukraine seems to be handling itself better than Russians expected.
At least I hope so. I know Russia is just still not bringing the big guns out... and maybe it stays that way?

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
It’s hard to keep perspective on all this. But we should try. Russia has something like between 100,000 and 200,000 troops in Ukraine supposedly. Ukraine is the size of Texas. You can fit 100,000 people in a football stadium. So when we see isolated things like tweets or short clips, you never want to draw large conclusions from it. It’s a snapshot. It may mean nothing. The only way to draw an kind of even remotely relevant information is to pull back far enough to see the larger picture. Things like troop movement and captured territory. Or repelled forces and retreats. Those kind of things give you a sense of the direction things are moving.

A ruined truck here or an explosion there is one pin point. It’s not enough to get any feeling about the larger situation on the ground. Try not to get caught up in any individual thing you are seeing online right now.
Not to mention that the majority of videos being posted here are from dubious sources.


So apparently invasions are super weird nowadays because how the hell are you supposed to move your 5 thousand vehicles to the target if your target got drones and missile strikes. of course that column get's blocked.
And thank god it does. Ukraine seems to be handling itself better than Russians expected.
At least I hope so. I know Russia is just still not bringing the big guns out... and maybe it stays that way?
That’s because technology advanced in the last 10 years, very fast . But Russia attacks with shit from the 80s it seems 🤣 thank god , Ukrainians at least have some new shit .. I hope they survive tonight and get armed tomorrow by the west.
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Fuck, Russia is getting fucked hard. GOOD.

Their economy will bomb tomorrow. Can't wait to see.

Thermo or MOAB?
Problem is, it hits the wrong people. Those behind the war don't fall that hard. But the innocent population will. Just let hope that this leads to outcries so Putin and his folks get replaced by a trustworthy government.
But I worry that for year's Russian people won't get trusted anymore.


Can’t Git Gud
That’s because technology advanced in the last 10 years, very fast . But Russia attacks with shit from the 80s it seems 🤣 thank god , Ukrainians at least have some new shit .. I hope they survive tonight and get armed tomorrow by the west.
But Russia got the newest stuff too for sure ?
Maybe they are sending old crap first because... they want to get rid of it ? :p
It's good to see Ukraine kicking Putin's ass but it's also making me quite anxious. He's not gonna want to look weak or be defeated. If he's going down then he might want to take everyone with him and he unfortunately has the ability to do that.
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But Russia got the newest stuff too for sure ?
Maybe they are sending old crap first because... they want to get rid of it ? :p
I don’t think they have .. you don’t drag a war like this .. this was meant to shock the West, a blitzkrieg .. but it’s a total shitshow.


Can’t Git Gud
I don’t think they have .. you don’t drag a war like this .. this was meant to shock the West, a blitzkrieg .. but it’s a total shitshow.
wars last years. So what if russia keeps this exact pace for years even with this old gear ?! Ukraine probably got defense for weeks max
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It's good to see Ukraine kicking Putin's ass but it's also making me quite anxious. He's not gonna want to look weak or be defeated. If he's going down then he might want to take everyone with him and he unfortunately has the ability to do that.
O yes that’s a very real possibility… I fear this also .. and what would he be willing to do.


I agree but yeah I don't live in Groningen. 'They're not going to be happy' is probably the understatement of the year
Eh, desperate times requirendesperate measures.
A lot of europe is dependant on gas for heating their homes.
If a transition period would be needed to find either new sources or a new way to provide heat (electricity for example) then i don't think a lot of people would be TOO mad.
Heh, blame it on Shell like you always do xD


wars last years. So what if russia keeps this exact pace for years even with this old gear ?! Ukraine probably got defense for weeks max
Normally such a move doesn’t last years .. this is a shitshow… he doesn’t want a war for years .. if will end not wel for Putin. He found himself a Vietnam / Afghanistan . If the west keeps providing material .
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Can’t Git Gud
Normally such a move doesn’t last years .. this is a shitshow… he doesn’t want a war for years .. if will end not wel for Putin. He found himself a Vietnam / Afghanistan .
But we don't even know what his goal was.
He said something among lines to free old russians and punish them for decommunisation ?! This is idiotic.
So is the consensus that he just lost his mind? Why would he want more land


But we don't even know what his goal was.
He said something among lines to free old russians and punish them for decommunisation ?! This is idiotic.
So is the consensus that he just lost his mind? Why would he want more land
It's not really about the land, he wants himself and russia to be respected and feared like in the cold war days

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
BTW those surprised about the state of russian troops and equipment, you have to rememeber that russia has the economic size of spain... and on top of that, it has to manage, maintain and produce nukes and intercontinental missiles. Can't imagine that leaves a lot of budget for rank and file troops.


if putin nukes ukraine the world is fucked. just one nuke over chernobyl and the planet is wrecked.

If it's a "tactical nuke" (you know...the ones that have less power than the MOAB and even less than the ones from hiroshima), then the damage would be localized. It would hit Ukraine hard, as well as Russia, but it would force all sides to end the war. No one in their right mind would use "regular nukes" in today's world.


Problem is, it hits the wrong people. Those behind the war don't fall that hard. But the innocent population will. Just let hope that this leads to outcries so Putin and his folks get replaced by a trustworthy government.
But I worry that for year's Russian people won't get trusted anymore.
Yeah, tomorrow we're gonna find out how much poorer we're going to be.

Gotta be honest with you, had a very dreadful weekend. Medvedev considers reinstating death sentence for the "worst kind of criminals", general-prosecutor made a public statement that any kind of donation or support for the enemy is considered a treason (20 year sentence) and Putin is escalating nuclear threats. It sucks being threatened by your government and feeling like a pariah to the whole world at the same time.

Hopefully, what we're seeing now is the agony of a dying regime. I hope to make it though and see Ukraine, Belarus and Russia free.
I'm curious to see what the market effects are going to be on Russia's economy, currency, and banking system come Monday. Then we can get a better idea if these sanctions are toothless or effective. I feel like it's not looking good for Russia, but they're just feelings and I need some actual data to determine if it's confirmation bias.
My general feelings are they’re toothless. The most effective thing would be to stop buying Russian natural gas and oil. I know European nations likely can’t, but USA certainly could.

It's the silence before the storm.

The west froze significant assets owned by him and associated net of Russian oligarchs. Those assets can not be liquidated essentially, turning them into pretty, but worthless rows of digits on a screen. If they try, their transactions will be denied. Not to mention a large part of the west have shut down their air space for any Russian aircraft (including private aircraft owned by Russian oligarchs). They're probably royally pissed as fuck right now.

We're talking billions here. All that foreign and afaik even some domestic wealth that they've embezzled over the years is practically worthless.
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On the Russian rational:

You’ve just got to laugh really. The motive is so bad it’s straight out of a Scream film. Talk about one tiny and insecure nation.

Maybe I wasn’t clear. To me, that MSNBC clip talking about “Manchurian Trump secretly installed by Putin to weaken the West” is just as ridiculous as “Trump and the Russians are stopping Bill Gates and the child molesting Dems from starting another pandemic.”


Gold Member
Russian Ruble whacked 20% against USD. Actually more like 30%+ as it doesn't take into account days before when RUB was around 75 to the USD.

USD/RUBUnited States Dollar / Russian Ruble

106.297 BUY 104.297 SELL

HIGH 105.302
LOW 83.9
CHANGE 21.397
CHANGE 17.02%
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And the truth is, if we let the fear of nuclear use guide all our inaction against every tyrant known to mankind, then we might as well just give up on the human race now.
Yup.. freedom is earned .. no one wants a ww3.. but what if they let Hittler do his thing 80 years ago..
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I don’t think Russia would get nuked for nuking Ukraine.

Nukes are legal weapons and Ukraine has no security guarantee from us. Heck, Russia could use a hypersonic missile and we wouldn’t even know it was happening until it was over. Not saying this is the outcome, but if Putin is losing and backed against a wall he can always argue that it was our material support of Ukraine that necessitated taking that action to end the war.
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And the truth is, if we let the fear of nuclear use guide all our inaction against every tyrant known to mankind, then we might as well just give up on the human race now.
The problem dealing with tyrants that actually have working nukes is that if you push against them, they WILL push the button and use those nukes. So, are you suggesting that in an effort of dealing with a tyrant, it's better to end the life of hundreds of thousands (or even millions) with a nuclear war, instead of letting the tyrant have his wimps?

At least that's what I got from your post: it's better to risk an all-out nuclear war to stop Putin than let him have his fit.

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