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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl |OT|

Mrbob said:
Widescreen is cropped?

Damn it.

Native widescreen support should be required by now. :/

EA thinks it's cheating or something.

Yeah, I'm kinda pissed after seeing that screenshot, but I still want the game badly. I'll probably be picking it up in the morning.


teepo said:
i have a good feeling this could possibly be my goty if i actually had a pc that can run it :(

too risky to see if it'll run good on my amd64 3000+, 1gig and 6800gs.

1-D_FTW said:
I can beat that a little (processor). How far are you turning the settings down? All these horror stories kinda had me thinking I should hold off until I upgrade.

Why do people think this? The only people who say it runs bad are trying to use the full Dynamic lighting option. EVERYONE who's turned that down says the frame rate skyrockets and is easily playable on older computers.
White Man said:
It runs fine. . .with static lighting on. At least for me. It appears the game wasn't tested on a wide range of hardware configurations, which would explain the bizarre performance a bit.

oh good, that's nice to hear. it'll probably run pretty average with my specs, i was just worried because of all the "it dun work fine on vista" talk. but i've been waiting for this game for a few years now so it better work.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Here's another good tip:

With a gun in your inventory, right click on it and select "unload". This will take all the ammo out of it and add it to your inventory (if the gun has any ammo left in it). Then right click again on it and select "drop".

I pretty much pick up every gun I see and do this.


thesoapster said:
EA thinks it's cheating or something.

Yeah, I'm kinda pissed after seeing that screenshot, but I still want the game badly. I'll probably be picking it up in the morning.

Oh yeah I'll still get the game too. Just extremely disappointed in lack of true widescreen support.


Guys, c'mon, enough about the performance. The game looks pretty mediocre among today's release and runs as fine as hl2 with static lighting. Dynamic seems really unoptimized seeing as it doesn't even look that great considering only monster rigs can handle it.

Now about the game. I'm having a hard time liking this. The dialogue is decidedly awful, I find myself skipping most of the text conversations. Combat is difficult as hell and I've been restarting far too much on the stalker difficulty. I'm finding firefights to be just dreadful. The ai is decent but reacts instantly once you fire at them, nullifying most of my sealth approaches. Actually managing to hit them is completely random as every weapon has a significant projectile spread.

There are still plenty of things to like about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but I was hoping for a more pleasurable experience. It seems like the delays weren't spent refining the game and more that it was just sitting somewhere waiting to get pushed out the door.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
maus said:
Guys, c'mon, enough about the performance. The game looks pretty mediocre among today's release and runs as fine as hl2 with static lighting. Dynamic seems really unoptimized seeing as it doesn't even look that great considering only monster rigs can handle it.

Now about the game. I'm having a hard time liking this. The dialogue is decidedly awful, I find myself skipping most of the text conversations. Combat is difficult as hell and I've been restarting far too much on the stalker difficulty. I'm finding firefights to be just dreadful. The ai is decent but reacts instantly once you fire at them, nullifying most of my sealth approaches. Actually managing to hit them is completely random as every weapon has a significant projectile spread.

There are still plenty of things to like about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but I was hoping for a more pleasurable experience. It seems like the delays weren't spent refining the game and more that it was just sitting somewhere waiting to get pushed out the door.

The game is really unforgiving in the first few hours. You're basically helpless. When you start getting better guns, things become a lot easier.

One thing I have noticed, though, is stealth seems to be completely useless. Guys see me no matter what. Funny how they have a bar for noise level and a bar for visibility... you'd think you could sneak around more. Maybe in the later game those bars are more useful for different types of enemies.


FlyinJ said:
One thing I have noticed, though, is stealth seems to be completely useless. Guys see me no matter what. Funny how they have a bar for noise level and a bar for visibility... you'd think you could sneak around more. Maybe in the later game those bars are more useful for different types of enemies.

You can get behind em pretty easily by sprinting around them (if they can't see you) towards their rear, but you have to be pretty far out. These guys can hear you walking on grass through a brick wall during a heavy firefight. I can forget about actually killing them though, even while flanking, these beginner guns can't hit shit. I'll empty a clip aiming as best as I can but the guy will still manage to turn around and nail me with a few rounds, with me laughing at the insane difficulty.


m0dus said:

Dude. I think your PC is, like, posessed.

but seriously, do you have the most up-to-date video drivers installed?
A better way to describe it is that it doesn't display the sky box, so instead the previously drawn frames are never cleared, just layering them up. So the black wormlike things I described previously are just dozens of rendered birds left in the wake of the active one flying across the screen.

Fully up to date driver, I'm going to try a uninstall/reinstall tomorrow morning. Maybe it just failed to install a sky box image appropriately, or maybe my copy is buggy. We'll see, but its something I've seen a few other people cite.


Gold Member
The underground levels in Stalker are ****ing creepy...and utterly amazing looking. Mediocre visuals my ass.


Gold Member


Chiggs said:
The underground levels in Stalker are ****ing creepy...and utterly amazing looking. Mediocre visuals my ass.

you gotta remember, you're on gaf. some peoples standards on here are ridiculous.

nice shots too by the way. i still gotta install it. kind of hungry.


Yeah that looks pretty good. Freakin' stupid shame that bump mapping seems to be disabled when you turn off dynamic lighting. Pretty sure my x700 has room for some bump mapping but dynamic gives me 1/5 of the fps..


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Ok, I have a question. I'm about 6 hours in at the
mobile lab. I just escorted the guy to take the "readings", and had the cinematic where an explosion happens and I end up on a bus. We fought our way back to the mobile lab, and I got the mission to find the guy's body in the swamp. The problem is, I have this crazy brown/white sparkly screen effect happening constantly. It makes everything look dull brown and somewhat bright. Is this a bug, or am I supposed to have this happening to me constantly?

Also, for those of you who got the first replacement suit to wear:
nightvision is usable while wearing it. Press 'n' to activate it. I just stumbled across that


White Man said:
The game is now on direct2drive for those of you that would like to legally download it.

Yeah, but for $10 more than in store =/

What's even the point of digital distribution if it costs more than the normal SKU?


Gold Member
Christ, this game is ****ing hard. Apogram or whatever it's called is killing me. And Mole is ****ing dead, but my PDA says to get info from him! And that psi-mutant freaked me out!!! ARGHHHHH1!!!!1!

White Man

FLEABttn said:
Yeah, but for $10 more than in store =/

What's even the point of digital distribution if it costs more than the normal SKU?

Convenience. If I wanted to drunkenly purchase it at 2am, when I don't care about 10 bucks, it's there.
I ordered it today. I'm digging that it's at a reduced price. Hopefully a lot of folks buy this and it sends a message to the developers of the FPS genre.
Stupid tech crap:
A friend and I picked our copies up today...

Playing this on a friend's stock Core2Duo 6400, 2GB DDR800 RAM, stock 8800GTS 320 MB with 'dynamic lighting on objects' and everything (AA, AF, draw dist., lighting dist., veg. distance, etc.) except for texture quality maxed (it's a notch below max) at 1600x1200 (60Hz, V-Synch), the game looks pretty awesome and holds a pretty decent 30+ FPS with few hitches or hiccups except for when things get dark and dynamic lights from flash lights and such on the overland. With everything maxed completely in 'static lighting', it's 60+ FPS all the time, though it does look quite a bit flatter by comparison but still pretty ****ing nice. Hopefully, some optimization will come in the form of a patch or two soon enough.

Playing this on my mildly updated computer at home (stock P4 2.6 HT, 2GB DDR400 RAM, stock X800 Pro 256MB), I can play at default medium settings at 1280x1024 (with static lighting, of course) at better than 30 FPS on average. Looks pretty damned nice, too.


Only been playing for a few hours, but already I love this game. It's like a Russian Fallout meets a mix of Deus Ex, Op. Flashpoint, and Far Cry. Love it, love it. Very atmospheric and very fresh-feeling. Please, please...don't let it be too long before someone mods this bitch with (at least) 2 player co-op.


HAHA. JESUS CHRIST. I was about to quit the game and make a post asking about how any of you guys could be enjoying this, what with the difficulty being so insanely high. So I'm in the menus, first seeing if I can change the the super crappy giant crosshairs, relieved that I can get the rad little circle I also notice that the difficulty is SET TO ****ING MASTER. Oh man. It has been so hard.. so hard U GUYS, MASTER IS NOT FUN. While I enjoyed my enemy's ability to richochet bullets off surfaces into me with a delicate precision, I will be switching to my previously intended difficulty of 'stalker'.



I really like this game so far.

I was a bit disappointed with performance initially. I had 1280x1024 (I'm not using my widescreen LCD until they fix the HORRIBLE Widescreen cropping), static lighting and all the options at medium and I was getting a rough 30+ FPS. Then I turned off antialiasing (which appeared to be doing nothing) and now I'm getting a pretty solid 50+ FPS.

Some things I don't like about the game. Movement feels really generic. The way you run and jump and interact with the environment... it's all so bland.

Anyways, that's about the only thing I don't like. I love the huge world to explore and I love how fricken insane and frantic firefights get. I didn't mess around with the kiddy difficulty options, I went straight for veteran and it's just insane the way the AI keeps you pinned down. Love the loot finding mentality the game promotes. I've died so many times just getting carried away by all the treasure you can find...

Back to the game now. :p

White Man

You know, I was disappointed with performance at first, too, mainly because I paid a lot of money for this machine a few months ago and I expect to be able to play everything with a framerate that meets my requirements. I got over it. Dynamic lighting is clearly either buggy, or at least unoptimized. I was able to get it to work decently if I lowered my shadow detail, grass, and texture detail levels (texture detail by only 1 notch so it still looked fine). It was a pretty stable 60, but it wouldn't stay there in a firefight, so I went back to static. I'll live.

I still want patches, stat!
i'm enjoying it so far. dynamic lighting was balls on my rig though. game started, fmv played, and then i was... surrounded by blue sky? apparently the textures didn't want to load or something, but the second i turned dynamic light off and restarted, bam, worked. looks pretty good except for the models, which are pretty terrible. games fun though, the first mission was a bitch until i got the hang of it.

i think it's going to be worth my money though.


:lol @ maus. That happened to me a few times in other games too!

:O @ Chiggs shots. Looks damn awesome, like Doom III + F.E.A.R. in one.

BTW by underground you mean inside the nuclear plant? Do you visit the nuclear plant in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ?

White Man - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is just one of those games that always run like ass. That are coded by inept, amateur coders. Examples: Deus Ex, Ultima IX: Ascension (that was a trainwreck of performance).

White Man

Borys said:
White Man - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is just one of those games that always run like ass. That are coded by inept, amateur coders. Examples: Deus Ex, Ultima IX: Ascension (that was a trainwreck of performance).

Don't be so hard on Deus Ex! It was based off Unreal Engine 1.0, which was optimized for Glide, and thus a total and complete piece of low colored shit.


White Man said:
Don't be so hard on Deus Ex! It was based off Unreal Engine 1.0, which was optimized for Glide, and thus a total and complete piece of low colored shit.

Regardless, asking for a 'performance patch' for a game like Stalker that has been in dev for 2349823409423908 years is sort of hilarious

This game will probably run like ass until we're using quint core machines or whatever

... who cares, turn off dynamic, enjoy the radiation :D
1-D_FTW said:
I can beat that a little (processor). How far are you turning the settings down? All these horror stories kinda had me thinking I should hold off until I upgrade.

Ive cut grass down to 30% and lighting is static, but textures are approx at 70-80% (on the slider :p ) and the visual distance is at maximum. Ive got it running in widescreen 1280 x 768. It really doesn't look half bad.

Avalon said:
Some things I don't like about the game. Movement feels really generic. The way you run and jump and interact with the environment... it's all so bland.

Yeah, thats my only gripe with the game, it's there, it's beautiful, but it's barren. Which may be the point though when you think about it. There's only one thing to do out there and that's shooting stuff. It could've really done with some Half-Life type puzzles.

Anyways, that's about the only thing I don't like. I love the huge world to explore and I love how fricken insane and frantic firefights get. I didn't mess around with the kiddy difficulty options, I went straight for veteran and it's just insane the way the AI keeps you pinned down. Love the loot finding mentality the game promotes. I've died so many times just getting carried away by all the treasure you can find...

Back to the game now. :p

Hmm all the boxes I open seem to be empty :-/. And yes, Im also playing at veteran, the AI is quite good and it makes the firefights enjoyable.

Mau ®

I think it looks fine judging by the screens people are posting. Very atmospheric IMO which is something I appreciate in all my games.

I'll get this Sunday.


Time to spice up this thread with some S.T.A.L.K.E.R. shots from other forums!

(I've picked up the best ones)








Texture work is so simple yet so amazing :O


Here's a very known game easter-egg in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:



MightyHedgehog said:
Stupid tech crap:
A friend and I picked our copies up today...

Playing this on a friend's stock Core2Duo 6400, 2GB DDR800 RAM, stock 8800GTS 320 MB with 'dynamic lighting on objects' and everything (AA, AF, draw dist., lighting dist., veg. distance, etc.) except for texture quality maxed (it's a notch below max) at 1600x1200 (60Hz, V-Synch), the game looks pretty awesome and holds a pretty decent 30+ FPS with few hitches or hiccups except for when things get dark and dynamic lights from flash lights and such on the overland.
If that system can't run it at full at/near 60 fps, they definitely need to make with the patches.

Not to mention the fact that the game is jus buggy in general. My favorite moment: I talked to some dude and he replied with a long paragraph that was immediately taken off the screen to make room for some "mission complete" text (I don't remember the exact words). It looked important so I pulled up the PDA and found the text. Then, after getting through one sentence I got WTFPWNED by a group of dogs attacking us. Fortunately I've learned to save every 30 seconds.


Junior Member
EviLore said:
Narrated Chernobyl photo essay. Note: real life horrors, not for the faint of heart, etc.

Seems appropriate to post (link c/o KristianV at QT3). Might be easy to forget about the lasting effects of Chernobyl, but there you have it.

What a horror. Here in Belarus everybody of course know about it, but few know what exactly happened and why. Information on this is still censured.

Nobody's breaking street date here, gonna pick it up tomorrow for 10 bucks. I'm pretty sure it's gonna make 1M+ in post-USSR. And several times more then that through not legal ways )

What is this number? See the red arrow. It doesn't show this number all the time.

I started playing it last night. Environment gives totally different feeling. I finished my first assignment. Adding RPG element is great. Very good twist for FPS genre.


The number of other Stalkers in the area. The dude in the shop explained this in the first couple minutes of the game.


Gold Member
Borys said:
BTW by underground you mean inside the nuclear plant? Do you visit the nuclear plant in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ?

There are underground labs and tunnels in the game. They are simply jaw-dropping. And creepy. Also, you do visit the power plant at the end of the game.

I like the fact that I feel like I'm playing a slice of the real world; it makes things very hyper-realistic...and strangely dreamlike. Does that sound weird?


Got a couple of question regarding radiation...

How do you get it in the first place?
Anyone to get rid of it without using food and other healing items?
Do those little accessories you get increase the rate of radiation?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Slo said:
The number of other Stalkers in the area. The dude in the shop explained this in the first couple minutes of the game.
Heh, thanks to the awful performance I encountered upon initial startup, I pretty much missed everything he said. That's good to know.


Gold Member
dark10x said:
Heh, thanks to the awful performance I encountered upon initial startup, I pretty much missed everything he said. That's good to know.

Actually, that number in the upper left hand corner isn't the number of Stalkers in the area; it's your framerate. :lol


dark10x said:
Heh, thanks to the awful performance I encountered upon initial startup, I pretty much missed everything he said. That's good to know.

It'll tell you anyone in the area, not just stalkers. It's useful when you're in enemy territory and you want to know how many are skulking around.

I'm absolutely loving this game so far. I just got through the first underground area which was intense. Graphics are amazing with dynamic lighting on, it's like FEAR with twice the detail.

A few early mission questions:

The mission where you're supposed to kill the imposter trader, did anyone else have the problem that he never appeared at the marker? I ended up failing that one.

And the one where you're supposed to bring back a mutant dog tail, I had two in my inventory and the trader wouldn't acknowledge it, and I failed that one as well. Is that a bug or is there some other dog tail I was supposed to have?

And is there anywhere to spend all this money I have? I want to get some new armor or something (I'm in the Garbage area).


Linkup said:
Awesome screenshots, especially the first one.

So is the multiplayer any good at all?

It's ok. Nothing stands out other than the atmosphere and decent map design, which are areas from the single player game. Hardly anyone is playing though.
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