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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl |OT|


DennisK4 said:
Super easy.

If I recall correctly, you should start up the unmodded game once so that it can create a certain file before you install the mod.

But there should be instructions along with the mod.

sounds good man, thanks :)
DennisK4 said:
STALKER Complete 2009 is the only mod you need. It is a compilation of mods and it is essential.

All the great looking images of the game are with this mod.

Link to newest version - STALKER Complete 2009 1.4.4 (scroll down)


Perfect timing, I just bought the game last night off amazon. Never played it before, not much of a PC gamer.

Gonna download this mod and fire it up, can't wait to play it.

Every time I played this game, I got that game ending bug at the end. Even with such a terrible bug, I still recommend this game to everyone. The systems are so good. The action is solid, the underground parts can be pretty terrifying, and it will make you look at other shooters differently after you're done.

The Complete mod makes it more like CoP in my opinion, which is why I enjoyed it more.
DennisK4 said:
STALKER Complete 2009 is the only mod you need. It is a compilation of mods and it is essential.

All the great looking images of the game are with this mod.

Link to newest version - STALKER Complete 2009 1.4.4 (scroll down)

I've been interested in this game since I saw pics in the screenshot thread. I wasn't sure if I should start with Chernobyl or jump into the newer Pripyat, but it sounds like Chernobyl with the 2009 mod is what I want.

I just got back from Best Buy with a copy ($19.99!) and I'm just about to install, mod, and play!


Yeah guys, I think I'm done with this game. It's just way too easy! I just started playing yesterday and I'm already up to where you gotta
save Mole and help infiltrate the camp, and then proceed to find Strelok's group's stash[/b]. I haven't died ONCE! The firefights offer no challenge whatsoever. Granted, I'm using a trainer with the Unlimited Health code, but still. I thought it'd be way harder. Going back to Bioshock.


isamu said:
Yeah guys, I think I'm done with this game. It's just way too easy! I just started playing yesterday and I'm already up to where you gotta
save Mole and help infiltrate the camp, and then proceed to find Strelok's group's stash[/b]. I haven't died ONCE! The firefights offer no challenge whatsoever. Granted, I'm using a trainer with the Unlimited Health code, but still. I thought it'd be way harder. Going back to Bioshock.
Joke post? If not, then come on man....

The game also comes with lots of difficulty levels....
isamu said:
Yeah guys, I think I'm done with this game. It's just way too easy! I just started playing yesterday and I'm already up to where you gotta
save Mole and help infiltrate the camp, and then proceed to find Strelok's group's stash[/b]. I haven't died ONCE! The firefights offer no challenge whatsoever. Granted, I'm using a trainer with the Unlimited Health code, but still. I thought it'd be way harder. Going back to Bioshock.
They see me trolling...


Unconfirmed Member
isamu said:
Yeah guys, I think I'm done with this game. It's just way too easy! I just started playing yesterday and I'm already up to where you gotta
save Mole and help infiltrate the camp, and then proceed to find Strelok's group's stash[/b]. I haven't died ONCE! The firefights offer no challenge whatsoever. Granted, I'm using a trainer with the Unlimited Health code, but still. I thought it'd be way harder. Going back to Bioshock.
Download the complete mod, have crosshair disabled, and set it to master. Also to make sure you have F5 to quicksave and F6 for quickload. You would soon to see these become second nature. Now have fun!


Is there any way to get the game to pause during conversations? Any mods or something?

I love the game so far but this is really frustrating me, last night was my first time really playing the game (I had just done the intro sequence up until then) and on three separate occasions this has happened during one-time, story-related conversations. The third time the guy I was talking to ended up dying because I had to fumble through the menu for 5 or 6 seconds and, since I wasn't shot, it didn't close on its own. Being the stickler I am for story details. I loaded an older save each time, but the third time it happened I got sick of it and rage quit.

I don't care if it doesn't pause while looking through the inventory or something, I actually kind of like that, but I don't want to miss out on story details because of this and it's happening too frequently for me to repeat everything each time that happens.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm starting to feel a little more powerful now that I have an AK with a scope and increasing stopping power. It helps that I horde medkits and have like 25 of them right now. The silence pistol is still my weapon of choice, though, putting one in the back of a bandit's head is delightful. I'm on my way to the labs so I'll get to see what the deal is with that.

Out of all the games I've played with my PC so far, this is by far the the best of the bunch for me. <3


Snuggler said:
I'm starting to feel a little more powerful now that I have an AK with a scope and increasing stopping power. It helps that I horde medkits and have like 25 of them right now. I feeling a bit safer now, but I'm on my way to the labs so I get to see what the deal is with that.

Out of all the games I've played with my PC so far, this is by far the pick of the litter for me. <3
When you are done with the game and have played some other games, you should play STALKER: Clear Skies. There is a Complete mod out for that game too.

And then STALKER: Call of Pripyat....


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Snuggler said:
I'm starting to feel a little more powerful now that I have an AK with a scope and increasing stopping power. It helps that I horde medkits and have like 25 of them right now. I feeling a bit safer now, but I'm on my way to the labs so I get to see what the deal is with that.

Out of all the games I've played with my PC so far, this is by far the the best of the bunch for me. <3

Haha, prepare for Dead Space experience, only scarier.

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
Started playing this again. Just entered pripyat, I'm geared out like nuts. Walking tank of silent destruction!

Gauss rifle scared the shit out of me. New bullet trail and sound going past my head in total darkness.


erotic butter maelstrom
DennisK4 said:
When you are done with the game and have played some other games, you should play STALKER: Clear Skies. There is a Complete mod out for that game too. And then STALKER: Call of Pripyat....

I'll have CoP ready to go since I got both out of the Steam sale. I almost feel guilty for only paying $5 for both of these games.

Haha, prepare for Dead Space experience, only scarier.

oh damn maybe I shouldn't have just smoked
Snuggler said:
I'm starting to feel a little more powerful now that I have an AK with a scope and increasing stopping power. It helps that I horde medkits and have like 25 of them right now. The silence pistol is still my weapon of choice, though, putting one in the back of a bandit's head is delightful. I'm on my way to the labs so I'll get to see what the deal is with that.

Out of all the games I've played with my PC so far, this is by far the the best of the bunch for me. <3

Ah, the labs... enjoy;)


Bear said:
Is there any way to get the game to pause during conversations? Any mods or something?

STALKER doesn't pause for anything unfortunately. Your problem sounds quite rare; dialogue usually occurs only in safe zones/situations. Did you lead some enemies over to your location? How far along are you?

Snuggler said:
oh damn maybe I shouldn't have just smoked

No, you really shouldn't have. I can only hope it isn't also dark outside for you now.

isamu said:
Yeah guys, I think I'm done with this game. It's just way too easy! I just started playing yesterday and I'm already up to where you gotta
save Mole and help infiltrate the camp, and then proceed to find Strelok's group's stash[/b]. I haven't died ONCE! The firefights offer no challenge whatsoever. Granted, I'm using a trainer with the Unlimited Health code, but still. I thought it'd be way harder. Going back to Bioshock.
How can one man post so much fail in one post? Incredible.
Stalker is trulely scary, sense of dread as you navigate an abandoned building at night with a thunderstorm on top of you. Then get completely raped cause you suit doesn't have nightvision.


Snuggler said:
oh damn maybe I shouldn't have just smoked


erotic butter maelstrom
The labs were pretty intense. The levitating torso things freaked me out, but my sawed off shotty took care of them pretty fast. Fuck those flaming pillars, though, whatever the hell they were. I never thought I'd be so relieved to get back to the Zone.

best game

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
Just beat stalker. Pripyat and the last area sucked compared to the rest of the game. Overall i really enjoyed the game except the very end which was trial and error hell.


yes, that talented of a member
Okay, I'm not trying to troll, but howcome s.t.a.l.k.e.r. never came out on consoles? at least 360? it would have killed it on there! it's popularity would be up there with bioshock...


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
erlim said:
Okay, I'm not trying to troll, but howcome s.t.a.l.k.e.r. never came out on consoles? at least 360? it would have killed it on there! it's popularity would be up there with bioshock...

Old tech + gameplay with no handholding is too unforgiving + lack of polish = no 360. It wouldn't have been up there with Bioshock, it's absolutely anti-console shooter. Bioshock is very user-friendly by all means.
erlim said:
Okay, I'm not trying to troll, but howcome s.t.a.l.k.e.r. never came out on consoles? at least 360? it would have killed it on there! it's popularity would be up there with bioshock...

The main two things that immediately come to mind is the interface, and the difficulty. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is one of the most unforgiving games out there, and restricting the interface to a controller would have made it impossible to play (Imagine having a button on the 360 controller dedicated to quick-saving).

Another thing that wouldn't have flied with the console crowd is that there is no hand-holding at all. The developers expect you to be smart enough to figure out their game. This as opposed to most AAA console shooters where the entire first level is usually a tutorial to introduce the game mechanics.

Lastly, the most important thing that has kept the Stalker games relevant is the Mods. Releasing it to console takes away what in my opinion is the most important strength of the game.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Lasthope106 said:
Another thing that wouldn't have flied with the console crowd is that there is no hand-holding at all. The developers expect you to be smart enough to figure out their game. This as opposed to most AAA console shooters where the entire first level is usually a tutorial to introduce the game mechanics.

Frankly speaking nothing is wrong with tutorial, the game can only benefit from it. I don't care about simplification of interface either and button prompts. The worst sin of all console shooters is that the game can be completed by any moron with no resource management at all. Basically there are two types of games - cinematic experiences which don't need to be difficult and mechanics-focused games where you have fun by mastering it. STALKER is the mechanics-focused game. It doesn't need flashy story. It's about you going from A to B and experiencing awesome hostile environment along the way. The fun is in how you approach this environment, how you deal with it. The only console game that was working this way is Far Cry 2, but it doesn't have the same breadth and possibilities as Zone. And judging from COP they're drifting in consolization direction unfortunately. And i'm not talking about interface.


Is there any tips you could give me to play this game?

I find this rather hard and unforgiving even on the lowest difficulty settings, and I find it frustrating with the weight requirements and the fact that armor and weapons have to be cycled out and replaced, even if they're a really good piece of armor.

Why can't I buy patch kits for my armor and weapons to repair them in the field? You'd think on a game that boasts a sort of "surviving in the wild with mutants and radiation by yourself" that would be something they would have implemented.

Granted, I mean the first game. I tried Clear Sky and got about 30 minutes in and couldn't take it. Quests finished themselves, and friendlies just randomly died on me. It all felt very unpolished and rough.

I hear about the "complete" mods, but are they really a good improvement?


erotic butter maelstrom
The complete 2009 is a major improvement. It's the way to play STALKER SoC.

check this link to see all it does, but it's a must-have and it doesn't compromise the dev's vision in any way

The game can be harsh at times, but once you break that several hour mark you should have a few capable weapons and there are places you can go to get them fixed, but they're very durable so I haven't had to deal with a weapon or armor breaking in my nearly 20 hours of playtime. Shit, I haven't even hit the 50% mark with any of them yet. If I can't bother with a repair, I can just swap them out when I find a corpse with the same gun. The weight is a matter of trimming your inventory to just what you need, you only need one gun of each type (range, pistol, auto, shotty) and be sure to carry only one suit and sell everything else you won't need. If you're over the limit, you're likely to be carrying a good 10-20 pounds of shit you don't need. Minimalism is a good thing.

Like I said, it can be harsh but at this point in my playthrough, I feel like I've found a good way to tackle the game.
Is this thread strictly for SOC or is it for the Stalker series in general? I ask because I just got Pripyat and am wondering what to expect.


Okay, I think I got to the part where I saved some dude from a chopper, only as he's walking back another group spawned and killed him before I could do anything about it.

Then I got to another place where it's like, "well you can either go underground, or go north to the bar" and I looked at my PDA for the map and saw a few things I could explore (which for some reason there was no stash when I went to investigate) and just kinda went "I'm not really interested in anything but the enviroment right now, blehh" and never went back.

I'll definitely check out that stalker complete mod though, thank you.
leatherhat said:
Is this thread strictly for SOC or is it for the Stalker series in general? I ask because I just got Pripyat and am wondering what to expect.

Pripyat is the best of the 3 to just jump into. It's super fun and polished without having to mod it.
Picked this up in the Steam sales a while back (after lurking/awaiting approval) on GAF's recommendation. Definitely ranks up there as one of my favourite games. Especially with the Complete pack, it was completely worth it.

Difficulty level was insane though, especially in the last phase of the game, I was literally out of ammo, my armour was destroyed and soooo many times I thought I was going to have to give up, but persevered with the quick save to make sure every bullet hit a target.

Also grabbed Pripyat at the time, but waiting for the final Complete pack on that one as well until I start into it.


erotic butter maelstrom
Fuck, my game is bugged. :(

I'm on my way to turn off the
brain scorcher
. My most recent save is right by the entrance to the next zone, and everytime I try to pass through the game instantly crashes and the little info box pops up and says there was a bug or something with the xray engine. I could try entering/re-entering the current zone, but that probably won't help AND there was like 12 enemies that just took over the area so I'll have to run from them to even have a chance at leaving the zone another way.

Damn, and I was nearly 20 hours in and having a great time. Any suggestions for fixing this, or am I just screwed?

Now it's crashing before I even try to leave the zone. Guess I'm fucked, on to CoP then...
This is the exact same bug I had. I never got to finish the game.

Somehow, I've had the exact same bug destroy my game on two separate machines. I'm sorry to say, but I've found no way to fix it.


erotic butter maelstrom
OK, I went back to an older save and I was able to progress past that part. Hopefully the problem doesn't reoccur.

I tried Call of Pripyat and it didn't look nearly as good as SoC complete. Like, it looked like it came out a few years before SoC complete, not after. Weird.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Snuggler said:
OK, I went back to an older save and I was able to progress past that part. Hopefully the problem doesn't reoccur.

I tried Call of Pripyat and it didn't look nearly as good as SoC complete. Like, it looked like it came out a few years before SoC complete, not after. Weird.

Damn, I need to finish my epic post "Why Call of Pripyat sucks". I have doc lying somewhere on my hdd.
This will be interesting :)

I mean, there's not much between SoC and CoP for me, but the latter pips it just. Feels like the more complete experience, I suppose.

Let's all just agree Clear Sky was pretty shit.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I bought the game and was wondering if all the bug-killing patches follows with the CD?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Yoshichan said:
I bought the game and was wondering if all the bug-killing patches follows with the CD?

No, you've to download them. And then you've to download and install Complete mod. It fixes even more bugs and makes the game awesome without altering experience too much. It's easy to install.
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