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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!


Duke Togo said:
It probably couldn't hurt...a good sword/shield combo is a pretty good way to start, I figure. I've been reading stuff from the sacred 2 wikifor skills and what not. I've already made a couple screw ups for my build, but nothing too major. :lol

What you use? dont want to make the same mistake :lol


GDJustin said:
So far I have a level 5 shadow warrior dude, and I'm not feeling the game too much. Can anyone help?


Don't have the time to reply to everything here, but you should know that to attack, you simply hold down the button, not tap it. Combat arts are a one-time press that you sometimes have to wait a moment for your character to stop swinging before it activates.

But yeah, hold down the button.

As for my own issues of not being able to find a character to play, and resisting playing a Seraphim, I finally gave in and tried one out. Turns out the class is twice as enjoyable as the rest for me. The combat arts for the class are great fun to use. I can finally start building an actual character now.:D

Duke Togo

Loudninja said:
What you use? dont want to make the same mistake :lol
Well, just as a complete noob mistake, I didn't know that you could choose offensive/defensive skills when I was given the choice to learn new skills at level up. (all you need to do is press right when that menu comes up) Consequently, I went until level 10 only leveling combat art skills, completely unaware that you could level any number of offensive/defensive skills. :lol


I am playing a Shadow Warrior and wanted to make a Neco tank character so I have so far chosen,

Sword Weapons
Armor Lore
Shield Lore
Tactics Lore

Picked up Armor Lore to try to mitigate some of the increased regen time since I plan on using the highest level armor I can find and went with Shield Lore to get the bump in armor level. Tactics lore is for the DPS boost


Since I am going to be trying to keep my skeletons as close to me in level that I can I picked this to help offset the huge regen penalty that comes with having them summoned.

Astral Lord Lore

Improve skeleton dps

Also when upgrading Nether Allegiance I chose the 2 that added +1 to the number summoned, If I had to chose again I would probably do the +1 and then the two armor upgrades because at level 25 now I find the are having a hard time staying up.
depward said:
Coldsnap said:
So whats it like partying up with a friend that is a higher level?
Not very great. My friend was level 3 and I was 7 - same console co-op - and he kept on getting two-shotted..

It was awesome for me, i was 9 and was playing with 2 friends around level 4-5 and another friend just rented the game so he was level 1. The guy who just got it caught up in levels to the 4-5 people REALLY fast, and now were all 16 and 15. as long as they stay back for a little while and just rake in XP and loot they will catch up in no time.


Duke Togo said:
Well, just as a complete noob mistake, I didn't know that you could choose offensive/defensive skills when I was given the choice to learn new skills at level up. (all you need to do is press right when that menu comes up) Consequently, I went until level 10 only leveling combat art skills, completely unaware that you could level any number of offensive/defensive skills. :lol

Ok :lol well I made it to Level 3,and I found this really great shield. :D


Nobiru said:
It was awesome for me, i was 9 and was playing with 2 friends around level 4-5 and another friend just rented the game so he was level 1. The guy who just got it caught up in levels to the 4-5 people REALLY fast, and now were all 16 and 15. as long as they stay back for a little while and just rake in XP and loot they will catch up in no time.
I overtook a friend while we were playing thanks to a few potions of the mentor. I was already getting 50% more exp than him because of the level differences and then the potion gave me another 50%. Such a nice way to powerlevel.


Escort missions make me want to kill kittens. Seriously, why do idiotic npcs feel the need to charge off-screen mobs with zero life?

Oh well. I got my Temple Guardian up to 10 a bit ago. I re-rolled him 3 times before finally settling on a Lost Fusion build. Loving the game except for the friendly AI.


How many players can this accommodate online for the PS3 or 360?

EDIT: This is stupid. I can't even find this information on the official site for fucks sake.
nyong said:
Escort missions make me want to kill kittens. Seriously, why do idiotic npcs feel the need to charge off-screen mobs with zero life?

Oh well. I got my Temple Guardian up to 10 a bit ago. I re-rolled him 3 times before finally settling on a Lost Fusion build. Loving the game except for the friendly AI.

omg YES, it sucks even more when you have 3 escort quests at once :'(


So what's the general consensus on this game? Is there one yet?

Anyone playing the High Elf? I'm looking through the wiki and it's kind of ironic but it seems the Seraphim has better/cooler offensive magic than the High Elf. Any comments?

Also, in a loot game like this, sometimes magic users get marginalized because of loot directly benefiting physical attacks users more than magic users. How is it in this game?


GDJustin said:
- Combat just feels very stiff. When I DID start to kill that dude I started hitting the A button (the sword button) and my character just sorta convulsed. I figured out that I needed to SLOWLY press A and let his animation complete, otherwise he would just start the attack animation over and over and no attacks would land.

I'm pretty sure you just have to hold down the A button, not press it repeadetly.


ElyrionX said:
So what's the general consensus on this game? Is there one yet?
Summed up pretty well a couple of pages ago.

Tobor said:
Reposting the answers to the most common questions for a new page:


2. 360 and PS3, either will work fine.

3. YES, if you loved Baldur's Gate DA and Champions of Norrath, you will love Sacred 2.



I know some will roll their eyes at this, but honestly IMO, this is by far the best game I have played so far this gen. Seriously I have waited forever for an Diablo style game with a go anywhere Oblivion like game world, so this is a dream come true.
So this game is sweet or what?

I've been looking over some data on it and getting mixed messages. I just want it to be solid and fun, with great potential for drinking and co-op. That's really all I want out of it. Another Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance but better if technology allows.

I don't really want to play it online (but I might), mostly in person co-op, you know.

Thoughts? I assume 360 and Ps3 versions are teh same.

EDIT : Just saw that post which answered everything I asked. Oh well..


ElyrionX said:
So what's the general consensus on this game? Is there one yet?

Anyone playing the High Elf? I'm looking through the wiki and it's kind of ironic but it seems the Seraphim has better/cooler offensive magic than the High Elf. Any comments?

Also, in a loot game like this, sometimes magic users get marginalized because of loot directly benefiting physical attacks users more than magic users. How is it in this game?

High Elf rocks. I'm up to level 33 with my pyro build. Also, my buddy has a Seraphim, and that seems like a great character to use as well. There are so many options for each character that you can pretty much make it what you want.

With regards to the loot system, it doesn't hamper the ranged guys at all because it actually reserves pickups for each player.


nyong said:
Escort missions make me want to kill kittens. Seriously, why do idiotic npcs feel the need to charge off-screen mobs with zero life?

Oh well. I got my Temple Guardian up to 10 a bit ago. I re-rolled him 3 times before finally settling on a Lost Fusion build. Loving the game except for the friendly AI.

I definitely felt the same way about escort mission until I discovered that you can actually use health potions on the escorted. Just walk near him and press up as usual. Makes the escort mission way easier, even if it doesn't fix the idiocy problem.


Jtyettis said:
Burned through 7 hours in no time last night. What a serious gem on the consoles this gen.

Yup. I can't stop playing this game! I love being able to sit on my comfy sofa in front of my 46" LCD, turn on a podcast, and just whittle away the time leveling up my Temple Guardian. Freekin' bliss!

I remember being incredibly addicted to the Norrath series on PS2, and shedding tears when they were over. So glad this type of game finally came to the consoles (and it's absolutely massive!)--I hope more people discover this great game!
GDJustin said:
So far I have a level 5 shadow warrior dude, and I'm not feeling the game too much. Can anyone help?

- "Runes" and what they're for confuses me. I did the "rune tutorial" quest in the first town you come to, but that didn't really help. So... socketing them to weapons is more or less like gemming a weapon on WoW. Increases stats. I have that.
- But some things it wouldn't let me put into a socket. Why?
- Some seemed consumable. They dropped, I "used" them in the menu, and they disappeared. What was that about?

- Some of the menus confuse me. The "compare" option when I have a piece of armor or a weapon highlighted doesn't seem to actually DO anything? Likewise, the manual said that when I got lewts they would be listed in order of best to worst, with the best at the top. But that hasn't been my experience. Weapons and armor just seem to be randomly thrust into my inventory, so I end up highlighting each piece 7 times to make sure I'm equipping the best one (see next note).

- Is there any rhyme or reason to whether a weapon is better/worse? I have a 2-star weapon that does less dmg than the one-star I have equipped now, so I don't really know what to make of that...

- I think probably the biggest problem I have is I (might have) rolled the wrong class. I was gonna be the inquisitor, but saw they were dark-campaign only, so I rolled the shadow warrior but went light. Right now he seems very melee-oriented and vanilla. I run up to bad guys. I mash Sword button (or axe button). They die. I don't expect to have sweet abilities from moment one, but I think I might have just rolled the wrong playstyle.

EDIT: Another Q I forgot about - I was looking at my character's skills int he various trees. Most were greyed out. Some weren't and could be slotted to a hotkey. A few levels later, I had some new skills, when I checked? Game never told me, though. The whole experience just needs more DOCUMENTATION. I'm just never quite sure what things are for, or how to accomplish what I want. I'm confused a lot.

Are there any classes that are more dynamic? I play a Warlock in WoW and it fits my playstyle perfectly (dmg over time spells, ranged attacks, various strange demonic skills).


Anyway, I've never played a "lootwhore" game before, not even diablo, so these might be things that are true of ALL games in the genre, but some other big WTFs:

- The moment I started my character I was thrust into combat. No tutorial, no nothing. Just "hey kill this dude!"

- Combat just feels very stiff. When I DID start to kill that dude I started hitting the A button (the sword button) and my character just sorta convulsed. I figured out that I needed to SLOWLY press A and let his animation complete, otherwise he would just start the attack animation over and over and no attacks would land.

- He has a lunging/stunning attack that seems to actually happen 1 out of 3 times I press the button.

- Is there a way to CHOOSE who I target, or is it just whomever I'm facing? Annoying to whack at rats in a dungeon when some big monster is attacking -_-

- Bronze has been stupid-easy so far. Mindless.



- thinking about rolling a new class before I get too deep. Suggestions?

- Is the combat in all games of this time clunky/stiff, or is it something unique to my class (or this game?).

- Please explain runes to me in more detail. And the menu system.

- I WANT to like this game... I'm not trying to hate on it. So please help me to like it and don't reply with "YOU'RE SO WRONG ABOUT XYZ"

If it makes you feel any better, I think we're all that way about certain aspects of the game. So I'll try to answer your questions in the best way I can.

Yes, there's 15 spells in 3 magic schools per character. When you pick up a rune for the spell, you can use it from the inventory menu. Each rune ups the level of the spell by 1 (the first rune giving you the ability to use the spell). You can then go to the combat arts screen and hotkey it. However, each level of the spell will lengthen the recast time between when you can cast it again.

Furthermore, if you level a spell higher and you're not specialized in the magic school, you'll actually begin to incur penalties (my wife's dryad has a spell that is level 5, but since she doesn't specialize in that magic school, it casts at level 3.7 AND has a higher timer on it).

So how do you specialize? At certain level ups, you're going to be given the ability to choose a "skill". This is where you see that list of skills such as armor lore, damage lore, alchemy, bargaining, and then the magic schools your character can use. If you take the skill for the magic school you are using and begin to put points into it, you'll be able to use higher levels of the spell with no penalty AND it'll help lower the recast time of all 5 spells in the group. There's two types of skills, (magic school)Lore and (magic school)Focus. Not every magic school has both. And in some cases you have to take one and rank it to 5 before the other one becomes available.

I forget which does which, but one increases the spells's effects and the other is the one that removes the spell level penalty and lowers recast time.

So in summary, use the runes to level your spells, but pay attention to the fact that if you don't have the skill associated with the magic school, the spell's effectiveness is going to be seriously nerfed the higher you level it.

Now if you go to the runemaster in the towns, you can trade up to 4 runes you don't want (or can't use) and for a cheaper price can pick the specific rune that you want (4 runes traded in means what you want will only cost 500 gold). So don't sell these to the merchants, save them for the runemaster.

You either need the blacksmith skill or find a town with a forge. There are 4 sockets, gray, bronze, silver, and gold. Gray only allow you to socket in "damage modifiers" which look like gems in the inventory menu. Bronze allows runes, Silver allows rings, and Gold allows amulets to be put in.

I think I understand how to do it, maybe. Hit RB to see the details of item 1. Hit LB. Now go to item 2. Hitting LB will now swap between the two items. Sadly it's not side by side.

You've noticed the huge bar at the bottom of the screen? That is your characters overall recast ability. 100% means that if a spell takes 10 seconds to recast, then it's 10 seconds. But as you put on things (especially armor) this bar can go up and down. If your bar says 150%, then in the above example your spell may say 10 seconds, but it's going to take 15 because of your armor penalty. So pay attention to the items penalty.

You're going to want to also compare if the items give you any bonuses. That might be why your 1 star is better than the 2 star. Here's an example. My wife's Dryad is wearing pants that are armor of 7. She found pants that were armor 13. For her, the original pants were better because it lowered her recast penalty for all arts AND upped one of her favorite spells by 1 level.

Going along with what you asked about, the game does rank items in the inventory from best to worst. Armor is sorted by armor part then by strength. From my experience it always put the part with the best armor rating first. That means it's not taking into account skill bonuses OR the all important recast penalty. So really pay attention to that. It's very tempting to see onscreen that the helmet you picked up is better that what you're wearing, but that's only the armor rating, not anything else.

Simply put, hold the attack button. Do not button mash.
- Combat just feels very stiff. When I DID start to kill that dude I started hitting the A button (the sword button) and my character just sorta convulsed. I figured out that I needed to SLOWLY press A and let his animation complete, otherwise he would just start the attack animation over and over and no attacks would land.

- He has a lunging/stunning attack that seems to actually happen 1 out of 3 times I press the button.

- Is there a way to CHOOSE who I target, or is it just whomever I'm facing? Annoying to whack at rats in a dungeon when some big monster is attacking -_-

- Bronze has been stupid-easy so far. Mindless.

Let me answer some of the questions the other guys didn't get to yet:

1) The reason your character is only using the lunge move 1 out of 3 times is that all skills have a regeneration time. This game doesn't use magic points, instead you have to wait until a certain time to reuse the spell. The amount of time is shown on the details screen.

2) If you just hold down a button your character will do that spell/ability you've set to that button. However, after they do it, they will AUTOMATICALLY start just going a regular attack if you continue to hold down the button until you regenerate that magic/skill, which is very useful. This is why it seems like you are only doing the attack 1 out of 3 times or whatever.

3) To chose whom you attack, KEEP HOLDING DOWN THE BUTTON and face your analog stick in their direction. The auto lock on is not perfect, but you can usually get it to target you you want if you do this.

4) You can take your Bronze guy and just start a new quest for him on Silver. Bronze is the equivalent of EASY in other games. You can start a campaign on Silver at level 1 and do just fine (but it is a bit difficult for the first few levels). Silver will also give you much better loot and experience points.

5) Tip on navigating the menus: You don't always have to select the menu you want on the hotkey ring, these are just shortcuts. You can cycle through to any of the menus from any other just by hitting the L and R shoulder buttons on the menu screens. To look at the submenus within a category you use Left and Right on the analog stick/d-pad. So if you want inventory, hit L or R until you are in inventor, then use the analog stick left and right to cycle through the types of inventory items.


Any beat the Kebold Chieftain with a High Elf build?

I realize he is resistant to Fire, and also Physical attacks...... I still having a hell of a time getting him to take any damage.



Been getting some nice drops from The White Griffin mini-boss! We ran him a bunch of times last night and picked up some uniques and set items that look awesome. It looks like you can only do MF runs on free play as well.
ElyrionX said:
Thanks. Any idea what the experience is like? Can good characters play with evil?

I played for about 3 hours last night with 3 friends and it was GREAT. Very little lag and not choppy at all. Sometimes the framerate can dip slightly whenever someone casts a massive spell, but for the most part it is solid. Even with like 20 kobolts on the screen and 3 player characters.

The only reason you wouldn't like this game would be if you don't want to play a Baldur's Gate: DA or Champions of Norath style game. This is a souped up verson of those games with 4 players online and a massive overworld to explore.

The menus and upgrading can take a bit to learn, but they are great and very well laid out once you do. The controls are actually superior to the PC version in a lot of ways. You have quick access to 12 different abilities and can even set a button to queue up a series of actions.

But new players should keep a few things in mind:

1) HOLD DOWN THE BUTTONS TO ATTACK. Do not keep hitting them.

2) Play on Silver. The game is not very interesting on Bronze, it is the easy mode.

3) Learn how the Runes work and how to upgrade your combat arts.


Kauza said:
I definitely felt the same way about escort mission until I discovered that you can actually use health potions on the escorted. Just walk near him and press up as usual. Makes the escort mission way easier, even if it doesn't fix the idiocy problem.

Thanks! I will have to try that later.

And to echo some of the other posts, this is my favorite game so far this generation. I have several complaints with the game, all of which are overshadowed by its awesomeness. If you have even a passing interest in Titan's Quest, Diablo-type games, pick this one up. I can see myself playing it for months.


Kingpen said:
Any beat the Kebold Chieftain with a High Elf build?

I realize he is resistant to Fire, and also Physical attacks...... I still having a hell of a time getting him to take any damage.


I gave it two attempts and gave up. I don't think I'll be able to do it with my high elf since I specialized in fire. He just regenerates too damn quickly.


Kauza said:
I gave it two attempts and gave up. I don't think I'll be able to do it with my high elf since I specialized in fire. He just regenerates too damn quickly.

I went after him with my Dryad, and couldn't even dent him. :lol I guess I need to add ice to my attack?

Musashi Wins!

This game would definitely benefit from some easier tutorials haha.

I didn't know you could use health potions on escorts :(

The size of the world and some of the different areas are blowing me away. I found an archaeological dig and a fighting colosseum that makes me wonder if I can enter fights.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Thanks for the advice, Cronos and Eternal. I think it's the game's lack of any real documentation combined with my lack of experience in the genre that's giving me trouble. Gamers that have played lots of these types of games probably aren't having as many issues diving right in that I'm having.

Knowing the proper way to attack, having a firmer grasp of of the difference between skills/AC's/Runes... knowing to re-roll on Silver so it isn't mindless... hopefully this will turn my opinion of the game around and turn me into a true lootwhore :D :D

The truth is I've been re-addicted to WoW lately and bought this to help break that cycle - so when it didn't grab me at first and I went back to WoW I just got disappointed/frustrated.


How many people is playing this on the PS3? I might purchase this game in about a week or a week and a half from now, so I wonder if I'd be able to play with some other gaffers :)


Ok, I can't figure something out and it's driving me crazy. On the Combat Arts screen, for each of the three aspects, there is a red gem icon to the top right. Early on, all three of these were showing a "0" but now one is showing a "2"...what does this mean?

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
nyong said:
Ok, I can't figure something out and it's driving me crazy. On the Combat Arts screen, for each of the three aspects, there is a red gem icon to the top right. Early on, all three of these were showing a "0" but now one is showing a "2"...what does this mean?

It means you put points into either the Lore or Focus associated with that set of Combat Arts. Each of those red gems means you have upgrade points for whatever CA you wish in that section. Click on a given CA and you'll see you have two paths to take, depending on how you want to upgrade.

One thing about Sacred 2, once you get all this stuff down you realize how deep the game really is. There's so many build options it isn't even funny.


Diseased Yak said:
It means you put points into either the Lore or Focus associated with that set of Combat Arts. Each of those red gems means you have upgrade points for whatever CA you wish in that section. Click on a given CA and you'll see you have two paths to take, depending on how you want to upgrade.

One thing about Sacred 2, once you get all this stuff down you realize how deep the game really is. There's so many build options it isn't even funny.

Son of a....

Unfortunately they are both in Devout Guardian aspect, which I do not use. At all. How could have I possibly done this without realizing it?
GDJustin said:
Thanks for the advice, Cronos and Eternal. I think it's the game's lack of any real documentation combined with my lack of experience in the genre that's giving me trouble. Gamers that have played lots of these types of games probably aren't having as many issues diving right in that I'm having.

Knowing the proper way to attack, having a firmer grasp of of the difference between skills/AC's/Runes... knowing to re-roll on Silver so it isn't mindless... hopefully this will turn my opinion of the game around and turn me into a true lootwhore :D :D

The truth is I've been re-addicted to WoW lately and bought this to help break that cycle - so when it didn't grab me at first and I went back to WoW I just got disappointed/frustrated.

As I said earlier in the thread, I didn't know a lot of this stuff until I started reading the threads about the game on various forums. Thankfully, I read that someone said to hold down the attack buttons rather than continiously hitting them before I even started the game. That alone made it a lot smoother. It is the opposite of all the console action RPGs I have played in that regard.

Once you get the basic mechanics down and understand the upgrading system the game is fantastic. It's like a super-Champions of Norath or Baldur's Gate because there is a ridiculous amount of depth and customization.

I have already played it about 20 hours and I absolutely love it. It is easily one of my favorite 360 games. I have completed a ton of RPGs on the system including Oblivion, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata, and Too Human. So far I'm enjoying this game more than any of the above. Granted some of that is due to the online co-op (which is great) but I even enjoy playing the game solo alot.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
nyong said:
Son of a....

Unfortunately they are both in Devout Guardian aspect, which I do not use. At all. How could have I possibly done this without realizing it?

Ugh, yeah that sucks. I made so many mistakes on my first character back when I bought this for PC that I ended up quitting him and restarting again with my new knowledge. The game really doesn't do a good job of letting you know all this, even using the manual. Like was said above, reading the boards/wiki/FAQs and such really helps, but a lot of it is just trial and error.

Just hit 22 with my SW. Completed the Crop Circle quest which is just too awesome. I'm nearly done with stuff in the Sloeford area, probably gonna move along with the main quest now and see what's up. I've never played the Light side before, so it'll be interesting seeing the differences.

Oh, and one thing I thought was cool. When you host a free-for-all game, you start on a remote island down to the southwest called "Starter Island" or some such. There are no enemies, only blacksmiths, shops, etc. I suppose it's meant to be a jumping off point for friends to meet up and set out from. I wandered around and explored, found a cave which took a while to load in. Inside was a lava pit surrounded by a walkway. Curious, I wandered into he first room I found, and there was a portal. I stepped in and...

It took me way up north to the Orc area! I started getting my ass handed to me by some Orc Magus and finally was able to teleport outta there. So, word of warning, be careful what mysterious portals you walk into haha!


I have a question on slots. If I put in something that states +8% Fire Damage, is that

a. take +8% total of total damage and add fire damage on top of it.


b. +8% of fire damage only, so if you have no % of fire conversion on your weapon its worthless.

Also, is it just me or do Blacksmiths charge insane prices for slotting?
nyong said:
Son of a....

Unfortunately they are both in Devout Guardian aspect, which I do not use. At all. How could have I possibly done this without realizing it?


Basically, each combat art school has two skills linked to it. If you have the two skills, then as you put points into them you're given those modifier gems to add to it.

I've got one of the Gruesome Inquisition arts maxed with the diamonds, so it causes open wounds and some other fun stuff when I use it :D


Could someone do the massive favor of bumping/posting an update in this thread when the game is patched? Be a big help as I'm only looking to play it in offline co-op (on PS3 preferably) and item trading is pretty useful to that end.


Drek said:
Could someone do the massive favor of bumping/posting an update in this thread when the game is patched? Be a big help as I'm only looking to play it in offline co-op (on PS3 preferably) and item trading is pretty useful to that end.

Sure. :)
sol_bad said:
Playing this on PC with an 8800GTX with mouse/keyboard hooked up to my 42inch plasma. The game looks beautiful and runs smooth on my PC. No idea what it looks like on any of the consoles and I'm too afraid to look. Personally I can't understand how anyone would want to play this with a control pad.

And here I thought this thread of Sacred2 love would be free of typical PC elitest diarrhea.
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