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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Gold Member
As a showing of allegiance, Belarus is sending a plan full of paratroopers into uncontrolled Kyiv skies to their deaths....

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Oh dear. Cannon fodder. I hope enough of them are brave enough to rebel.
if your going to send paratroopers and you want them to be effective you want to send them in waves so eventually some will stick and actually touch down safely. This is just senseless and desperate suicide missions.


if your going to send paratroopers and you want them to be effective you want to send them in waves so eventually some will stick and actually touch down safely. This is just senseless and desperate suicide missions.

Absolutely. Ukrainians have proved they can take down the transports with SAMs. This will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Putin using up the soldiers he couldn’t give two fucks about.

…not that the goatfucking little sod cares about any of them, of course.

Fare thee well

I saw someone from Russia saying that this is just like the Cuban missile crisis where the us didn’t want Russian missiles on their front door (Cuba) and now Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to join nato and have nato missiles on their front door. What would be a good response?
I would say: The US had no intention of attacking or bothering Cuba until they saw Russian forces building nuclear sites there, whereas Ukraine had no nuclear weapon capability after their dismantling (and esp after Russian takeover of Crimea) or desire to attack Russia. Nor did anyone else wish to attack Russia. In fact it seemed like NATO was softening a bit with some potential members pausing their decision to join and some countries talking about scaling back.

And in the end, just being an invader/aggressor is enough to discredit Russia in the here and now. If we fiddle with Russian and US pasts, there is a nightmarish amount of hypocricy, invasion, and poor decisions. But maybe it is good that the world won't tolerate invasions anymore. And I hope the same level of pushback will occur in the future for any other country that thinks so, especially the USA and China.

Anyway I'm not a historian, but that's my gut on the matter


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I would say that the Russian people will end up suffering greatly from the economic sanctions, but none of that natural resource money makes it into the hands of Ivan sixpack regardless. There’s far too much systemic corruption from the top down. The world will cut off Russia and leave her behind.


That's what happened during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Yeah seems similar
Unlikely anyone is going to agree to go along with Vova's larping. Did Wright suggest a suitable off-ramp?
Welllll this was before the actual invasion started mind you. So I don't know, but I think the Cuban Missile Crisis analogy is pretty apt. Find some way of giving him an out that he can sell to his people as a win. The problem is the more Russians die, the bigger the win has to be in order to still be sellable.
Hopefully this is a miss translation.. If its not, seriously anything is possible.. That a state sanctioned statement like that is able to get out for the world to see?!?! Its hurting my head.

I've heard this and it was pointed out elsewhere on the US Embassy site until a few days ago when it was removed. Make of that as you will but I also heard it was not the "destroy Russian people" that we see here but more Russia was pissed such a thing was so close to them.
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Also keep in mind that defcon status is classified info… how would they know what it could have been?
The White House probably told them. It’s the equivalent of yawning at your opponent’s show of strength.

And I doubt the status is classified, it would be an impossible secret to keep considering how it affects the posture of the armed forces.


°Temp. member
The White House probably told them. It’s the equivalent of yawning at your opponent’s show of strength.

And I doubt the status is classified, it would be an impossible secret to keep considering how it affects the posture of the armed forces.
Also keep in mind:

“Different branches of the U.S. Armed Forces (i.e. U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Space Force) and different bases or command groups can be activated at different defense conditions. In general, there is no single DEFCON status for the world or country and it may be set to only include specific geographical areas.”



Gold Member
Combined with the crumbling value of the ruble, say goodbye to homeownership.

MOSCOW, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Russia's No. 2 lender VTB (VTBR.MM) will hike mortgage rates by four percentgae points to 15.3% from Feb. 28, it said on Sunday, with harsh new Western sanctions forcing the bank to reconsider its mortgage lending parameters.

"Due to the sharp rise in interest rates on the market we are also temporarily suspending the processing of refinancing" operations, VTB said in a statement.


°Temp. member
I’ve gotta say, it’s amazing how people there directly in the war can post things to social media and we can see what’s happening in real time.

Someone’s house was set on fire, they made a sarcastic video to Putin and uploaded it quickly, and I’m sitting here watching it wondering if Putin is watching too.

Also, if there was an actual nuke fired would there be a phone alert like those amber alerts, or any public notice? (I don’t think this will happen though).
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If im Ukraine i do not accept any deal with Russia unless Russia gives back Crimea & all of the occupied lands that Russia stole so far

I would urge you to think about this.

Not to paraphrase Coldplay, but just because they're losing, doesn't mean they lost, doesn't mean they'll stop. And the force balance is such that this is just a matter of time.

In warfare, especially in nuclear exchange theory, there is a cadence. You need to utilize this tempo and maximize it diplomatically to end the war before escalation to the next step. The end goal is, rationally, to turn-off the conflict, not to win.

Putin has lost face and we should be looking for some sort of off-ramp that gives him the illusion of victory. Unless you really want this to continue.

Celcius: Also, if there was an actual nuke fired would there be a phone alert like those amber alerts, or any public notice? (I don’t think this will happen though).

The US has the Emergency Alert System (EAS) that allows the President to tap into basically all media within 10 minutes for an alert. SBIRS would pick up the launch and if an ICBM from Russia we'd have ~20 minutes until impact and if submarine launched SLBM we'd have more like 5-10, that said Russian doctrine with SLBMs is more to keep them in safe bastions close to port or under the polar ice since the American attack submarines so outclass them so we'd have a few more minutes.

You'd likely get an alert and just enough time to say goodbye to whoever you're with and kiss your own ass goodbye.
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Gold Member
I would urge you to think about this.

Not to paraphrase Coldplay, but just because they're losing, doesn't mean they lost, doesn't mean they'll stop. And the force balance is such that this is just a matter of time.

In warfare, especially in nuclear exchange theory, there is a cadence. You need to utilize this tempo and maximize it diplomatically to end the war before escalation to the next step. The end goal is, rationally, to turn-off the conflict, not to win.

Putin has lost face and we should be looking for some sort of off-ramp that gives him the illusion of victory. Unless you really want this to continue.
Yep. Putin is going to want to have something to show/say. Losing Crimea would not be agreeable.
I would urge you to think about this.

Not to paraphrase Coldplay, but just because they're losing, doesn't mean they lost, doesn't mean they'll stop. And the force balance is such that this is just a matter of time.

In warfare, especially in nuclear exchange theory, there is a cadence. You need to utilize this tempo and maximize it diplomatically to end the war before escalation to the next step. The end goal is, rationally, to turn-off the conflict, not to win.

Putin has lost face and we should be looking for some sort of off-ramp that gives him the illusion of victory. Unless you really want this to continue.
If Ukraine accept any deal they will lose 1/3 of their land i can guarantee you that but if they keep fighting the weaker and weaker Russia will get as more time passes more sanctions will hit Russia already weak economy wile more Supply and Weapons come to Ukraine. It is all a matter if Ukraine wants to keep fighting or not make it a war of Attrition and Russia will be squeeze dry by War and Sanctions.



What's a positive endgame for Russia now? I don't see 1 maybe aside from proclaiming securing the newly recognized states, expanding grip on Donbas, & obtaining a Crimea landbridge a victory & calling it a day by exiting the conflict via negotiation. Otherwise, Russia gets what?
A puppet government nobody listens to under constant attack via a horrific insurgency funded by the richest countries on the planet with a huge stake in seeing Russia ground down to a bloody stump? Oh and this only came via:

-Killing massive civilians and throngs of your own troops in a horrific urban conflict
-Turning all goodwill towards your country that existed globally into straight-up hatred
-Absolutely destroying your economy near term and the prospects for any growth long term -Being boxed out of the world community politically, economically, and logistically
-The big one: galvanizing NATO and the EU into a single point of view, reversing all gains in fracturing those entities you see as most threatening
-Watching NATO countries pour huge sums of money into their fighting forces directly aimed at countering yours and as a result putting massive amounts of advanced military hardware and combat might on your border. -Sparking a new nuclear arms race that you are now no longer in a financial position to win.
-Showing the world the deficiencies in your conventional fighting forces in high fidelity.
Not another Ukrainian soldier or Russian soldier should be sent to their grave for this war that should have never happened. Time for all parties to take the exit ramp that sits in front of them. It may be the last in a long, long while. A couple of weeks ago I discussed how this adventure into Ukraine could end up eerily like Afghanistan for Russia but worse. I think those comparisons are far more relevant now than then. Putin is a keen student of that era in Soviet Union history, hopefully, he capitalizes on that knowledge.
And yes nuclear capability is a wild card. What would happen if Russia detonates a nuclear weapon in the middle of a forest in Ukraine? Sounds ridiculous, but by some estimates, it is not. If this conflict turns into a total rout of Russian forces, we do not know what Russia would do to freeze the conflict. That's why it is so important to make sure it never gets there. Everyone alive at the moment of negotiated peace leaves the battlefield with their souls intact and that genie safely in its bottle.
Take the offramp now.

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If Ukraine accept any deal they will lose 1/3 of their land i can guarantee you that but if they keep fighting the weaker and weaker Russia will get as more time passes more sanctions will hit Russia already weak economy wile more Supply and Weapons come to Ukraine. It is all a matter if Ukraine wants to keep fighting or not make it a war of Attrition and Russia will be squeeze dry by War and Sanctions.

The point of this isn't Russian regime change. The point of sanctions is to turn-off the war in Ukraine and return to a Minsk Protocol-like state -- that includes the existence of separatist states.

It might be fun to cheer on the constant stream of Western kicks to the head of the Russian state as they are on the ground, but if Putin starts to believe he's in an existential fight externally and internally -- which I believe he's telegraphing by his overt nuclear posturing -- the level of danger is ratcheting up dramatically. And we have a bunch of naïve idiots in the Biden administration.
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Hopefully this is a miss translation.. If its not, seriously anything is possible.. That a state sanctioned statement like that is able to get out for the world to see?!?! Its hurting my head.

Posted about this a while back, full thread.
Grain of salt with this one, but this guy thinks Putin bombed U.S. financed bio-labs near the border.



There is literally no way Russia "wins" now. The single greatest self own in modern history is unfolding before our eyes.

Putin is either a moron or he is mentally ill. It's the only explanation at this point.

Russia's disastrous folly has already diminished them in the eyes of the world.. and they are left with very few friends as it is. All of his international relations will come from a place of weakness now. You may even see parts of the Russian Federation split off to form their own countries. The single greatest self own in modern history is damn right.
If Ukraine accept any deal they will lose 1/3 of their land i can guarantee you that but if they keep fighting the weaker and weaker Russia will get as more time passes more sanctions will hit Russia already weak economy wile more Supply and Weapons come to Ukraine. It is all a matter if Ukraine wants to keep fighting or not make it a war of Attrition and Russia will be squeeze dry by War and Sanctions.
Russia seems to be making some territorial gains. I don’t know but it might be that they put even more pressure and it doesn’t help if Ukrainian forces are cut from the supply line… Perhaps this is the reason why the Ukrainian gov accepted talking with Russia to begin with… Still, I do agree, they shouldn’t accept any deal now… Keep sanctions coming. The end goal should be imploding Russia’s economy and put the country into turmoil.
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To put some positive vibe to all this, i feel the sense of unity in the world. Coming home just now, I saw the tallest building west of Mississippi with the Ukrainian flag lid up. Social media from all it's wrong doings, is really helping people to unite ironically. I really hope the power of social media really pressure Russia.
Social media is a bubble of already like minded people. and other part's of the world use different apps, some local. there are other opinions out there. Russia specifically has it's own world wide supporters. some of high influence that are lying low for the time being. some obvious bots are expressing "disappointment" in Putin to cover their backs. some are outright backing him.

There is literally no way Russia "wins" now. The single greatest self own in modern history is unfolding before our eyes.

Ukraine are putting up a fight but are ultimately outmatch. NATO sending in some arms is designed to raise the final cost for Russia, not save Ukraine, that would require actual troops and heavy weaponry. In the end even NATO is using Ukraine as a pawn in the great power struggle.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I would say: The US had no intention of attacking or bothering Cuba until they saw Russian forces building nuclear sites there, whereas Ukraine had no nuclear weapon capability after their dismantling (and esp after Russian takeover of Crimea) or desire to attack Russia. Nor did anyone else wish to attack Russia. In fact it seemed like NATO was softening a bit with some potential members pausing their decision to join and some countries talking about scaling back.

And in the end, just being an invader/aggressor is enough to discredit Russia in the here and now. If we fiddle with Russian and US pasts, there is a nightmarish amount of hypocricy, invasion, and poor decisions. But maybe it is good that the world won't tolerate invasions anymore. And I hope the same level of pushback will occur in the future for any other country that thinks so, especially the USA and China.

Anyway I'm not a historian, but that's my gut on the matter
Bay of Pigs was a year earlier than the Cuban Missile Crisis so the US had already tried to invade Cuba.


Gold Member
To put some positive vibe to all this, i feel the sense of unity in the world. Coming home just now, I saw the tallest building west of Mississippi with the Ukrainian flag lid up. Social media from all it's wrong doings, is really helping people to unite ironically. I really hope the power of social media really pressure Russia.
Aside from Russia's handful of allies (surprisingly Brazil is one where the president said something about needing Russian farming fertilizer) just about everyone is against Russia.

When Anonymous goes political trying to go after them digitally you know one side is really evil.
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Aside from Russia's handful of allies (surprisingly Brazil is one where the president said something about needing Russian farming fertilizer) just about everyone is against Russia.

When Anonymous goes political trying to go after them digitally you know one side is really evil.

Let's now look at the numbers at the UNSC vote on Russian aggression in Ukraine:

  • Only 25 per cent of G77 (33 of 134 of the developing nations) co-sponsored the resolution
  • 81 per cent of non G77 members (48 of 59 the developed bloc of Europe and the West) co-sponsored the resolution
  • Only 9 per cent (5 of 54) African countries co-sponsored
A simple look at the co-sponsorship data gives one the broad idea that this is primarily a war over Ukraine between the West .. and Russia.


Gold Member

Let's now look at the numbers at the UNSC vote on Russian aggression in Ukraine:

  • Only 25 per cent of G77 (33 of 134 of the developing nations) co-sponsored the resolution
  • 81 per cent of non G77 members (48 of 59 the developed bloc of Europe and the West) co-sponsored the resolution
  • Only 9 per cent (5 of 54) African countries co-sponsored
A simple look at the co-sponsorship data gives one the broad idea that this is primarily a war over Ukraine between the West .. and Russia.
Good point.

Its more of a rich nation vs Russia thing if all the countries were laid out. Not surprised as it's typically the big boys who do the dirty work solving the world's issues while most other places sit there and say nothing.
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Let's now look at the numbers at the UNSC vote on Russian aggression in Ukraine:

  • Only 25 per cent of G77 (33 of 134 of the developing nations) co-sponsored the resolution
  • 81 per cent of non G77 members (48 of 59 the developed bloc of Europe and the West) co-sponsored the resolution
  • Only 9 per cent (5 of 54) African countries co-sponsored
A simple look at the co-sponsorship data gives one the broad idea that this is primarily a war over Ukraine between the West .. and Russia.
Yeah that’s how it works .. a far from my home show .. until it’s a world war and than everyone cries ..

Foreign capitalists stuck with the bill. Wonder if locals will start dumping their stock now and it can't be long before Russia starts printing more money.
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Gold Member

Foreign capitalists stuck with the bill. Wonder if locals will start dumping their stock now and it can't be long before Russia starts printing more money.
If was a Russian citizen, I'd be emptying my bank account and buying useful shit with it asap. Prices are going to go sky high as soon as stores get around to adjusting prices.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
There is literally no way Russia "wins" now. The single greatest self own in modern history is unfolding before our eyes.

Putin is either a moron or he is mentally ill. It's the only explanation at this point.

We shouldn't get too excited yet. There are still ways Russia can "win" or salvage this.

The threat of nukes is just a threat for now, but to prove he's serious, Putin could launch a nuke that sets off above the sea somewhere in NATO territory. Either that or he could just cut the gas supply in Europe to get the West to ease up on sanctions and providing military support.

Another option is to pull all troops back to the self declared independent regions and negotiate terms that keep these regions independent. Unlikely Ukraine would agree to that, but it's an option and one that Putin would spin as a great victory.

Whatever happens, I don't see this being over anytime soon.
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