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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Prison Mike

Putin, Crimea river
Justin Timberlake What GIF


In general, I really like Robert Wright's take that we should look to give Putin an off-ramp that allows him to save face. I get it might feel good to humiliate him but humiliated people are people at their most dangerous.
Unlikely anyone is going to agree to go along with Vova's larping. Did Wright suggest a suitable off-ramp?


This is what i mean. I found it quite worrying how everday Russian troops seem to be 10-15miles outside of Kyiv, and not getting any closer.
It’s going to be a war of attrition. Putin will attempt to cut Kyiv off from all supplies. Putin hopes the lack of food and clean water will make civilians flee and weaken the UA.

This is where I think he made a huge strategic mistake. The Ukranians seem to have huge resolve. The longer the ukrainians hold major cities the higher the cost for Russia. Idling troops is costly and a waste of resources. All the while the UN/NATO get stronger and more organized and Russia’s economy falters.


Rodent Whores
Russia could have airstriked Kyiv into oblivion from the beginning, but chose not to. They want to capture it, not obliterate it. They want to bring Ukraine back into the fold, and that would be pretty hard if they leveled the capital.

It makes even less sense to nuke it as the consequences would be dire for them.
This is what i mean. I found it quite worrying how everday Russian troops seem to be 10-15miles outside of Kyiv, and not getting any closer.
They are trying to come from all directions. I don’t think this means that he will nuke Kyiv. A lot of pressure is going on the South and Southeast. What is holding the line is Kharkiv. If the city falls then it will be quite bad for the resistance.

Odessa and Mariupol also need to keep holding.
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Russia could have airstriked Kyiv into oblivion from the beginning, but chose not to. They want to capture it, not obliterate it. They want to bring Ukraine back into the fold, and that would be pretty hard if they leveled the capital.

It makes even less sense to nuke it as the consequences would be dire for them.
Putin has been holding back but now he’s embarrassed and trying to regain some face by making the world remember he’s wearing big boy pants and has big boy toys that he could use if he really wanted to.

He’s extorting the west with fear that he might use nukes if we help out in a substantial way. I say call his fucking bluff he’d be insane to use them so what do we have to lose?
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Putin has been holding back but now he’s embarrassed and trying to regain some face by making the world realize he has big toys that he could use if he really wanted to.

He’s extorting the west with fear that he might use nukes if we help out in a substantial way. I say call his fucking bluff he’d be insane to use them so what do we have to lose?
Well, if he’s actually insane, I’d say a whole lot.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The pessimist in me wonders if they took Chernobyl to use a nuke while making it look like an accident. Like how would we know if they went in and detonated one of their doomsday devices they were working on in the 80’s and blamed it on a errant ukranian missile or intense fighting or something?
Im no expert but I think an atom bomb is wildly different from an overheating/ malfunctioning reactor. Everyone would know.
I don't see any way Russia recovers from this, whether they take it or not.

I keep waiting for his unhinged ass, undone by all the sanctions to be foolish enough to attack a NATO country. That's what I fear the most.


He’s extorting the west with fear that he might use nukes if we help out in a substantial way. I say call his fucking bluff he’d be insane to use them so what do we have to lose?
Ukraine invasion began exactly like that: NATO and Ukraine didn't buy Putin's threats of invasion and called his bluff. Putin wasn't willing to lose face so he acted on his word and we're here today.

"What do we have to lose", you ask? well, for starters, a chunk of planet earth (even if it's the size of one city), several hundreds of thousands of people and a shift in global powers not seen since 1945, which has inevitable catastrophic economic consequences for every single nation on earth.

I think NATO and Ukraine got the message very clearly that Putin is indeed kind of mad and is not bluffing.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I’ll never understand why in the XXIst century some asshole is still thinking in medieval terms when it comes to territory and power.

Russia is like the largest country in the world, his economy is the size of Spain and population is aggressively shrinking - maybe fix that if you give a shit about your country?


Ukraine invasion began exactly like that: NATO and Ukraine didn't buy Putin's threats of invasion and called his bluff. Putin wasn't willing to lose face so he acted on his word and we're here today.

"What do we have to lose", you ask? well, for starters, a chunk of planet earth (even if it's the size of one city), several hundreds of thousands of people and a shift in global powers not seen since 1945, which has inevitable catastrophic economic consequences for every single nation on earth.

I think NATO and Ukraine got the message very clearly that Putin is indeed kind of mad and is not bluffing.
What lesson does he take away from all this once he realizes NATO will back down when all he has to do is merely threaten nuking a city? That’s no way to live. If we allow him to dictate the rules WHATS to stop him from threatening to nuke Belgium next week in order to get back into swift or to return Russian vodka back to store shelves.
Russian troops intentionally avoiding Kyiv. He’s going to nuke them.

...based on what? You really think Russia is just going to start nuking cities indiscriminately?


Bro, you're in the running for some of the shittiest takes in this thread. Time to go outside for a walk or something man. I cant tell if you're just farming reactions here or if you're this out of touch with reality.

People really need to try and deal with this situation rationally using facts and information that are as accurate as possible, the hysteria helps nothing.
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Gold Member
I’ll never understand why in the XXIst century some asshole is still thinking in medieval terms when it comes to territory and power.

Russia is like the largest country in the world, his economy is the size of Spain and population is aggressively shrinking - maybe fix that if you give a shit about your country?
He doesn’t know how. That’s the problem with tough guy personalities. All bravado, but no substance. He can threaten the world with nukes, but he can’t even reliably fuel and feed his troops going into a country adjacent to his own. Incompetent Russian logistics knows no bounds.


°Temp. member
I saw someone from Russia saying that this is just like the Cuban missile crisis where the us didn’t want Russian missiles on their front door (Cuba) and now Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to join nato and have nato missiles on their front door. What would be a good response?
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I saw someone from Russia saying that this is just like the Cuban missile crisis where the us didn’t want Russian missiles on their front door (Cuba) and now Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to join nato and have nato missiles on their front door. What would be a good response?

The US and NATO do not have offensive IRBMs in these countries.

The US removed offensive nuclear missiles (Pershing II) from Germany in the 90's following the signing of the INF treaty.

EDIT: I come back to this thread and it's gone insane over nuclear warfare. Haha.
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Gold Member
I saw someone from Russia saying that this is just like the Cuban missile crisis where the us didn’t want Russian missiles on their front door (Cuba) and now Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to join nato and have nato missiles on their front door. What would be a good response?
Important distinction: USSR was trying to put nuclear weapons in Cuba which at the time, was a significant factor in allowing for first strike capability given the technology limits of the era and the proximity to US soil.

Ukraine on the otherhand, gave up its nukes in the pursuit of NATO membership. If anything, the country was defanged.


°Temp. member
Important distinction: USSR was trying to put nuclear weapons in Cuba which at the time, was a significant factor in allowing for first strike capability given the technology limits of the era and the proximity to US soil.

Ukraine on the otherhand, gave up its nukes in the pursuit of NATO membership. If anything, the country was defanged.
Gotcha, I’m assuming their nukes were leftover from when they were part of the USSR? (Ukraine)
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The donated fighters are either already on their way or will be soon.

Eastern NATO will off load any old ex-USSR jet that they still maintain in their inventory in exchange for financing new jets aligned with the US/Europe. (F-35, Rafale, Eurofighter etc.)
It's a "win-win" situation to anyone. Well except Russia...


Gotcha, I’m assuming their nukes were leftover from when they were part of the USSR? (Ukraine)
It's not about the nukes. it's the whole NATO military infrastructure and commitments. If NATO get's pulled to war with Russia because of Syria or Libya, Ukraine would be part of it and right on the border of the Russian heartland. Hawks already tried to activate the alliance when Turkey and Russia had a confrontation in Syria.


They are trying to come from all directions. I don’t think this means that the pisco will nuke Kyiv. South and Southeast is pretty much done. What is holding the line is Kharkiv. If the city falls then it will be quite bad for the resistance.

Edit: Odessa also needs to keep holding but it seems that the situation isn’t very good down there. If Russia connects to Transnistria then it will be even more pressure.

Urban invasion is not random. And not like WW2 where they rush in a blow up anything that moves. Today scout units probe, then fall back if met with resistance, area gets surrounded then bombed, after that a sweep. rinse and repeat. it took 4 years to take over Aleppo in Syria. Russians will take their time if nothing alters the field.
These sanctions have got to count for something. Putin being in this war longer than he needs to is working out in the favour of the West.

I know some think this is taking "too long" or "drawn out" but remember it took 3 weeks for the Iraq War from initial strike to the fall of Baghdad back in '03. And back then GAF was throwing out meme's like Iraq being "Pre-Owned" as it was starting.


As a showing of allegiance, Belarus is sending a plan full of paratroopers into uncontrolled Kyiv skies to their deaths....

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