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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I mean if it was a war with NATO there are fewer cities to nuke. make no mistake a direct confrontation without proxies means nukes, no foreplay.
Bro there will be no nukes stop with the stupid nukes talks nobody wins with nuke as soon as Russia use nukes they will be wiped off the face of the earth same for Nato and US it will be the end of life on earth you people and your nukes idea are not thinking straight
The Ukranian government does not support Neo-nazis or their ass backwards ideas. President Zelensky is Jewish. His family barely survived the Holocaust. All of this focus on a single group of privately funded isolated shit bags is just a Russian propaganda talking point.
In many countries, only the existence of such groups would be enough for people being charged and even going to jail. Let’s try not to find excuses for such things to exist.
Canada announcing ban on Russian oil imports.

World Hockey Federation kicking Russian and Belarus off any competition until further notice. HOCKEY

Saturday Night Live Snl GIF
Not sure I get this Canadian ban on Russian oil imports. Isn’t Canada one of the biggest oil producers in the world?

Finns going for it.

Showing their sisu

I am not aware of their political reality but they should consider that when joining NATO they will become one of the battlegrounds for superpowers to flex their muscles.
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Bro there will be no nukes stop with the stupid nukes talks nobody wins with nuke as soon as Russia use nukes they will be wiped off the face of the earth same for Nato and US it will be the end of life on earth you people and your nukes idea are not thinking straight
Their conclusion is the product of their way of thinking limited by their values and education.
actually this was the best time to make a move. world economies still recovering from covid. sanctions would also hurt the west and unsettle the populations even more. the current NATO policies are done quickly and without public debate. On their part European leaders are also sly and know their populations, they want to put them in a "matter of fact" situation before the shocks subside and they start asking questions. scary m0t#3r &k#rs all of them on both sides.

Agreed. Also, European leaders are fed up with how Russia conducted itself during the last 10-15 years, interfering with their affairs, sowing discord and influencing some parties and decisions...This is their "enough is enough!" moment. I think nobody expected Germany to cut all ties, including the russian regime...


Bro there will be no nukes stop with the stupid nukes talks nobody wins with nuke as soon as Russia use nukes they will be wiped off the face of the earth same for Nato and US it will be the end of life on earth you people and your nukes idea are not thinking straight

talking about a hypothetical direct conflict between NATO and Russia not this war.
And there are bunkers for the people who decide to use the nukes, so they don't plan on dying. they assume they can survive the day after, populations are resources that could be re-farmed or labilities that need to be dumped.


God I hope I am wrong, I hope the economic sanctions work swiftly and Russia backs down, but I just feel like sooner or later Putin's going to order that everything goes, damn the consequences.
The message from the British MoD has been that this thing is going to drag and be very ugly for a long time. We have been amused by the propaganda victories so far, but we can't mistake that for a silver lining. People are processing it at different speeds. Some still think we could just send troops in to intervene. Others think that it is funny that Russia are hurting economically and don't realize how bad the economic consequences are going to be for everyone, including effects on food security. Others think that Russia are still somehow sane and proportional in their actions and will just pull out and only bluff about the use of the worst weapons.
The latest informations arriving indicate that Russia has like 50km+ of armed vehicles 35km North of Kyiv. It seems to be a massive firepower capacity and probably preparing to storm Kyiv… If the city resists this attack it will be a massive win for Ukraine.
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talking about a hypothetical direct conflict between NATO and Russia not this war.
And there are bunkers for the people who decide to use the nukes, so they don't plan on dying. they assume they can survive the day after, populations are resources that could be re-farmed or labilities that need to be dumped.
Do i need to remind you that no one survive Nuke this is not Fallout 4 this is real life Russia and USA have enough Nukes to destroy the Planet like 10x over nobody wins with Nukes period. Watch this vid and see how devastating nukes are if we ever use nukes we will use it on the Alien invasion from space not on each other cause nobody wins afterwards.

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I believe there is no Nuke threat even NATO involving directly and destroying Russia forces in Ukraine. It makes no sense for Russia to launch their Nukes when they KNOW the Americans ALSO have nuclear submarines around the world ready to Nuke Russia.
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Gold Member
I have a useful heuristic: never listen to anybody who says "nuke" instead of "nuclear". Served me well since my visit to JHU SAIS.
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Gold Member
I believe there is no Nuke threat even NATO involving directly and destroying Russia forces in Ukraine. It makes no sense for Russia to launch their Nukes when they KNOW the Americans ALSO have nuclear submarines around the world ready to Nuke Russia.


You know we Brits would like to remind the planet on occasion that we can and hopefully never will nuke the bastards should they try... for the benefit of mutually assured destruction of course.

Not just the Yanks.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
They directly border Russia. Where do you think the conflict would happen? In Paris? It is a decision that their government and population need to think very thoroughly.
They are FAR safer in NATO than they are on their own as Ukraine has demonstrated.

I wonder if Russia got the zombie gun finished.

Smart money says no.
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Do i need to remind you that no one survive Nuke this is not Fallout 4 this is real life Russia and USA have enough Nukes to destroy the Planet like 10x over nobody wins with Nukes period. Watch this vid and see how devastating nukes are if we ever use nukes we will use it on the Alien invasion from space not on each other cause nobody wins afterwards.

What matters is what the decision makers think.


Gold Member
I believe there is no Nuke threat even NATO involving directly and destroying Russia forces in Ukraine. It makes no sense for Russia to launch their Nukes when they KNOW the Americans ALSO have nuclear submarines around the world ready to Nuke Russia.
Some people don’t care about the ramifications of their actions.

School shooters (for example) would know their fates are sealed for their actions, yet they still go through with it.

Bad people are often glorified, all the time, the world won’t forget Hitler anytime soon.


Bro there will be no nukes stop with the stupid nukes talks nobody wins with nuke as soon as Russia use nukes they will be wiped off the face of the earth same for Nato and US it will be the end of life on earth you people and your nukes idea are not thinking straight
To me feels like some people need to take a break from the thread. All this nuclear shit, because he talked about it. It's not like is a lonely man that will say:" fuck this, i'm going to blew up the world and mother Russia" while everyone just looks at him doing so.


Gold Member
Bro there will be no nukes stop with the stupid nukes talks nobody wins with nuke as soon as Russia use nukes they will be wiped off the face of the earth same for Nato and US it will be the end of life on earth you people and your nukes idea are not thinking straight
To be fair Putin is the one who just pulled the nuke card, and one could argue he himself isn’t thinking straight considering this utter shitshow.


not tag worthy
Good luck with radiation you won't be able to come out of the bunker for 1000 plus years you probably die in the bunker lol
Also why did they put the food bay at the top closest to the radiation?
Glad to know the billionaires will be doing fine.
Yeah but they won’t be able to eat their money or profit from minimum wage workers under shitty contracts.
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Bro there will be no nukes stop with the stupid nukes talks nobody wins with nuke as soon as Russia use nukes they will be wiped off the face of the earth same for Nato and US it will be the end of life on earth you people and your nukes idea are not thinking straight

never underestimate the egotistical stupidity of dictators.


Per Google----> Fallout radiation decays relatively quickly with time. Most areas become fairly safe for travel and decontamination after three to five weeks.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
To me feels like some people need to take a break from the thread. All this nuclear shit, because he talked about it. It's not like is a lonely man that will say:" fuck this, i'm going to blew up the world and mother Russia" while everyone just looks at him doing so.
Yeah I agree. If you are worried about nuclear war you need to take a step away from all this.


To be fair Putin is the one who just pulled the nuke card, and one could argue he himself isn’t thinking straight considering this utter shitshow.
An analyst on CNN had a good point: Russia’s threshold for using nukes is way lower than the west and they allow for the use of tactical nukes in their war strategy: it’s not always a case of using ICBMs and the reciprocal response that would trigger.

Full disclosure my concept of tactical nuke is that they are way smaller and could fit atop a very small missile or artillery shell in some cases so the damage is limited to a small area with less fallout. My view is totally based on video games and Star Ship Troopers though so for all I know a suitcase sized Nuke has as much megaton power as Fatman and Little Boy over Japan.

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An analyst on CNN had a good point Russia’s threshold for using nukes is way lower than the west and they allow for the use of tactical nukes in their war strategy: it’s not always a case of using ICBMs and the reciprocal response that would trigger.

Full disclosure my concept of tactical nuke is that the damage is limited to a small area with less fall out based on video games and Star ship troopers:

CNN is filled with idiots. Russian doctrine does not have a lower threshold than the Americans do -- both allow for limited nuclear use under specific circumstances. The en vogue term over the last 24 hours has been “Escalate to de-escalate” which is found nowhere in Russian doctrine, but rather was coined by American military officials in a Congressional hearing.

The Kremlin reaffirmed in a 2020 defense document that it will only consider the nuclear option under two circumstances: 1) as a retaliatory measure against the use of nuclear weapons or other WMDs, or 2) when “the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.”

This topic is getting annoying.
The amount of propaganda on the internet is scary. This conflict has shown me that 99% of people are too naive, completely oblivious, and treat these serious matters with such a level of ignorance and tribalism that makes my head hurt. And it's funny because most say how only one side has propaganda, while the other is full of truths and are excused of doing whatever the fuck they want for their own gain.

Anyway, yesterday I had the opportunity to talk with some Russian people and people from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. They don't agree and strongly condemn Putin's actions, and they hate what's happening right now, because sanctions to Russia will affect them also. But I guess most won't care, and you know why.
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trumptards at it again lol
Not really. Putin fanboy more than anything and not patriotic at all. Left before Trump actually (IIRC)

Here's an article about him.

The more time I spent with Bentley, the more I realized his worldview is rife with contradictions. He denounces America’s totalitarian impulses but waxes poetic about foreign strongmen past and present, including Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez, and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad.

He criticizes most Americans for being checked out. “One of these days, the swords will come out. And on that day, all the people in the United States who were willing to let their government commit war crimes all around the world as long as they can still buy a six-pack and watch the Super Bowl, they’re going to get what they deserve,” he said.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

Seizing assets is a huge step up in financial warfare from the US. It's one thing to freeze the assets of these assholes until the sanctions are dropped. Seizing them is a whole other matter. It's one thing to hold out until the bank clears your deposit. It's a whole other world when the bank just takes your shit and tells you to pound sand.
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