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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!

Does anyone use the Enhance Perception skill? Do you find it useful for finding loot? I have two slots left and I'm trying to figure out what skills I want.


Black Canada Mafia
Question about set pieces -

Do they scale with the character? I'm just wondering because if they don't, it's going to mean a bit more hunting to find a full set that suits your character level.

Edit: Cornballer

Yeah, I notice a difference and it's only level 15 (+12 from relics, so I guess a total of 27) on my seraphim. That and +15% total to find valuables on my equip has led me to find quite a few 3 star items, and 2 star items are a more common occurance. Also, it has significantly raised the amount of money I bring in. My girlfriend on the other hand has bargaining, and is perpetually poor, because most of the upgrades she finds are on the vendors. If you feel very lootwhorish, I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to get both bargaining and enhanced perception, but probably just enhanced perception is good enough. Mind you this is all from a sacred newb, but I feel like I am gaining some street cred.

BTW - that first boss I was farming finally dropped some more 3 star items last night, most of which my Seraph (who I use to farm it) can't wear, but I did get 1 set piece for my shadow warrior. Go me.


Cornballer said:
Does anyone use the Enhance Perception skill? Do you find it useful for finding loot? I have two slots left and I'm trying to figure out what skills I want.

If it's you first and only character, I would go with it. I realized it's going to be very helpful having a "magic find" character, just as Diablo did, to help with items for when you create new characters. I've turned my original Inquisitor into one of these item finders and it's helping my new and sexy Seraphim along nicely in the Light campaign. Enhanced Perception along with a high Bargaining skill have worked very well for finding good stuff.


ElyrionX said:
By Fixed, you mean "Static" right? Because I only got two options: Static and Following.
Yep, thats the one.

Quick Question:

The future wife and I played this basically all weekend. Along the way I got one of her special set pieces for her Seraphim. Now I'd like to find a way to get it to her character as quickly as possible. We're on PS3, and I've heard that trading is allowed online.

Can I do the following:
1. Go to online game, give online friend the set piece.

2. Log in her char, meet same online friend, have them give her char the set piece.

3. Profit.
Thanks for the input, guys. I might give it a shot with one of my remaining two slots. I definitely need Nature Weaver Focus because my Ancient Bark lvl is capped right now, so that's one. The other one was supposed to be for some defense like Constitution (I already have Armor Lore and Combat Reflexes) but I might switch it over to Enhanced Perception to get my loot on. :p


Cornballer said:
Thanks for the input, guys. I might give it a shot with one of my remaining two slots. I definitely need Nature Weaver Focus because my Ancient Bark lvl is capped right now, so that's one. The other one was supposed to be for some defense like Constitution (I already have Armor Lore and Combat Reflexes) but I might switch it over to Enhanced Perception to get my loot on. :p

Does Enhanced Perception help with drops, or just with chests and magical hiding places? I remember reading the description when I was just starting and thinking it was the latter.
Kauza said:
Does Enhanced Perception help with drops, or just with chests and magical hiding places? I remember reading the description when I was just starting and thinking it was the latter.
I'm under the impression that it does help with drops: "Increases Chance to Find Valuables, detect hiding places, traps and stealthed creatures." I assume that's what the "chance to find valuables" part is, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Description is from the Sacred2 Wiki.

EDIT: From one of the devs on the Sacred forum:
Enhanced Perception increases the overall quality of a drop (but it does *not* change the amount of runes you will get). Still I do not agree with your reasoning. Not all monsters give great loot, even if you increase the quality with enhanced perception. You would have to go for champions & bosses to max your skill investment.
Cornballer said:
I'm under the impression that it does help with drops: "Increases Chance to Find Valuables, detect hiding places, traps and stealthed creatures." I assume that's what the "chance to find valuables" part is, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Description is from the Sacred2 Wiki.

EDIT: From one of the devs on the Sacred forum:

Uggghhh. I got caught up with that issue with my HE. You have to take Bargaining FIRST with that class to unlock Enhanced Perception. I took bargaining after being frustrated at shopkeepers offerings, which were terrible. I don't know if I will take Enhanced Perception also at this point.


Anyone posting trade requests or available items, make sure you mention the platform. It's too difficult to remember where everyone is playing.


Cornballer said:
I'm under the impression that it does help with drops: "Increases Chance to Find Valuables, detect hiding places, traps and stealthed creatures." I assume that's what the "chance to find valuables" part is, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Description is from the Sacred2 Wiki.

EDIT: From one of the devs on the Sacred forum:

Sounds like I know what my next skill is going to be. Thanks, as always, for the info, Cornballer.
Tobor said:
Anyone posting trade requests or available items, make sure you mention the platform. It's too difficult to remember where everyone is playing.
Yeah, that'd be nice. I always have to check the online thread to see what console people are on.
Kauza said:
Sounds like I know what my next skill is going to be. Thanks, as always, for the info, Cornballer.
No problem. We should play together sometime when you have a chance. Maybe we can get a four-person GAF loot run this week if we can find a time that works for a few people.


I honestly can't believe how excited I am for this game, even though I've never really played a game like this before to any great extent (Played Diablo 2 years after release and didn't really make an effort to get into it). I'm filling every spare moment I can reading up about it, trying to decide what characters/builds I should go for.

Shame there's nothing like an official build generator at the moment. Although that's perhaps a good thing, as if there were I'm not sure I'd be doing anything else until the end of next week!

Thinking of going HE (I usually go for Mage type characters if a game gives the option), with either a Shadow Warrior or Inquisitor for the dark campaign.


Black Canada Mafia
Kauza said:
Sounds like I know what my next skill is going to be. Thanks, as always, for the info, Cornballer.

Also, in the description, it doesn't actually show your increased valuable drop rate until EP reaches level 75 - until then it just shows your chance to find hidden areas. But, you still do recieve that bonus, it's just not shown until 75 - at level 75 it says something like "+110% chance to find valuable items".


Cornballer said:
No problem. We should play together sometime when you have a chance. Maybe we can get a four-person GAF loot run this week if we can find a time that works for a few people.

That'd be great. I see you online a lot, but I'm often doing couch co-op with a friend that doesn't have gold. I'm always up for invites, though, especially during weekday evenings.
So in my wife and my co-op game, we've crossed the level 20 mark (Inquisitor and Dryad) and we've not even finished chapter 1. We just like rolling around the countryside getting into fights.

For single player fun, I started a Shadow Warrior. Dear god, I've got 4 skeletons + I'm able to rez 2 dead enemies at a time. I've basically got a mini army to do my dirty work. Took out Kobold Chieftain at lvl 8, where as our Dryad/Inq couple had to go run the first time anf go back to do it in the teens.

Kauza said:
That'd be great. I see you online a lot, but I'm often doing couch co-op with a friend that doesn't have gold. I'm always up for invites, though, especially during weekday evenings.
Cool, I'll send you an invite if I see you online. Jtyettis and I went and smacked down a dragon last night. (Well, he and his friend killed it while I stood in the back spamming darts.) What level are you? I'm at 48 right now.


Cornballer said:
Cool, I'll send you an invite if I see you online. Jtyettis and I went and smacked down a dragon last night. (Well, he and his friend killed it while I stood in the back spamming darts.) What level are you? I'm at 48 right now.

I'm at 49 I believe. By the way, was that dragon the one that the girl teleports you to on Seraphim Island? If so, I ran across it just as I was quitting yesterday. Managed to take it down, but it definitely taught me the value of not letting anything touch my high elf. That and the value of carrying around 1000 health potions...
Kauza said:
I'm at 49 I believe. By the way, was that dragon the one that the girl teleports you to on Seraphim Island? If so, I ran across it just as I was quitting yesterday. Managed to take it down, but it definitely taught me the value of not letting anything touch my high elf. That and the value of carrying around 1000 health potions...
It was in
the bottom SE corner of the map up in the mountains. We had to walk for a while to get there.

Yeah, I have to stand back and shoot stuff because my dryad is not equipped for taking melee punishment. Maybe we should find a shadow warrior to accompany us if we're going to do some dragon hunting this week. :p


Raide said:
Not long now UK GAFers! We can join the lootwhoring mass over the magical interwebs.:D

10 days and counting! GAhh!... here;s hoping we at least get the reward of some awesome loot gift from the US guys ;)


Talked to an NPC at a temple while playing last night, and he tells my Seraphim:

"I didn't have manifestations last night. Why does the Lord punish me!?"

TMI, dude. TMI.


CronosBlade said:
For single player fun, I started a Shadow Warrior. Dear god, I've got 4 skeletons + I'm able to rez 2 dead enemies at a time. I've basically got a mini army to do my dirty work. Took out Kobold Chieftain at lvl 8, where as our Dryad/Inq couple had to go run the first time anf go back to do it in the teens.

It's great fun if you plan to be a weekend warrior but, apparently, a necro build will get you slaughtered at platinum and niobium. Most of the advice I've seen from HC players at DarkMatters, seems to emphasize maxing out constitution and armor, or else wasteland mobs will put you down in one or two punches.

I think I'm going to keep a few characters (primarily my Seph and Dryad) to just mess around with, and reroll my SW to go the distance. It may take all summer and fall to hit 200 but, by damn, I'm going to do it!


Cornballer said:
It was in
the bottom SE corner of the map up in the mountains. We had to walk for a while to get there.

Yeah, I have to stand back and shoot stuff because my dryad is not equipped for taking melee punishment. Maybe we should find a shadow warrior to accompany us if we're going to do some dragon hunting this week. :p

I haven't even begun to explore that area. I still can't believe how many huge areas I haven't stepped foot into yet. It's so easy to go quest-crazy in one place and spend hours upon hours basically in the same spot.

Yeah, when I solo, I basically spend the entire time in motion. I can take a good few hits from regulars, but some of the elites (and, of course, bosses) can easily take half of my life with one hit. Huge bosses with vast reaches become a serious problem. But we might be able to take enemies down pretty quickly. Dragons, though...

On another note, my couch co-op buddy found out the hard way (maybe because I forgot to warn him) that you can get your mount killed. He proceeded to get three of his unique mounts killed over the span of just two sessions--the first of which occurring not fifteen minutes after we finally got them. After the third time, I seriously couldn't stop laughing.
I'd never been there before - I just hopped into a co-op game with someone who led me. I just teleported.

My friend's unique mount died yesterday, too. We got mobbed in the swamp (stupid spiders) and things got ugly in a hurry. I probably play a similar style to you. I try to move a lot and hit things before they can get close to me. The knockback helps a fair bit, but sometimes I have to activate a healing spell and run.
GreekWolf said:
It's great fun if you plan to be a weekend warrior but, apparently, a necro build will get you slaughtered at platinum and niobium. Most of the advice I've seen from HC players at DarkMatters, seems to emphasize maxing out constitution and armor, or else wasteland mobs will put you down in one or two punches.

I think I'm going to keep a few characters (primarily my Seph and Dryad) to just mess around with, and reroll my SW to go the distance. It may take all summer and fall to hit 200 but, by damn, I'm going to do it!

Yeah, as I've spent the brunt of my time as an inquisitor, I've started a character of each class just to see how they play. I'd probably restart the SW anyway like you said if I'm going to go the distance. But funny enough I've already got constitution and armor as skills so I may just keep this one anyway and see what I can do.


I'm in normally anytime after 7 pm CST.

Add me if you like: Jtyettis1

Also Cornballer I'm not sure if I explained myself well last night as far as your mount and free world because I actually just found out about that myself as well. Anyhow you can get your mount on free world you just have to teleport to the anchor you have set and they should be there to call.


Jtyettis said:
I'm in normally anytime after 7 pm CST.

Add me if you like: Jtyettis1

Also Cornballer I'm not sure if I explained myself well last night as far as your mount and free world because I actually just found out about that myself as well. Anyhow you can get your mount on free world you just have to teleport to the anchor you have set and they should be there to call.

I went ahead and added you. Hopefully you, Cornballer and I can get a session going at some point.

Nice to know that about the mounts in free world.
Does anyone have problems playing with friends on XBL? I've been fine, but a friend of mine said he couldn't play with his buddy. Doesn't seem to matter who hosts. Not sure if there's a workaround. They don't have problems playing together on any other games.
Jtyettis said:
Also Cornballer I'm not sure if I explained myself well last night as far as your mount and free world because I actually just found out about that myself as well. Anyhow you can get your mount on free world you just have to teleport to the anchor you have set and they should be there to call.
Ah, thanks. I was trying to figure that out.


Played quite a bit this weekend. Sooo addicted. Decided to scrap my LV 29 Inquisitor and start him over (took dual-wield but he's Mage only)... got back up to 36 and pushed my High Elf to 29. Going to start a Seraphim next so I can get some melee in since both my existing chars are spell users.

Ran across a nice hidden area on the map too (Pirates in an underground cave) ...didn't expect it at all and ultimately had some nice loot/XP in there.


GreekWolf said:
It's great fun if you plan to be a weekend warrior but, apparently, a necro build will get you slaughtered at platinum and niobium. Most of the advice I've seen from HC players at DarkMatters, seems to emphasize maxing out constitution and armor, or else wasteland mobs will put you down in one or two punches.

I think I'm going to keep a few characters (primarily my Seph and Dryad) to just mess around with, and reroll my SW to go the distance. It may take all summer and fall to hit 200 but, by damn, I'm going to do it!
I'd have to concur with this. My fiance and I played a ton this weekend with two different pairs of chars, my Inquisitor who is level 23, has a permanent buffed Doppelganger and dual wields a couple of nice swords, very damage focused build that spams callous execution and ruthless manipulation depending on group size.

My Shadow Warrior, now just barely level 19, has been out damaging him and my fiance's matching (with the SW) level Seraphim without a problem, and if I got my buffs up he's basically immune to damage.

We fought the Kobold Chieftain at level 10, hitting 40 kobolds just as we crossed the bridge so the Chief had about a dozen little kobolds to help him out. As my fiance cleared out the koblolds my SW went toe to toe with him and dropped him before I was even down to 3/4ths health.

I run Grim Resilience and Reflective Emanation buffs, I've modded both up to their 3rd tiers and level them both as soon as I get runes for them (both around level 5 at this point). Other than that I spam a low level Frenzied Rampage while dropping my Demonic Blow as it recharges, and power level Demonic Blow as fast as I can with runes and items, now fully modded. It was hitting the Chief at about a 1/5th of his health bar each pop. I keep a low level scything sweep for mob control as well, and typically drop any lower level enemy in the general vicinity with one pop from it.

I'm now using Lorga's Sword, a unique level 20 two hander that my Inquisitor found and I hand-me-downed. Prior to that I had Dwendorik's Vanquisher. I'm feeling pretty locked into the two handed sword route, though I got to say that I love the Demonic Blow animation when done with a stout mace and shield combo (my initial pairing from about level 6 to level 15).

Its unreal the difference between a well planned build and everything else in this game. I didn't think I made many real mistakes with my Inquisitor's leveling, but after reading up on all the CAs and skills while my Shadow Warrior was still real low level I put together a well thought path for him and he's been near god like ever since. My fiance's Seraphim is pretty solid and would probably be an excellent power character by most standards, but we only just got her working along a set build plan and she's already paying immediate dividends.

You can go so many different ways with the characters too. Adds a ton of replay value to an already massive game.


Just realized there is an anchor in Carnach's room (flame dragon up north). This makes for nice quick and easy boss runs. 5 minute or so runs for 2 chests and a boss plus his minions and if you are lucky you get two waves. I've been getting about ~25k XP per kill without potions on the boss as well.
Drek said:
Anyone know a good place to find a map/list of repeatable bosses? Preferably repeatable in offline co-op.
This might help, but I'm not sure if that's exactly what you're looking for.

I'm going to play now for a bit if anyone on XBL wants to link up. GT is the same as my username.
Nooooooooo! The dragon took me out right before we finished her off in co-op today. :( Oh well, there will be other attempts at dragon slaying. Just felt silly to go out like that when we were so close to killing her.

Makes me wonder if I should forgo my plan of picking up Enhanced Perception in favor of some form of defense, though I suppose the dragon is a rare case. Only took two hits to kill me.


Yea I dont think you could get anything to really help defense wise against a dragon, except maybe a wall to hide behind.


I don't know but I would love to get that off your hands. :D What level is the one you found btw?

Oh yea Cornballer I found a sick level 65 set chest piece for your Dyrad tonight.

Duke Togo

Jtyettis said:
I don't know but I would love to get that off your hands. :D What level is the one you found btw?

Oh yea Cornballer I found a sick level 65 set chest piece for your Dyrad tonight.
I'm not near my tv, but if memory serves it was only lvl 30, as I am still working on chapter 1/early chapter 2. I have it equipped on my Shadow Warrior atm....for what its worth, it dropped off a boss (some undead general dude).

Duke Togo


Here is a shot of the sword from inventory. I'm glad that its as rare as the name legendary would suggest. :D


I got a legendary for finishing my class quest each time i've done that, granted its always something I wont use but its an easy way to see a legendary. Or I just got lucky.
Ok, so I finally returned my copy and got a fresh one, no problems.

I posted this question a page or so ago, but never really got an answer - how is the loot divvied in split screen coop? It seems to me that whoever presses start, and initiates the game gets the lion's share of the loot, with the other player getting jack and shit.

Is this just us?


Cornballer said:
#95 for Dryads and #631 overall. Guess who's #632?
Kauza. :p

Chances are now that I've logged off for the night, you'll catch right back up to me again. And get a bunch of legendaries. :)
Kauza said:
Chances are now that I've logged off for the night, you'll catch right back up to me again. And get a bunch of legendaries. :)
Haha, no such luck for me. We didn't play too much longer after that, and I didn't find any cool stuff. Still looking for a lot of Detheya's Agility armor set and a good hollowshot. :/

Good times playing with you guys tonight. :D
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