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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!


Thrakier said:
Very bad news for PS3 owners:


"Ok guys, I got news about the "Player-Trade on a single console added. Both users have to be online for savegame verification. (only 360)" the PS3 trading system is a bit more complicate, than the XBOX version, and requires a lot more code. This function will not be implemented on the PS3 versions for the upcoming patch.
This function is indeed only for xbox for the moment. The PS3 will come later.

Pretty damn irritating from my perspective (as my gf and I have been playing quite a bit lately and now between us have probably a half dozen uniques and set pieces we want to swap between us).

I've really been enjoying the game, but I honestly don't get why they released it when they did. This game needed about another month in the oven and it could've come out with significantly fewer bugs, basic features like local co-op trading available, etc..

I don't regret buying it, but stuff like this is exactly what makes fans of a series pass for a few months the next time around. They have now announced the start of development on Sacred 3 and I can pretty safely say that while I will buy it (especially if it comes to consoles) I won't be buying it in the first month or two after release again.

Creative Assembly did the same thing with Medieval 2 (really buggy at release) and while I love the franchise more than probably any other strategy game series out there I didn't have any qualms whatsoever waiting a few months on Empire. In the end I saved $20 and got it when it just started to be patched to a playable form. I hate that it makes the sales records of the game look shitty, but if I'm voting quality with my wallet I want an enjoyable game that I can fully enjoy from day one, or at least week one. Not several months down the road.



It seems that any benefits from the skill have been turned off on the console version.

At least that is the consensous on the Sacred forums. I'm not sure how long a patch will take but the skill appears to be gimped until they release it. That's a major bug, they had to know about it before release.

read more here


I want my slot and 15 points back
Drek said:
Pretty damn irritating from my perspective (as my gf and I have been playing quite a bit lately and now between us have probably a half dozen uniques and set pieces we want to swap between us).

I've really been enjoying the game, but I honestly don't get why they released it when they did. This game needed about another month in the oven and it could've come out with significantly fewer bugs, basic features like local co-op trading available, etc..


Did you you and your girlfriend try using the hero chest to trade things?


Xenon said:

At leat that seems to be the consensous on the Sacred forums. I'm not sure how long a patch will take but the skill appears to be gimped until they release it. That's a major bug, they had to know about it before release.

read more here


I want my slot and 15 points back

Yikes. I want my skill slot back as well. I assumed the skill description was wrong. /slaps forehead


Giard said:
May I ask what your pyro build is?
I've asked on Darkmatters.org, and it seems Damage Lore mastery will indeed increase burn damage. So I believe that my final build will be...

- Arrant Pyromancer Lore
- Concentration
- Arrant Pyromancer Focus
- Bargaining
- Delphic Arcania Focus
- Armor Lore
- Damage Lore
- Constitution
- Ancient Magic
- Shield Lore

I felt toughness and spell resistance would both be more beneficial to me, as I'm already doing tons of damage.

Everything else I feel is spot on though. If you had another character to hunt for armor and such, then I'd say get rid of bargaining as well, but if this is your main build, it's solid.


Black Canada Mafia
Ugh, whenever my girlfriend and I farm on free-world mode, xp isn't shared. Its killing blow for xp, and loot is free for all. I go over to the "party" section after I press start, but the whole thing is grey'd out... halp?
Loudninja said:
So I should not try to learn all 15 combat arts?So far I got 6 of them.
I think you can eat one rune for each without a penalty, but after that you should specialize to some extent or your regens will skyrocket through the roof.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
Cornballer said:
I think you can eat one rune for each without a penalty, but after that you should specialize to some extent or your regens will skyrocket through the roof.

Even so, don't the regen time reducers available elsewhere negate the impact of using whatever runes you use that are not your focus? Am I missing something?


Drek said:
Pretty damn irritating from my perspective (as my gf and I have been playing quite a bit lately and now between us have probably a half dozen uniques and set pieces we want to swap between us).

I've really been enjoying the game, but I honestly don't get why they released it when they did. This game needed about another month in the oven and it could've come out with significantly fewer bugs, basic features like local co-op trading available, etc..

I don't regret buying it, but stuff like this is exactly what makes fans of a series pass for a few months the next time around. They have now announced the start of development on Sacred 3 and I can pretty safely say that while I will buy it (especially if it comes to consoles) I won't be buying it in the first month or two after release again.

Creative Assembly did the same thing with Medieval 2 (really buggy at release) and while I love the franchise more than probably any other strategy game series out there I didn't have any qualms whatsoever waiting a few months on Empire. In the end I saved $20 and got it when it just started to be patched to a playable form. I hate that it makes the sales records of the game look shitty, but if I'm voting quality with my wallet I want an enjoyable game that I can fully enjoy from day one, or at least week one. Not several months down the road.

True. Also I wouldn't bet that the PS3 Patch is coming at all...I know there is no objective resaon to think so, it's just a feeling, they seem to focus somewhat on the 360-version...


Phthisis said:
You can summon your mount back to you by using the top-most option in the radial menu. He'll show up on the map or come running to your position.

I know. I meant "lost" as in "dead pony". :lol

Gowans007 said:
GAH it will be mine a week Friday UK!!!!

Game is out in Germany tomorrow. Maybe some shops in the UK will break street date?

[begging mode]
Has anyone come across set pieces of "Revelation of the Seraphim"?

I´m willing to trade several firstborns for any piece of this. Check my eBay feedback, I´m a nice guy. :D
[/begging mode]


Just picked up the chest piece of the Detheya's Dryad set. Armor 86, vit + 7 Capreicious Hunter +3.

Anyone in need?

Level 30
Drek said:
Pretty damn irritating from my perspective (as my gf and I have been playing quite a bit lately and now between us have probably a half dozen uniques and set pieces we want to swap between us).

Can't you just drop the stuff to the ground?


ChackanKun said:
Can't you just drop the stuff to the ground?

Nope. Right now there is just the somewhat expensive way of selling it to a merchant, the other immediately rebuys it.
The upcoming patch will solve this.


EternalGamer said:
Did you you and your girlfriend try using the hero chest to trade things?
That only works on the 360, as the PS3 version forces extra characters to be from a different profile (at least as far as we've seen) since when it logs in it forces you to select a profile the characters are under, and the already logged in player's profile is not listed.

Thrakier said:
True. Also I wouldn't bet that the PS3 Patch is coming at all...I know there is no objective resaon to think so, it's just a feeling, they seem to focus somewhat on the 360-version...
In fairness to Ascaron, a developer addressed this fear about a week ago and said that they had every intention to patch the PS3 version with every and any feature/fix they add to the 360 version, and that no version would be "inferior" to the other.

From where I'm sitting at this point the PS3 version seems to be superior out of the box, as it is much more stable, seems to have a better frame rate (especially in co-op) and is much less likely to corrupt a character. Haven't played the 360 version, but this is what I've heard from the horror stories on TeamXbox and the official Sacred 2 forums.

As for the patch, apparently the hold up is because the PS3 version will take more work than the 360 one, and so they got the 360 one off to MS as soon as it was ready. Makes sense as their solution on the 360 is directly tied to being able to log two profiles into Xbox Live simultaneously to ensure their dupe protection is working, and the PS3 release doesn't have this feature out of the box yet.

The devs did say at launch that they had gotten that issue all but resolved on PS3 around the time of release, but I'm guessing the delay in the PS3 patch is due to needing to implement both same console 2 player online co-op AND a trading system for offline games in the same move. Sounds like they know how to do it and are doing it, but it just takes a little longer than on the 360 which has part of the work already done.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the patches release at the same time, as Ascaron now has all resources free to dedicate to the PS3 version and Sony's QA department runs circles around MS' understaffed crew, and I don't see Ascaron or CDV ponying up the kind of cash it takes MS' QA department to get the job done ASAP. If the PS3 patch is ready for QA within a week or so I wouldn't be surprised if they both are out within just a few days of one another.

But to be blunt, if they don't patch the PS3 version I'll literally never buy another CDV or Ascaron product again. I've played countless betas, I've done some testing work while in college before, this game is in clearly a beta stage and really shouldn't have been released at retail yet. Excellent game in every other aspect, but its as buggy and feature deprived as any console release in recent history. Mass Effect doesn't come close to this.


Ok, I need some help here:

Eating runes are the only way to permanently increase the level of the combat art right? But the problem with eating runes is that it will cause the regeneration rate of the spell to increase which means you have to wait a long time between castings right?

But what about buffs? Buffs have no regen time which means that for my buffs, I should be eating every damn rune I can find right?


ElyrionX said:
Ok, I need some help here:

Eating runes are the only way to permanently increase the level of the combat art right? But the problem with eating runes is that it will cause the regeneration rate of the spell to increase which means you have to wait a long time between castings right?

But what about buffs? Buffs have no regen time which means that for my buffs, I should be eating every damn rune I can find right?

when activated, Buffs increase the regen time for all combat arts, so no.


Brashnir said:
when activated, Buffs increase the regen time for all combat arts, so no.

Depends on the buff. The high elf has a buff which decreases regen times, so in that case you literally should be eating every available rune.


Petrie said:
Depends on the buff. The high elf has a buff which decreases regen times, so in that case you literally should be eating every available rune.

I'm reading that when you hit the penalty limit, you will only receive partial effects and full penalties from additional runes you eat.

So for example, if my highest level without penalty for that buff, Grand Invigoration, is 5. I eat 6 runes and my spell shows as having a level of 5.4. Two questions here:

1) If I were to increase the Focus skill which raises the highest level without penalty for the buff to 6. Will my CA level automatically increase to 6 when this happens? Or will I be permanently stuck at 5.4 until I eat another rune?

2) What happens if I don't increase the Focus skill and eat another rune, for a total of 7 runes when my highest level without penalty is only 5. Will I further increase it from 5.4 to maybe 5.8 or 6?


ElyrionX said:
1) If I were to increase the Focus skill which raises the highest level without penalty for the buff to 6. Will my CA level automatically increase to 6 when this happens? Or will I be permanently stuck at 5.4 until I eat another rune?

Yes, it will automatically increase. But don´t just put a skill point into the Focus, but into Concentration as well.

2) What happens if I don't increase the Focus skill and eat another rune, for a total of 7 runes when my highest level without penalty is only 5. Will I further increase it from 5.4 to maybe 5.8 or 6?

The increments will ever get smaller, like 5.4 -> 5.8 -> 6.1 etc, while the negative side effects will get bigger all the time. DON´T DO THiS.


Hammer24 said:
The increments will ever get smaller, like 5.4 -> 5.8 -> 6.1 etc, while the negative side effects will get bigger all the time. DON´T DO THiS.

You are again assuming their is a negative effect. For Grand Invigoration, there is NO negative, only the positive of a decreased regen time for everything. In that case, eat runes with reckless abandon.

Cahill said:
Forums are starting to report the patch is Live for the 360.

What forums? I just booted it up to check, and no update.


Petrie said:
For Grand Invigoration, there is NO negative, only the positive of a decreased regen time for everything. In that case, eat runes with reckless abandon.

Well, Grand Invigoration is the one exception for the rule. For GI - consume as much runes as you can. For all others, balance it.


Just tried it, patch IS up for 360. Do we know specifically what all is in it? People in that thread were saying it's apparently fixed that undead legion quest that was bugged for people where the screen would go black (I don't remember that quest at all, so either I missed it or it wasn't bugged for me).

And yeah, the preorder code still doesn't work :lol


SailorDaravon said:
Just tried it, patch IS up for 360. Do we know specifically what all is in it?

So far confirmed fix for Undead chain quest, local trading and text change from Friends to Public/Private *rolls eyes* (yeah, cause that's a real deal breaker).


From what there is to be read, local coop trade is now in, and a couple of quests (undead legion) are fixed. But no carrier imp yet.


Anerythristic said:
Completed a trade with PuMa tonight. A+++ would trade again. Got some more set pieces and traded some..:D Feels good.

Lol. Thanks man. I am now an ebay powerseller due to your positive feedback!

Thanks again for the trade too. I am now only 1 piece away from the full Celdrahil set. I'll let you know if I find any more Faladal's pieces. They're yours if you need em.

And Hammer, I might have some of that Sera gear you are looking for. I will check tonight.
Edit - n/m it looks like you are on 360


Loudninja said:
So I should not try to learn all 15 combat arts?So far I got 6 of them.

You can use the rune at least once to learn all of them...it's the skills that they warn you not to raise all of them equally,just choose a few so you can reach 75,which is the mastery point...don't forget you can modify your combat arts 3 times also,without adding runes to them but raising the skill(either focus or lore,can't remember).

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I just remembered I have this on pre-order for £18 from Amazon (360 version). It sounds good but a bit of a mess at the moment so hopefully the patch is out for the UK release next week.


Apparently these are the fixes in the patch:

· Player-Trade on a single console added

· Preparation for future DLC via the new implemented in-game marketplace added

· A change to the save game routine has been made to have a more secure way of modifying the save game data and avoid a loss of the user’s save game

· A fix for a teleport problem when entering a specific dungeon (“Undead Legion” quest)

· A fix for a calculation problem in the leaderbards has been added

· Changed the names of the invite option from “everybody”/”friends only” to “public”/“private”


SailorDaravon said:
Apparently these are the fixes in the patch:


· A change to the save game routine has been made to have a more secure way of modifying the save game data and avoid a loss of the user’s save game

What does this mean actually...can we copy or save game to a memory card now or something?


PuMa said:
And Hammer, I might have some of that Sera gear you are looking for. I will check tonight.
Edit - n/m it looks like you are on 360

Well, it happens when one is on eBay and one on Newegg - but thanks anyway! :)


Ricker said:
What does this mean actually...can we copy or save game to a memory card now or something?

Change to help/stop the corrupt save bug people were seeing which caused them to lose all their characters.


What I gathered when reading up on the save bug is this:
- installing or playing from disc makes no difference
- to avoid the bug:
-- when playing single - save manually, after it finished saving, then leave game (start button->savegame->leavegame)
-- when playing multi - host saves manually, then the guests drop out, then leave the game


Wish they would've added color coding to the items. Maybe in the next patch, that is supposed to come out soon as well.
Yay, patch is live!
tekumseh said:
Even so, don't the regen time reducers available elsewhere negate the impact of using whatever runes you use that are not your focus? Am I missing something?
Correct. If you have a regen time reducer that's global or for a specific aspect, it can reduce the cooldown for everything globally or within that aspect, respectively. I'm just going off of what most people said on other forums - eat as many runes as possible (within reason) for my buffs and take one per CA other than that. This is mostly because I have a dryad, and high rate of fire is where I do the most damage. There are other strategies for dealing with this, but I'd just caution to take a look at your regens while you're eating runes and see what they look like.
Petrie said:
Just picked up the chest piece of the Detheya's Dryad set. Armor 86, vit + 7 Capreicious Hunter +3.

Anyone in need?

Level 30
Are you on the 360? I'm interested.


Imp codes are targeted to be working tonight/tomorrow for those of us that have them and additionally, a second patch is supposedly already submitted to MS for approval.


Good stuff with the patch! I ran into a strange "bug" last night while playing with my cousin. I couldn't summon my Tiger mount for some reason so I open up the mount selection tab, and I am greeted with a HELMET mount! Seriously, it had a helmet listed instead of my Tiger :lol
Woohoo patch makes me and the wife happy. Nothing worse than getting a good drop for the other person.

We ventured out of the starting area for the first time last night and into the desert. Bought our first mounts, and promptly jumped off when I couldn't use my skills lol and got atttacked by 6 scorpions at once.


vilmer_ said:
Good stuff with the patch! I ran into a strange "bug" last night while playing with my cousin. I couldn't summon my Tiger mount for some reason so I open up the mount selection tab, and I am greeted with a HELMET mount! Seriously, it had a helmet listed instead of my Tiger :lol

That reminds me of another funny mount-related bug. Actually, maybe it isn't a bug.

Basically, my friend and I were couch co-oping the other day, and he, like the buffoon that he is, got his unique mount killed. He's a Temple Guardian, so he gets that wheely machine. Anyway, I was playing with my Shadow Warrior, and right after his mount bit it, I used my rallied souls art, which brings guys back from the dead. Well, it happened to bring his mount back from the dead. So his mount started following us around as some sort of zombie machine. It was incredibly bizarre. To top it all off, once the skill ran out, the poor thing exploded in a mess of mechanical parts. Made it that much worse for my friend.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Anyone knows if patch makes the text more readable on SD TVs??
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