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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl |OT|


I found one, thanks. Just needed to get by one spot. Did so, turned it off, and now I'm off to the Wish Granter.


Solo said:
I found one, thanks. Just needed to get by one spot. Did so, turned it off, and now I'm off to the Wish Granter.

aye, i've done that loads of times, if you're playing a great game that is marred by one or two shitty moments then i see absolutely nothing wrong with cheating to get past it so you can get back to enjoying the game
subversus said:

What I find interesting is NVIDIA always publishes improvements in FPS for this game in their driver updates. So these games are considered some the modern pinnacle PC games?

God I am so happy I got back into PC gaming a few months ago.
The_Inquisitor said:
What I find interesting is NVIDIA always publishes improvements in FPS for this game in their driver updates. So these games are considered some the modern pinnacle PC games?

God I am so happy I got back into PC gaming a few months ago.

I've said this before, but if GSC world had achieved their original vision with this game as it was represented in their Oblivion Lost build, this game would be at the top of the FPS genre. Even even in its current state, it has moments no other FPS can match, HL2 included.

Damit - I can't wait for the true sequel, 2012 can't come soon enough.


The_Inquisitor said:
What I find interesting is NVIDIA always publishes improvements in FPS for this game in their driver updates. So these games are considered some the modern pinnacle PC games?

God I am so happy I got back into PC gaming a few months ago.
You and me both, brother. There has never been a better time to be a PC gamer.

I just finished STALKER today for the first time. I played and completed the Clear Sky prequel a couple years ago whenever I built my new rig. Clear Sky was a decent game, but nothing stands as strong as the original in my eyes. The atmosphere puts me knee deep and takes me unlike anything I've ever experienced. The architecture of the ghost town molded by 1986's nuclear destruction is second to none and instills an empty sinking feeling as though I'm traversing through a haunted house and left waiting for the flimsy thrill that never comes.

Eager and ambitious, I search and yet the wasteland is vast and empty; I've never felt so alone. The company that NPCs provide keeps me warm at the times that I needed it the most; their inevitable death isn't reassuring and yet I soldier on to find answers to a million questions that one in such a position as this would have.

If you're an FPS fan of any kind then you must play this game. You're doing yourself a huge disservice if you pass it up.
How demanding is this game? The system reqs seem reasonable but I don't trust games developed in Eastern Europe. I'm on a 2008 Imac equipped with a Radeon 2600 XT, 3 GB of ram and a Core 2 Duo.
Red Blaster said:
How demanding is this game? The system reqs seem reasonable but I don't trust games developed in Eastern Europe. I'm on a 2008 Imac equipped with a Radeon 2600 XT, 3 GB of ram and a Core 2 Duo.

I don't know what a 2600 XT is but it sounds crap. Having said that, when the game was first released, I was still on my PC I built for HL2 (in 2004) which had an R9700PRO, 2GB of RAM(?) and I think a single core CPU.

It was kind of playable. Nothing great though.


Red Blaster said:
How demanding is this game? The system reqs seem reasonable but I don't trust games developed in Eastern Europe. I'm on a 2008 Imac equipped with a Radeon 2600 XT, 3 GB of ram and a Core 2 Duo.

With that kind of attitude, you may be better off not playing STALKER at all. The sysreqs are what they are; the game is from 2007 after all. It''ll run on that hardware combination, but the graphics card is the weakest link.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Red Blaster said:
How demanding is this game? The system reqs seem reasonable but I don't trust games developed in Eastern Europe. I'm on a 2008 Imac equipped with a Radeon 2600 XT, 3 GB of ram and a Core 2 Duo.

Imac won't run this game.
I am thinking about playing this again (I beat a year back without any mods) and was wondering what the required mods are for the best experience?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
arts&crafts said:
I am thinking about playing this again (I beat a year back without any mods) and was wondering what the required mods are for the best experience?

complete mod.
Scipius said:
With that kind of attitude, you may be better off not playing STALKER at all. The sysreqs are what they are; the game is from 2007 after all. It''ll run on that hardware combination, but the graphics card is the weakest link.

Pardon me? I don't trust the system reqs for eastern Euro games because they're typically janky as fuck. My old machine met the recommended specs for Armed Assault and it still ran like shit.

Thanks for the input anyway.


Red Blaster said:
Pardon me? I don't trust the system reqs for eastern Euro games because they're typically janky as fuck. My old machine met the recommended specs for Armed Assault and it still ran like shit.

Thanks for the input anyway.

So you had one bad experience and you assume all developers within a 1000 km radius behave the same way, even when those developers use entirely different game engines? STALKER is best experienced by leaving certain FPS assumptions regarding "jank" at the door.

There's nothing wrong with STALKER's sysreqs; you will perhaps be required to run it without dynamic lighting, which sucks, but it will run on that hardware combo. The fact that it's an iMac is a handicap you've chosen for yourself; the game was made for Windows after all. Otherwise I'd recommend a graphics card upgrade.

arts&crafts said:

Yes, that's the one.
I tried getting into STALKER recently (love the idea) but it was a little too archaic and ugly for me, even with the Complete mod.

Might I have success at just forgetting about the first two games and checking out CoP instead?


LaserBuddha said:
I tried getting into STALKER recently (love the idea) but it was a little too archaic and ugly for me, even with the Complete mod.

Might I have success at just forgetting about the first two games and checking out CoP instead?
Archaic and ugly? How so?

Also, CoP is still STALKER; if you dislike the first two then you probably won't like it any better.
DangerStepp said:
Archaic and ugly? How so?

Also, CoP is still STALKER; if you dislike the first two then you probably won't like it any better.

I liked the gameplay elements, I just wanted less stiff controls/animation and would like better graphics.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Orellio said:
Doesn't matter, game is fine without it.

It does matter and it comes along well. Pavel wanted to release before Christmas but no luck.

And no, the game isn't fine without that. I hope Pavel brings back dynamic anomalies. What a fuck up.


LaserBuddha said:
I liked the gameplay elements, I just wanted less stiff controls/animation and would like better graphics.

Only Crysis and Metro 2033 look better graphically than STALKER with the Complete mod. I suppose the animation isn't anything special though.


LaserBuddha said:
I liked the gameplay elements, I just wanted less stiff controls/animation and would like better graphics.
I think it may be the art style that is rubbing you the wrong way. It's a unique looking game, but the graphics are by no means "bad".


Fallout-NL said:
Hmmm. As for the original STALKER, it both looked and seemed to run a lot better with the complete mod.

I agree, but the post I was quoting was referring to Call of Pripyat.


Definitely diving into this game after I finish Risen. I need a break from fantasy monsters and don't want to jump right into Icewind Dale after Risen for fear of fantasy overload. I've got SoS installed with the complete mod installed too, so can't wait. The idea of an open FPS really intrigues me, and the setting makes it even more intriguing.
Orellio said:
I agree, but the post I was quoting was referring to Call of Pripyat.

Yes, I know, it was my post.

But since you agree, wouldn't it make sense for me to inquire after the complete mod for COP?


subversus said:
Imac won't run this game.
Because it's not compatible with the Mac OS or because of the system requirements? I know my crappy Laptop was able to play the game (nothing spectacular) and my current Mac with bootcamp is running things I could never dream of with the laptop.
Toshiba Satellites suck
Fallout-NL said:
Yes, I know, it was my post.

But since you agree, wouldn't it make sense for me to inquire after the complete mod for COP?
I played CoP without the Complete mod and it honestly is fine. I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do after I heard the Complete mod made SoC so much better, but I didn't encounter one glitch in CoP and with the Atmosfear mod it looked utterly incredible.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Fallout-NL said:
Yes, I know, it was my post.

But since you agree, wouldn't it make sense for me to inquire after the complete mod for COP?


artistpavel said:
Dolgov Studio
Choose what happens to NPCs that are caught in the open during emission:

a) NPCs will be killed at the end (like in vanilla)
b) NPCs will be killed when the advancing blowout wave meets them
c) NPCs will be turned to zombies by wave

Just wait for it.


erotic butter maelstrom
I have downloaded the Complete mod, and this game is now installed on my PC (Steam), but when I try to install the mod file it says that it can't find my installation of STALKER: SoC. Has anyone else had this problem?


Snuggler said:
I have downloaded the Complete mod, and this game is now installed on my PC (Steam), but when I try to install the mod file it says that it can't find my installation of STALKER: SoC. Has anyone else had this problem?
If I'm remembering this right, you have to run vanilla Stalker at least once before the mod recognizes it.


erotic butter maelstrom
This game is pretty amazing so far. It even tops Fallout 3/NV when it comes to wandering scary post-apocalyptic wastelands. The threat of death is all around me, this shit isn't easy, and I love it. I've always heard that the gunplay in STALKER is weak, but that's certainly not the case in my experience. Maybe it's part of the complete mod, but kills are satisfying, especially close up blasts with the sawed off shotgun.

I love it. With the Complete mod it looks incredible and it runs all max/60 fps for me which is lovely.

I do hate those weird invisible things that try to kill me.
Snuggler said:
This game is pretty amazing so far. It even tops Fallout 3/NV when it comes to wandering scary post-apocalyptic wastelands. The threat of death is all around me, this shit isn't easy, and I love it. I've always heard that the gunplay in STALKER is weak, but that's certainly not the case in my experience. Maybe it's part of the complete mod, but kills are up satisfying, especially close of blasts with the sawed off shotgun.

I love it. With the Complete mod it looks incredible and it runs all max/60 fps for me which is lovely.

I do hate those weird invisible things that try to kill me.

How far are you? Those damn anomalies have gotten me killed when running away from other enemies.


erotic butter maelstrom
Lasthope106 said:
How far are you? Those damn anomalies have gotten me killed when running away from other enemies.

I'm only a couple hours in, so I have no idea how to kill those damn things. I just sprint away if I get too close. Just about anything can kill me right now, so I've just been avoiding almost everything for now. I need a scoped weapon ASAP.
Snuggler said:
I'm only a couple hours in, so I have no idea how to kill those damn things. I just sprint away if I get too close. Just about anything can kill me right now, so I've just been avoiding almost everything for now. I need a scoped weapon ASAP.
Scoped weapons do make the game a bit easier. You'll get through it, and once you get to the bar, some scoped weapons will be available. Once you beat this game, play CoP and marvel at how they made a great game even better.
Snuggler said:
I'm only a couple hours in, so I have no idea how to kill those damn things. I just sprint away if I get too close. Just about anything can kill me right now, so I've just been avoiding almost everything for now. I need a scoped weapon ASAP.

Snuggler, you need to go into an internet blackout with anything S.T.A.L.K.E.R. related. Don't read walkthroughs, FAQs, etc, block it all. This game demands it. You are about to enter one of the most immersible atmospheres available in all gaming.


erotic butter maelstrom
Okay, I love this game. It's like all the things I love in gaming distilled into one game. The word immersive gets thrown around a lot these days, but STALKER sucks me in like nothing else. The moody, desolate setting combined with the creepy ambient noises keep my palms sweaty and my ass on the edge of my seat. I find myself creeping slowly down roads, scoping out every structure and lifeform I see with the binoculars. There are very few moments when I feel safe and secure, it seems like there is always something deadly just a few steps away.

It's harsh as fuck, but I'm feeling a bit more capable after acquiring a scoped rifle. I returned to the military checkpoint (under the railroad bridge) where I was torn up by a group of experienced enemies, and I pasted those fools from a distance. They didn't even know where I was shooting them from, and I ran up with my silenced pistol and put one through the last enemy's dome and pasted his brains all over a concrete wall. It was a very satisfying moment, especially after running from those assholes earlier in the game.

I've already had quite a few incredible moments like that. The game is full of unpredictable moments, sometimes exhilarating, sometimes terrifying, sometimes soul crushingly harsh and I love it. Unfortunately I had to pull myself away from STALKER to go to work, but I can't wait to get the fuck out of here and get back to this awesome game.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Snuggler said:
Okay, I love this game. It's like all the things I love in gaming distilled into one game. The word immersive gets thrown around a lot these days, but STALKER sucks me in like nothing else. The moody, desolate setting combined with the creepy ambient noises keep my palms sweaty and my ass on the edge of my seat. I find myself creeping slowly down roads, scoping out every structure and lifeform I see with the binoculars. There are very few moments when I feel safe and secure, it seems like there is always something deadly just a few steps away.

It's harsh as fuck, but I'm feeling a bit more capable after acquiring a scoped rifle. I returned to the military checkpoint (under the railroad bridge) where I was torn up by a group of experienced enemies, and I pasted those fools from a distance. They didn't even know where I was shooting them from, and I ran up with my silenced pistol and put one through the last enemy's dome and pasted his brains all over a concrete wall. It was a very satisfying moment, especially after running from those assholes earlier in the game.

I've already had quite a few incredible moments like that. The game is full of unpredictable moments, sometimes exhilarating, sometimes terrifying, sometimes soul crushingly harsh and I love it. Unfortunately I had to pull myself away from STALKER to go to work, but I can't wait to get the fuck out of here and get back to this awesome game.

yes, that's STALKER experience.


OK guys I am extremely close to deciding to play STALKER for the first time ever. Can you please tell me THE most important mod I need for the game?


isamu said:
OK guys I am extremely close to deciding to play STALKER for the first time ever. Can you please tell me THE most important mod I need for the game?

STALKER Complete 2009 is the only mod you need. It is a compilation of mods and it is essential.

All the great looking images of the game are with this mod.

Link to newest version - STALKER Complete 2009 1.4.4 (scroll down)



DennisK4 said:
STALKER Complete 2009 is the only mod you need. It is a compilation of mods and it is essential.

All the great looking images of the game are with this mod.

Link to newest version - STALKER Complete 2009 1.4.4 (scroll down)


Thanks for the reply dennis. Is it easy to install? I avoided playing Oblivion because of how confusing it is to install mods such as OOO and what not.


isamu said:
Thanks for the reply dennis. Is it easy to install? I avoided playing Oblivion because of how confusing it is to install mods such as OOO and what not.
Super easy.

If I recall correctly, you should start up the unmodded game once so that it can create a certain file before you install the mod.

But there should be instructions along with the mod.
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